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Santorum Wins/winning Huge In Co, Mo, And Mn


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If you look at what's happened to Romney's negatives in the last two months, it's actually pretty extraordinary. He's simply plummeting. He's near Gingrich levels of disapproval. And the more people see him, the less they like him.


Republicans are going to need events to go their way. Europe would have to implode, or Israel would have to strike Iran and cause energy prices to skyrocket. They simply do not have a candidate that's going to compete well against the president.

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Santorum: "One of the things that you don't know about ObamaCare in one of the mandates is they require free prenatal testing. Why? Because free prenatal testing ends up in more abortions and, therefore, less care that has to be done, because we cull the ranks of the disabled in our society. That too is part of ObamaCare — another hidden message as to what president Obama thinks of those who are less able than the elites who want to govern our country."


...Isn't he delightful?

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Santorum: "One of the things that you don't know about ObamaCare in one of the mandates is they require free prenatal testing. Why? Because free prenatal testing ends up in more abortions and, therefore, less care that has to be done, because we cull the ranks of the disabled in our society. That too is part of ObamaCare — another hidden message as to what president Obama thinks of those who are less able than the elites who want to govern our country."


...Isn't he delightful?


First of all you are lying about what he said and second is the TEST really FREE?


Somebody has to pay.


Do you feel in your own mind that it is okay to murder babies if they are found out that they may be deformed?


If so that tells everybody how sick of a mind you have along with some others in society. You would fit right in under the third reich. Even the Nazi scientists and doctors were working on a perfect society where everybody would have blonde hair and blue eyes.


The Führer is calling you.

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Ah, the calm, rational mind of the modern-day conservative base.


Whatever, you're team of lying media hounds cannot even get a bad story on Santorum so you have to create one.


You guys must really be running scared.


Your Führer is calling you.

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Whatever, you're team of lying media hounds cannot even get a bad story on Santorum so you have to create one.


You guys must really be running scared.


Your Führer is calling you.


I have to create one? I quoted the man.


Fun fact of the day for you guys: in America, 90% of fetuses that come back positive for Down's Syndrome are aborted. If roughly half of America says they're pro-life, and against abortion in most or all cases, what does this say about the strength of their pro-life views?


Might it suggest that for a lot of pro-life Americans, when it ended up being about them and not someone else, their pro-life views went out the window?

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Meanwhile, Newt says in his administration we'll have $2 gas. Wow.


Steve, you're always disgusted with the over-promising. What about that whopper?

Well, to be fair, he's not president yet is he?

If and when he is and if the prices don't go down you'll have that as an issue.

Here's a response in advance!

We didn't really have a clear idea of how high gas prices were .

Then after 3 years if they come down a penny a gallon we'll gloat saying that his policies are working!

Oh and he could also claim that without his intervention the prices would surely be 10 to 15 dollars a gallon!



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I have to create one? I quoted the man.


Fun fact of the day for you guys: in America, 90% of fetuses that come back positive for Down's Syndrome are aborted. If roughly half of America says they're pro-life, and against abortion in most or all cases, what does this say about the strength of their pro-life views?


Might it suggest that for a lot of pro-life Americans, when it ended up being about them and not someone else, their pro-life views went out the window?


It could. But it is probably more likely pro-choice people had multiple abortions.


you really cant draw your conclusion from that info

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I have to create one? I quoted the man.


Fun fact of the day for you guys: in America, 90% of fetuses that come back positive for Down's Syndrome are aborted. If roughly half of America says they're pro-life, and against abortion in most or all cases, what does this say about the strength of their pro-life views?


Might it suggest that for a lot of pro-life Americans, when it ended up being about them and not someone else, their pro-life views went out the window?

Would those here choose to go ahead with a child who is almost certain to be handicapped?



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It does not suggest that at all.


You imagine it, so it's true - it backs up your emotions on the issue.


All those abortions are surely done by folks who are pro abortion.


See? That's more likely in a huge way, but still undocumented, and


simply a guess on my part. Only as a reaction to your political bigotry.


I wish you'd stop saying stupid stuff so you can refute it easily.

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If somewhere in the neighborhood of 90% of Down's-positive fetuses are aborted, there's no way to tell what the political persuasion of the people involved is. But it stands to reason that the pregnancies are pretty evenly distributed between people who are pro-choice and pro-life, since the country is about 50-50 on that issue.


It doesn't stand to reason that of 100 pregnancies that test positive for Down's, 90 of them are aborted, and all 90 of them are performed by people who describe themselves as pro-choice.

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More Rick today: “Woodstock is the great American orgy. This is who the Democratic Party has become. They have become the party of Woodstock. The prey upon our most basic primal lusts, and that’s sex. And the whole abortion culture, it’s not about life. It’s about sexual freedom. That’s what it’s about. Homosexuality. It’s about sexual freedom.”


...Haha. This guy is the gift that keeps on giving.


Oh my God! Sexual freedom? What a horrible concept! Imagine consenting adults being able to have sex ...just because they want to. Gay people ...being allowed to be gay.


The horror. The horror.


Do you want to answer honestly if there are any boundaries you'd expect your son or daughter to stay within?

I'm being serious here.

I will skip any lurid details but rest assured I'm imaginative enuff to come up with some scenarios of sexual freedom that you would be appalled to see your own children involved in.

So ask yourself if any of those situations would bother you are you then a bible thumping zealot?


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I believe it's better to do the right thing, and let the chips fall, than do the wrong thing, so that maybe, the really wronger thing won't keep happening.


And pro gay crap is the wrong thing. So is the murder of unborn and born children. So is -deliberately- crashing out economic system into dramatic crisis.


And so is trying to make the state the all powerful America-dominating nanny.


I don't just want Obamao out. I want the right guy who won't go statist on us in any way, ... in.


And Romney is just a weak-knee'd player. That won't back up the damage that Obamao have done.


And, I don't beleive Romney is a stand up guy at all, and doesn't really care about our 2nd Amendment.


But dirtbag Obamao the Terrible has to go, or our country is going to be in very, very serious trouble.

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I would agree with him on one thing, however: that the days of "men" - at least in the puffed up and antiquated way he understands the term - being able to tell everyone else "how it is" are over.


That explains a good deal of the conservative resentment. This world has passed them by. When they say the "want their country back" this is what they're referring to - going back to the good ol' days, when they ran everything, and nobody complained or sued you when you told a good black joke, or grabbed the secretary's ass, and there was no Glee on TV.

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Wrong again. It means take back our country from the time when perversion wasn't even 1-3%, when children


weren't happily murdered by women, when it meant something to have a work ethic, and not be on the public dole.


And back to a time when you were free to make your own decisions without the radical left trying to change everything upside down,


and sickly perverted.

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