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Everything posted by VaporTrail

  1. Isn't that exactly what I've been doing this entire time? Uniparty loves them some foreign wars.
  2. He voted for funding a foreign war that clearly helps Israel, his other country of citizenship. As an American, this war has in the short-term, worsened inflation due to the Houthis closing the Red Sea, and in the long-term has guaranteed that we will end up accepting a bunch of Gazan refugees who will hate us for funding said war. Yeah, why would I question his loyalty to the USA? Must be antisemitism.
  3. South Dakota signed into law a bill to combat antisemitism. Quoted from the bill itself, it defines antisemitism as... And going to this alliance's website, they list the following acts as antisemitic According to this logic, if I question the loyalty of a sitting US congressman who shows up to congress in an IDF uniform, then that is worthy of jailtime in South Dakota. These people are the fucking thought police. It's a batshit crazy law, and I can't wait for it to get struck down by SCOTUS on first amendment grounds.
  4. Here's an article by Dr. Martin Kulldorff. He was a Harvard epidemiologist and biostatistician who warned against the extreme measures taken by the CDC in locking down the nation. For voicing these concerns, he was fired from Harvard, blacklisted by tech giants, and accused by ivory tower experts of being a right-wing kook. This guy's exile from academia precisely demonstrates how the most highly regarded experts in medicine spewed opinions that aren't worth any more than most of the drivel on this forum. https://www.city-journal.org/article/harvard-tramples-the-truth There was a point where the decisions made became more driven than politics than by science. Unfortunately, everyone who spoke up against it was labelled a Trump supporter and subsequently ignored.
  5. Two sailors killed by Houthi missiles after their ship was hit transiting the Mandeb strait. They also sunk a British ship last week. Insurance premiums for shipping from Mid East to Asia are through the roof.
  6. *Shows up in Ukraine* *Convinces globalist Ukrainian president to send hundreds of thousands of troops into unwinnable war, destroying the country's demographics* *Leaves and refuses to elaborate* Good riddance. I predict the Ukrainian nationalists will turn on Zelensky if Russia keeps making gains.
  7. Indeed, it worked for Trump and Biden both. It will be interesting to see where all the people they alienated end up this year.
  8. I disagree with Trump about that. He might have been right 5 years ago, but this harmful ideology has become pervasive. I personally know a bunch of biological women who got top surgeries. I know pediatricians in residency who are expected to go along with this and afraid to say anything that might shy patients away from it. I have a distant family member living in Seattle. He is a widow, and he started his 12 year old kid on puberty blockers. Like, I don't know, maybe the kid is having an identity crisis because mom died of cancer last year. Maybe you could have exhausted all other options instead of giving your kid puberty blockers before they're capable of understanding the effects. I'm absolutely livid about this one. It's one thing if you're a confused adult and make this decision for yourself, but to do that to a kid??? You and I agree that this should be a last case scenario. However, the experts say that hormone replacement is a better route to take before the child hits the one way street of puberty. Completely unethical, never mind the reimbursements for hormone therapy and gender surgeries. Again, this scenario is what is being promoted by the academic societies I mentioned above. If you think the experts are wrong, and if you try to bring this up in residency, you sadly run the risk of retaliation. If you have views that are contrary to the prevailing theories, you are better off keeping your head down and your mouth shut until you graduate. In my anecdotal experience, the only people I've heard criticizing this topic at the state medical meetings have been mid-to-end of their careers. And if you're critical of what they're pushing, your views/research aren't likely to be featured in any of their journals.
  9. lol, how? The Romneys, McCains, Haleys and Cheneys loathe trump for improving their party and helping to make their awful opinions irrelevant. The only people who hate Trump more than liberals are the Never Trump Republicans paid for by the military industrial complex. Trump's dismantling of the GOP establishment is the greatest legacy of his presidency. Now, we just need someone to do the same to the DNC establishment.
  10. AIPAC endorsed candidates in the United States have a 77% win rate in elections. People talk about Russian interference in our electoral process, but no one talks about Israeli interference on both sides of the aisle. AIPAC, and their attack dog, the ADL go and call anyone who doesn't outright support zionism an anti-semite to ruin their chances of getting elected. They even did it to Trump when Hillary started calling him anti-Semitic, so he went full on neocon on the topic of Israel. Some dual-citizen asshole in OUR congress showed up wearing his IDF uniform after Israel, a foreign nation, was attacked by Hamas. I understand why Zionism is important to them, but it really doesn't need to be a basic tenet of our foreign policy. You'll have to excuse me for questioning their loyalty to this country over the other one they're a citizen of. You guys can't seem to separate that supporting Israel's right to defend its existence is different than disapproval of Israel razing Gaza. For whatever reason, any criticism of Israel foreign policy means that said critic is a fundamentalist Muslim Jew hater or skinhead prison neonazi Jew hater. Again, I draw the parallels to the last ten years of Trump supporters - to many liberals, you could not disapprove of Democrat policies without also being some combination of a bigot/racist/xenophobe/homophobe/MAGAtard. Now, the same people who were unfairly being written off because of prejudice are using the exact same arguments and prejudice to silence anyone who doesn't toe the line on Israel.
  11. I will say, you're also spot on about cal's experts lmao
  12. Hate to say it woody, but the COVID pandemic has done irreparable, self-inflicted harm to medical community's integrity and reputation. It's known as COVID, not Wuhan flu because calling it Wuhan flu would be racist against Chinese. Never mind that this was the naming convention for all previous viruses becoming pandemic. Early in the pandemic, The Lancet, one of the world's most reputable medical journals published a letter signed by top virologists condemning the "conspiracy theory" that it did not have a natural origin. Oh wait, 4 years later, this is now the leading theory on the origin of COVID. "Don't wear masks," was recommended to the public by Trump's surgeon general in order to keep a scarce supply of PPE to the people who needed it most. This was followed by "masks reduce the risk," recommendation from Biden's surgeon general. No one in either of these specific situations did anything maliciously, but it led to lots of confusion, distrust, and ultimately people treating each other like second-class citizens based on mask preference (both ways). Not pandemic-related, but The American Association of Pediatrics, The American Medical Association, The Endocrine Society all advocate for gender reassignment surgery and hormone replacement therapy on minors as a treatment method for gender dysphoria. Personally, I can't for the life of me understand why this topic is an exception to the general rule that physicians aren't supposed to indulge patients' delusions. This forum talks about MAGA cult and librul cult all the time, but I'm probably the only one here who has any personal experience with the cult that is academia. I can say that the politics of the ivory tower are as toxic as American politics in an election year, but all year every year. If you have a wrong opinion, good luck getting published in a high impact journal. I like your posts woody, but a lot of times you rely on the logical fallacy of appealing to authority. These authorities have demonstrably gotten things wrong often. Especially with the hyperpolarization of every facet of life in the last decade.
  13. What is the endgame to their argument that black people are too poor/dumb to obtain a driver's license?
  14. I don't really give a shit about a dumb rhyming chant. You, right now, sound so much like liberals did for the past 10 years about Trump and his immigration policies. Words seem to count more than actions.
  15. Bro, my issue with your post is that you are saying Dearborn Muslims voting uncommitted over Biden is antisemitism. These are not the people invading and interrupting congressional hearings to call everyone there murderers, they aren't driving a truck of peace into a crowd of Christians, these are not the people flying planes into the world trade center. They disapprove of how Biden is handling the situation (with materiel support to IDF and indifference to the violence being imposed on Gazans), and they voted against him. There is nothing antisemitic about that. If you can't see the difference between Ashli Babbitt entering the Capitol with a mob and some civilian getting shot in his IDF-occupied neighborhood, then we're just going to have to agree to disagree.
  16. Wanting to stop Israeli massacre of Gazan civilians is now anti-Semitism? Come on dude, we had to sit through 4 years of every little thing Trump did being called fascism. These words lose their meaning when they're used ad nauseam. You can't be indignant that Muslims in Dearborn are unhappy that fellow Muslims are being killed because of American aid/approval to Israel.
  17. It's hilarious that this globalist idiot is only capable of winning the swamp and not a single state.
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