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Everything posted by htownbrown

  1. https://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2015/apr/02/sally-kohn/sally-kohn-white-men-69-percent-arrested-violent/
  2. I'll agree 5 years should be extended further.
  3. Mueller also made clear that his investigation was in no way impeded by the Trump administration. "At any time during the investigation, was your investigation curtailed or stopped or hindered?" Collins asked. "No," Mueller responded.
  4. Welcome to the 2019 World Virtue Signalling Championships! Only the whiney-est, white-est self loathers will take home the crown..
  5. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2019/04/17/gop-sen-rick-scott-if-you-like-bernie-sanders-move-to-venezuela.html Does this count?
  6. This falls under meteorology, but yeah it's been a mild year down here.
  7. https://sports.yahoo.com/redskins-surprisingly-cut-2018-leading-tackler-mason-foster-right-before-camp-165316241.html I'm assuming something bad for them to cut him this late with Reuben out for the year....
  8. Your making some assumptions that may not be true to justify this idea. Are you saying my experience from place to place will be the same? The same tip (%) is warranted everywhere? What if I order nothing, but water with chips and salsa that cost maybe $5 (or maybe $7 if this nonsense passes).........suddenly the restaurant owner must pay this person $20 an hour for however long I sit there while they refill my water and chips? The owner would be paying for me to eat. The scenarios are limitless as I think through them actually......it's not as simple as you want it to be. Low end restaurants can't afford this and high end employees will suffer, but whatever if it makes you feel better. I look at this as the government trying to stabilize a tax base, as tipped jobs are hard to track wages, at least accurately.
  9. Sorry I posted another thread before I read this.
  10. https://www.yahoo.com/news/outrage-nypd-officers-drenched-water-105716125.html I actually think these cops should be fired for being puss. What a fucking joke. You get a club and a gun, learn how to use them....
  11. Most waiters make around $2 an hour for a wage. $20 an hour is 10x that amount. It's not hard to figure out.
  12. The restaurant business is very up and down. Mondays might suck and Fridays may be packed, you never know. It offers a bit of stability to the lower end of the restaurant business, but for the flip side it's a shot to the gut. This will hurt them. Just think if your an owner, say you have 5 waitresses at a small Italian restaurant. At least one has to go and the remaining have to work harder to cover the slack left behind for probably less money in the end. It's not like this country has a shortage of waiters. If it's that hard to make it, get out of the industry.
  13. If bartenders, waiters, and bathroom attendants are making $20 an hour they're not getting a tip from me. Has anyone ran this reality passed the "tipped" workers? Probably not. At Ponderosa Buffet (Does that place still exist in Ohio?) that may be a hit, but not with a legit bartender who understands I pay him because I know that's how he earns a living. Now the customer doesn't have the incentive to tip and they don't have the incentive to care about your order. If you make a career move into a tipped profession, on purpose, you are lost at sea.
  14. https://www.yahoo.com/gma/massachusetts-police-ask-residents-hold-off-crime-until-155700365--abc-news-topstories.html
  15. Speaking of fucking stupid, will the DP video come out before or after the golden shower video?
  16. There are more species of gay frogs in marlago than anywhere in the world....
  17. Chakrabarti had an unexpected disclosure. โ€œThe interesting thing about the Green New Deal,โ€ he said, โ€œis it wasnโ€™t originally a climate thing at all.โ€ Ricketts greeted this startling notion with an attentive poker face. โ€œDo you guys think of it as a climate thing?โ€ Chakrabarti continued. โ€œBecause we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.โ€
  18. You could take YouTube's subsidies away if it doesn't want to play fair, but I typically don't go to YouTube for political content anyway.
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