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Westside Steve

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The Communist Party, as far as the last one goes, eh?


The DNC is a mess. What a bunch of garbage. There's a lot fewer


people around to fall for their crap this time around. And they cancelled the stadium?


Because of rain? HAHA.


Another lie. Actually, it will be the nicest weather of the entire week.


They just couldn't get enough college students and black churches to show up to HALF WAY fill it.


I have never seen a group so desperate and hateful that they will pull no corrupt manipulative garbage off the table.


They are all in.


Trouble is, after all this, how are they going to save face when it goes for nothing, and they lose the election?

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heckBunker loose translation, my opinion of his gutless opinion.



" The fix is in, Obamao will either win by hundreds of thousands of illegal and duplicate votes... or


he will win by the first gay liberal/progressive/socialist/communist judge they can find. Then,


even if that is found out, Obamao will declare martial law, and a civil war will start, and then


obamao will send me a bunch of money, and I will be glad to be part of any Obamao death squad, although


the freakin Americans will have guns, but even if that all fails, I still get some Obamao bucks just for me.


I am a sold out progressive TOAD. Kiss my warts."

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I'm seriously worried how you're going to take it. At this point, Obama's the favorite to win this thing. It's certainly not over by any stretch, but Obama's clearly the favorite at this point. Coming out of the Republican convention, he's still up in Ohio, Virginia, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Colorado, and Nevada. With two more nights of his convention to go.


Romney has North Carolina and Missouri.


If that holds until election day, you're talking about not just a win for Obama, but a fairly sizable win. I'm sure you'll be blaming it on your mythical voter fraud, but that's because you're nuts.


I'm just trying to prepare you. It's likely that Romney and Ryan are going to lose.

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well, I think you are nuts. The polls do NOT reflect what you are saying.


Although, I'm sure your local gay nazi's for Obamao ran their own polls...


we'll see what happens. Obamao has to lose. Surely there aren't that many


bloodsucking, communist, gay pediphile vampires in this country.

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Go look at the Real Clear Politics average of polls yourself and see what they say. Go to the part where they list all the battleground states. Or go to Nate Silver's blog and see what his models are predicting. Right now, he's giving Obama a 73% chance of winning.


I'm just trying to get you ready. I don't want you moving to Canada or killing yourself or joining a militia and waiting on your porch with your gun, expecting a race war that never comes. This way you'll have a few months to let yourself down easy.

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Actually that's were I'd put my money if A I were a betting man and B if there will be any money after another four years.....

And after he wins and the taxes go up I'm assuming there will be some kind of week recovery at some point in the next four years.

And that will be the new standard.

New voters will have nothing to compare it to.


And face it with half the population exempted from responsibility you have to get every of the other half to vote your way.


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on that childish note, I just got this sent to us by a friend:



On that clear, cold morning, in the warmth of their bedroom, the wife was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn't "anymore


No more hugs, no more special moments to celebrate together, no more phone calls just to chat, no more "just one minute


Sometimes, what we care about the most gets all used up and goes away, never to return before we can say good-bye, say "I love you.


"So while we have it, it's best we love it, care for it, fix it when it's broken and heal it when it's sick


This is true for marriage.....And old cars... And children with bad report cards, and dogs with bad hips, and aging parents and grandparents. We keep them because they are worth it, because we are worth it


Some things we keep -- like a best friend who moved away or a sister-in-law after divorce. There are just some things that make us happy, no matter what.


Life is important, like people we know who are special. And so, we keep them close


Suppose one morning you never wake up, do all your friends know how you really feel? The important thing is to let every one of your friends know your true feelings, even if you think they don't love you back.



So, just in case I'm gone tomorrow, please vote against that asshole, Obama. :)

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Here's factcheck.org's evaluation of dishonesty at the DNC.


Source: http://factcheck.org/2012/09/democratic-disinformation-from-charlotte/


A short summary of the article:


CHARLOTTE, N.C. — We heard a number of dubious or misleading claims on the first night of the Democratic National Convention:


  • The keynote speaker and others claimed the Republican presidential nominee, Mitt Romney, would raise taxes on the “middle class.” He has promised he won’t. Democrats base their claim on a study that doesn’t necessarily lead to that conclusion.
  • The keynote speaker, San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro, also said there have been 4.5 million “new jobs” under Obama. The fact is the economy has regained only 4 million of the 4.3 million jobs lost since Obama took office.
  • Castro also insisted Romney and Ryan would “gut” Pell Grants for lower-income college students. Actually, the Ryan budget calls only for “limiting the growth” of spending for the program, and Ryan has said the maximum grant of $5,550 would not be decreased.
  • A Democratic governor said Romney “left his state 47th out of 50 in job growth.” Actually, Massachusetts went from 50th in job creation during Romney’s first year to 28th in his final year.
  • Two advocates of equal-pay legislation said women make 77 cents for every dollar men earn. That’s true on average, but the gap for women doing the same work as men is much less, and not entirely or even mostly the result of job discrimination.
  • A union president accused Romney of seeking “a government bailout” for “his company.” Not really. In fact, Romney negotiated a favorable but routine settlement with bank regulators on behalf of a former company, the one he had left to form his own Bain Capital firm. No taxpayer funds were involved.
  • Multiple speakers repeated a claim that the Ryan/Romney Medicare plan would cost seniors $6,400 a year. That’s a figure that applied to Ryan’s 2011 budget plan, but his current proposal (the one Romney embraces) is far more generous. The Congressional Budget Office says it “may” lead to higher costs for beneficiaries, but it can’t estimate how much.
  • In prepared remarks released to reporters, Rep. James Clyburn engaged in partisan myth-making with the claim “Democrats created Social Security” while Republicans “cursed the darkness.” History records strong bipartisan support in both House and Senate for the measure President Roosevelt signed in 1935.

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After new poll: Is Obama losing his touch with Colorado voters ...


Aug 8, 2012 ... President Obama is trailing Mitt Romney in Colorado by five percentage points in a new poll, after Mr. Obama won the state in 2008.

www.csmonitor.com/USA/Elections/President/2012/0808/After-new-poll-Is-Obama-losing-his-touch-with-Colorado-voters www.csmonitor.com/USA/Elections/President/2012/0808/After-new-poll-Is-Obama-losing-his-touch-with-Colorado-voters


Obama Is Losing A Stunning Amount Of African ... - Business Insider


Jun 12, 2012 ... President Barack Obama is rapidly losing support among African-American voters in North Carolina, a new poll out today from the ...

www.businessinsider.com/barack-obama-african-american-vote-black-north-carolina-2012-6 www.businessinsider.com/barack-obama-african-american-vote-black-north-carolina-2012-6


Ignore the Illusory Polls: Obama Will Probably Lose - Michael - Newser


Aug 14, 2012 ... The polls have been shifting President Obama's way of late, and Democrats seem to be a confident bunch. At the Daily Beast , Michael Medved ...

www.newser.com/story/152066/ignore-the-illusory-polls-obama-will-probably-lose.html www.newser.com/story/152066/ignore-the-illusory-polls-obama-will-probably-lose.html


Obama loses ground to Romney in key measures of poll ...


Jul 9, 2012 ... Mitt Romney continues to hold a whisker-thin 1-percentage-point lead over President Obama in a head-to-head election match-up, but the ...

www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/jul/9/obama-loses-ground-to-romney-in-key-measures-of-po/?page=all www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/jul/9/obama-loses-ground-to-romney-in-key-measures-of-po/?page=all


Polls: Obama Losing Jewish, Black Support


Jun 12, 2012 ... While both of these polls only represent single states, both could be indicative of a much larger problem. New York has a huge Jewish ...

www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/06/12/Obama-losing-black-jewish-support www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/06/12/Obama-losing-black-jewish-support


New CNN poll: Is Obama losing popularity? - YouTube

Jul 3, 2012 ... A new CNN poll show President Obama in trouble in several so-called " battleground" states. CNN's Joe Johns reports. For more CNN videos, ...



The Polls Really Show Obama Losing…Big! Dick Morris TV: Lunch ...


The Polls Really Show Obama Losing…Big! Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert! By Dick Morris on April 5, 2012. Dear Friend,. In this video commentary, I discuss how ...

www.dickmorris.com/the-polls-really-show-obama-losing-big-dick-morris-tv-lunch-alert/ www.dickmorris.com/the-polls-really-show-obama-losing-big-dick-morris-tv-lunch-alert/


If Obama loses the election, here's why - The Washington Post


Jul 27, 2012 ... If Obama loses the election, here's why ... So, beyond the anemic economy, why do the latest polls show the former Massachusetts governor in ...

www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/if-obama-loses-the-election-heres-why/2012/07/27/gJQAkjMREX_story.html www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/if-obama-loses-the-election-heres-why/2012/07/27/gJQAkjMREX_story.html


Poll: Obama Losing More Support Among Catholic Voters ...


Aug 23, 2012 ... A new poll released today by a pro-life group shows what support Obama has left is eroding further.

www.lifenews.com/2012/08/23/poll-obama-losing-more-support-among-catholic-voters/ www.lifenews.com/2012/08/23/poll-obama-losing-more-support-among-catholic-voters/


Poll: Obama losing 20% of black vote to Romney in North Carolina ...


Jun 12, 2012 ... Previously, in Siena's May poll, Obama had the support 62 percent of Jewish New Yorkers, while 32 percent opposed him. That means, last ...

hotair.com/archives/2012/06/12/poll-obama-losing-20-of-black-vote-to-romney-in-north-carolina/ hotair.com/archives/2012/06/12/poll-obama-losing-20-of-black-vote-to-romney-in-north-carolina/






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Let's not get too carried away pounding our chests holding up this or that poll.

I have a buddy who calls me from Michigan every year half way through the game to scream Ohio State is going to get their ass kicked.

Most of the time that makes my return call after a Buckeye victory even more fun.


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So you found a place that collates all of the bad Obama poll news dating back to the beginning of the summer to make yourself feel better?


It's going to be okay, man. Obama's not going to come for your tomatoes.



Well he actually is in a terrible quandary.

The tomatoes are red, like red states, over which Obama holds no power.

Much like green Lantern and yellow....

On the other hand they are the same color as the Communist flag so....



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I'm not saying Obama's going to win. Lots can happen between now and November - the debates, Greece exiting the Euro, bad jobs reports, Romney's got a big money advantage for ads, etc. What I'm saying is that Romney is not in a good position right now and that the math in the swing states he needs to win looks rough. The country is very divided. There aren't very many undecided voters. The polls aren't subject to large shifts the way they have been in other elections. It would take a major event.


If I were the Romney people I'd also feel much better if my candidate wasn't ...Mitt Romney. He's just not someone people take to very well. Which isn't to say he wasn't the right candidate to nominate - he was the best of that bunch. But if the next two jobs reports are +100K or better, and nothing major happens between now and election day, I don't see how he closes the gap.


He needed to be a couple point up coming out of his convention. He's down a point or two, or pulled even at best.

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The great thing from Obama's point of view is that all of your wild attacks about him being a commie and a socialist have always helped Obama.


You may have read what Karl Rove just told a closed-door meeting of donors the other day - knock that shit off because it doesn't work. Their game is to persuade people who voted for Obama to switch their vote. That's the only way they can do it. The way you do that is show them the 2008 promises and how many of them fell short. You remind them the economy sucks. What you don't do is screech like an old white guy in a tri-corner hat because that just turns people off.


But people like Cal can't help themselves because 1) that's what they actually think is true and 2) it's the anger that gets them up in the morning.


I mean, seriously. It's Cal's organizing principle. He's posted the same shit in here every day for three years running. Every day. And he did the same thing about Clinton being a rapist and a drug dealer. When Hillary is president he'll go back to calling her Hitlery.


And I'm all for it. Because no one wants to sit next to the old crank on the bus who is looking for an argument.

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The great thing from Obama's point of view is that all of your wild attacks about him being a commie and a socialist have always helped Obama.


You may have read what Karl Rove just told a closed-door meeting of donors the other day - knock that shit off because it doesn't work. Their game is to persuade people who voted for Obama to switch their vote. That's the only way they can do it. The way you do that is show them the 2008 promises and how many of them fell short. You remind them the economy sucks. What you don't do is screech like an old white guy in a tri-corner hat because that just turns people off.


But people like Cal can't help themselves because 1) that's what they actually think is true and 2) it's the anger that gets them up in the morning.


I mean, seriously. It's Cal's organizing principle. He's posted the same shit in here every day for three years running. Every day. And he did the same thing about Clinton being a rapist and a drug dealer. When Hillary is president he'll go back to calling her Hitlery.


And I'm all for it. Because no one wants to sit next to the old crank on the bus who is looking for an argument.


This is a fair assessment and also, as I've said before, why I think the tea party hurts Mitt overall.

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It's all baloney. My stuff doesn't go national. It's here on the board.


Come on, now. Between all the phrases I invent, and opinions I do my best to explain,


and my Merlin story..


I'm far smarter than any lib who has ever slimed this board.


Why don't you think the inverse is true?


Calling Romney and Ryan nazis. Republicans want to kill Grandma,


and have a "war on women"...


all the Palin attacks. Or, are you saying that you libs suck because you have no honor, no class,


and you don't care about what is true or not true? And, conservatives are so intelligent, and honorable,


and have great class such that they consider mean language a bad thing?


Odd. "It hurts Romney" but never Obamao.


Sounds like believing Hitler right up until he and the rest murdered 6,000,000 Jewish people.


If you support Obama, you are just wrong. Wrong for America, wrong for our freedoms, wrong for our CONSTITUTION,


and wrong for fried bluegill and fried potatoes, and a fine cup of coffee.


You libs want everybody paying your way, while eating rice, beans and water.


Then YOU can have caviar, prime rib, and the finest wine. After all, "it's only fair" ...right?:angry:

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It's all baloney. My stuff doesn't go national. It's here on the board.


Come on, now. Between all the phrases I invent, and opinions I do my best to explain,


and my Merlin story..


I'm far smarter than any lib who has ever slimed this board.


Why don't you think the inverse is true?


Calling Romney and Ryan nazis. Republicans want to kill Grandma,


and have a "war on women"...


all the Palin attacks. Or, are you saying that you libs suck because you have no honor, no class,


and you don't care about what is true or not true? And, conservatives are so intelligent, and honorable,


and have great class such that they consider mean language a bad thing?


Odd. "It hurts Romney" but never Obamao.


Sounds like believing Hitler right up until he and the rest murdered 6,000,000 Jewish people.


If you support Obama, you are just wrong. Wrong for America, wrong for our freedoms, wrong for our CONSTITUTION,


and wrong for fried bluegill and fried potatoes, and a fine cup of coffee.


You libs want everybody paying your way, while eating rice, beans and water.


Then YOU can have caviar, prime rib, and the finest wine. After all, "it's only fair" ...right?:angry:



You're not as smart as you think you are, that's for sure. For starters you don't seem to be able to read.


And dude...your merlin story...was...not...good.

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hah. I miss one post ? sure.


and my Merlin story was fairly GOOD.


It was creative, off the cuff, and I defy you


to do any better.


BTW, you just don't like it because I haven't written


chapter five yet. Thanks for reminding me. @@

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hah. I miss one post ? sure.


and my Merlin story was fairly GOOD.


It was creative, off the cuff, and I defy you


to do any better.


BTW, you just don't like it because I haven't written


chapter five yet. Thanks for reminding me. @@


It would be difficult to do worse. I don't write monty python's political fantasy fan-fiction though, so I can't imagine we'll get the chance to compare notes.

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Scared? Or what?


I never did either.


I just invented it as I typed. Try it - you will appreciate


my goofy story a lot more when you try it yourself.


It's always easier to be mz the pussy the pussy and Little Johnny woodpenpeckerhead and just


yap against other's posts.


I will admit, that having studied Joseph Campbell's "Hero of a Thousand Faces" etc,


helped me do it sitdown, off the cuff.


But you should try it. I won't mock you for trying.


Go ahead, have it your weigh...@@

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Scared? Or what?


I never did either.


I just invented it as I typed. Try it - you will appreciate


my goofy story a lot more when you try it yourself.


It's always easier to be mz the pussy the pussy the pussy and Little Johnny woodpenpeckerhead and just


yap against other's posts.


I will admit, that having studied Joseph Campbell's "Hero of a Thousand Faces" etc,


helped me do it sitdown, off the cuff.


But you should try it. I won't mock you for trying.


Go ahead, have it your weigh...@@


I'm not going to write a thirty page political story. If it pleases you we can write essays or a short story. How about this, I'm a guitar player, perhaps not as prolific as WSS but we can each submit a song and compare them. We can write haikus or poems. I'd be happy to take your challenge in that fashion, so long as the subjects have nothing to do with political affiliation or candidates in any way.

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