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Chip's Offense


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This is a site that has studied Chip Kelly the most of anyone and breaks it down for the typical fan. Thoughts?






One thing about getting a coach from "Oregon" would be the weird people who would follow him here (Lumburgh).

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From reviewing the site and scanning somewhat briefly it's about creating space and utilizing the correct space whilst making a quick decision as to which space to utilize, throw it or run it.


For some of you, this is just like a lot of other sports, especially... cough cough.. Soccer. Soccer is all about creating space and playing into space. Football, however it is slightly different concept, but still creating space and spreading the Defense. Even Hockey and Basketball is about creating spaces and playing the ball/puck into those spaces and at times, running into open spaces w/o ball or puck, which creates other spaces to move into.


I for one, would love to see an exciting offense in Cleveland. I think Weeden could run it, and to have some of the weapons developing at WR and then having Trent being able to run into some of these "spaces" could be a lot of fun to watch.

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I think Weeden could run it, and to have some of the weapons developing at WR and then having Trent being able to run into some of these "spaces" could be a lot of fun to watch.


really? then he'd have to grow a brain between now and then.


listen i don't watch oregon, i think their offense is gimmicky, i think west coast teams are over-rated and when did oregon ever have a bruising back under chip kelly? aren't they scat backs that run a 3.0 40? lol.

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Apparently you have more faith in Brandon Weeden running Kelly's offense than....Brandon Weeden does.



In case none of you heard Weeden was asked about Kelly's offense and said he could not run it.


Sources or its not true. He'd have to be a complete complete moron to say something like that.

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If haslam/banner does somehow convince chip kelly to come to cleveland i would be surprised but then again i think maybe i still have slo lerner syndrome..


Chip kelly cant run his speed offense in the nfl especially with the slow motion browns but he would modify parts of it to match the player strengths we have, chip is an innovator and does not have to live or die by a gimmick offense and the fact that haslam is going after him tells me a lot about jimmy haslam..

I still have my doubts that haslam and banner can close a deal with kelly but nevertheless i love to see them trying to bring in a real game changer..

I like most of the guys they seem to want to tap except for Whisenhunt..

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@usf - Look it up if you don't believe me.


@gips I don't think he could mirror his Oregon offense and be successful. He'd have to run more of a pro offense with a little or a lot of the spread sprinkled in. And running the option is not going to happen with Weeden, and it's more than likely going to get a few QBs injured that can.


Problem is, we don't know if Kelly can be successful doing anything other than spread option offense. We don't know how good he is at a pro level and we don't know if his niche is a fad or not.


I guess he had success at New Hampshire and Columbia but does that even count?


Very risky move with this guy it's boom or bust.

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Btw, I'm not necessarily opposed to Kelly either, just a little concerned.


I don't think there is a "must have" coach out there and sure as shit no guarantees.


If they do hire Kelly I think it'll be exciting to see how it all plays out.


At this point I don't really give a shit who the coach is just as long as we win.

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The problem with Kelly's offense is that even in college, Oregon loses every time they face a sound defense that can play their base personnel and not get out-quicked. His offense is a gimmick because it requires a great athletic mismatch to gain yards. Ohio State shut them down hard in the Rose Bowl, because you're not going to be more athletic than an OSU defense.


Unfortunately, every single NFL defense is exactly as quick as the Browns offense.. those mismatches simply aren't available in the NFL.


Whisenhunt is a far better choice than Chip Kelly.

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I don't love any of the people the Browns have interviewed. I wish we would have looked last year and landed somebody like Jeff Fisher. I would love to have somebody who has proven they can coach in the NFL and who isn't 70 years old. I still like McDaniels but it doesn't look like we do. As for Weeden running that offense I don't see it happening but there might be two QB's available to run it. One is Thad (Chad) Lewis(yep I typed it). Makes decisions faster it appears and can move better. And the other option I like less but it is Michael Vick. This offense in the NFL will be similar to what he has run offer the years once it gets modified. I think it we get Kelly we will be looking for Weedens replacement. Hope I am wrong.

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Chip Kelly ran a spread offense and aired it out a ton at New Hampshire or wherever he was before Oregon. If Brandon Weeden is under center, we're not running an Oregon style offense. Kelly will build the team around the players instead of Holmgren and Shurmur trying to take all the square pegs and putting them in a round hole we called the WCO.

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1357261661[/url]' post='320742']

Chip Kelly ran a spread offense and aired it out a ton at New Hampshire or wherever he was before Oregon. If Brandon Weeden is under center, we're not running an Oregon style offense. Kelly will build the team around the players instead of Holmgren and Shurmur trying to take all the square pegs and putting them in a round hole we called the WCO.


I think so too. He has a lot more football smarts than Shumer sure did. He would be my first choice. My 2nd would be Lovie Smith. The rest I could careless about. Stay away from Whistenhut and Marrone IMO.

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his success is based on speed. who on the browns has speed?


we're going to bring in a guy and ask him to change his whole concept?


the only reason haslam and banner have to be enamored with the guy is his avg, margin of victory.


sure i'd give him a look and then keep on looking.


watch thegame tonite the only thing oregon has is speed. speed on offense and defense. like i said in many other threads it'd take 6 years of drafting his type of speed players and by that time we'd be in shambles.

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his success is based on speed. who on the browns has speed?


we're going to bring in a guy and ask him to change his whole concept?


the only reason haslam and banner have to be enamored with the guy is his avg, margin of victory.


sure i'd give him a look and then keep on looking.


watch thegame tonite the only thing oregon has is speed. speed on offense and defense. like i said in many other threads it'd take 6 years of drafting his type of speed players and by that time we'd be in shambles.


Did you read anything I just said? His success is based on his ability to play to his team's strengths. He doesn't have a one size fits all gameplan. The guy's a tailor, and if he comes to Cleveland, I'd expect our offense to switch to a shotgun style spread, a la Oklahoma State.

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Did you read anything I just said? His success is based on his ability to play to his team's strengths. He doesn't have a one size fits all gameplan. The guy's an NFL tailor, and if he comes to Cleveland, I'd expect our offense to switch to a shotgun style spread, a la Oklahoma State.


That's how I use Cleveland in Madden so I can tell you it works.

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Right...here it goes...no coach is good enough...like Pat was a GREAT coach or something, are you serious...No matter who they hire, if everyone here expects a quick turnaround, it'll have to be a coach like Kelly that actually coaches to the teams strengths, not the other way around...

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i didn't say no coach was good enough. did i? i'm just FEARFUL that haslam and banner will expect c. kelly to do in 2 years what he has done with oregon. get it fuck faces?


where in his coaching career has he just been handed a scrub team and make it work? show me pleez!


his team is based on SPEED. get it knumbskulls? they've got 10 players like t. benjamin that are better than he is. what is he gonna smuggle them into cleveland if he's hired here and they just automatically show up on the roster? no this ain't no college recruiting class of 2013.


use your fucking heads.


he hasn't proven anything on the NFL level. wouldn't it be great if we hire him and he's a dud? the chances of that happening are greater than him having success.


all you muth fers were singing the praises of holmgren when he got here. well not me.


i want a coach that can run laps with the team, not run to the nearest dunkin donuts. hell haslam is in better shape than 'chocolate' chip 'cookie' kelly.


give me a tough nosed ball-breaker like wisenhunt with chip kelly as our OC and lovie smith as our DC and then you can talk to me.

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i didn't say no coach was good enough. did i? i'm just FEARFUL that haslam and banner will expect c. kelly to do in 2 years what he has done with oregon. get it fuck faces?


where in his coaching career has he just been handed a scrub team and make it work? show me pleez!


his team is based on SPEED. get it knumbskulls? they've got 10 players like t. benjamin that are better than he is. what is he gonna smuggle them into cleveland if he's hired here and they just automatically show up on the roster? no this ain't no college recruiting class of 2013.


use your fucking heads.


he hasn't proven anything on the NFL level. wouldn't it be great if we hire him and he's a dud? the chances of that happening are greater than him having success.


all you muth fers were singing the praises of holmgren when he got here. well not me.


i want a coach that can run laps with the team, not run to the nearest dunkin donuts. hell haslam is in better shape than 'chocolate' chip 'cookie' kelly.


give me a tough nosed ball-breaker like wisenhunt with chip kelly as our OC and lovie smith as our DC and then you can talk to me.




Whisenhunt is a douche...no thanks.

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This is a site that has studied Chip Kelly the most of anyone and breaks it down for the typical fan. Thoughts?






I watched the video on the inside zone read while watching the game tonight and it really helped me appreciate more of what was happening on the field. His assessment of the announcers who typically try to analyze Oregon's offense (Inaccurately) amused me. Having been unable to play football myself because of the x chromosome, size, and total lack of athletic skill, I've always felt at a disadvantage watching the games. I felt pretty smug the year I learned to recognize a prevent defense and could sneer at the commentator who incorrectly identified said defense during a game. I always enjoy learning more about the game and enjoyed Fishduck's offering very much. I'm not sure what that tells me about Chip Kelly as an NFL coaching candidate, but it sure was fun.

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his success is based on speed. who on the browns has speed?


we're going to bring in a guy and ask him to change his whole concept?


the only reason haslam and banner have to be enamored with the guy is his avg, margin of victory.


sure i'd give him a look and then keep on looking.


watch thegame tonite the only thing oregon has is speed. speed on offense and defense. like i said in many other threads it'd take 6 years of drafting his type of speed players and by that time we'd be in shambles.


Kelly's speed offense may be based on the speed of players but it is also based on the quickness with which plays are called using less time in the huddle and one-word play calls rather than the complex codes of the WCO. This is the aspect of Kelly's style that Belichick has been adapting for his own use (as described in the Boston Globe article recently).

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i didn't say no coach was good enough. did i? i'm just FEARFUL that haslam and banner will expect c. kelly to do in 2 years what he has done with oregon. get it fuck faces?


where in his coaching career has he just been handed a scrub team and make it work? show me pleez!


his team is based on SPEED. get it knumbskulls? they've got 10 players like t. benjamin that are better than he is. what is he gonna smuggle them into cleveland if he's hired here and they just automatically show up on the roster? no this ain't no college recruiting class of 2013.


use your fucking heads.


he hasn't proven anything on the NFL level. wouldn't it be great if we hire him and he's a dud? the chances of that happening are greater than him having success.


all you muth fers were singing the praises of holmgren when he got here. well not me.


i want a coach that can run laps with the team, not run to the nearest dunkin donuts. hell haslam is in better shape than 'chocolate' chip 'cookie' kelly.


give me a tough nosed ball-breaker like wisenhunt with chip kelly as our OC and lovie smith as our DC and then you can talk to me.







From Oregon

Thomas- low listed at 4.2(no) high at 4.4 (more likely)

Barner-Low again listed at 4.2 High listed at 4.5

Huff- 4.3 low 4.5 high


Keep in mind those Oregon times are hand times and inflated, the ones from Browns are from the combine or in Gordons case his pro day,

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