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Everything posted by Nero

  1. That's the scenario for that, I guess.
  2. A Titans' loss doesn't work for us? EDIT: checked it doesn't because we have a worse division pct no matter what. EDIT 2: Actually it works because we won both games against both AFCS teams, so we are above whoever ends 2nd in that division. Amairait?
  3. The replay from Baker's back perepctive showed that he couldn't see him. The problem is that Baker, as soon as he didn't see him, should have suspected something: his LT and LG were facing a single rusher instead of the two that were showing up at the LOS presnap. This one is not as blatant as for example Fitzpatrick's pick but it's a killer anyway.
  4. Unlike some people who left the Tavern in the beginning of the 3rd quarter...
  5. I don't remember having heard the name Mack Wilson announced last night in the whole game. At least Takitaki did some tackles for loss IIRC.
  6. Things I liked: - I don't know how many people where in the stands, but in the TV you could sense them. I loved feeling their heat, trying to push the team. - Every player gave a fight, and yesterday it was a big game. - We can do anything on offense: short pass, deep pass, run. Ravens' is not a joke of a D. Baker passed to DPJ, Higgins, Landry, Bryant, Njoku, Hunt and Chubb. That's 7 receivers. I like that. - This might be the best coaching team we've had in many years. You see adjustments, a gameplan... Things I didn't like: - Losing. Duh. - Defensive gameplan. What Lamar did in the first half is simply unacceptable. I said before the game: keep him in the pocket, make him win us with his arm. He ran for 1000 miles and they rushed for 2000 yards. - Run/pass percentage. We ran the ball, yes, but we should have done it more. Our defense is average AT BEST. I see every run play as an investment: 40seconds less in the field for our defense. I don't care if we only get 2-3 yards at some point. Baker can pass, we have receivers and a creative offensive caller, but Chubb and Hunt should be the bread and butter of this offense. Manage the clock and we got them. Everytime we do this, we get big chunk run plays on 4th qrtr. - The defense playcall in the last Ravens TD (on 4th down). I would like to see the replay on that one, but I felt like that blitz was a mess, and the secondary got confused too. Blitzin doesn't work with a QB that can run to the sideline, limping or not. - Offensive playcall in our last first half possession (3rd down). The Ravens had 1 minute left and 1 timeout left, and instead of forcing them to take the timeout, run the ball, put them on a hurry... Baker looked helpless on the pocket and did an intentional grounding. Before halftime, we were 7 down again. The best thing is that these are little details, I think this will help the team in the future. It was a good game. We should be happy we have the team we have. Go Browns!
  7. Ah OK. Surely, in those post I was rewriting some thoughts and it was late night, so shit happens. Thanks for the feedback.
  8. At least it's annual. We have some newbies now and then tripping on the tripwire and Gipper makes a reappearance, so it depends on the newcomers.
  9. CAUTION! THIS THREAD HAS DERAILED. Mind the gap between the thread and Gipper.
  10. All of us have boring days... I guess you didn't have nothing worth looking forward to THIS WHOLE WEEK.
  11. Sometimes I think you are new to this forum. Here we have some traditions: Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the Annual Gipper Rant About The Ravens Not Being The Former Browns. I'm not participating this year.
  12. I think he deserves more victory laps for this one. There were like 10000 posts against Allen predraft, I can handle 10-20 posts of him bragging he got it right.
  13. I also think that edge contain and gap discipline is a must in this game. He is not that great of a pocket passer.
  14. I think this is going to be the key of this game. If we keep running, 3rd and 4th quarters can become real long for the Ravens' defense. I also think that tonight's game, watching how tough is going to be to get a playoff spot in the AFC, is a huge game for Lamar, so he might keep having his big game jitters.
  15. I thought the same of the analogy. I enjoyed that part of the broadcast. It semt a bit out of place but it was very interesting and at that moment I think defenses were getting constant 3 and outs.
  16. We try our best. I don't know why, but now I want to eat some cereals
  17. There's nothing worse than having great September-October-November, to start losing games on December, when you need the final push for the season finale-playoffs. I don't like what the league is doing to the Steelers with the schedule mostly because their bye week was an inforced one and they were given notice very late because they decided to postpone the Titans game, so they almost didn't have a bye week. One thing that surprises me is that I would say Steelers' WR corps is good, but it's limited either by Ben's arm, the OC, or the run game, or all of them.
  18. That's what happens when you bench D'ontae Johnson. Fuck my FF team, but fuck the Steelers too. Show on mercy, Buffalo.
  19. Some respect, please. I hope you're not calling me Engineer, I'm an Architect. Gumby could be considered Engineer of Words.
  20. That's what I wanted to hear. In fantasy Football you pick players of different teams to set your roster and you get points for reception, passing, rushing yards and touchdowns. INTs, Fumbles count as negative plays. All players are offensive players. You have a defense but it's an entire teams defense which counts as a player. That pretty much sums it up.
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