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Everything posted by TexasAg1969

  1. Alright, which one of you Ohio clowns did this? 🛥️
  2. Recession?! We were on the verge of another Great Depression. But don't worry the banks have been unfettered again to Make America Go Down Again. The Trillion$$ deficit setting in for 2019 should assist in that effort along with the wonderful tariffs.
  3. And let's be a little fair and add in a Fox News interview concerning the Cohen tape.
  4. They're joining the Trump welfare state usually reserved for the rich via permanent tax breaks.😁👱‍♂️
  5. Because he plainly stated in the WH deleted transcript & video that he wanted Trump to win. Either he knew Trump was already compromised or he knew he had a pigeon ready for the plucking (which is exactly what he accomplished in Helsinki).
  6. Reminds me of the Aggie who joined the French Foreign Legion. He got assigned to some place 50 miles out in the desert and inquired of the Sgt. Major what the men did for sex so far away from everything. The Sgt. Maj. took him over to the coral and showed him their female camel saying, "We use her". About a week later the Sgt. Maj. was doing his nightly rounds when into his flashlight beam he finds the Aggie on a chair doing the Camel from behind. The Sgt. Maj. asked him what he was doing and the Aggie told him he was doing as instructed. The Sgt. Maj. replied, "No you idiot-we use her to ride the 50 miles into town to the whorehouse."🐪🦄
  7. And I conned my wife into thinking yesterday was hump day. Shall I go for a twofer?🤩
  8. You mean like Putin said he wanted Trump to win and Putin wants the dems to win? If you just eliminate the first, then there are no contradictory thoughts.🤩
  9. Just ignore the main point of the WH changing the narrative of the press conference Cal. Just keep focused on the second, less important issue of the Cohen tape. Keep that head buried in the sand.
  10. “Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.” ― George Orwell, 1984 “You are a slow learner, Winston." "How can I help it? How can I help but see what is in front of my eyes? Two and two are four." "Sometimes, Winston. Sometimes they are five. Sometimes they are three. Sometimes they are all of them at once. You must try harder. It is not easy to become sane.” ― George Orwell, 1984
  11. Well back to swamp filling.......................er..................draining. The WH official transcript of the press conference has left out a key question asked of Putin. It doesn't fit Donnie's newest claim that the Russians will interfere with the 2018 mid-terms on behalf of the Dems apparently. It is left out of the WH version of both the written record and of the video recording we all saw on national TV "live". Now that is a perfect illustration of how sick a liar he can be. He has even asked you not to believe what you may see or hear. You can add the tape recording to that concerning his conversation with Michael Cohen. His version was Micheal asks about using cash and he says to use a check when in fact he is the one saying "cash" and Michael says no. But the two here below are about changing the record of the press conference so that Putin does not say he wanted Trump to win when in fact he did say it. The key portion is on the smaller second video in the Huffington report if you want to skip Rachael's full show. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2018/07/trump-putin-press-conference-transcript/565385/ https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/white-house-putin-trump-press-conference_us_5b5837d6e4b0fd5c73ca30ca
  12. Anyone seen an add on TV about an in depth program on Baker that is supposed to air I think on July 29? I can't find it anywhere though. I do know that NFL Network starts "Inside Training Camp" tomorrow starting at 1pm EDT. Browns TC starts Thursday. https://www.cleveland.com/browns/index.ssf/2018/06/cleveland_browns_training_camp_176.html
  13. About 5 am the morning before last my brother had to swat a bear's paw out of the open window after it had slashed through the screen. He thinks it was the same half grown cub he had scared off the hummingbird feeder out on the same back porch two weeks ago.
  14. LOL! When I was 15 I got bit on the toe by a copperhead. I should have thought to have my siblings fry him up for me after they killed him. Well I think it was them. I suppose he could have died from biting such a venomous bastard, even when I was young.😜
  15. This morning in Rocky Mountain National Park --Enjoy VID_20180716_093244252.mp4
  16. When I drink Diplomatico they all turn into a young Brigitte Bardot.🤩
  17. I have seen turkey here in RMNP on this visit to Colorado. Last year I saw a flock of about 5-6 crossing the road on the way up to Bear Lake. When I lived in Kansas (during Dodge City days?LOL) I went pheasant hunting with a friend and then later duck hunting. Those pheasant are so sneaky it's hard to spot them even between the rows of harvested wheat until they pop up and fly. Great tasting for sure. Squirrel truthfully I have never hunted or eaten. When I was a kid I found a baby squirrel that had fallen from the nest with a broken leg. I nursed it back to health using milk and an eye dropper until it was fully grown & healed. It would run up and down my arms and back and jump from kid to kid. Then it started staying out in the trees for hours before coming "home" and then overnight, until finally a few days at a time. I think he found a girlfriend and went wild because he disappeared for months. Then one day I spotted one outside, brought some pecans in my hand and sat down calling his name. He slowly and carefully came up and took them one by one until he had his fill and went back up his tree. Never saw him again, but I know that was him. So I just don't hunt 'em or eat 'em. Too many fond memories of my "little fella". BTW how do you and I wrangle licenses for "youth deer gun season"? 😂
  18. So when's deer season up there Cal? Done right that can be some real good football day food.🦌 Every now and then I see a couple of wild turkeys from my back porch going along in the opening I have in my woods behind the back fence. Since I own part of those woods I'm sure I could get 'em, but not sure the next door neighbors who also own parts of it on either side would be so forgiving.🦃🤩
  19. We have a cookbook of my sister in law's favorite recipes. I can tell you she has written up some really excellent stuff that she shared only with immediate family. Everything from desserts thru veggies and everything in between. Great job she did of collecting over about 4 decades and then put into print for us. Wonderful flavors throughout. And like any really good cookbook, we have to really shop in exotic places sometimes to find the exact ingredients. Anyone like my Vietnamese Dog recipe (other than Cal-he'll eat anything that walks or crawls).😁
  20. Deleted. Realized this is not the political forum.👱‍♂️
  21. My daughter and I took two of my grandkids and one of my brother's to Sprague Lake in RMNP this morning and were rewarded with a bull moose with velvet antlers browsing on the water veggies in the lake. I've seen a couple of females in recent years on this side of the divide, but this is the first I've seen one of the large bulls over here. A herd of 12 was released in the Park on the western slope in 1978 and they now number near 3,000 in Colorado both sides of the divide both within RMNP and outside it since that original release 30 years ago. They have enough now that there is a lottery for licenses to hunt a restricted number of bulls every year in the state. 20180711_090125.mp4
  22. Actually he told me he will try the Diplomatico some day. I would suggest when the Zumba Dancer & Ogbah combine for their 20th sack of the season would be a good time.🤩
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