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Everything posted by FY56

  1. Oh you're a challenge all right. No one wants to waste time trying to explain to you what the thread topic actually addresses. And it wasn't that.
  2. Haha. Well, I didn't catch many fish thus far with that post, but at least I caught the biggest one!
  3. I know you're as big a Browns fan as anybody so hats off for not abandoning your principles for the sake of winning. I want the Browns to win this game, but I also respect and understand your position.
  4. Of course. Trump all by himself came up with the hydrox idea. You might be surprised to know that the "morons that thinks it works" were 100's of credible doctors who touted this stuff through research and experimentation. Trump didn't put this idea in these doctors heads, it was the other way around you moron. With no vaccine and COVID spreading, Trump make's a statement advocating the use of hydrox and you TDS inflicted people lose your minds. Trumps doctor as well prescribed the stuff to Trump. And I'm not here to argue that the stuff works, so get that shit out of your head. First, in Los Angeles: Dr. Anthony Cardillo said he has seen very promising results when prescribing hydroxychloroquine in combination with zinc for the most severely-ill COVID-19 patients. "Every patient I've prescribed it to has been very, very ill and within 8 to 12 hours, they were basically symptom-free," Cardillo told Eyewitness News. "So clinically I am seeing a resolution." Cardillo is the CEO of Mend Urgent Care, which has locations in Sherman Oaks, Van Nuys and Burbank. According to this I would venture to say that far fewer people died from Hydrox than the VAX. Over 100 People Have Died in U.S. While Taking Hydoxychloroquine for COVID-19: Report (newsweek.com)
  5. Oh geez. You're the very definition of insanity. You come over here spewing your tired old song and dance over and over and expect things to be different. You're boring. Let me ask you this again. Do you believe that if Trump had completed two terms that there we would be any interest in raiding his home or conducting there bogus Jan 6 hearings? Trump is a threat to run and possibly win again. You said so yourself that Trump scares you. You know damn well this is solely political and without an ounce of integrity you won't admit it....so stop pointing your fingers at others.
  6. LOL, Yes you are "somehow" mistaken. Does DailyWire meet your approval? DOJ Says FBI Seized Possible ‘Attorney-Client Privileged Information’ In Trump Raid | The Daily Wire No? How about Axios? Department of Justice says only a "limited" number of Trump Mar-a-Lago documents may be privileged (axios.com) No? The Huff Post? Review Of Possibly Privileged Trump Papers Already Over, DOJ Says | HuffPost Latest News No? Then fuck off.
  7. Stop your crying. This topic was started by Axe, and the bs didn't start until your little helper cccp made his initial gem of a post.. Meme's are all you simpletons can understand anyway. Coming up empty after a 5 year witch hunt, and you simpletons expect us to jump on your TDS bandwagon? You say you don't even know why you waste your time here? I do. So do you. It's clear with this post of yours. you're butt hurt and cant stand it. And nice try with the "cult thing" . Not even close. Do I need to explain yet again what cult behavior more closely resembled? How you sit atop your perch of liberal righteousness pointing to us ad "koolaid drinkers" when it's been you all along....Ah yes those 5 years...
  8. Hey Tex, you're needed over here.
  9. 10 states with the highest personal income tax rates A comparison of 2020 tax rates compiled by the Tax Foundation ranks California as the top taxer with a 12.3% rate, unless you make more than $1 million. Then, you have to pay 13.3% as the top rate. The additional tax on income earned above $1 million is the state's 1% mental health services tax. The top 10 highest income tax states (or legal jurisdictions) for 2021 are: California 13.3% Hawaii 11% New Jersey 10.75% Oregon 9.9% Minnesota 9.85% District of Columbia 8.95% New York 8.82% Vermont 8.75% Iowa 8.53% Wisconsin 7.65% Each of these states has a personal income tax floor, deductions, exemptions, credits, and varying definitions of taxable income that determine what a citizen actually pays. 10 states with the lowest personal income tax rates Only seven states have no personal income tax: Wyoming Washington Texas South Dakota Nevada Florida Alaska
  10. Are you screwing around again? I thought Texas had no state income tax. Texas does not have an individual income tax. Texas does not have a corporate income tax but does levy a gross receipts tax. Texas has a 6.25 percent state sales tax rate, a max local sales tax rate of 2.00 percent, and an average combined state and local sales tax rate of 8.20 percent Tex, get over here and straighten this out.
  11. Why all the hate? This is a tough one because I feel for the first time this is an equally matched division. No penciled in bottom dweller. Ravens 9-8 Bengals 9-8 Browns 9-8 Steelers 9-8
  12. So much misinformation in sports these days. This is so wrong only because there's no trading for a player that's been cut.
  13. Understood. None of us were to there to witness his demeanor and body language.
  14. Apparently, a true story. Wow. The kid's got balls.
  15. I'm not so sure about that. I'm not confident he even knew what he was talking about.
  16. You're just jealous because liberals can't meme. There's some truth to every joke, that's why liberal memes aren't funny. Nevertheless, a liberal taking the high road in maturity is funny.
  17. He said creditable, not credible. Two different meanings. Creditable simply means one deserving credit for something. His question is stupid. I posted the definition above.
  18. Do you even know what "creditable" means? 1. Deserving of often limited praise or commendation: The student made a creditable effort on the essay. As often as you've been a loser here, I'll give you credit for being persistent.
  19. Mahers quote was so superb I had to write it down. Conservatives use the term like it's their name, but you never hear anyone bragging about being a liberal. Democrats might want to think about what that means, because the implication is you're embarrassed by what the term has become, that the term is now irredeemably coupled with woke nonsense. So much of liberal politics nowadays is identity politics, and yet it seems we found the one thing that liberals won't identify as.... liberals.
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