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Everything posted by cccjwh

  1. So much winning. https://www.axios.com/trump-republican-satisfaction-approval-rating-0da0eaa3-4150-4cbd-80fc-aabda6df9fce.html
  2. He would only be fucking the military. But I'm sure you are OK with that.
  3. I'm curious why you guys are OK with this. Oh never mind I know why. Fake patriots all around.
  4. BLM has been around for a few year now and you still don't know what they stand for. So whenever you figure that out, your opinion on what they do may matter. What you are going here is the same as complaining about the American Lung Association not doing enough to fight diabetes.
  5. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/posteverything/wp/2018/08/13/the-latest-and-greatest-in-deflections-and-dog-whistles-what-about-chicago/
  6. Well there goes another white house lie. What will be the next excuse for the WP president? Probably go back to one of the old excuses, Trump being a dumbass. https://apnews.com/425e43fa0ffdd6e126c5171653ec47d1 Top officials in the White House were aware in early 2019 of classified intelligence indicating Russia was secretly offering bounties to the Taliban for the deaths of Americans, a full year earlier than has been previously reported, according to U.S. officials with direct knowledge of the intelligence. The assessment was included in at least one of President Donald Trump’s written daily intelligence briefings at the time, according to the officials. Then-national security adviser John Bolton also told colleagues he briefed Trump on the intelligence assessment in March 2019.
  7. The name of the thread is "Facebook is demonstrably meddling in 2020 Election", so yeah it is connected to the thread. Reddit also took some steps today. You keep on grasping at the clubs as the reasons people were over looked. I'll going with the multiple studies that showed there is still bias, instead of a gut feeling. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2020/06/reddit-bans-pro-trump-r-the_donald-for-rule-breaking-content/
  8. Well you can always ask for the manager, Karen.
  9. My bad, this was for Karen. But I guess it still fits as an answer for you. We were talking about making wearing a mask required. If Dewine made it mandatory, I guess you have to drive to another state. That will show them!
  10. If the previous generation never drove, yeah I think you would be a better driver. But driving and using the internet is comparing apples to oranges.
  11. Hey we have a break through! Great. You can admit there was racism 17 years ago, well thank Non Cheetos Jesus that has all changed since then. The new studies may still show there is less racism now, but it just racism against clubs. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/9353zv/facebooks-ad-problem-just-turned-into-a-full-blown-crisis?utm_source=reddit.com It started as a murmur of dissent, but over the weekend, the campaign to persuade brands to boycott Facebook ads for the month of July turned into a major crisis for the social media giant. It began badly on Friday when Unilever, one of the world’s biggest advertisers, announced it was joining the Stop Hate for Profit campaign, which had already been backed by Verizon, Patagonia, and Ben and Jerry’s. Coca-Cola and Hershey’s joined the campaign soon after, and throughout Saturday and Sunday, dozens of more companies, large and small, added their names to the list. Global drinks giant Diageo, which owns brands like Guinness, Smirnoff, and Johnnie Walker, said Saturday it would stop buying ads on all social media platforms from July 1, and “will continue to discuss with media partners how they deal with unacceptable content.”
  12. 1. Your experience doesn't reflect the majority boomers. 2. Unless you were still a child when you first connected to the internet, you didn't grow up with the internet. 3. Even if you were a child when you first connected to the internet, the social networking infrastructure wasn't anywhere near what it is now. Me having to explain these basic facts, shows you aren't as smart as you think you are Karen. You completely missed the point of Woody's post.
  13. It is your choice Karen. Wear a mask or don't go in the business. That's your choice.
  14. It does makes sense though. Just like the "Servers" talking points from a few years back. The story was that the FBI never got the DNC's servers. Which is correct the FBI never got the physical DNC servers. They gave the FBI the copies of the servers, which the FBI installed in their own virtual environments. The hackers never physically touch the DNC servers so there was not reason for the FBI to take them. All the forensic checks were done on the virtual servers, which are exact copies of the originals.
  15. Oh no, it's the "WHAT ABOUT THE BABIES!" defense.
  16. Wow, you really don't understand the graph. It's pretty much spelled out for you Karen. Maybe you should ask for a manager to explain it to you?
  17. Boomers: This generation generally includes anyone born in the US between 1946–65. Maybe you have a difference definition of when someone is "growing up"? https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/publications/2018/acs/ACS-39.pdf The Current Population Survey (CPS) has been collecting data about computer use since 1984 and about Internet use since 1997. In 2013, the American Community Survey (ACS) also began collecting data on these topics as mandated by the 2008 Broadband Data Improvement Act.
  18. So baby cow is going with option #2. They knew about it since March. Don't worry Putin says it isn't true and we already know that when it comes between what Putin says and our and our allies intelligence agencies say. Cheetos Jesus is going to side with Putin, again.
  19. What none of the Trumpers are going to explain why Cheetos Jesus retweeted a video of one of this supporters yelling "white power"?
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