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Delhomme the worst qb in the NFL


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That fumble review was bullshit though. The Ref blew his whistle dead before the ball practically hit the ground. Everyone stopped going after the ball. You can't go back and rule on who recovered it after the whistle already blew. That shit has been called against us on both sides of that rule.

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I agree that the fumble should not have been reviewable but the offense sucked today.


I just do not get why you leave Delhomme in when he is clearly not able to get the offense rolling. I think that's why Hillis had all those fumbles, he was trying to do to much. Hillis needs to work on covering the ball up and stop the strips/fumbles.


Worst playcall of the game though? That reverse to Cribbs that was messed up from the beginning.

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Yeah what a total bum ass loser he gets no respect from me, the guy can't even look past 3yards for a pass sometimes I wonder if he even knows he has wide recievers. They have to be able to count on someone other then hillis to make plays and its not delhommo. I think wallace looked a lot better then that bum, they need to keep delhommo as far away from mccoy as possible and hope his sorry ass don't rub off on him.

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Wallace is definitely more effective but knowing the whole "stick with the guy" mentality, I somehow doubt anyone other than Delhomme or McCoy will be playing.


And I don't feel bad for Delhomme at all, he's being paid millions by two NFL teams this year (Carolina and Cleveland obviously) to be mediocre, there's no excuse for that.

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I can't support a coaching staff that let this happen today. Sorry but this is just bullshit. The win means nothing but the way they lost tells me alot.



I quite agree. Holmgren (and possibly Managini) can't just let this loss go without sending a signal to the organization. I would cut Delhomme tomorrow and name Cribbs the 3rd QB (which should have been done a long time ago). Someone needs to speak to Hillis and work on protecting the ball better. We need n new OC in the offseason.

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I agree that the fumble should not have been reviewable but the offense sucked today.


I just do not get why you leave Delhomme in when he is clearly not able to get the offense rolling. I think that's why Hillis had all those fumbles, he was trying to do to much. Hillis needs to work on covering the ball up and stop the strips/fumbles.


Worst playcall of the game though? That reverse to Cribbs that was messed up from the beginning.


I think Marv Levy was the last coach that didn't hesitate to yank the QB if he wasn't playing appropriately. I really never understood this in the NFL. Sometimes it can actually spark your offence.

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man....if only they read the browns board for pointers then they would know exactly what to do


is that you in your avatar wearing diapers, michael jackson gloves and a browns jersey(don cockroft?)? hard to get snappy with an outfit like that.

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is that you in your avatar wearing diapers, michael jackson gloves and a browns jersey(don cockroft?)? hard to get snappy with an outfit like that.


haha man you are good. no wonder mangini takes notes every time you post


you guys meet on a weekly basis or just phone calls?

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Call me crazy, but I don't care who we had at quarterback, our offense still would have sucked. Our playcalling was very predictable, our o-line got dominated on pass plays, our wide receivers couldn't get any separation, and Hillis (as much as I like him) could not hold onto the football to save his life... You want to put all that blame on Delhomme? He didn't play great but what were his options? The only INT he threw was a result of poor pass protection (his arm was hit from behind). Same goes for the fumble. Those plays cost us 6 points but were not his fault.


We need to stop finding one scapegoat (always seems to be delhomme or Mangini after losses) and realize that our offense just isn't there yet. With a poor passing game we become one-dimensional and our running game hurts as a result. Luckily our defense is much improved this year or we would not have been in so many close games.


I just find it amazing how overly optimistic people are after wins, and how overly pessimistic they are after losses. We are still a team in the middle of the rebuilding process. Until we get some WRs, a healty Oline, and a healthy Josh Cribbs, our offense is going to be inconsistent...

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Call me crazy, but I don't care who we had at quarterback, our offense still would have sucked. Our playcalling was very predictable, our o-line got dominated on pass plays, our wide receivers couldn't get any separation, and Hillis (as much as I like him) could not hold onto the football to save his life... You want to put all that blame on Delhomme? He didn't play great but what were his options? The only INT he threw was a result of poor pass protection (his arm was hit from behind). Same goes for the fumble. Those plays cost us 6 points but were not his fault.


We need to stop finding one scapegoat (always seems to be delhomme or Mangini after losses) and realize that our offense just isn't there yet. With a poor passing game we become one-dimensional and our running game hurts as a result. Luckily our defense is much improved this year or we would not have been in so many close games.


I just find it amazing how overly optimistic people are after wins, and how overly pessimistic they are after losses. We are still a team in the middle of the rebuilding process. Until we get some WRs, a healty Oline, and a healthy Josh Cribbs, our offense is going to be inconsistent...


i don't think any browns' fan with half a brain could or would be optimistic when it comes to delhomme. we all know there are weaknesses across the board on this team. but why have a frankenstein DOLT lead your team when there is another guy on the bench who might (at the very least) do a better job and not make the move to put him in?


i think the consensus on this board is that for the most part the coaching staff (-the offensive coordinator) is doing a good job and that our front office is for once, stabilized. i don't think calling out a bum player after a loss is being pessimistic.

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