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Everything posted by htownbrown

  1. In the right context, I'm okay with abortion, but it comes down to timing. We've been operating in a rather undefined legal grey area for when life begins. For me, the line is a nervous system. It's a hard pill to swallow when the most lazy and irresponsible people get to decide where the line is. And that's not a shot at liberals because if these people prevented or accepted their "mistakes" there would be no fighting on how to deal with it.
  2. Ha. Unfortunately, it appears society isn't comfortable with it, and possibly to your behest, will force them to wear clothes. It's the same rules that keep the creepers from pulling their dong out in the middle of Chuckie Cheese. That's a form of control via society we've all lived by since birth. (Or went to jail for not following) In the bigger moral picture, some might say that rule isn't shit compared to terminating a fetus.
  3. Ok. Legalities aside, if they decided to walk stark naked down the street, there would be no issue with you?
  4. I guess the "morning after pill" doesn't work on rape victims?
  5. Disgustingness aside, outside of Rodgers, there was nothing better on the market than Watson....or Baker for the foreseeable future. Again, disgustingness aside, they would rather pay Watson. It seems to be that simple. I don't think it would be this much money for Baker, but the QB pay scale is growing. And you have to admit, Watson will come in "handy".
  6. Well, you won't get a whole season out of him, but Will Fuller has worked well with Watson in the past...
  7. I assume that massage therapists in winter clothes is not his thing.
  8. "CBP officials say the bollard fencing remains a valuable border security tool when combined with surveillance technology and sufficient personnel. Many of the wall segments where breaching has occurred lack the sensors, cameras and other detection tools called for in original designs, they say. Once those tools are in place, agents will be able to respond faster, they say."
  9. The number one reason for students doing poorly in academics is the same across all races. Lack of interest by the parent. "Systemic Racism" doesn't even crack the top 5, but if it helps black parents do their job, let them run with it.
  10. https://rogerpielkejr.substack.com/p/how-to-understand-the-new-ipcc-report https://rogerpielkejr.substack.com/p/how-to-understand-the-new-ipcc-report-1e3 https://rogerpielkejr.substack.com/p/the-unstoppable-momentum-of-outdated This guy is the creme de la creme of climate journalism. Worth the read.
  11. Man-made contribution to global warming is not a farce, but one variable global warming theories are...
  12. It really comes down to how much government you want and how it's used. It's not really us vs them in principles. I don't think any liberal hates freedom or equality, but they surely have a different interpretation of what they are and how they're achieved.
  13. I recently took the Jeep decal off my vehicle and put a Lamborghini decal on instead. From now on, not only must you refer to it as a Lamborghini, but you must allow me to pass you so I really feel like it's as fast as a Lamborghini. Don't be difficult about it, it stresses me out. Thanks!
  14. Damion Square out. JoJo Ward in. I guess they are dead set on the return guy being named JoJo.
  15. Best case scenario: Houston Worst case scenario: @ KC Probably in the division. I'm gonna guess Baltimore in Cleveland. Sunday night.
  16. Pretty sure Mack Wilson and JoJo got to go-go. Not sure about CB, but Greedy better stay healthy this off-season...
  17. I'd figure he moves inside. Pretty short arms for a tackle.
  18. If there's a lot of injuries in camp....maybe
  19. Kevin Colbert to Andrew Berry:
  20. Several decent names out there. I would lean LB or EDGE, like everyone else. I hope they move up tomorrow, seems like defense is flying off the board since the back half of the first round. Especially EDGE....
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