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Everything posted by Bob806

  1. Bob806


    I have zero love for either team lol. I used to "kind of" pull for the Bills but after last season, I got a little sick of 'em. Mainly because they had ample time to leave a snowstorm, but chose not to. Their reward was getting an outdoor game (vs the Browns of course) moved indoors to Detroit, while Heinz Field & Fedex Field were unoccupied- I just thought that was dead wrong by Goodell.
  2. Bob806


    I'm going to remain an optimist regarding the Browns, but how exactly are the NY Jets fading (3 wins in a row), and the Bills in trouble? The Bills could be in trouble with a loss in Cincy because they do have one of the toughest remaining schedules on paper. Regarding the NYJets, they have just been finding a way, kind of like the dreaded Steelers.
  3. Yeah I didn't understand the Raiders not rehiring Rich Biasacca after they canned Gruden. The players loved him, they made the playoffs. Sadly, Mark Davis is kind of like Haslam. They both want to win, but don't know how & make impulsive "splash" moves that doom the team....like hiring a tool like McDaniels or breaking the bank on a QB/drafting a worthless QB like Manziel.
  4. I forgot about that. I just remembered the Harbaugh SB where the lights went out & SF lost momentum.
  5. I liked DPJ. Certainly not a breakaway type WR but has good hands (despite the pre draft scouting reports saying otherwise). Weird he was nearly invisible this year though. The last scUM guy we traded was pretty good too, and is still playing in NE ( Peppers).
  6. Wow, this is a surprise. Figured Dobbs would be up for this game. Maybe Gannon figures the Browns are too familiar with Dobbs
  7. Listened to it on XM radio at Lake Guntersville State Park, northeast Alabama. Chris Rose is very good btw. Anyhow, what an absolute bummer. Like other posters mentioned, the Browns history in Seattle is crap. Nice rally to take the lead, poof its gone just like this year's Pittsburgh game. Next week is a must win.
  8. I can still hear Joe Tait & his famous "15 footer BINGO!" My all time favorite Cavs player. RIP Bingo Smith
  9. Might have to do with HIPPA laws or possibly 2nd or 3rd opinions.
  10. I'm not disagreeing they botched the QB room. Just saying it's way to early to judge DTR
  11. Yes, but just because DTR isn't ready yet doesn't mean he can't be eventually. Started 4 years at UCLA, we will see
  12. He's the best coach the Browns have had since BB.
  13. The owner won't cut himself. Will he axe DePodesta? I'm probably in the minority, but if Stefanski takes the fall for this, it would be so wrong.
  14. This is spot on. I'm sure the Browns are & have been making phone calls You have to have a willing trade partner. Washington most likely ups it's price due to the Browns need. Right now, it's a lot like buying a new car because your other one is a lemon. You know you're going to overpay. We will see. Did this contract anger the 31 other owners so much that they won't want to aid Haslam's team? Damn. As fans there's not much we can do about it.
  15. Yeah. I know it's hard to be a positive Browns fan, but man....what a win. Stefanski is no Paul Brown or Tom Landry, but the team plays it's ass off for him.
  16. Yep. They had 2 TDs on the first two plays of that sequence as well...credit their D on 1st down, bad shovel to Njoku on 2nd down.
  17. Bingo. 3rd string QB. Big D letdown, & they still have a chance. But people want the coach canned. Dumb.
  18. Browns have injuries as well. Bills are Allen to Diggs, or nothing. Yet they're 4-1.
  19. Agree. Browns are going to have to run the ball obviously. I prefer to remain positive on the coach, that's all. Best coach we've had since BB.
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