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Posts posted by BernieSuperBowl2

  1. 34 minutes ago, Ghoolie Always Ghoolie said:

    Again, this is not the topic that I was addressing.

    I am addressing cancel culture. I despise it. I despise anyone who seeks to silence someone else because words anger them.

    So what if some think Watson is the worst QB in our history? So what, Larry?

    What gives you or anyone else the right to determine how much skepticism of Watson is permitted on this board?

    Would go up to a Browns/Mayfield loving fan in a bar and tell him to stop praising Mayfield or leave the bar?

    Larry, c'mon, you are better than that. Even me, Ghoolie of Christmas past is better than that.

    People should feel free to come in here and post whatever they believe about the Browns. An unpopular oponion does not constitue trolling.

    A lot of guys are irritated by Baker lovers. A lot of guys are irritated by Watson lovers.

    Let people post. Let people debate. Let people enjoy their Browns conversations however they see fit.

    The least used feature of TBB is the scroll feature.


    You're not the god of these boards. You're a douchebag who always has to be the smartest guy in the room. There's always one know-it-all jerk at work or a party. You're that guy.

    • Haha 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Ghoolie Always Ghoolie said:

    If I have ever read a bigger imbecile on social media, I cannot recall.


    This buffoon is having an argument with himself, COMPLETELY unaware that I personally.don't like Baker Mayfield.

    How does a human being come to be this obtuse?

    Then stop talking about him and we move on. Keep talking about him and we argue. It's that simple moron.

  3. 1 hour ago, hoorta said:

    1) Fair enough. If the Baker fan club is creaming their pants over a couple good games Mayfield had, you have to know the first really bad game Baker has (and he is going to have one, or more than one) they're going to get paid back in spades. 

    2) As to the Browns franchise being ridiculed- it already has been ridiculed, and is currently being ridiculed. As I mentioned somewhere Colin Cowherd went on a 10 minute diatribe yesterday about what a shitilly run and dumb ass player acquisition (both draft and trades) the Browns have been.  And to a point- he's 100% correct.  Unless Watson improves his play by orders of magnitude, and reverts to the pro bowl form he demonstrated with the Texans, it's going to go down as one of the worst- if not THE worst trade in NFL history. 

    3) I do still have Mod powers, though I gave up talking football here for months (I had my reasons). In that vein, my personal POV is harping and carping about a player who hasn't been on the Browns roster since 2021 is pretty much off topic. My gosh- let's be objective. Mayfield stunk last year playing for Carolina and the Rams. His base contract with the Buccaneers is $1.7 million  (there are incentives) that's not even what decent backup QBs in the league are getting paid.  It would be like me whining that no team has picked up Jarvis Landry for 2023. 

    So sure, I'll let the Baker fan club keep on loving their guy. Not very rational though IMHO. They're not going to quit until he's out of the league. Which may not be for a very long time. His starting gig with Tampa is probably his last, but he still could have a very long NFL career as a backup. Our old pal Colt McCoy is still hanging around.  :)  

    And can you believe Brian Hoyer is still playing! He's backing up Jimmy G on the Raiders.

    I'm with you and it's why I post harshly against the Baker fan club here. He is now two years from the organization. It's time to move on. 

    If people want to bash our current QB Deshaun Watson for not living up to his contract, go ahead. Pick any of the numerous threads bashing and hating the guy. But if you want to keep harping about Baker, then go to the Tampa Bay Bucs forums or create a Baker Fan Club forum and website.



    • Thanks 1
  4. 2 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

    Got to save this Ghoolie classic Tom. Prolly was in a porno theater to boot.  LOL!🤣

    PS-almost spit grape juice all over wifey's new living room carpet.🤤

    We have to pin that post to the top of the forums. Ghoolie talking about jacking off at a movie theater. He's obviously done it himself because who even thinks about that.

  5. 3 hours ago, Ghoolie Always Ghoolie said:

    Larry, I think that you and a few others are still missing my point.

    You guys are engaging me in an argument about whether or not the Browns fucked up releasing Baker Mayfield.

    My point is one of free football speech and not Baker Mayfield. 

    One poster replied to me and said, "Baker is gone, end of story".

    Well, for him, perhaps you, and for many others it is perfectly fine to consider the issue closed. But people of that ilk don't get to tell others that the issue is closed.

    In my prime Ghoolie days, upon reading your post, specifically where you said, "What DOES bother me", I would have jumped in, pulled your chain and pissed off 1/2 the board.

    My "Ghoolie" act was not based on me being spiteful, or even childish. Instead it was based in my amazement that people could get so emotional over words on a message board.

    For those who say that Mayfield is a moot point....you STILL miss the point. Remember, one of the joys for law students is moot court.

    A big part of the fun of TBB is the debate....moot or not. For fuck's sake, if we want to consider moot things, just behold Fantasy Football. But hey, it is fun for people.

    Here is my stance. If someone enjoys the debate of Browns FO versus Baker Mayfield, why attack them with "fuck you" and "go buy a Buccaneers jersey?

    Larry, my buddy, people who post things like this are not trolls. They are simply Browns fans who believe things that others do not.

    To go to war with our own over differing opinions is beneath us.

    I understand the disagreement by many, and dislike for BM. I for one don't like him.

    However, we can bitch all we want but like it or not there are a lot of talking heads who are still watching this pot simmer and who will make this a national story should Baker soar, and Watson sink.

    Oh, I understand how this could raise a pulse rate or two, but the reality is that you and I don't get to decide when the conversation is over, and regardless of what we want, this story still has potential wings.

    C'mon Larry, if Watson busts at 1/4 $billion, and Baker goes to the playoffs, these TV assholes will jump on this story and again, our franchise will be ridiculed.

    I don't like this one bit, but I think it is a bit over the top to attack those who post things we don't like or agree with.


    I'm not reading all of that. Cry babies will cry when they don't get their way or people disagree with their view, then write incredibly long posts to make themselves sound smart.


  6. Just now, Ghoolie Always Ghoolie said:

    Nobodyis forcing you to join this conversation.

    You remind me of the woman at the movie theater who complains that the man next to her is masturbation.

    When she denies her friend's suggestion that they move, and is asked why she can't move....she replies....."Because he is using my hand".

    Nobody is forcing you to use your hand, Sparky. Again, go clean your room.



    Your post doesn't even make sense. You're talking about masturbating at a movie theater? Nice one man! Good grief. 

    • Haha 1
  7. 23 minutes ago, Ghoolie Always Ghoolie said:

     I used to spend a lot of time torching immature imbeciles. But I can see you are miserable enough by yourself, so I will leave you to it. However since you opened the topic, it actually does no good to talk about the Browns at all for there is nothing you can do whether you talk about the past or the present. There is no set of requirements that people have to follow to enjoy the Browns. There are plenty of people, thousands in fact, who find the comparison of Baker Mayfield and DeShaun Watson an interesting topic to discuss. Your accusing me of being a Baker lover shows just how emotional and childish you are. Nowhere in my conversation did I pine for Baker Mayfield. I don't even like the guy.

    That this topic raises your ire so much pretty much illuminates the fact that it is also bothering you that Baker Mayfield is doing better than DeShaun Watson. Now go clean your room.

    Again, go fuck yourself asshole.

    You and anyone else clinging to Baker Mayfield can go be Tampa Bay fans. I want the Browns to win and that's it. I could care less what Baker does or any comparisons, you fucktards keep bringing it up like some scorned lover.


  8. 12 minutes ago, hoorta said:

    Now let's be fair  Berinie. Yeah, there's a Baker cult here, but I think Ghoolie was being pretty even handed about the situation. What's done is done, and it doesn't do much good moaning about players who are no longer with the team. I even alluded to Jarvis Landry and Jabril Peppers in another thread. Hey, I still have a Jamie Gillan t-shirt.  :)  

    I hear you hoorta. Every time Baker wins a game you see the flood of Baker losers bringing him up. Baker's gone, it's over, and Browns fans need to move past it. It's been two seasons now. Let's focus on what we do have and support THIS team. 

    • Upvote 1
  9. 17 minutes ago, Ghoolie Always Ghoolie said:

    Last year's stats have absolutely no weight in this conversation. For instance......if the Browns win the SB this year, none of the shit before matters.

    We live in the here and now. We are playing THIS season, not last season.

    Browns fans have been second guessing our trades and cuts for our entire history......Warfield for Phipps.....Mitchell for Davis......Len Dawson....and on it goes.

    Some of you guys are really emotional over this debate, but fuck dudes, in the event Baker outperforms Watson long term, it isn't just Watson detractors here that are going to point fingers at the Browns apparr3nt fuck up.


    Watson versus Baker is a valid debate. You may not like it, but is a valid debate.

    My.concernis the continued, repeating problems that have been a staple since 1999.

    We deserve better

    Go fuck yourself asshole.

    If you want to have a circle jerk about Baker Mayfield then go ahead. You Baker losers enjoy splooging all over each other.

    It does zero good to talk about quarterbacks who no longer play for the team. Baker, Johnny, Tim Couch. Who cares. I care about the team we currently have.

  10. 10 minutes ago, Ghoolie Always Ghoolie said:

    Bias? He likes Baker, but how is that biased? Nickers has no control of the numbers, so his post has no bias in it.

    Every value judgement made in the sport of football is based on numbers. They drive the draft, HOF elections, GOAT conversations and on it goes. We can't get pissed then when the numbers don't support us.

    I have no clue if Watson is our guy. So far, c'mon people, this guy has shown no reason for optimism.

    Let's check the Watson vs. Baker stats at the end of the year. Baker had two games against very porous defenses. 

    If you want to cherry pick the first two games of the year, go ahead.

    Here is Baker's stats from last year, a full season with the Rams/Panthers:

    2-8 record, 180.3 YPG, 10 TD's, 8 INT's, 2 lost fumbles, 36 sacks in 10 games, QBR 79.0. 

    So cut the bullshit Ghoolie. 


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