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Ghoolie Always Ghoolie

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Everything posted by Ghoolie Always Ghoolie

  1. I used to spend a lot of time torching immature imbeciles. But I can see you are miserable enough by yourself, so I will leave you to it. However since you opened the topic, it actually does no good to talk about the Browns at all for there is nothing you can do whether you talk about the past or the present. There is no set of requirements that people have to follow to enjoy the Browns. There are plenty of people, thousands in fact, who find the comparison of Baker Mayfield and DeShaun Watson an interesting topic to discuss. Your accusing me of being a Baker lover shows just how emotional and childish you are. Nowhere in my conversation did I pine for Baker Mayfield. I don't even like the guy. That this topic raises your ire so much pretty much illuminates the fact that it is also bothering you that Baker Mayfield is doing better than DeShaun Watson. Now go clean your room.
  2. Last year's stats have absolutely no weight in this conversation. For instance......if the Browns win the SB this year, none of the shit before matters. We live in the here and now. We are playing THIS season, not last season. Browns fans have been second guessing our trades and cuts for our entire history......Warfield for Phipps.....Mitchell for Davis......Len Dawson....and on it goes. Some of you guys are really emotional over this debate, but fuck dudes, in the event Baker outperforms Watson long term, it isn't just Watson detractors here that are going to point fingers at the Browns apparr3nt fuck up. Watson versus Baker is a valid debate. You may not like it, but is a valid debate. My.concernis the continued, repeating problems that have been a staple since 1999. We deserve better
  3. Bias? He likes Baker, but how is that biased? Nickers has no control of the numbers, so his post has no bias in it. Every value judgement made in the sport of football is based on numbers. They drive the draft, HOF elections, GOAT conversations and on it goes. We can't get pissed then when the numbers don't support us. I have no clue if Watson is our guy. So far, c'mon people, this guy has shown no reason for optimism.
  4. I'm also with you on this one Larry. There are variables that apply. Do we have a mismatch in game plan and QB ability? Is this something Watson needs game time to rise above? I know 2 things for sure. The Browns need a QB, and economics dictates that Watson is going most likely get the entire 2023-24 season to shine or fizzle.
  5. LMAO. Watt had his name called more tonight than Garrett has had his entire career. Garrett is a Zumba instructor
  6. If I am immature for have some feelings about seeing the Browns lose, then I am okay with it. What happened tonight was a mugging. We saw a team with lesser talent beat up better players. A lot of us are ready to fire and cut everyone in the path of our wrath. Me? I have never run a football team so I am only.going to comment on what I saw. * DeShaun Watson just doesn't look impressive * The Browns defense is, for all intents and purposes, the 2022 version. This is not a disruptive defense, but to me, a stop the bleeding one. Bend and then break. * The team remains as undisciplined as ever. * The play calling struck me as mondo bizarro. A lot of wasted 1st down calls running in to 8 in the box, and a shitload of low probability throws to the sidelines....out of bounds. I have no fucking clue how to fix this but it seems to be a recurring nightmare for us.
  7. Hard to watch this tonight. I love the Browns, and am going to resist the urge to suggest firings and calling out stuff. Frustrating and painfull to watch
  8. Every year we do this. High hopes for our Browns. Magical weather isn't it? Summer doesn't give way to fall. Summer gives way to football season and the coming holidays. Not magic? I think surely it is because the summer heat waves, in one day, Labor day, go away and the air feels and smells different. I think that God and Mother Nature love football. No other season changes so dramatically and noticeably. Boom, we cast off on a ship, the USS autumn, and back on shore we watch Summer shrink away. Even here in Memphis, fucktard Steeler, Titan and Dallas country, I can feel Cleveland, NE Ohio, and all the trappings of OUR football experience. Add in the annual, and never ending myriad of fuck sticks who know little about the history of the NFL, their own team, and even less about our team, the greatest team of all, and the annual NFL Browns season is truly underway. A friend asked me how emergency bypass surgery affected my perception of football and fanship. I told him, it really made me sorry that I fucked his mother, sister, and pet goose, and that it made me realize that my hate for the Steelers is one of the most enjoyable things in life. I guess one thing has changed.....I am no longer getting violations and warnings on this board. LOL. God blessed us by making us Browns fans. Outsiders will never feel what we feel. Lucky us.
  9. My thoughts are a few on this game. One of the things I hate about analytics, or should I say the way I believe the Browns have used them in the past, is to give too much respect to shit QBs. Too many times the Browns made HOF QBs out of shit by respecting them as if they were Tom Brady. Even a drunk West Side Steve could shred an NFL defense with 20 seconds to find an open receiver. I firmly believe that we finally have a DC who lives to fuck up shit QB. Kenny Pinktits blows bowling alley workers. 2 picks and a discombobulated day full of miscues have him going home to suck a dildo, and the Steelers licking their wounds. Browns cruise. The entire bench gets to play. It could be so one sided we may bring Aaron Rogers in for a series. Fuck Pittsburgh. Fuck Kenny Pinktits. Browns by 30 points.
  10. Yes, a kicker who the Browns want on the practice squad. So much for their decisive actions, eh? Fire that fucker......ah, no wait, see about keeping him close until we make sure the new guy doesn't fuck up.
  11. I thought I was talking about a human being. If kickers are so easy to come by, ah, why the fuck don't the Browns have one?
  12. It's only trolling for the functional retarded who often do not have the capacity to comprehend anything they disagree with. I will type slow, and tell you my position. 1) I would have not cut York. I believe the Browns will live to see that this was a mistake. 2) For Baker Mayfield to have collapsed so horribly in one season and then get mired in social media nonsense reflects directly on the Browns organization, especially the head coach. If the Browns are going to keep getting rid of young kids because they are immature the Browns will have a team devoid of energy. Sorry Sparky, it is not trolling to look at a $230,000,000 QB who has now consumed 20% of his contract, yielding nothing so far but shit, and wonder if the Browns would have been better off firing Stefa ski and Depodesta, keeping Mayfield, and hiring a head coach who knows how to harvest the best in players. That isn't an ability that this Browns organization has shown.
  13. Same thing Groundhog Day. 1)No discipline 2) Homer Fans cite bright spots and minimize preseason 3) No discipline = 7 wins 4) We're just a couple pieces away. We'll get em next year.
  14. Bad decision to cut him. The Browns just can't bring players along. Should have harnessed Mayfield, getting rid of York and replace him with what? Another unknown.
  15. I agree. Wait until he does it.in a game that counts.
  16. Despite my jokes, I am hopeful again for a great Browns season. Even at 0-16 I looked forward.
  17. Sign West Side Steve. He can kick EPs in his kilt and show everyone his nutsack.
  18. If my Doctor paid me a surprise visit, he would likely find me fucking his wife, or someone he knows.
  19. Well fuck, if that's the case, don't play him all season.
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