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Report: Anderson appears headed for Cardinals

Posted by Gregg Rosenthal on March 17, 2010 12:02 PM ET

The following tweet comes from Darren Urban of the Cardinals' official team website:


"QB Derek Anderson reportedly agrees with Cards."


We're not entirely sure if Urban is reporting the news himself or if someone else is, so we'll hold off saying this one is official just yet.


The move would make a lot of sense, though. The Cardinals don't want to risk losing Anderson and Charlie Whitehurst. There has been speculation that Seattle's acquisition of an extra draft pick Tuesday in exchange for Darryl Tapp will be used to get Whitehurst.


The Cardinals want a viable option at quarterback in case Matt Leinart doesn't pan out.

Thoughts? I don't know if anyone is too surprised by this but i think it's great to see Matt Lienart getting pressured to perform again. He will probably crumble just like he did before. The only problem now is that the guy behind will crumble as well and isn't a Hall of Famer.

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Arizona was already gonna take a dive this year without Warner and Boldin, but now they're signing DA? They better pray Leinart doesn't get injured, or they won't crack 6-10.

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I really think DA can and will win that starting job, Lienert is really bad and DA with weapons can be really, really good. He threw 29 picks and 17 ints in his 3rd year in the league. Now he's a little older with weapons and has a reason to perform, he should do pretty well there.

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I've always said if DA and Leinart had switched colleges right off the bat, DA would've been the one getting Heisman consideration and Leinart would've been considered the strong armed slow QB with questionable decision making skills. They are two peas from the same pod, but one has had terrific surroundings all along and the other has been surrounded by weak lines and a receiving corps that usually had one good receiver and lots of question marks.


It will be an interesting contest. I suspect if this comes to fruition, good 'ol Shepwrite could be crying in his breakfast cereal when another of his heroes sits on the bench behind DA.

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Its going to fun to watch both DA and BQ prosper outside of zombieland while the browns flounder yet again and the fans begin to get riled and call for heads to roll....the fun never ends as a zombieland fan! muahahahaha! ;)

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Man... he's gone now, ya'll can stop defending him and admit he was terrible :)


hey for all those defending him, including me, there are the same amount of people still hating on him: including you. why not wish well for the guy (or people in general). you might have a better day.


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Anderson stinks. He will not win the starting job. He's never been accurate. He always throws picks. Forget it guys.


thx for the tip dipshit. FYI Leinart has 14 career TDs and 20 career picks.


And check the sched. AZ Cards @ CLE in 2011. Anderson is set up to come thru on his promise to roll when he comes back to town.


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thx for the tip dipshit. FYI Leinart has 14 career TDs and 20 career picks.


And check the sched. AZ Cards @ CLE in 2011. Anderson is set up to come thru on his promise to roll when he comes back to town.


I will have to agree here, Leinart sucks. They have a good line, there is no reason Leinart makes the throws he makes other then he sucks. DA will start in ARZ.

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I hope DA lights it up there, good for him. I'd rather see him with a chance to succeed than with a team I hate or with a franchise that is stuck in the mud (like us).


It will be interesting to see if he improves with a different cast.

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Anderson stinks. He will not win the starting job. He's never been accurate. He always throws picks. Forget it guys.



Show me A QB who does not throw picks...

I guess you missed the last drive by the Colts and Manning in the Superbowl.....I'll take a guy anytime who has the guts to throw into coverage to make a play...You talk about interceptions!!!. get ready for a interception machine coming your way in Jake DelHomme....it seems like if you take a sack or throw it out of bounds or can't complete a pass to avoid a pick....your the guy in Cleveland.....


DA going to AZ shows you the football GODS are watching out for that guy...he'll do well with those weapons...gonna be nice seeing those 70yard TD from DA again...got a real screwin in Cleveland...

ENJOY the weather out there big guy... <_<

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Show me A QB who does not throw picks...

I guess you missed the last drive by the Colts and Manning in the Superbowl.....I'll take a guy anytime who has the guts to throw into coverage to make a play...You talk about interceptions!!!. get ready for a interception machine coming your way in Jake DelHomme....it seems like if you take a sack or throw it out of bounds or can't complete a pass to avoid a pick....your the guy in Cleveland.....


DA going to AZ shows you the football GODS are watching out for that guy...he'll do well with those weapons...gonna be nice seeing those 70yard TD from DA again...got a real screwin in Cleveland...

ENJOY the weather out there big guy... <_<



Jake had one bad year interception-wise. It's been established that the QB coach was screwing with his play. He can complete short passes as well as the long ones, at least.

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Cant believe there are still anderson fans still here. He is gone and he insulted you on the way out. Are you really browns fans? Glad all our QBs are gone, but at least Quinn kept his mouth shut after he was gone. Some of you guys are like "see i told you he's gonna roll us when he comes back to town just like he said". Wtf kind of fan are you...........you should be praying he gets the job so we can get the chance to roll his ass. Unbelievable. On top of that I might not even bet on him starting when he couldn't even beat out Charlie xxxxing Frye and lost his job to someone who most of you refer to as a loser in Quinn. So really snap out of it or buy some arizona shit because your not browns fans!

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Cant believe there are still anderson fans still here. He is gone and he insulted you on the way out. Are you really browns fans? Glad all our QBs are gone, but at least Quinn kept his mouth shut after he was gone. Some of you guys are like "see i told you he's gonna roll us when he comes back to town just like he said". Wtf kind of fan are you...........you should be praying he gets the job so we can get the chance to roll his ass. Unbelievable. On top of that I might not even bet on him starting when he couldn't even beat out Charlie xxxxing Frye and lost his job to someone who most of you refer to as a loser in Quinn. So really snap out of it or buy some arizona shit because your not browns fans!


Calm the f*ck down there. It's as simple as DA is better then Leinart. Because you favor someones talent over another bust, doesn't mean you like the guy. Damn, son.

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Zombo-Yeah he didn't insult you because your not a browns fan. I didn't cheer when he got hurt either nor did I want us to draft Quinn in the first place. He didn't specify that he only wanted the guys who booed to not get a championship. I actually rooted for him to beat of Frye, but he still ended up sucking.

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The only fathead I have was in your mom's snatch last night.



--quinn only won three games as a Brown ... but he didn't say anything bad out the door ... what a guy!



Well my mom is dead, but im sure that is the only way you ever get laid.

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No wonder she just laid there.


Oh well, I'm sure it beats trolling Brady Quinn press conferences in your wife beater and jeans cutoff shorts hoping he'll notice you.





Talk all you want about my dead mom still doesn't distract me from knowing your not a fan. Brady Quinn sucks I don't try to tell anyone that will listen any different. I don't start "Farewell Brady" topics around here because I am a browns fan....something you just don't get.

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Well, I didn't start this topic either, I just wished him well ... I guess a Real Browns fan would take one last dump on him.



--darn, I gotta turn in my BBW card, I supported our QB, even as he left...



Funny I didn't see you wishing any of the others that have departed well...........except the one who dumped on the browns. Im sure you are gonna lose the BB card as soon as you get one from the cardinals anyways!! Have fun rubbing one off to your DA fatheads.

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Funny I didn't see you wishing any of the others that have departed well...........except the one who dumped on the browns. Im sure you are gonna lose the BB card as soon as you get one from the cardinals anyways!! Have fun rubbing one off to your DA fatheads.


wow. if you're not the posterboy for the quinn fan club tell me who is. i wish them both well. who cares what he said on his way out. you'd be pissed too if you were on the cusp of getting some high-priced bonus and your employer shit-canned you. give the guy a break.

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wow. if you're not the posterboy for the quinn fan club tell me who is. i wish them both well. who cares what he said on his way out. you'd be pissed too if you were on the cusp of getting some high-priced bonus and your employer shit-canned you. give the guy a break.



Right......because anyone not a fan of DA is obviously a fan of BQ......good job!

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