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Minicamp Reports, 5-23


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Curious about Barnidge. He's an under the radar pickup but Chud told people all he needs is looks and experience because, like Cameron, he's an athletic guy who can catch. Makes me think of Jacob Tamme. Sometimes guys are as good as you let them be. A lot of media guys tweeted Thursday that Barnidge indeed looks fluid and athletic and catches everything.


We'll see. We have a lot of guys who can make plays in the passing game, especially assuming David Nelson gets right by camp.

Barnidge played for Chud in Carolina and accomplished nothing in the receiving game for a team that had Cam Newton as QB and an explosive offense. He may be able to block, but don't expect much in the receiving game from him.

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If you did your homework you'd learn that Kellen Davis was practically run out of town in Chicago, he was so bad. The fans called him "Stone Hands." Maybe he can block, but the guy can't catch very well, maybe one of the worst pass catching TE's in the league. Browns need blcoking TEs but they also need TEs who can catch the damn ball! Davis is not one of them.


I did my homework, assfuck, read it again. I talked about the failures, the drops and getting run out of town.


As a Browns fan, I am hoping he can get it together in Cleveland.


Reading comprehension not your strong suit?


I'm not sure what is other than extreme backup free safety scouting.



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I did my homework, assfuck, read it again. I talked about the failures, the drops and getting run out of town.


As a Browns fan, I am hoping he can get it together in Cleveland.


Reading comprehension not your strong suit?


I'm not sure what is other than extreme backup free safety scouting.



Davis flat out stinks. That is why no one wanted him but the Browns. Browns fans have been hoping that stiffs produce for 14 years now and it hasn't happened. Your hoping that a guy who was the laughing stock of Chicago Bears football and run out of town will produce in Cleveland is a joke in itself!


No pressure on Davis? Thee will be big time pressure on Davis because Cameron, the starting TE who has proven nothing in two years with the Browns, gets hurt all the time, even though he hardly plays. Say "boo" and Cameron is hurt. So "Stone Hands" Davis will play a lot, drop a lot of passes, and take Little's place as the Browns' Mr. Dropsy and drive killer.


Browns need some playmakers at TE. They were available in free agency and the draft, and Lombardi decided to go with Mr. always hurt proven nothing as his starter, add a FA called "stone hands," and another TE who has only caught 18 passes in 5 years of professional football. It's a pathetic display of inept management.


Meanwhile, good reports coming in about safeties Philip Thomas and Bacari Rambo in Washington, both of whom were available for the Browns to draft in later rounds. Thomas and Rambo are intercepting passes, recovering fumbles, all over the field. Meanwhile, the Browns' safety selection, the aptly named Slaughter, contrinues to sit on the sidelines nursing his injury. Nice job Lombardi and Zombo!

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Wow, this is such a strange dynamic. Skeptical posts that anybody the Browns take/sign is doomed to suckage and anybody they don't take/sign is destined for imminent greatness. He's also the most prolific poster so the overall thesis here is that the Browns suck and following them is going to be a horrible experience forever and ever.


Again, tough to understand how that's fun.

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Well, yes ... but let's put on the rose-colored glasses for a moment.


Kellen Davis is a massive target and, by all reports, a good athlete.


The knock on him was his work ethic.


In 2011, he was a victim of a Mike Martz offense that forgot they had a tight end.


In 2012, he had a bad case of the dropsies, which secured his ticket out of town.


But maybe, just maybe, in Chud's tight-end friendly system, with no pressure coming in as the projected backup, this kid will pull his head out of his ass and salvage his NFL career.


I mean ... Norv Turner and a 6'7 athletic tight end ... it can happen, right?


Nevermind ... carry on with the skeptical stuff.



Gotta love Zombo's optimism about Kellen Davis. He thinks that Chud is going to wave his magic wand and Davis, a total failure in Chicago, will suddenly transform (we've heard that Gary Barnidge, a zero in 5 years in Carolina, is going to suddenly blossom into a great TE receiver, too!).


Below are two stories about Davis among dozens of negative articles about him.


While Zombo tells us Davis is a great blocker, as noted in the article, Davis was heavily critizied by Chicago fans for his poor blocking and falling down. Some of the Bears fans comments in this first article about Davis's terrible receiving and poor blocking are priceless! They are so happy to see him out!






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Wow, this is such a strange dynamic. Skeptical posts that anybody the Browns take/sign is doomed to suckage and anybody they don't take/sign is destined for imminent greatness. He's also the most prolific poster so the overall thesis here is that the Browns suck and following them is going to be a horrible experience forever and ever.


Again, tough to understand how that's fun.

Some of the quality signings by the Browns this off season:


Dion Lewis -- really excited about having him on the roster, a dynamic player.

Desmond Bryant -- he'll be a real force up front if he can stay off the police blotter

Bess and Nelson -- Quality receivers will add important depth to the receiving corps with ability to make plays in the clutch

Draft and UDFA -- OG Gilkey a real value in round 7 and UDFA Chris Faulk from LSU is a potential NFL star

LB Groves -- Adds quality depth at OLB


Meanwhile, players like Kruger, Davis and Owens among those rated very low in ESPN's comprehensive ratings of all the free agents. In fact, players the Browns let go, like MoMass and Cribbs, are rated almost as high as Kruger.

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That's possible. But don't you worry about the fragile Cameron staying healthy?


Not really, or at least any more than any other player on the team. The only guys I worry about are the players who always seem to have pulled muscles. Those seem to be chronic with some players. Guys who simply get injured don't worry me much since past injuries don't predict future injuries.


Some guys never get hurt, but that doesn't mean they won't or can't on the next snap, so just because a player has missed time in the past doesn't preclude him from playing out the rest of his career injury free.

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Seems to me that our Browns had a pretty fair LB named Clay Matthews Jr who blew a knee out in about his 4th season, yet played just a FEW healthy years following that.



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That's interesting because Bowe was named the 65th best player in the NFL for 2013 by the players themselves in the in-depth NFL Network listing being featured heavily on NFL Network right now. They've identified players 41-100 on the list so far and I haven't heard Josh Gordon's name called, Clearly the players have a mich higher opinoin of Bowe than you do!




yeah, and so?


if you feel soooo strongly about bowe being some top tier receiver as i feel gordon will be this year, how about put your money where your mouth is, puss boy/girl?


six of my fave beverage against six of yours? the final stats all combined to who was a better receiver of this upcoming year (time warp...). suspended or injured, doesn't matter, all stats combined at end of year.


how 'bout it puss boy? do ya got it in ya?

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Oh, dear God. Paul Kruger's back gets well and he goes on a tear, 12 sacks in his last 12 games through the championship... and he's of lesser value than Massoqoui who has done slightly more than I have as an NFL player.


You have officially outed yourself as some kind of macabre performance art with an underlying message about the Internet's corrosive effect on truth. You've jumped the shark, though.

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Oh, dear God. Paul Kruger's back gets well and he goes on a tear, 12 sacks in his last 12 games through the championship... and he's of lesser value than Massoqoui who has done slightly more than I have as an NFL player.


You have officially outed yourself as some kind of macabre performance art with an underlying message about the Internet's corrosive effect on truth. You've jumped the shark, though.

I'm only reporting what ESPN Insider reported and the analysis work was completed for them by the well known and credible Scouts, Inc.


Actually, Kruger is rated ahead of MoMass, with a rating of 75 vs. 72. But Sheldon Browns (76) and Phil Dawson (77) are rated ahead of Kruger. Ben Watson is at 73.


In all, Kruger is in a tie with a bunch of players, including Payton HIllis, as the 90th best free agent. Jake Long was rated the best free agent.

Now, I personally rate Kruger much higher than 90th best FA, but this is another indicator that a lot of people think Kruger's stats last year were vastly inflated by the presence of Terrell Suggs and the fact that Kruger is really a part-time player, so bad against tthe run he was only in the Super Bowl game for one-third of the plays.


I like the idea of having Kruger on the Browns as a part-time pass rusher, it's just that we way overpaid for him in the opinion of many experts. Kruger can't play the run, according to his own defensive coaches in Baltimore and other observers around the league. I also am miffed that Lombardi paid so much attention to Kruger and didn't make it an equal priority to acquire quality FAs at tight end and in the secondary.

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While Zombo tells us Davis is a great blocker,


Jeezus H. Fuck, Dicktits, You have quoted me three times, but still have not actually read, or comprehended what I said.


First of all, I never mentioned his blocking. Never alluded to it, have never spoken of it, or judged it, in my entire live-long life.


Second of all, the post begins "Let's put on the rose-colored glasses for a moment ..."


It actually says that.


And I know your cognitive abilities are lacking, you prove that over and over, but every assfuck that has made it past the fifth grade knows what the fuck that phrase means.


But not "Skeptical", he has to tell us how he knows how this guy has dropped passes and failed in his last opportunity. We already know that, penislicker, that was a given and implied.


But as Browns FANS, I was offering some hope ... I was saying "wouldn't it be a great surprise if this huge athletic kid got his shit together in Cleveland with this coaching staff?"


I don't expect it. I imagine Kellen Davis will continue to be Kellen Davis and we'll be looking for another backup tight end next year. But you never know, the staff may get him turned around and that would be good for everybody ... I thought ... then I met you.


That would be bad for you, because Mike Lombardi was our GM when this kid was brought in, and, as we all know, you think the experienced, articulate Lombardi is the dumbest fuck who ever walked planet earth and he has to fail miserably in Cleveland for you to to feel good about yourself and your cloud of gloom that you have brought to our board.


But this is no normal man hate, this is personal isn't it? Because when Mike Lombardi was in Cleveland in the early 90's ... he fucked your wife.


He had to.


There is no other reason for this angst, and bitterness and constant vilification for everything that this administration does, that you have brought to our board.


He fucked her, and he fucked her hard. He stuck his Italian salami in places you only dreamed about going in with your pencil dick. And he made her scream like you never have or never will. And sometimes at night, your wife still moans out his name.


"Mike ... Mike ... give Mommy her meat snake"


That is the only possible explanation for your vile hatred for the organization that the rest of us hope for, root for, and invest our hard-earned Sundays into.


Fuck off. This board isn't for you. We're Browns fans. And we're allowed to get mad at our team, criticize our team, and even dislike certain players or administrators. But to just shit on the team night and day ... we can get that from the Steeler fans.


But at least they have some integrity. They are on a mission, representing their team


You're just a bitter, old, assfuck who wants to make everybody miserable. That's your mission. Accomplish it somewhere else.



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Meanwhile, good reports coming in about safeties Philip Thomas and Bacari Rambo in Washington, both of whom were available for the Browns to draft in later rounds. Thomas and Rambo are intercepting passes, recovering fumbles, all over the field. Meanwhile, the Browns' safety selection, the aptly named Slaughter, contrinues to sit on the sidelines nursing his injury. Nice job Lombardi and Zombo!


So? If these meager rookies are doing all that in practice against that Redskins offense, the tells me more about that offense than about these rookie DBs....i.e. that RGIII and Kirk Cousins must be having some kind of a suckass training camp.


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Some of the quality signings by the Browns this off season:


Dion Lewis -- really excited about having him on the roster, a dynamic player.

Desmond Bryant -- he'll be a real force up front if he can stay off the police blotter

Bess and Nelson -- Quality receivers will add important depth to the receiving corps with ability to make plays in the clutch

Draft and UDFA -- OG Gilkey a real value in round 7 and UDFA Chris Faulk from LSU is a potential NFL star

LB Groves -- Adds quality depth at OLB


Meanwhile, players like Kruger, Davis and Owens among those rated very low in ESPN's comprehensive ratings of all the free agents. In fact, players the Browns let go, like MoMass and Cribbs, are rated almost as high as Kruger.

And yet, others....like Bill Polian, who works for ESPN, rated Michael Wallace and Paul Kruger the #1 and #2 FAs available.

Now, I don't know who is doing ESPNs rankings on this.....but if anyone has talent scouting credibility it is Bill Polian.

So much for that bit of dumbassery.

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Meanwhile, good reports coming in about safeties Philip Thomas and Bacari Rambo in Washington, both of whom were available for the Browns to draft in later rounds. Thomas and Rambo are intercepting passes, recovering fumbles, all over the field. Meanwhile, the Browns' safety selection, the aptly named Slaughter, contrinues to sit on the sidelines nursing his injury. Nice job Lombardi and Zombo!


So? If these meager rookies are doing all that in practice against that Redskins offense, the tells me more about that offense than about these rookie DBs....i.e. that RGIII and Kirk Cousins must be having some kind of a suckass training camp.



Not only that, but Slaughter was available in the 7th only because he is recovering from injury and even if we have to shelve him for a year, we like his value as a future contributor. We are fielding a team in 2014 are we not?


Dicknuts is never going to get over the fact that we passed on a fourth round safety he was in love with for a third round pick that we will use next year to draft a guy who will compete for a starting position on that 2014 team.


He just isn't. And when the Browns are hoisting their 2014 division championship banner we will toast the dickless wonder who posted on our board for a month in 2013 and criticized ever little fart the front office made in putting together a competitive team that would stay strong.



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I saw Kruger rated as the #1 free agent several times. Where we got a #90 I don't know but it's obviously an outlier.


Kruger had almost nothing across from him last year and team's had 12 weeks to figure out that Kruger was the #1 passrusher for the Ravens, not Suggs coming off his injury. It wasn't like Kruger finally emerged in the playoffs.


Seriously, if you see anything that ranks Sheldon Brown and Paul Kruger as equals in free agency, consider never valuing that opinion again. As police say, if it sounds really unlikely, it usually is.


EDIT: If you want a lower than usual ranking for Kruger, here's one that only has him #7 overall. At least it's semi-reasonable, even though I'd have him over several of those top 6. He's third among players who changed teams behind Avril and Bennett... and you could absolutely make a case to put him first.



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BTW, Bryant was 21st and Owens 64th (over Keenan Lewis). Top guy we lost was Juqua Parker, 84th.


I know CBS thought the f/a corners were vastly overrated, just "guys," somewhere between dirty starter and solid #2. They also really liked Leon McFadden.

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And yet, others....like Bill Polian, who works for ESPN, rated Michael Wallace and Paul Kruger the #1 and #2 FAs available.

Now, I don't know who is doing ESPNs rankings on this.....but if anyone has talent scouting credibility it is Bill Polian.

So much for that bit of dumbassery.

If you read my post thoroughly, you would see I am just quoting what Scouts, Inc. said in its ratings of NFL free agents. They had him tied for 90th. I'd probably rate him in the top 30 somewhere, but I do disagree we paid him like a top 5 free agent.


I absolutely respect Bill Polian's opinion and anything he says should be carefully listened to. Certainly Browns fans who think Kruger was a terrific acquisiton can make their case for him. Meanwhile, a number of experts have Kruger as their #1 potential bust.

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My point, Skep, is that almost every outlet in the U.S. had Kruger in the top 5-10 and virtually nobody had Massoquoi or Brown near their top 50 or even top 100. You can still find a guy or two who thinks climate change isn't real, too... just not any educated experts or Koch brothers (!). We live in a world where truth is perverted and distorted to please just about anybody. Aaron Sorkin calls it the age of the amateur, where reality is a matter of equally rated opinions.


But like using Rotten Tomatoes composite score instead of anecdotal evidence, you'd say Kruger was a top five free agent and Mo wasn't in the top 100-ish.

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Jeezus H. Fuck, Dicktits, You have quoted me three times, but still have not actually read, or comprehended what I said.


First of all, I never mentioned his blocking. Never alluded to it, have never spoken of it, or judged it, in my entire live-long life.


Second of all, the post begins "Let's put on the rose-colored glasses for a moment ..."


It actually says that.


And I know your cognitive abilities are lacking, you prove that over and over, but every assfuck that has made it past the fifth grade knows what the fuck that phrase means.


But not "Skeptical", he has to tell us how he knows how this guy has dropped passes and failed in his last opportunity. We already know that, penislicker, that was a given and implied.


But as Browns FANS, I was offering some hope ... I was saying "wouldn't it be a great surprise if this huge athletic kid got his shit together in Cleveland with this coaching staff?"


I don't expect it. I imagine Kellen Davis will continue to be Kellen Davis and we'll be looking for another backup tight end next year. But you never know, the staff may get him turned around and that would be good for everybody ... I thought ... then I met you.


That would be bad for you, because Mike Lombardi was our GM when this kid was brought in, and, as we all know, you think the experienced, articulate Lombardi is the dumbest fuck who ever walked planet earth and he has to fail miserably in Cleveland for you to to feel good about yourself and your cloud of gloom that you have brought to our board.


But this is no normal man hate, this is personal isn't it? Because when Mike Lombardi was in Cleveland in the early 90's ... he fucked your wife.


He had to.


There is no other reason for this angst, and bitterness and constant vilification for everything that this administration does, that you have brought to our board.


He fucked her, and he fucked her hard. He stuck his Italian salami in places you only dreamed about going in with your pencil dick. And he made her scream like you never have or never will. And sometimes at night, your wife still moans out his name.


"Mike ... Mike ... give Mommy her meat snake"


That is the only possible explanation for your vile hatred for the organization that the rest of us hope for, root for, and invest our hard-earned Sundays into.


Fuck off. This board isn't for you. We're Browns fans. And we're allowed to get mad at our team, criticize our team, and even dislike certain players or administrators. But to just shit on the team night and day ... we can get that from the Steeler fans.


But at least they have some integrity. They are on a mission, representing their team


You're just a bitter, old, assfuck who wants to make everybody miserable. That's your mission. Accomplish it somewhere else.



I'm beginning to wonder if you and Hairy Buffalo are the same person. And as it applies to you, sir, your full-court ugliness and extensive use of foul language has no place in a public forum like this that is visited by kids., It's you sir, who should get out, and take your ugly act and the nasty people you are friends with, and go do your juvenie thing behind some firewall, preferably a cave in Siberia.


Like you, I am a diehard Browns fan. But I guess you don't grasp the fact that human beings are different and aren't stamped out on an assembly line like you think they should be -- all with the same happy-happy view of the team.


My perspective is that I am very unhappy with many of the personnel moves and decisions made by the Banner/Lombardi regime. For example: trading with your fiercest rival and allowing them to immediately fill a weakness with a pretty good player who could hurt your team as early as the 2013 season? That's plain insane!


It looks like more of the same clueless decision making we have seen for 14 years now, and I am tired of it, and mad as hell about it. Yes, I am belligerant in my attitude toward Lombardi and Banner, and I will express my opinion about it! I am tired of the Steelers, Ravens and now the Bengals making one smart move after another year after year while the Browns management stumbles and looks stupid again and again and again.

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The Browns had no interest in Shamarko Thomas because he isn't seen as a great cover guy, more of a future replacement for Big Hair. Makes most of his plays at the line of scrimmage, not a steal in the fourth round but decent enough value.


He was redundant with T.J. Ward. Getting a third in a better draft for a fourth in a lesser draft is good business.

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I'm beginning to wonder if you and Hairy Buffalo are the same person. And as it applies to you, sir, your full-court ugliness and extensive use of foul language has no place in a public forum like this that is visited by kids., It's you sir, who should get out, and take your ugly act and the nasty people you are friends with, and go do your juvenie thing behind some firewall, preferably a cave in Siberia.


First of all, we don't want, or encourage kids to visit the site.


If we did, we wouldn't allow the "foul" language.


It is a place for adult, thick-skinned Browns fans to have fun, talk about the Browns and hash things out.


Now, if you choose to be a pompous windbag and walk in here and shit all over the Browns, and shit all over the new ownership's team before they even play one game with newly picked administration and coaching staff, and declare yourself better than NFL personnel people and fixate and cry like a jilted schoolgirl over a fourth round safety that was passed over for a third round draft pick ... people just aren't going to get used to you, ever. They're not going to listen to you and they're going to wonder why you stay on a site where everyone thinks you're an Assclown.


You keep crying that you are sick of the losing. We all are. Many of us have been together for 14 years and we are frustrated. But we have HOPE now. There is new ownership, young talent, new coaches and whole different administration. They have absolutely nothing to do with the product the Lerners put on the field.


And it may, or may not, take another year of struggling before we can see what we have now. But no one wants to hear your whiney ass bitch and moan the whole way through it, especially before the players even put pads on.


You don't like Lombardi. We get it. You would have added more secondary depth. I understand.


But 20 whiney windbag posts a day crying about this team before we can see one fucking result is as annoying as fuck ... or let me make that kid-friendly for you .. Constant crying leads to a permanent time out around here ...



--but you can swear all the fuck you want.

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The Browns had no interest in Shamarko Thomas because he isn't seen as a great cover guy, more of a future replacement for Big Hair. Makes most of his plays at the line of scrimmage, not a steal in the fourth round but decent enough value.


He was redundant with T.J. Ward. Getting a third in a better draft for a fourth in a lesser draft is good business.


Shamarko Thomas ran a very fast 4.42 40 at the Combine (I believe Brown FS Gipson's 40 time was something like 4.52) and many consider him to have suprisingly decent but not great cover capabilities -- his lack of height may hurt him a bit in coverage, as will be the case for Leon McFadden. If the Browns had selected Thomas, he would have been a fine back up for Ward. Thomas had an amazing 28 reps with the iron at the Combine. Contrast that with Mingo, who decided not to bench press at the Combine and many speculated he was embarrassed with what he would produce. Thomas also out lifted Ziggy Ansah at the Combine.


I consider Thomas better fitted at strong safety, but what you may not be aware of is that the Steelers are giving Thomas a lot of work at free safety vs. strong safety. This kid is going to be a good player.

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First of all, we don't want, or encourage kids to visit the site.


If we did, we wouldn't allow the "foul" language.


It is a place for adult, thick-skinned Browns fans to have fun, talk about the Browns and hash things out.


Now, if you choose to be a pompous windbag and walk in here and shit all over the Browns, and shit all over the new ownership's team before they even play one game with newly picked administration and coaching staff, and declare yourself better than NFL personnel people and fixate and cry like a jilted schoolgirl over a fourth round safety that was passed over for a third round draft pick ... people just aren't going to get used to you, ever. They're not going to listen to you and they're going to wonder why you stay on a site where everyone thinks you're an Assclown.


You keep crying that you are sick of the losing. We all are. Many of us have been together for 14 years and we are frustrated. But we have HOPE now. There is new ownership, young talent, new coaches and whole different administration. They have absolutely nothing to do with the product the Lerners put on the field.


And it may, or may not, take another year of struggling before we can see what we have now. But no one wants to hear your whiney ass bitch and moan the whole way through it, especially before the players even put pads on.


You don't like Lombardi. We get it. You would have added more secondary depth. I understand.


But 20 whiney windbag posts a day crying about this team before we can see one fucking result is as annoying as fuck ... or let me make that kid-friendly for you .. Constant crying leads to a permanent time out around here ...



--but you can swear all the fuck you want.

Meanwhile, here's what the highly respected Pro Football Focus had to say about the Browns drafting Barky Mingo and just another reason I am furious at the decison making of Banner and Lombardi. I agree nearly 100% with PFF's assessment, expcet I think Mingo's real draft value was about #25 or so.


With the sixth pick in the 2013 NFL Draft, the Cleveland Browns selected OLB Barkevioius Mingo (LSU Tigers). Alabama Crimson Tide right tackle D.J. Fluker called Mingo “the best speed rusher in college football,” and there’s little question that Mingo is a very talented pass-rusher.


However, his well-reported lack of upper body strength (he refused to bench press at the combine or his pro day) is actually a real cause for concern, because the tape shows him struggling to shed blockers.


Now, to be fair, the level of competition Mingo faced in 2012 was substantially higher than that faced by Oregon DE Dion Jordan. However, it’s also important to note that Mingo lined up predominantly on the left side, going against the opposition’s right tackle on virtually every play, while Jordan consistently went against the opponent’s left tackle. Mingo’s inability to distinguish himself as a game-breaker against Fluker and Texas A&M right tackle Jake Matthews is a clear sign that he is really a non-elite mid-first-round talent, not a legitimate top-5 pick. At sixth overall, Mingo was probably over-drafted by 10 or so slots.

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If you read my post thoroughly, you would see I am just quoting what Scouts, Inc. said in its ratings of NFL free agents. They had him tied for 90th. I'd probably rate him in the top 30 somewhere, but I do disagree we paid him like a top 5 free agent.


I absolutely respect Bill Polian's opinion and anything he says should be carefully listened to. Certainly Browns fans who think Kruger was a terrific acquisiton can make their case for him. Meanwhile, a number of experts have Kruger as their #1 potential bust.

I can buy that if he is a draft choice, but he is a proven veteran.

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I'm beginning to wonder if you and Hairy Buffalo are the same person. And as it applies to you, sir, your full-court ugliness and extensive use of foul language has no place in a public forum like this that is visited by kids., It's you sir, who should get out, and take your ugly act and the nasty people you are friends with, and go do your juvenie thing behind some firewall, preferably a cave in Siberia.


no, zombo is none of that.


BUT he is an admin of the site and can bounce you off this board like the bag of air you sound like.


dude, drop it already. sure there are those of us that disagree with how the draft went. it happens every year. not everyone is going to be pleased with every decision the brown's FO makes. hell, you should have been around here when holmgren was running the show. there was no one on hear that proclaimed his inability to do anything right anymore (except hiring heckert) than me.


BUT it wasn't a non-stop bashing day in and day out like you are doing.


sure you might know some stats and some of your arguments might be valid but you are coming off as a real douchebag.


chill the fuck out.

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Jeezus H. Fuck, Dicktits, You have quoted me three times, but still have not actually read, or comprehended what I said.


First of all, I never mentioned his blocking. Never alluded to it, have never spoken of it, or judged it, in my entire live-long life.


Second of all, the post begins "Let's put on the rose-colored glasses for a moment ..."


It actually says that.


And I know your cognitive abilities are lacking, you prove that over and over, but every assfuck that has made it past the fifth grade knows what the fuck that phrase means.


But not "Skeptical", he has to tell us how he knows how this guy has dropped passes and failed in his last opportunity. We already know that, penislicker, that was a given and implied.


But as Browns FANS, I was offering some hope ... I was saying "wouldn't it be a great surprise if this huge athletic kid got his shit together in Cleveland with this coaching staff?"


I don't expect it. I imagine Kellen Davis will continue to be Kellen Davis and we'll be looking for another backup tight end next year. But you never know, the staff may get him turned around and that would be good for everybody ... I thought ... then I met you.


That would be bad for you, because Mike Lombardi was our GM when this kid was brought in, and, as we all know, you think the experienced, articulate Lombardi is the dumbest fuck who ever walked planet earth and he has to fail miserably in Cleveland for you to to feel good about yourself and your cloud of gloom that you have brought to our board.


But this is no normal man hate, this is personal isn't it? Because when Mike Lombardi was in Cleveland in the early 90's ... he fucked your wife.


He had to.


There is no other reason for this angst, and bitterness and constant vilification for everything that this administration does, that you have brought to our board.


He fucked her, and he fucked her hard. He stuck his Italian salami in places you only dreamed about going in with your pencil dick. And he made her scream like you never have or never will. And sometimes at night, your wife still moans out his name.


"Mike ... Mike ... give Mommy her meat snake"


That is the only possible explanation for your vile hatred for the organization that the rest of us hope for, root for, and invest our hard-earned Sundays into.


Fuck off. This board isn't for you. We're Browns fans. And we're allowed to get mad at our team, criticize our team, and even dislike certain players or administrators. But to just shit on the team night and day ... we can get that from the Steeler fans.


But at least they have some integrity. They are on a mission, representing their team


You're just a bitter, old, assfuck who wants to make everybody miserable. That's your mission. Accomplish it somewhere else.



Lol. Good one.

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Shamarko has a very real height issue (not many 5'9" safeties) and while he's straight line fast, he isn't a very fluid athlete (Gipson is for sure). Nobody can really judge his instincts in the pass game because he mostly stepped up into the box and wasn't asked to cover much.


He's just not what we want at that position and was never a serious consideration. Gipson showed instincts, a sense of being in the right place, and played some corner in college. It just makes way more sense.

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