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You might be a Steelers fan if.........


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I thought it would be good if we build a list of things to look out for in helping determine if the person you are talking to is a Stooler fan. Just complete the sentence with your ideas. Here's a few to get the list started.


You might be a Steelers fan if..........


.......you're sexually attracted to your siblings.


.......you have fantasies of being drunk, vulnerable and alone in a bar with a guy named Ben.


.......you think some sheep look sexier than others.


.......you've taught your dog to piss on your leg when you come home from work.


.......your girlfriend can always make $5 in less than 2 minutes on a street corner.


.......you dream of some day being able to live in Cleveland.


.......you think teeth are optional when it comes to picking a future spouse

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3 Football fans stumble home after the game and find a naked lady in the bushes passed out drunk. The guys call the police and the Bengals fan takes his had off and puts it over the girls left breast. The Browns fan takes off his hat and puts it over the girls right breast. Finally, the steelers fan takes his hat off and puts it over the girls xxxx.


When the police show up, the officer looks under the Bengals hat and takes a quick note. He then looks under the Browns hat and writes another quick note. Finally he looks under the Steelers hat. Puts it down. Looks again, and again. The Steelers fan is outraged and yells, "Hey, what's wrong with you? Are you a pervert or something?" The Cop replies. "No, I'm just dumbfounded, because usually I see an asshole under a steelers hat!"


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3 Football fans stumble home after the game and find a naked lady in the bushes passed out drunk. The guys call the police and the Bengals fan takes his had off and puts it over the girls left breast. The Browns fan takes off his hat and puts it over the girls right breast. Finally, the steelers fan takes his hat off and puts it over the girls xxxx.


When the police show up, the officer looks under the Bengals hat and takes a quick note. He then looks under the Browns hat and writes another quick note. Finally he looks under the Steelers hat. Puts it down. Looks again, and again. The Steelers fan is outraged and yells, "Hey, what's wrong with you? Are you a pervert or something?" The Cop replies. "No, I'm just dumbfounded, because usually I see an asshole under a steelers hat!"



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....your mom is also your sister.

....your one year old sister-niece has more teeth than you do.

....you think football didn't exist before the Superbowl.

....you were a niners fan in the eighties, cowboys fan in the nineties, and patriots fan in the early 00's.

....your wife weighs more than you do.

....you think steroids are a fair part of the game.

....you think it's okay to rape chicks because they provoked you to do it.


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.......you think a pigskin is what is removed when your brother gets circumsized.


.......you look in a mirror and treat the swollen bumps on your face with Preparation H.


.......you think your bother's wife resembles Albert Haynesworth.



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Nuff Said..!!!


I'm a Browns fan and I'm getting embarrased by these jealous infused threads..about the Steelers and their fans!..


just give it up already, <_<


hate the steelers. think most of their fans outside of PA are bandwagon douchebags (like cowboy fans outside of TX).


BUT do respect them 1000%. they have an organization that we could only hope to have one day. congrats and go FXXK yourselves.


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Nuff Said..!!!


I'm a Browns fan and I'm getting embarrased by these jealous infused threads..about the Steelers and their fans!..


just give it up already, <_<



Oh calm down and get a sense of humor. Besides I wasn't infusing, I was suffusing.

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You might be a Browns fan ..if

You Pick your Nose for a Snack...

Pick your sister for a Prom Date...

Have Two or more "Fav" Teams....

Have Sports Tourette syndrome... where Stupid remarks concerning Sports Pour uncontrollably from your mouth (Like "The Runs" )

Are Hopelessly lost in the 1960`s and Before....

Are More Obsessed with your Rivals LOSING Than your own Team winning...

Are Bitter to the Core ...incapable of reasonable thoughts concerning your "Daddy'' !

When you ask Who`s you Daddy ? You Mom tells you its Your Uncle...

Wear Poo-and-Orange colored Gear ... but if someone Cut you Open you would be GREEN With Envy !!

Deny all this to the Bitter End.. and try to turn it back on Us.... :P


You know your a Steelers fan when you end every sentence with "..."

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LOL... You can use more than one window at a time guy. And If you goofballs didnt have Threads like You might be a Steelers fan if......... ... we probably wouldnt be around all the time. Making my whole 3 posts a day... using all of 12 minutes a day, 4 days a week that I stop by here .

You have Heard BUILD IT AND THEY WILL COME ?? Well Ignore us and we will leave... :blink:


I don't want you to leave. Since my puppy died, I don't have anyone else to chase the ball when I throw it. Besides, where would you go? To the Bengals board (or are you a no count, cheatin', multi-board troll?)?

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LOL... You can use more than one window at a time guy. And If you goofballs didnt have Threads like You might be a Steelers fan if......... ... we probably wouldnt be around all the time. Making my whole 3 posts a day... using all of 12 minutes a day, 4 days a week that I stop by here .

You have Heard BUILD IT AND THEY WILL COME ?? Well Ignore us and we will leave... :blink:


This thread was created today. But the Steeler vermin that this board is infested with has been there for ages. Oh and if we ignore you guys where will we get the fun from ?


I do value the feedback of certain Steeler posters who have shown decency and intelligence but the number of morons who have been overtaken them has risen and the intelligent posts has been dwindling down at an alarming rate.


Oh! and before most of you Steeler fans point the finger at us remember it takes two hands to make a clap sound.

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you know you are a Browns fan when you sneak into steeler HQ to rub the Super Bowl trophies. you know when you are a Browns fan when you are bad mouthing the Steelers in the post season.


Just to set the record straight we Browns fans have been bad mouthing the Steelers during the off-season, pre season and regular season also. Thank You.

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You live in Ohio and are a bandwagon fan because they were good during the seventies

You own a old bum looking sweater that says pissburgh steelers (work at a bar see it all the time)

You cry like a bitch when the Packers lay your ass down in the superbowl

Have players on your team that love to rape women

Have players on your team that love to abuse Substance abuse Policies

You have no connection to the city or team and decided to root for them because they were good

Have never expereniced losing your team to another city and stood by them to fullest even through the worst of times



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I'd say would admit the steady hand of the ownership and franchise.


Talk about consistency. This is their 8th Super Bowl appearance; a record

among many impressive records.


They also won 6 Super Bowls, another impressive record. And, they

are working on winning their 7th, which would put them two ahead

of any other team.


Tell us what you admire most about the amazing Steelers.

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I admire their ability to maximize steroid usage like no other franchise in sports history.


I also admire the way they have been the beneficiaries of bad refereeing for years and years.


I admire the way they continually add bandwagon fans by the second, and those that have been fans for around 5 years keep getting more hardcore. They actually know what intentional grounding is now.


I saw something beautiful yesterday on FB. A gal friend of mine on there who lives in Pit and is from Ytown, posted how she thinks it is so neat to have become a fan of football. Chick is 42 years old, and she said she became a Steelers fan this weekend and it was really fun hanging with her friends, she never knew it could be so fun.

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