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Everything posted by htownbrown

  1. https://www.dailywire.com/news/aclu-sues-portland-police-to-block-them-videotaping-protesters We want body cams to protect citizens from police, but the police can't use video, in public, to prosecute criminals? These people are nuts.
  2. Don't let your employees extort you and use your brand to push their politics. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/douglaswigdor/2020/07/28/red-bull-fires-top-executives-as-it-wrestles-with-racism/amp/ "In the court of public opinion, no longer is it considered acceptable for businesses to simply act in compliance with the antidiscrimination laws. Rather, companies are encouraged to take a proactive, public stance against racial injustice and to reflect deeply on the ways in which they can work to eliminate barriers to racial equality within their own organizations." Right....."prove you're not a racist or I'll work somewhere else." Bye assholes. Heard the economy is doing wonderful. Best Wishes! Again, kudos to Red Bull.
  3. Let's see....he knows not only that he can't personally change the election schedule, but he also knows that congress won't either. So I wonder what he's doing? Gee, what has he been doing to the media for 4 years? I'm mean, if I wasn't so Retarded I could probably figure this out....
  4. https://www.bbc.com/news/amp/world-middle-east-53575874 What a waste of time.
  5. It's amazing that "sane" liberals believe if they just get Trump out of office this shit will stop, when they're enabling it.
  6. https://www.dailywire.com/news/armed-minneapolis-residents-are-patrolling-their-own-neighborhoods-as-city-moves-to-defund-police
  7. https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2020-07-24/democrats-trump-must-tell-voters-about-election-threats "Democrats, including members of the Senate intelligence panel, have voiced concerns that an ongoing Republican probe into Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, and his work in Ukraine would amplify Russian disinformation." These people have been sitting in their own shit so long, they have no idea how bad they stink. How obvious can you be? So basically if the Trump administration continues to investigate Biden's son, he's in cahoots with the Russians. So this is how Trump is rigging the election in 2020? Of course, it is. Without giving specifics, the Democrats said Evanina's statement “does not go nearly far enough in arming the American people with the knowledge they need about how foreign powers are seeking to influence our political process” and falsely paints the three countries (China, Russia, Iran) as equivalent in their efforts. Right, right, of course. No need to worry about China and Iran because there's no way to paint a picture that has them trying to get Trump reelected. So I guess, while we discuss wearing face panties to ball games, these assholes are seemingly planning a potential second impeachment.
  8. Seriously, what makes you so sure? I mean a million bucks seems unattainable, but giving away the northern half of California and maybe a Dodge Challenger instead of a mule seems very possible in the not so distant future.
  9. Just rambling here, but I think reparations will happen eventually. I think it will take the right mix of representatives to get it done though. Certainly in AOCs political lifetime, but it will take someone like her having the majority influence in her party. So forget about race, just think in terms of poor and wealthy. I'm trying to wrap my head around what would happen if a large chunk of (I assume) poor, lower middle class, and upper middle class people instantly enter the 1%. Not all do I suppose, but the vast majority of the 1% understand wealth building and money management before they get there. I'd have solid faith that the upper middle class people could build something sustainable. Lower middle class/poor.....uhhh, very doubtful. I see a lot of people losing everything very quickly. "The bigger they are, the harder they fall" really comes into play here, but i suppose you'd always have the memories. Anyways, I'm not sure how someone who may be working a part time 7-11 job, or a Arby's meat slicer gig, or an ikea furniture assembler would "invest" a million bucks. The living conditions would drastically improve in the short term, until society crumbled beneath your feet. Oh well, who knows?
  10. https://breakingwide.com/rapper-ti-calls-for-44-trillion-in-slavery-reparations-1-million-for-each-descendent/amp/ Sorry, I added the "please".
  11. Obviously not. I'm just curious why this wasn't here in 2019.
  12. Did they just release this? This happened in 2019 according to the video.
  13. Dan is daring people to be offended.
  14. Where has it already gone? I'm confused.
  15. This is why the new definition of racism is complete bullshit.
  16. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.scmp.com/news/world/united-states-canada/article/3094315/beijings-consulate-houston-epicentre-research-theft
  17. https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2020/07/22/houston-fire-and-police-responding-to-reports-of-documents-being-burned-at-consulate-general-of-china/ Hmmmm....interesting choice considering the options.
  18. Don't be a kettle Woody. We know as much as we're going to. It is bias by the school, and I'll explain it better this time. If you can shrug off the conservative mob, you should have the balls to shrug off the liberal mob. Unless, of course, your biased toward a certain mob.
  19. You get to set your own sensitivity levels if that's how you feel.
  20. Well I did your(our) due diligence. There appears to be more to the story. Not that the liberal news is covering this story, they're not, but I found one more bit of info not in the original article. Apparently, after the mob came for his original tweet, he responded to one of them with, and I quote: "Liberals Suck" and then quickly deleted it. Now I know what you're thinking, that is the cuntiest thing you've ever heard a teacher do. Unfortunately, there have been numerous other teachers in this district, according to multiple sources, to post scathing anti-conservative/Trump tweets without discipline. So essentially, you're looking at bias from either end. Pick your poison, I suppose. I know, I'm just as shocked as you even though we've witnessed it countless time. Now of course, the school denies any of this and cites confidentiality as reason to not talk about it. So call me a conspiracy theorist if you want, but that's quite a cowinkydink. So there you go Woody, no use waiting on NPR, John Oliver, or Vice News, they don't give a shit. There won't be any witty jokes or background music with this story. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.detroitnews.com/amp/5481014002
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