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Santorum Wins/winning Huge In Co, Mo, And Mn


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And who cares?


Why do you promote it heck?


I dont support it. And I will not compromise my position.


Who cares? Steve just posted that a majority of Americans oppose it. That doesn't seem to be true any more. At the very least, it's a close call in terms of popular support.


As for your position, I wasn't imagining that you were going to change your mind, and I wasn't discussing it with you anyway. I already know what you don't think.


Why do I promote it? Because, in my mind, it's correcting an obvious wrong, and one our society needs to move beyond. And we're doing it. This simply will not be an issue in another 10-15 years, and it might not even take that long.


Gay rights is the last big civil rights struggle in America.

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Go Rick go!


"Early indications from two polls in the field -- Public Policy Polling and Gallup -- show Rick Santorum either taking over the lead among Republican voters nationally or at least tied with Mitt Romney.


A new Fox News poll also shows Santorum surging and in the last two days the poll was in the field he moved into a dead heat with Romney, 30% to 30%."

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No, "gay rights" is not a civil rights issue. It's a morality issue. If libs really cared about civil rights, they would be against abortion, especially


partial birth abortion. They would DEMAND that unborn, and BORN children be granted their civil rights. But, those children have no vote... and they

are expendable.


Like the Jews in Germany. They had no rights, they didn't matter, and they were expendable.


All this in the name of "kinder, gentler, compassionate" ? Since when to gays have the right to establish gay tyranny over


our society - including the children? And schools? And free speech? and American Families?


"gay rights" is just the latest attack on American society. The same stupid, inane arguments they always use, can apply to that org


that demands man-boy legitimacy. Next it will be multiple spouses. And getting married to cars and animals.


Gay "occupiers" were throwing condoms at young Catholic school girls. What the hell ? How about the civil rights of those children? The parents?


Harrassment and intimidation is FINE with libs, as long as they are the Nazis in charge. Then, when THEY decide that other's are to be denied their civil rights...


well, they just blabber and justify it with some kind of slur about wall street, or "the man".


So, there ya go, they don't care at all. If libs cared about civil righrts, they wouldn't be against building a factory in S. Carolina,


because they are a right to work state. Civil rights is equal people being treated equally, and having the same freedom. The color of peoples' skin is


incidental, is of no consequence in the grand scheme of American Freedom.


Changing the mores of our entire American society is of GREAT consequence. The perverted, warped attraction to the same sex is an unnatural


incidence in nature. It it were the "norm", then we'd have no population explosion problem - hell, we'd have no population.


You can see far more clearly now, of what some of us have been saying now. It isn't just gay bs... it's global warming and taxing activities, to get money

to buy allegiance from those who want a free ride in society, with no responsibilites nor consequences.


It's going after God, and Christians, and going after the churches. It's going after free speech, and going after the money if they decide that somebody

has enough and should give the rest up.


It's the undermining of our 2nd Amendment. Why? Because it's there. The same warped fools who demand "gay rights and gay freedom", are the same ones

who want to deny freedom to others, and deny them their 2nd Amendment rights. And no matter what you say, or what you do, they will find a way to criminalize it,

and fine it, and control it.


It's the undermining of the family, of the parents' rights to raise and teach their children in their own ways. It's an all out assault on our American culture of freedom and independence. Libs want to turn everything upside down and inside out... just to own and control whatever it is they can own and control.

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in the eyes of perverts being queer is okay.

i will borrow this from another blog


and for the ignorant the word he in the mentioned quote means Jesus.

it's a shame that we live in a day and age where right is wrong and wrong is right. but that is only in the minds of those with small brains.



.... lol


You guys are getting past pathetic into funny

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I love the Republican field... IF unemployment keeps dropping it wont matter who the Republicans put up.


IF it is Santorum or Gingrich.... neither of those two will win the moderate independents or women.


Romney/Rubio has the best chance and even that is suspect once the left start the class warfare attack lines linking Romney with being out of touch wall street guy.


Keep it up with the infighting.... this is going to be interesting money lost on infighting just to lose in the general election and further alienate the public from government.

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I suspect he's fine with gay marriage, but knows he couldn't be out front on this issue.


But in better news:


Riding a wave of momentum from his trio of victories on Tuesday Rick Santorum has opened up a wide lead in PPP's newest national poll. He's at 38% to 23% for Mitt Romney, 17% for Newt Gingrich, and 13% for Ron Paul.


Part of the reason for Santorum's surge is his own high level of popularity. 64% of voters see him favorably to only 22% with a negative one. But the other, and maybe more important, reason is that Republicans are significantly souring on both Romney and Gingrich. Romney's favorability is barely above water at 44/43, representing a 23 point net decline from our December national poll when he was +24 (55/31). Gingrich has fallen even further. A 44% plurality of GOP voters now hold a negative opinion of him to only 42% with a positive one. That's a 34 point drop from 2 months ago when he was at +32 (60/28).

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And obamao and Higgardly didn't "infight"




The Difference Cal is pretty important.


BOTH Obama AND Hillary could win the women and moderate independents who are crucial and swing constituents in the national POTUS race.


Gingrich/Santorum can not and will not win those two crucial groups. ONLY Romney has a shot at them... and that is a maybe.


The POTUS race is really based now on the independents and women turn out who can swing the votes. The Right and Left (with all their sub groups) basically off set each other (for now until white voters become the minority) its the swing voters in the middle (women and independents) decide the POTUS election.


The Republicans WILL lose unless they put up Romney.... and to Bunkers only hope which is outside influences like Greece that can hurt our economy(thru no fault of the Obama admin) could swing the race.


Like I have stated before, this administration did a great turn around because this race is all about economic growth versus depression bank collapse, auto industry collapse, real estate industry collapse, 2 wars, Wall street corruption.....


You cant turn around a aircraft carrier on a dime..... and typically things get worse before they get better in order to bottom out. Which is precisely what happened and real estate, construction, wall street, bank/insurance, hiring, are all on the upswing along with consumer confidence coupled with decreased costs in military spending, removal of two wars, health care fraud is actually being prosecuted along with major cost reductions (in terms of what the government is willing to pay providers with our tax dollars) a consumer protection agency to go after wall street and banks....


Obama did lead this.... oh and not to mention a gutsy executive order to go into nuclear Pakistan and kill Osama Bin Laden which Cowboy Cheney and Bush Jr. failed to do in 7 years.... and also finally removed discrimination against a sexual preference in the military....


I would say those are pretty crazy level accomplishments.... not to mention fighting insurance and the health care industry lobby machine/Republicans to at least START fixing health care (something NO president has been able to do EVER)


Another 4 years with out the need to get reelected and I think we will see some real change.... now that he is seasoned and knows how to deal with clear politically driven Obstructionism/starve the beast tactics from the extreme right.


That is what the Republicans are really afraid of.... the next level of accomplishments and a clear example of the failed extreme conservative/religious driven policies being exposed to a real alternative.

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Are you trying to trick and manipulate people on how you would like them to vote heck?


This sounds like another fabrication from those in the media trying to dup peoples thoughts.


When November rolls around most of the people will be voting with their pocket books.

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Are you trying to trick and manipulate people on how you would like them to vote heck?


This sounds like another fabrication from those in the media trying to dup peoples thoughts.


When November rolls around most of the people will be voting with their pocket books.





T or Cal post poll statistics --- "See, everyone hates Obama, tols you. These are straight from Townhall.com!"


Non-conservatives post poll stats --- "Those are fake numbers created by the liberal media to trick voters! They are probably working with those damn scientists!"

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It's just a poll. Just a tiny little indicator. Put too much emphasis on it...


and what newspaper was it that had printed the wrong winner of the presidential election?

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T or Cal post poll statistics --- "See, everyone hates Obama, tols you. These are straight from Townhall.com!"


Non-conservatives post poll stats --- "Those are fake numbers created by the liberal media to trick voters! They are probably working with those damn scientists!"


You did not read the whole post did you?


You are no better than any other heckling fascit loving liberal only trying to be disruptive and change the conversation with your child like behavior.


The Fact of the matter is that the thought of Santorum who happens to be a true conservative scares the likes of people like you and heck.


If Santorum wins; wouldn't that be a setback for all of you occupy fascists?

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You did not read the whole post did you?


You are no better than any other heckling fascit loving liberal only trying to be disruptive and change the conversation with your child like behavior.


The Fact of the matter is that the thought of Santorum who happens to be a true conservative scares the likes of people like you and heck.


If Santorum wins; wouldn't that be a setback for all of you occupy fascists?


Geez, first I'm a liberal now I'm a facist. You guys just love name calling, huh?


I've said a bunch I don't want someone in office that takes the Bible too seriously, and by equating gay sex to bestiality, I am guessing Santorum does (Plus he's a conservative). So I guess in that sense I would be a little bummed IF he won. That's a huge if too, thanks to reasons posted here that I am sure you didn't read or don't belive...

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Message to Romney, loud and clear - you get the nomination, you are pres, remember, you aren't Gov


of Mass. land anymore. You have to be conservative, to undo all the damage that Obamao has done to our country.

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I don't think the Republican establishment is going to let Rick Santorum happen, but then again, I'm not sure the Republican establishment runs that party anymore.


But we can dream, can't we? Yes, please, please nominate a candidate who doesn't believe in evolution, global warming, or birth control.


Go, Rick, go.

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What if we show Joe Sixpack that the inflation rate hasn't increased dramatically at all in the last three years? Seriously, what are you talking about? There is very little inflation in the economy right now, and there hasn't been any serious hints of inflation in the last three years.


Here's a graph of inflation since Obama's taken office.


In the last 100 years, our inflation rate averages about 3.38 a year. Last year it averaged 3.0 percent, or below average. In 2010, it was 1.63 percent. Also below average. In 2009, it was 2.63. Below average.


Or as you call it, the "drastic increasing rate of inflation over the last three years."


Also, the idea that people don't vote of social policy or other issues besides the economy is ridiculous. Voters don't vote on abortion? Wars? Gay marriage? Really?


This has been Correcting Wingnuts With Facts. See you again next time.

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And yes, nominating a candidate that doesn't believe in evolution will be a national embarrassment. Nominating a candidate that thinks global warming is a "hoax" will be an international embarrassment. And nominating someone who thinks birth control is wrong will be an electoral disaster.


And you guys think that type of embarrassment is a plus. Because you're standing up for what's right!


So seriously, go ahead. Nominate Rick Santorum. Those of us on the other side would like nothing more.

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i dont need a graph to show me inflation heck, i pay for it out of my wallet everyday and every week. groceries have doubled and gas has more than doubled.


you can peddle yur propaganda to the dumb sheep




science is wrong!

polls don't show anything!

facts are just liberal lies!

anyone who disagrees with my is a dumb sheep!

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It really is something, isn't it?


It's okay. I didn't imagine that facts about inflation would change his mind about inflation. That's the hallmark of the new right, where reality is what you want it to be, and you can surround yourself with like-minded "news" sources that confirm what you already believe, and reject any source that might have actual facts.


It's a real problem for our democracy. We're not living in the same realities anymore. It makes it tough to address problems.

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One of O'Reilly's lowest moments. Honestly, who doesn't have at least some basic sense that the tides are caused by the pull of the moon/sun? Isn't that in 8th grade?


Haven't we known this for about 500 years?


At the same time, that guy is kind of a dick. Reducing all religious belief, or belief in God, into belief in a "scam" lacks a certain amount of, shall we say, understanding of religious belief. Are their religious scam artists? Of course. Are there lots of people trying to honestly wrestle with existential questions, the meaning of life, the existence of love, pain, suffering, joy, and God's place in it, or God's absence ...of course.


Lumping them all into one category and filing it under "scam" takes a certain amount of close-mindedness.

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