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Santorum Wins/winning Huge In Co, Mo, And Mn


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well, how is it, Heck, that you didn't take Santorum seriously when I did? Odd, you are such an arrogant "know it all" ... THAT is histerical.


Oh, and you'll really get a laugh out of this:


Bunker is right. You cherry picked a graph that doesn't show a few matters. As usual.


And, no, CNN is not a part of the "right wing attack machine" garbage you libs regularly resort to.


I guess we should post the clip of Obamao saying "energy prices must go up"... but we've been there, done that.


Unless your little Shep-like underline parrot Woody denies Obamao said it.....




By historical standards, the latest consumer price index showing a 1.2% annual rise remains super low. But consumers are being hit with hikes to two key components that aren't included in that number -- gas and food. Consumer Growth Partners recently called the rise in grocery prices (6.5% in the first quarter) "the sharpest in a generation." And gas prices are pushing toward $4 a gallon. Including gas and food, the annual inflation rate is more than double the rise in the CPI.


Even if systemwide inflation doesn't return in this election cycle, rising gas and food prices will be on the minds of voters. President Obama already faces an unemployment rate that has only recently slipped below 9%, worsened by long-term jobless rates unprecedented since World War II. The Congressional Budget Office now predicts an unemployment rate of 8.2% on Election Day 2012; no President since F.D.R. has been reelected with unemployment over 8%. (President Reagan, facing a similarly painful recession, was elected with a 7.2% jobless rate.)


Add inflation to that mix and it could become a poisonous stew for Democrats. And we'll know the President is in real trouble if his staff starts handing out buttons.



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the red font totally does it



didn't you guys invent the term "liberal media"?



there was a graph you posted awhile a go that showed unemployment over the last few years (bush and obama) and I used math to show you what it means... you should go review that again. They'll be a test on it later today

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I guess we need to draw a line between candidates who actually believe church doctrine and those that just pretend to to fire up the ignorand superstitious voters in Illinois.

So ya want a believer or a liar?

Zealotry can be lust for power too.


And most outspoken atheists seem to be dicks.

Only some oome outspoken Christioans in my experience.


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Santorum now up 7 points on Romney in Michigan in the average of polls.


This is hysterical.


I told you that real conservatives will not vote for Romney. A red flag should go up when people like you love romney so much.

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Yes, please, vote for Rick Santorum.


From the liberal perspective, I don't know anyone who wouldn't rather have Romney as president in the even Obama loses. And that's why they hope Romney wins - because they think it'd be better for the country.


But in order to make sure Obama doesn't lose, there's almost nothing we could hope for more than you guys nominating Rick Santorum.


Either way, short of events changing the underlying dynamics, I don't see much of a way either Santorum or Romney beats Obama.

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Yes, please, vote for Rick Santorum.


From the liberal perspective, I don't know anyone who wouldn't rather have Romney as president in the even Obama loses. And that's why they hope Romney wins - because they think it'd be better for the country.


But in order to make sure Obama doesn't lose, there's almost nothing we could hope for more than you guys nominating Rick Santorum.


Either way, short of events changing the underlying dynamics, I don't see much of a way either Santorum or Romney beats Obama.


I'm sure Jimmy Carter and Bush Sr. felt the same way. We shouldn't awaken you while you are dreaming.

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You think I'm joking or trying to convince you to not vote for Rick Santorum. I'm not. Please, please - I beg of you - nominate Rick Santorum.


And I'd be willing to bet any of you any amount of money for charity that should Rick Santorum be the Republican nominee for president Obama will win. I may even give you points on that. Because if it's Santorum, Obama will win going away. Even with the lousy economy. Any takers?

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1. Scientists said years ago, that coconut was very bad for people, because of cholesteral. sp?


Now? They've found out it's good for you, because that cholesterol... is the GOOD KIND.


And some scientists who signed the agreement on the mmgw crisis? They now say it's baloney.


Science is not the end all, be all.


2. A whole LOT of people are really disappointed that Obamao is a fraud, and was a terrible mistake for our country.

Especially a significant group of honest Americans who voted for him. Obamao is not even an American at heart.

He's apologized around the world for us existing the past couple hundred years plus.

He's a dirtbag. I know, you don't care, as long as he will give you permission to get married to Vapor. And Heck.

And a male hippo you met at the zoo. I don't believe college is going to do you much good.


3. If I had the op, I'd be all in for Rubio. Or the Gov of Louisiana, Bobby Jindal. Those two, I respect HUGELY.

With Sarah Palin as VP. You think Palin is an idiot, but your sugar daddy Obamao, the would be Chavez/Fidel...

thought there were 57 states. And there's a LOT more of his stupid stuff. The latest being, his determination

that Catholic orgs must violate their religious beliefs about contraceptives, etc.


Now, remember the flap about the donations to planned parenthood? well, anybody can go to planned parenthood and get free

contraceptives. So, why the emotional lie about people who work for Christian/Catholic orgs not being able to get contraceptives? eh?


I'll tell you what I think. Obamao can't control those private schools, that's why. If he could get away with it, he could cost them right out of existence,

forcing all of them into the public school system where he CAN control them, indoctrinate them. After all, he already said he would use costs

to force coal compnies out of business. That's like the mafia "leaning" on a store that won't pay protection money. You don't like me, you put

em out of business.


How would you libs like it, if Bush had order the Ten Commandments be taught in all schools? Sure, he wouldn't be allowed.

But what if he did? Well, that is what Obamao is doing. Like making nominations when Congress was NOT in recess. Like trying to discredit

our 2nd Amendment rights by deliberately allowing guns to be sold and taken across the border, completely untracked. And border guard(s) were

murdered with them. And Holder lied out his corrupt arse. Like Holder's INJustice Dept refusing to prosecute blacks, because only whites should

be guilty of discrimation. Voter intimidation... sure, why not?


But you let the inverse go on, with Tea Partiers carrrying nightsticks and making blacks uneasy about trying to enter and vote. Why, libs would

go berserk raising hell. But, Black Panthers in favor of Obamao? No problem with you libs.


Liberalism/marxism, is a mental disorder.


4. Think about this: I can go on, obviously, at great, great length to explain why I believe what I believe, and why my principles/values are held so dear,

and they never flip flop.


You/you libs? You can't. You never do. It's always angry, taunting talking points, and then personal attacks, and little arrogant comments.

But no reasoning. No extensive explanations of why you "feel" the way you do.


Why? Because, imho, you libs do NOT think; ... you do not reason. You feel. Vapor "feels" that gay marriage and all, is just wonderful and should be

totally accepted. Why? Because... he has a friend....who once cried in church about being gay.


Really, now? That's the extended rationale to justify turning our American society on it's ear with new definations of marriage?


I think not. But that's how it goes. Shep used to be horribly "frightened" that Bush would be elected. Yeah. Why? Because Cheney was evil...

and Bush was a murderer... because we were fighting the war on terror? But Obamao fights the war on terror, but changes the name, and

no lib cares about Iraq and Afghanistan.


Every time you libs post, you do the same thing. Cherry pick this, emote that, personally slur anybody who doesn't/won't agree with your crap.


Bah. The Tea Party is "evil" because some dimwit had a bad sign, somewhere. But the "occupiers" do drugs, murders, rapes, assaults, stink up

parks, trespass, poop on innocent American's porches, throw condoms at young Catholic girls from an elementary school, and threaten anarchy...


and they are wonderful.


They are on your side, eh? So THEN, they are okay, and nothing they do is wrong.


Hypocrisy at it's sickest, maybe.


Most Americans don't favor murdering innocent born, and unborn children. Libs demand the right to do the murdering..


Most libs want the abortion murders, but they will fight like all hell to stop capital punishment of the severely criminal felons

who have committed hideous crimes. See? Liberalism/marxism is about turning everything upside down and inside out.


So far, you got nothin of any substance. Emote away, but it's boring.

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BTW, the "occupiers" main chant, around the country, is "YOU HAVE, WE WANT".


But no, they don't want handouts. They just want part of what others have, because to them,


that's "fair".


I guess two hoodums at night in a parking lot mug you, beat you up, or rape a woman, because


they don't have money, or a woman, so they were making it "fair".


Class warfare will eventually cause class violence on a larger scale. It's a dangerous,


marxist game of getting control of the power.And, I was for Santorum way before he rose in the polls.


He isn't perfect either, I'd much rather have Rubio or Jindal... or Bachmann, but...


And now, Santorum is getting serious consideration by those who see him as the guy who will


undo all the damage that Obamao has been doing.


BTW, you hear the recent story about the grade school girl? The food TSA inspired by Michelle "hateful smartass" Obamao? They took her

school lunch away. She had a banana, a turkey and cheese sandwich, and a few other things.


They said it wasn't up to Michelle stupidass arrogant "standards" because it didn't have enough veggies in it.


So, they gave her the lunch they wanted her to have. Which included veggies... and McNuggets.


And the kicker? The school sent a bill to the mother for the lunch.


Liberals/marxist take control, register it, license it, and/or fine it. It's their only chance to


get enough money to buy enough votes. Or, to make more money til you can get rid of what you don't like.


Like churches and church schools. Like school children being influenced by their PARENTS, instead of the state.


Like guns. and coal companies. And SUV's. And the conservative "refusing to be under Obamao's control" media.


Like dissent, Tea Party rallies (although Obamao's dirtbag "occupiers" are fine...)..


like getting rid of, undercutting opposing politicians. Like taking churches' non-proft status away from them for having


political opinions. (meanwhile, (more on that scandal later)....

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Do any of the Republican voters in here prefer Romney to Santorum? Assume those are your two choices for the moment.


And if you have the full slate of choices, which would include Gingrich and Paul, who would you vote for now?



Also: "Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum shoots to the top among Ohio likely Republican primary voters with 36 percent, followed by 29 percent for former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich runs third with 20 percent, while Texas U.S. Rep. Ron Paul gets 9 percent.


President Barack Obama would get 46 percent of Ohio registered voters, to Romney’s 44 percent if the November election were today ... Picking Ohio Sen. Rob Portman as Romney’s running mate would not help the GOP ticket carry Ohio’s crucial electoral votes in November as the Democratic ticket pulls slightly ahead 47 percent to 43 percent."

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Cal ur a moron.


Those two posts... have so many inaccuracies ... I'm afraid you've dumbed me down for an upcoming exam.


I'll get around to tearing that post apart, but I have more important stuff to do. Of course, you can just look at the contradictions you made in ur post for a preview.

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Well, you've already flunked the Brownsboard test for value. I grade you out


at 17 % out of a hundred.


Hell, even mz the pussy the pussy was a 21%, and he royally was bad.


Shep was 37 %, for crying out loud.


Heck is 61 %.


The rest of us are in the low eighties for comparison, except John,


who grades out at 92%.


There went the curve. Blame John.

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From ABC's Jonathan Karl:


A prominent Republican senator just told me that if Romney can’t win in Michigan, the Republican Party needs to go back to the drawing board and convince somebody new to get into the race.


“If Romney cannot win Michigan, we need a new candidate,” said the senator, who has not endorsed anyone and requested anonymity.


The senator believes Romney will ultimately win in Michigan but says he will publicly call for the party to find a new candidate if he does not.


“We’d get killed,” the senator said if Romney manages to win the nomination after he failed to win the state in which he grew up.


“He’d be too damaged,” he said. “If he can’t even win in Michigan, where his family is from, where he grew up.”


What about Rick Santorum?


“He’d lose 35 states,” the senator said, predicting the same fate for Newt Gingrich.

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A prominent Democrat senator told me that you are full of sheet, and he also said that Obama


is going to be surprised at how he loses the election.


He also said America gave a black man a chance, and they just should have picked


a man who SHOULD be president, regardless of color.


He also said that your feet stink worse than limberger cheese.


But seriously - why pick a moderate when the leftist Dems didn't?


Either nominate a genuine conservative, or get the hell out of the 2 party system.

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