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Everything posted by hammertime

  1. Very misleading headline its not his list. He merely responded on someone else’s list.
  2. I don’t trust ANY kind of democrat. I trust about 3% of the existing republicans. Mainstrean news is poisonous unless you’re able to think on your own. we are so screwed.
  3. Truthfully if you don’t recognize that the election was fixed from the start it’s not worth debating any further. Everything else is pointless. Its in plain daylight and there’s nothing we can do.
  4. Unless elections are fixed the republicans are gonna lose again. so far nothing has been done.
  5. that’s a different Steven A. Than i expected. Is that real or AI lol
  6. Nothing earth shattering. Putin calls out our obvious weaknesses in policy and personall I enjoyed the history lesson….Where else can you get that? I’m kidding of course that was a lot
  7. Very interested in watching this interview cant wait for the spin before it even airs…
  8. Biden hasn’t been aware of reality for a long time. Well before the stolen election. Pretty sad.
  9. So Abbott waits 3 years to do this? Why now? DeWine being involved worries me also.
  10. How dare you use common sense…
  11. You’re a weird dude. You tout all your accomplishments as if people respect you on some level? You’ve even proclaimed your faith which is a joke. At some point doesn’t someone in your life make you accountable for how screwed up you are? This forum can’t be the only place of ridicule for you. Unless your just an old frail troll using his last viable days getting ripped and repeating it over and over. be better.. try confession. It helps.
  12. You would think one of the liberals on this forum would admit this is a total scam. yet they remain silent or come up with something to change the topic. this is why as Sean Strickland explains “your a weak fucking man” . An infection. Enjoy your pronouns while you can weirdos.
  13. Is everyone ready? I’m kidding sorta…. WWJD?
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