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Erin Andrews Sues Ohio State

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Erin Andrews Sues Ohio State, Hotel Where She Was Videotaped


CHICAGO (AP) -- Erin Andrews is suing Ohio State University and The Blackwell Inn on campus for negligence and invasion of privacy in connection with the secret videotaping of her by an Illinois man.


The ESPN reporter's lawsuit was filed yesterday in Chicago. It also names several hotel chains as well as Michael Barrett, who pleaded guilty to renting hotel rooms next to Andrews in Columbus and two other cities, altering the peepholes and shooting videos.


Andrews claims Barrett called the hotels and they confirmed to him that she intended to register and revealed her room number.


Ohio State has declined to comment.

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Erin Andrews Sues Ohio State, Hotel Where She Was Videotaped


CHICAGO (AP) -- Erin Andrews is suing Ohio State University and The Blackwell Inn on campus for negligence and invasion of privacy in connection with the secret videotaping of her by an Illinois man.


The ESPN reporter's lawsuit was filed yesterday in Chicago. It also names several hotel chains as well as Michael Barrett, who pleaded guilty to renting hotel rooms next to Andrews in Columbus and two other cities, altering the peepholes and shooting videos.


Andrews claims Barrett called the hotels and they confirmed to him that she intended to register and revealed her room number.


Ohio State has declined to comment.


Only because it don't rate a comment .

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quick erin SUE SUE SUE. go get the money now while you can. all these F.ucking lawyers should go hang themselves. probably the biggest downfall of our country is allowing this type of bullshit litigation to come before the courts. if something happens to you nowadays, SUE. god knows you shouldn't have any responsibility to protect yourself. yeah erin, get the money now. because believe me when your looks fade and your tits and ass sag you'll be lucky to sell a blowjob down on the docks for five bucks. ERIN ANDJEWS.

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quick erin SUE SUE SUE. go get the money now while you can. all these F.ucking lawyers should go hang themselves. probably the biggest downfall of our country is allowing this type of bullshit litigation to come before the courts. if something happens to you nowadays, SUE. god knows you shouldn't have any responsibility to protect yourself. yeah erin, get the money now. because believe me when your looks fade and your tits and ass sag you'll be lucky to sell a blowjob down on the docks for five bucks. ERIN ANDJEWS.


Why the XXXX shouldn't you sue? You don't think she has grounds for a damn lawsuit. Are you serious? She was videotaped butt ass naked and posted all over the internet. The hotel confirmed to a complete stranger that she was in fact going to stay at the hotel and provided a room number. Is that normal procedure in your eyes? Protect herself? She was in a hotel room with the door closed and locked. What the hell should she have done to protect herself? Are you for real? She's a TV personality on one of the biggest networks in the United States and now anyone that sees her is going to think about and remember that video. You can't be serious.

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She's not even that hot. I'd still hit it, but she's not that hot.


you crazy man! haha next you're going to say Marissa Miller isn't hot either. Although I 100% agree that what happened to her was wrong, there's two things: you could barely see anything in the picture and without verification they could have just denied it was her, so that brings my second point that it has in deed helped her career. Sex Tapes are what failing celebrities use to get back in the spotlight. Did anyone know who Kim Kardasian was until her sex tape was released? I mean I would bet that most Americans had no idea who she was until after the video was released and she has become more well known.


The hotel deserves to get punished and so does the pervert. I just don't really understand how you can be so sick to stalk a girl and actually go through all that work to videotape her naked. This guy needed to get out of his parents basement and get laid already. But sadly some of this sick minded pricks have nothing better to do. If I ever heard of some guy trying to video tape a girl I knew, let me tell you he'd get a nice black eye.


and Raven I don't want to get into an "Is she hot?" argument like The Office



But she is FINE, and at least an 8 or 9 on my scale!



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I always love these Internet guys who declare someone like Erin Andrews "not hot."


Please ... like you're pulling down hotter chicks in Baltimore (been there ... Erin Andrews would be an 11 in B-more) or wherever you are from.


And of course, you have to add ... "I'd hit it".


Dude, you couldn't touch it ... you'd hit the fat barfly down at corner tavern if she looked at you cross-eyed.


If this ain't hot you are either gay or delusional ... which is it?





There are two scales at play here. The first is the normal woman scale in which EA is a 9-10. The second is the celebrity woman scale in which she is around a 7. I'd still drink her bath water either way.

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Why the XXXX shouldn't you sue? You don't think she has grounds for a damn lawsuit. Are you serious? She was videotaped butt ass naked and posted all over the internet. The hotel confirmed to a complete stranger that she was in fact going to stay at the hotel and provided a room number. Is that normal procedure in your eyes? Protect herself? She was in a hotel room with the door closed and locked. What the hell should she have done to protect herself? Are you for real? She's a TV personality on one of the biggest networks in the United States and now anyone that sees her is going to think about and remember that video. You can't be serious.


you spill hot coffee on yourself is it your fault or the guy they pay $7/hr to to pour it for you? where is espn's responsibility in all this? don't they have a security dept. that does their booking and research? do most celebrities you know go into a hotel using their real name, no. why doesn't she sue espn for not doing their job? put the pervert in jail and fire the person that blabbed on the phone. but no. she and her vampire lawyer will try to suck the blood out of everyone and everything that was in or around that hotel on that day. my general beef is the whole lawsuit thing. i'm not saying she wasn't done wrong but 40-50 years ago we wouldn't even be reading about this douchebag.


oh and btw i wouldn't know about her videotape on the internet. how would you? maybe they'll get a list of people that viewed it and sue you too. homotron.

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you spill hot coffee on yourself is it your fault or the guy they pay $7/hr to to pour it for you? where is espn's responsibility in all this? don't they have a security dept. that does their booking and research? do most celebrities you know go into a hotel using their real name, no. why doesn't she sue espn for not doing their job? put the pervert in jail and fire the person that blabbed on the phone. but no. she and her vampire lawyer will try to suck the blood out of everyone and everything that was in or around that hotel on that day. my general beef is the whole lawsuit thing. i'm not saying she wasn't done wrong but 40-50 years ago we wouldn't even be reading about this douchebag.


oh and btw i wouldn't know about her videotape on the internet. how would you? maybe they'll get a list of people that viewed it and sue you too. homotron.



You can't be this sheltered. How do you think she found out about the video/pictures in the first place? They were posted all over the internet otherwise she would have no zero idea the guy in question existed. The hot coffee argument is also irrelevant because if you spill hot coffee on yourself it's YOUR xxxxing fault. If you're in your hotel room behind a locked door and someone is using the peep whole they reversed to video tape you nude it's now the person inside the rooms fault? Get f.ucking real. The hotel was a affiliate of ohio state and the employee in question was a employee of Ohio State. She's suing all those involved and that's the bottom line. How would you feel if your wife/daughter/sister were exposed to a similar situation? Is your point of view really this short sighted? Get real dude. I'm all for eliminating the sue happy masses but in this instance she was completely violated and exposed to the world. It's the sort of thing a woman could need therapy for, for the rest of her life.

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You can't be this sheltered. How do you think she found out about the video/pictures in the first place? They were posted all over the internet otherwise she would have no zero idea the guy in question existed. The hot coffee argument is also irrelevant because if you spill hot coffee on yourself it's YOUR xxxxing fault. If you're in your hotel room behind a locked door and someone is using the peep whole they reversed to video tape you nude it's now the person inside the rooms fault? Get f.ucking real. The hotel was a affiliate of ohio state and the employee in question was a employee of Ohio State. She's suing all those involved and that's the bottom line. How would you feel if your wife/daughter/sister were exposed to a similar situation? Is your point of view really this short sighted? Get real dude. I'm all for eliminating the sue happy masses but in this instance she was completely violated and exposed to the world. It's the sort of thing a woman could need therapy for, for the rest of her life.


I actually agree with the Steeler fan here.

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I PM'd it to you Thaak, enjoy hahaha



Sam Schulte

July 23, 2009


Hartford, Connecticut - ESPN Reporter Erin Andrews, who has vowed to press criminal charges and sue the Peeping Tom that violated her privacy by filming her dressing nude in her hotel room, allegedly knew about the voyeur and was conspiring with him to boost her career and overall fame.


Private Investigator and MSNBC contributor Mac Mccord questioned the way Andrews apparently "knew just how darn sexy she was being." He added, "I could tell by the way the she was oiling her body, and posing her butt all sexy like, that she knew. She knew."

Expert testimony such as this can only be damaging to Andrews' claims that she did not know there was someone filming her. "I maintain that I was unaware that I was being filmed; that my perfect body was on display for the entire world to enjoy, unbeknownced to me." Ronald Materson, Director of the Patriarchal Society of America, says "sex sells and our society objectifies women. This is a fact, I know it, you know it, and Erin Andrews knows it." He went on to say that "this broad" calculated this move, wanted some attention, and got it. He claims rushes to her defense are a result of the "sensitizing" of American males, and this is an excellent way for her to play the victim card and increase her earnings. "If I looked like that I would do the same thing, more power to her."

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I've seen the video, she knew she was being filmed. Posing, shaken her booty for the camera even smiling while looking right at the camera. Give me a break



Oh christ, to what benefit? So she could turn around and sue Ohio State? Are you really this god damn delusional? The guy that video taped here had been stalking here and tried to do the same once before. It's not like prior to this incident she was working for peanuts. You can't possibly believe this and if for some reason you do it's time to step out from under the tin foil cape and wake the fvck up.

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Sam Schulte

July 23, 2009


Hartford, Connecticut - ESPN Reporter Erin Andrews, who has vowed to press criminal charges and sue the Peeping Tom that violated her privacy by filming her dressing nude in her hotel room, allegedly knew about the voyeur and was conspiring with him to boost her career and overall fame.


Private Investigator and MSNBC contributor Mac Mccord questioned the way Andrews apparently "knew just how darn sexy she was being." He added, "I could tell by the way the she was oiling her body, and posing her butt all sexy like, that she knew. She knew."

Expert testimony such as this can only be damaging to Andrews' claims that she did not know there was someone filming her. "I maintain that I was unaware that I was being filmed; that my perfect body was on display for the entire world to enjoy, unbeknownced to me." Ronald Materson, Director of the Patriarchal Society of America, says "sex sells and our society objectifies women. This is a fact, I know it, you know it, and Erin Andrews knows it." He went on to say that "this broad" calculated this move, wanted some attention, and got it. He claims rushes to her defense are a result of the "sensitizing" of American males, and this is an excellent way for her to play the victim card and increase her earnings. "If I looked like that I would do the same thing, more power to her."



I can't believe you or someone else took the time to fake that article. ESPM news? The reporters name is also spelled incorrectly. The best part is the use of "Broad" when talking about Andrews. Who the hell is their expert? Howard Stern?

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Sam Schulte

July 23, 2009


Hartford, Connecticut - ESPN Reporter Erin Andrews, who has vowed to press criminal charges and sue the Peeping Tom that violated her privacy by filming her dressing nude in her hotel room, allegedly knew about the voyeur and was conspiring with him to boost her career and overall fame.


Private Investigator and MSNBC contributor Mac Mccord questioned the way Andrews apparently "knew just how darn sexy she was being." He added, "I could tell by the way the she was oiling her body, and posing her butt all sexy like, that she knew. She knew."

Expert testimony such as this can only be damaging to Andrews' claims that she did not know there was someone filming her. "I maintain that I was unaware that I was being filmed; that my perfect body was on display for the entire world to enjoy, unbeknownced to me." Ronald Materson, Director of the Patriarchal Society of America, says "sex sells and our society objectifies women. This is a fact, I know it, you know it, and Erin Andrews knows it." He went on to say that "this broad" calculated this move, wanted some attention, and got it. He claims rushes to her defense are a result of the "sensitizing" of American males, and this is an excellent way for her to play the victim card and increase her earnings. "If I looked like that I would do the same thing, more power to her."



Of course, shortly thereafter she did make that appearance on Dancing with the Stars, and other things. Makes you wonder if in fact it may actually have been a publicity ploy. Not saying it was....but?

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Oh christ, to what benefit? So she could turn around and sue Ohio State? Are you really this god damn delusional? The guy that video taped here had been stalking here and tried to do the same once before. It's not like prior to this incident she was working for peanuts. You can't possibly believe this and if for some reason you do it's time to step out from under the tin foil cape and wake the fvck up.


Why'd Pam Anderson, Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian, etc. etc. etc. do it? They were not in need of money. An expert comes out today and says exactly what I said yesterday, its not a coincidence watch the video.

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I have never seen it. Where can it be viewed? Is it really all that and a bag of chips?



No. She certainly has a solid body but it's not worth going out of your way to watch. It was posted on another message board of mine otherwise I myself may have never seen it.

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Why'd Pam Anderson, Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian, etc. etc. etc. do it? They were not in need of money. An expert comes out today and says exactly what I said yesterday, its not a coincidence watch the video.



She doesn't need money and neither does Paris Hilton or Kardashian. I can't speak for Pamela Anderson. The former did it for the increased celebrity. Their families have more money than god otherwise. As far as the "expert" is concerned post the actual article WITH the link because there were several terrible typos in the article posted above. The reporters name is spelled wrong and ESPN of all things is spelled incorrectly.

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