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Everything posted by Jax

  1. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/this-is-story-there-was-trump-boom-there/ “This Is the Story, There Was a Trump Boom and There is a Bidenomics Bust” – Larry Kudlow Interviews Trump, Brings the Receipts You lack any intelligence voting for Biden over Trump.
  2. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/water-requires-conversations-around-equity-meet-radical-obama/ The Honolulu Star-Advertiser reported Wednesday there was an official request made to divert the water and it was ignored for several hours by Deputy Director M. Kaleo Manuel of the Hawaii Commission on Water Resource Management Hawaii Commission on Water Resource Management (CWRM). We are also learning some infuriating details about Manuel’s background. There’s a dark but hard TRUTH to the Maui catastrophe that has led to over 110 tragic deaths. As wildfires raged, desperate residents petitioned state officials to send more water for firefighting & to help protect their properties from fire. That request went unanswered for hours, withholding critical aid to islanders. Now we’re learning that the official who delayed the approval is an Obama Foundation “Asia Pacific Leader” & a climate activist who believes water should be “revered” first and foremost. Climate wacko, activist and talk of equity, all signs of incompetence and stupidity. No wonder things like this happen and is made worse.
  3. It's relevant little ccp, deal with it. That's all the left does is dox. I don't agree with it most times in any case.
  4. Hey little cccp, stay on topic. If you have nothing credible to add then go away. This was your chance to come in and give an intelligent and grown up response and you blew it. The only thing I know about Nixon is what I've watched on history channel. I always assumed he was guilty and never knew there might be more to it.
  5. Again, there are conservative voters in college as well so removing the polling stations affects both equally. You don't think there are conservatives because you don't hear them cry and protest everything like their lefty counterparts doing everything except studying. Either case, as I said before, yawn, a college student is more than capable of getting to a normal polling station just like everyone else has to do. I suppose next you lefty whackos will want a participation trophy when they cast their vote.
  6. You don't? I thought you wanted college loan forgiveness? All those little programs you're in favor of is free stuff.
  7. All double talk. "No one is arguing more frequently "than ever before". But we have data that says they're getting a hell of a lot more frequent" You want everyone to bow down to climate change but then say individuals don't make a difference, it's only industries. So a bunch of individuals choosing a gas or electric car all of the sudden is small potatoes? You want gov't to do something but they are busy banning gas stoves and ac units, that guess what, us small potato people use.
  8. You already lost this debate, it doesn't make it harder and everyone even conservatives on campus put up with the same. This is getting boring.
  9. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/jonathan-turley-reacts-fani-williss-rico-conspiracy-charges/ “It’s excessive and I think it’s dangerous. It essentially criminalizes challenges to elections,” Turley said. “There’s no sort of limiting principle in this document.” He continued, “They are charging the president for publicly saying we need to have a recount.” Here's what it boils down to, save for all the made up drama the lefty loonies concoct. It's nothing more than an attempt to derail president Trump with the upcoming elections, it has nothing to do with justice. The left are so desperate to keep their power and corruption they must win at any cost and they know Trump is about to crush them. No one has refuted a single good deed Trump did, and when you compare him and his presidency to Bidens or many others before him, he is light years ahead of the crooks. It doesn't hurt to move the focus away from the Biden crime family either.
  10. She did the same exact thing he did, only she did it first and was totally wrong, even lied about the Russia hoax. They did no such thing to suppress votes.
  11. But it's ok for you reality deniers to say things like it's so hot and there's so many storms these days as if it's some great proof.
  12. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/according-new-rules-shouldnt-stacey-abrams-be-prosecuted/ The left is calling Trump a threat to democracy for questioning the outcome of an election. That is precisely what Abrams has been doing for years. Oh look, is Abrams a conservative?
  13. That pretty much sums up everything. They blame any little thing on climate change and woody and the climate whackos are hooked.
  14. As always you're ass backwards, it's you left whack jobs trying to subvert our republic. Blame your democratic cult leader Hillary, she cried about election fraud incessantly. At least Trump is accurate.
  15. As president, he did what he could and he did a good job. Not just with vaccines but also got other supplies rolling. He's just a business man after all, did you expect him to create a cure out of thin air or something? In the mean time, your dems were throwing sick people in nursing homes. Biden didn't help or visit East Palestine, the border or Maui. He did send our tax dollars to another country though. Of course maybe there's more, how about you elaborate on this handling of the pandemic. The only thing he didn't handle well was Fauci, should have punted that useless moron.
  16. Oh you probably didn't notice the same thing happening all over while under your rock.
  17. Actually, can people name what policies Trump did wrong while he was president? Can you point to high gas prices? How about starting wars or getting our troops killed? How was the economy or unemployment doing (not counting pandemic)? How was he handling the invasion or should I say heading the invasion off before it began? How was our trade policies? Seems to me Trump did one hell of a job and you ignorant lefties (and those that pretend not to be left) don't know a good thing if it hit you upside the head.
  18. Reminds me of Adam Sandlers movie, Billy Madison. I watched it and I don't know why I did.
  19. I missed the part where it said we're doomed if we don't send the gov't money. No really, no mention of the apocalypse.
  20. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/no-comment-after-hanging-beach-hours-joe-biden/ “No comment” – Joe Biden to a reporter asking about the death toll in Maui. Maui is burnt to a crisp and Joe Biden is hanging out at the beach. The Maui fire is the deadliest US blaze in more than 100 years. What a sorry excuse for a human let alone our president.
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