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Korsou Dawg

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Everything posted by Korsou Dawg

  1. We need to keep their D on the field, and keep ours of. So when ours comes on, they are their explosive selves, and force 3 and outs or TOs. Like someone else said, this wil;l be a war of attrition. Deshaun & Co need to string drives together.
  2. Good post @gumby73 thanks! But having to put our Pro bowl guard at tackle shows how decimated we are at that position. And for arguably the toughest game of the season. Go Browns!
  3. How they didn't elevate Alex Leatherwood from the practice squad is beyond me. Could have signed a FA too, since it is unknown when Wills will return, and he wasn't exactly setting the world on fire before he got injured. At this point, they could have gone round gyms in the greater Cleveland area and told the first 6 foot 300 pounder they found: You are playing tackle for the Cleveland Browns!
  4. Can we please stop fielding Coop now? We are going to need him bad the next couple of weeks!
  5. Considering the difficulty of our remaining schedule, this game is an absolute MUST WIN for me. Arguably the worst team in said schedule, at home. If we are to reach the play-offs, we have got to pick off the low-hanging fruit. And hopefully, this is good news:
  6. The DPJ trade makes total sense to me. The above on the other hand is mind-boggling. Do they think Walker is doing well? His stats say otherwise! It is questionable whether Watson returns to form, if he returns at all, and we are effectively without any back-up!!
  7. Let's look up your spelling on publicly available sources: poosie Poosie(Poo-see) comes from the word pussy, vagina, twat, **MASK**, cooter, ect ect. The differnce is that Poosie is a really nice pussy. I roxxed her poosie. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=poosie So, you didn't misspell anything, you just think Watson is really nice, in a vagina sort of way. I stand corrected!
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