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Everything posted by Jax

  1. What it's about is the corporations need to push agendas on everyone. If you sell beer, focus on that.
  2. Just watched a documentary on Putin, one of the first things he did to keep control was take over the media. Looks like our crooks learned the same lesson.
  3. These climate whackos are something else. No wonder they fall for all crazy propaganda the media feeds them.
  4. Helps to put it in perspective for the hard of understanding.
  5. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/bloomberg-film-critic-sound-freedom-movie-is-leftist/ Reporter Andy Ngo later pointed out that Noah Berlatsky was the spokesperson for M.A.P. (minor-attracted person) advocacy group, Prostasia. How does a group like this even exist today? https://etactics.com/blog/human-trafficking-statistics-ohio As of June 2022, Ohio ranks fifth in the nation for human trafficking cases. However, Ohio’s rate of human trafficking is 3.84 victims per 100,000 state residents, putting Ohio at the fourth worst ratio in the nation. This victim-to-population ratio translated to 450 human trafficking cases in Ohio during the same year. To make matters worse, Columbus ranked ninth as one of the worst cities in the United States for human trafficking. Ohio’s ratio is significantly higher than the national average of 2.82 victims per 100,000 citizens.
  6. Dog whistle? Damn you try to squeeze your indoctrinated bullshit in where ever you can. Pretty sure invasion is loud and clear, please stop with your brain washed ideals. But if you're for it please contact gov't officials so you can fill some empty rooms in your house. Human trafficking must mean nothing to you though because you just relegated it to your usual nonsense of another thing 'conservatives' aren't allowed to voice concern over. Oh yeah, it wasn't guns hurting these kids I almost forgot, so it doesn't matter to you.
  7. Never mind human trafficking, missing children or an invasion, we have statues that scare people and make them feel bad, like the one in Arlington cemetery.
  8. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/massachusetts-governor-calls-residents-house-illegal-aliens-their/ “The addition of this layer — of adding in host homes — really seems to be because of the urgency and current unmet needs,” said Kelly Turley, associate director of the Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless, according to the WBUR report. “This is something that they could get online very quickly if host families and hosts come forward.” “We know that longer-term shelter and permanent housing would better meet the stability, safety, and service needs of newly arrived immigrants,” Turley said. In November, former Governor Charlie Baker said that DC’s “inability” to stop the influx of migrants into the US would cost his state $139 million. Baker said the increase in migrants is “unfortunately driven by the federal government’s inability to address our country’s immigration challenges.” For anyone that supports illegal invasion, it's time to put up or shut up. Maybe we could take college relief funds to pay for extra housing for people in need.
  9. Hey genius, where do you think the money for the military comes from? Hint, it's still tax payer money. Another tip genius, give the gov't more and they waste more. They are mostly corrupt. The point in wanting less taxes is we should be taking care of ourselves not relying on gov't, because again, all they do is waste it. "Though I realize conservatives are incapable of looking at an issue through any view except how it affects them..." Why don't you think about how it affects people that couldn't afford to go to college themselves, or wasn't smart enough or had no interest in going? But as always, you do exactly what you say 'conservatives' do. Though I'm not sure how this is a conservative thing anyways.
  10. "You have only a few years left, should probably be in a home, your body is deteriorating more everyday... and THIS is the most you have going on. This is the closest your life ever gets to a win. How fucking sad" - Woody You say these things all the time, yet pretend you're righteous. No one forces you to behave this way.
  11. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/john-kirby-defends-woke-military-says-diversity-equity/ “DoD’s strategic advantage in a complex global security environment is the diverse and dynamic talent pool from which we draw,” the White House statement of administration policy said in response to the bill earlier this week. “We rely on diverse perspectives, experiences, and skillsets to remain a global leader, deter war, and keep our nation secure.” Look at the rhetoric they spew, complex global security environment?
  12. You don't talk or act like you're intelligent, you don't even sound happy. I love miserable people.
  13. So we make illegal drugs legal because it uses a 'ton' of resources? Can we stop the fight against guns because that too uses a lot of resources? Seriously though, you must be pretty sheltered if you have no clue why drugs need to be illegal.
  14. So far? Well I don't think they're teaching you anything, so stop now and get a refund because they ripped you off.
  15. Please explain what makes you think this hurts the military. I'd be more concerned about CRT, pregnant uniforms, lowering standards to enter the military and the morons that botched the Afghan withdrawal - for starters. Let me explain something further, it's not his actions causing the disturbance, it's the incompetent goofs trying to dance around regulations in technicalities. Sometimes grown ups are forced to react.
  16. Would you be posting this if he was a democrat? Yes, I support him. If it's their policy to not pay for abortions, paying for travel is just the same. I am not fully anti abortion either.
  17. Follow along. Drugs are illegal and banned, yet you can find them on every street corner at any age. Ban guns and the only ones that will have them are criminals as they too will have access to them anywhere at anytime they want them. No kids will be saved. So, you make a difference at the criminal level, not the gun level. Unfortunately, this world is not rainbows and unicorns, there will always be violence for some time to come. The people that want to ban guns are typically the nuts burning down businesses and attacking people that are minding their own business. In other words, you create a hateful, toxic environment all the while pretending you care about peoples lives just because you naively think banning guns will bring about world peace. Liberals with your socialist ideals create violence in this world all the while you mock people trying to live peaceful lives. Democratic party needs to get back to being American, right now it's filled with a bunch of agenda driven idealists that hate this country or a bunch of crooked politicians out to line their own pockets at any cost to this great nation and it's citizens. The Biden family is one of the trashiest families I've ever seen in politics, and he became President...
  18. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/muslim-immigrants-france-view-migration-as-recolonization-response/ Muslim Immigrants in France View Migration as ‘Recolonization’ in Response to Historical French Colonialism: “We Will Colonize Them for Life, Until Death, Until the End of Time”
  19. But Cal, you're just not understanding. It's all propaganda. Hell, I don't even know if Woody is for or against socialism because he never says anything meaningful. He watches his propaganda channels and gets brainwashed, but when it comes time to debate he can't cause even he knows it all sounds silly.
  20. If you were to make a movie about all this it would seem too far fetched even for the big screen.
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