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Posts posted by FY56

  1. On 4/30/2024 at 1:23 PM, MLD Woody said:

    And the effects of slavery and systemic racism still exist in American society today, correct? Much more recent that 1500 years ago

    I could name a half dozen black scholars that would disagree with you. Many more if I looked.

    "Systemic racism" rhetoric in 2024 is an excuse and a copout.

    I would tend to believe them over some white guilt liberal. Black trash loves you.




  2. On 5/3/2024 at 9:19 PM, MLD Woody said:

    I studied engineering. Slavery never came up

    Well that explains a lot.

    Where I went to school engineering students were required to take humanities and social science courses electives.

    Black history wasn't an option tho, it was required. It began with learning all about the institution of slavery.

    Slavery was taught as if it were the invention of the evil white man. 

    If I knew then what I know now, I would have pointed out to him the facts he failed to mention, and there are quite a few such as...

    The census of 1830 lists 3,775 free Negroes who owned a total of 12,760 slaves.



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  3. On 3/14/2024 at 3:06 PM, VaporTrail said:

    So, what's the threshold to have our unquestioned support? Rwandans, East Timorese, Bosnians, Armenians, Serbs, Poles, Rohingyas, and American Indians have all been on the receiving end of a genocide. Why don't we support them no matter what?

    You said "have all been".

    Israel is an exception. Genocide of the Jews existed before the state of Israel was founded and it exists to this day. It's perpetual. I don't believe that can be said about another country.

    That anti hate speech bill the Republicans put through I believe was nothing but a desperate attempt to "do something"."


  4. On 5/2/2024 at 9:03 AM, VaporTrail said:

    Israel owns our politicians. Your freedom of speech ends when you say mean things about Jews. 

    True to both, but just don't dare say mean things about black people.

    You are comfortable saying mean things about Jews.

    It wouldn't even have to be mean things, but you would be very uncomfortable even criticizing black people.

  5. 3 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

    They're under paid and it causes the best teachers to seek employment elsewhere. Our country undervalues education, at least part of this country, and it shows. 

    And Christ, I couldn't imagine trying to be a teacher in Florida 

    Undervaluing education can be interpreted in a couple of different ways, not only in the way that you were conditioned to believe.

    If I were a flaming liberal, I couldn't imagine teaching in Florida either.

    For some reason you mentioned about slavery being taught. 

    I'd bet you were taught about slavery in college the same way I was, with a lot of profound omissions.

  6. 4 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

    "You taught about slavery?" "You mentioned gay people exist!?" 

    Right, we get it dude. If the school isn't teaching what you want it is indoctrination.


    Teachers literally shape our future. We're all better off with an educated society. 

    Being dismissive of pay by saying "well it should be your passion" is dumb. Most folks don't work where they're passionate. Some folks are better at the things they're not passionate about. 


    We should value teachers higher and that should be reflected in their pay. 

    Except for the thing about "passion", none of what you said as any bearing on what Jax is talking about.

    That is not at all what is meant by indoctrination. Indoctrination is the practice of shaping young highly impressionable minds into a leftist ideology and way of thinking.

    That should be evident partly due to the history of hate speech and violence made towards conservative speakers on campuses.

    Or were you not aware of that?

  7. 9 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

    again, you can't fight a war and not have civilian/refugee casualites when hamas hides in hospitals, schools, and refugee campes.

    Your posts reflect acute ignorance. Learn some freaking history.


    Israel Admits Striking Refugee Camp—Says It Targeted And Killed Hamas Commander

    This looks like this will do more to support the rhetoric that comes from the haters Cal.

    The first thing I wanted to know was the name of the Hamas commander killed. No name given. If Israeli intelligence says the camp was harboring a Hamas commander, then you would think they also knew who he was by name.

    But then maybe not. You don't have to know the name of person if you witnessed him commit a crime.


  8. 18 hours ago, hoorta said:

    Nice spin there Kristi.. Seems you now want to put that dog up on the level of a human attacking Pit Bull.  

    I suppose you classify your chickens as "livestock". Yeah, and what about that goat? Or (allegedly) horses?  Guess bullets are cheaper than vet bills or professional dog training- which you couldn't be bothered with. 

    I'll put it to you real  simple Hammer... That dog won't hunt- so I shot it.  Well Kristi, you just shot your VP aspirations in the foot. 

    My God you're vindictive and a complete idiot, a toxic combination.

    I grew up on a small "part time farm", worked on farms, and had relatives that were big time farmers.

    The feelings and attitudes toward animals are completely different that those living in prim and proper suburbia.

    They have to be.

    Animals are their livelihood, when it becomes time to kill, you kill. You become immune to feelings and emotions. There is no room for compassion and sympathy like I have for you being an idiot. You idiot.

    I left that life after high school and never went back.  I've lived in prim and proper suburbia nearly all life and my attitude towards animals changed drastically the older I got..  Now it would be impossible for me not to have some pity on a chicken about to get it's head chopped off.  It would be worse now to watch my dad kill a baby calf for its veal by knocking it out with a hammer then slitting its throat to bleed out.

    I don't like it, but I understand it. Unlike clueless liberals such as yourself.

    I love dogs. On the farm dogs lived outside. In the cold. Sometimes chained to a doghouse. Thought nothing of it. Today I couldn't imagine doing that to a dog. 


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  9. 10 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

    People love animals. She can try to "real America" "life on a ranch" "rugged individualism" "my kids!" all she wants, but she'd definitely bring this baggage to a ticket with Trump. 

    It's too bad people have to be that ignorant because what you're calling baggage happens to be the truth.

  10. 5 hours ago, hoorta said:


    Yep, the Right Wing Political Garbage Dump- populated by the poorly educated- and most of the "Educated" ones- with a couple of exceptions- belong in a mental facility.    

    Hey dumbshit, Maher happens to be talking about people on your side, and his.

    Aren't you aware that there are probably a dozen of these out there, all exposing the stupidity that you side with?

    There resides the poorly educated.


  11. 5 hours ago, hoorta said:

    Ya know why I don't bother wasting my time?  Steve lets you act like a bunch of unmoderated juvenile jackasses- that's why. I've gotten tired of the pure horseshit emanating from several posters- they obviously never learned how to grow up and act respectful of opposing opinions. 

    And in response to FY- odor? Sort of like Trump's diaper?  That's what this Forum has degenerated into- a pile of right wing echo chamber circle jerk conspiracy- and any dissonance in that isn't welcome- resulting in a barrage of insults and name calling. 

    Yeah, I learned that a long time ago, why I've been gone for months. My mental health is much better now not having to deal with a bunch of nut jobs who populate this Forum.  

    Awww poor baby!

    I thought I still smelled something.

    So here you are once again with your same old tired script, thinking you're  gonna tell it like it is, acting all tuff and superior...  and then like Flugal run out of here with your tail between your legs.

    And just like that the stink starts to dissipate.

    You're garbage.


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