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the talk of the preseason other than the browns


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it is preseason so this is NOT a serious topic BUT who liked the honey badger as our 2nd pick or a trade from our 3rd to get this guy?


oh, i know, it was me. (and a couple of other SMART people on this board).


what's done is done. BUT as this org has been sayin since 1999: shoulda woulda coulda.


him across from haden. ridiculous.

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it is preseason so this is NOT a serious topic BUT who liked the honey badger as our 2nd pick or a trade from our 3rd to get this guy?


oh, i know, it was me. (and a couple of other SMART people on this board).


what's done is done. BUT as this org has been sayin since 1999: shoulda woulda coulda.


him across from haden. ridiculous.



Mik- you know it, I know it, every team in the NFL knew it. Honey Badger was (and still is) a SERIOUS character risk. First round talent, with a seventh round brain.

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Mik- you know it, I know it, every team in the NFL knew it. Honey Badger was (and still is) a SERIOUS character risk. First round talent, with a seventh round brain.

And sixth round measurables mixed with UDFA size.


Jeez, why didn't we draft this guy in the first?

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I wanted him too...

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At least get it out of the way before the reg season starts.


HB is so much a loser, he doesn't want to be himself anymore.


Good luck with that, he doesn't fit with the Browns.

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So then you realize the cards moved him to safety?


Just details...I know.


Let's see how he fares @ safety, taking on a few 240+ pound TEs. Tall order for a guy 5'9" 185. He'll get outjumped and outmuscled every time. Of course, he will have Patrick Peterson out there again to cover for his guessing on a play and guessing wrong.

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of course you all are right and i'm wrong.


just like when i said picking TR @ 3 was a reach. just like i said one of our OL would go down in preseason. just like when i said holmgren would be a cancer to this org.


damn. seems to me like i'm right on point.


and yes, we will see how HB does at S (which is a mistake in my mind...should stay at CB) this year.


how much he does better than skrine?



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I don't think anyone really doubted his talents - apart from pointing out that he had a lot of talent around him at college that afforded him the ability to take risks and make plays. But it's no good making big plays for a few games and then being suspended the rest of the season. Maybe he won't be, maybe he'll get his head screwed on in AZ and make the pro bowl in a year or two. But there are far too many variables to say he would have had the same success with the browns.

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of course you all are right and i'm wrong.


just like when i said picking TR @ 3 was a reach. just like i said one of our OL would go down in preseason. just like when i said holmgren would be a cancer to this org.


damn. seems to me like i'm right on point.


and yes, we will see how HB does at S (which is a mistake in my mind...should stay at CB) this year.


how much he does better than skrine?





First off, you're not the only one who thought Richardson was a reach. :)


Let's see if Honey Badger does better than McFadden this year- That's the apples to apples comparison.


BTW IMHO, Skrine had a pretty decent game Thursday night he's orders of magnitude better than the other scrub DBs the Browns trotted out for the second half.

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love Richardson...don't care what he cost now...kinda like how I don't think about all the pix ATL gave in return...above my paygrade and couldn't care less to this fan.


and what about TR in Cle w Jim Brown not just welcome back but working in the facility and probably hanging out together by now...that's kinda cool that that is actually happening, right now. from a somewhat rough un"ordinary" beginning Trent was man enough to still be respectful and receptive and it made for a welcome fit. uniting them could be a really cool thing.


those tackles for loss we just saw would be at least +1 with he or Obby along w better playcalling and the OL having another year together...allowing him to break off bigger runs more often. he's a fucking beast and can't be denied first and goal. until teams start adjusting running off tackle or outside the guy is scoring plain and simple. once the league has plenty of it on tape playaction balances it out. they will need that to be smooth and high percentage in order to seriously be playoff caliber.


the fucking honey badger. epically internationally viral YouTube vid that even inspired gift shops to carry 'honey badger don't care' tees and memorabilia in places as odd as Costa Rica and Italy...of which Randall owns no rights to and will see no money from. weird stuff. fwiw he started his own line...personally i always try to buy from the source when i can.


what a great nickname. lets see what he can do this year.

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At least get it out of the way before the reg season starts.


HB is so much a loser, he doesn't want to be himself anymore.


Good luck with that, he doesn't fit with the Browns.

just like petersen doesn't fit with the cards. yeah they just NOW have one of the best backfields on defense in the NFL.

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Big proclamation after one preseason game. You sure swallow hype like a pornstar gobbles down a hefty load.


What have YOU SEEN that leads you to this conclusion? Just soaking up national media then? Yeah....those guys are always right. You should be this gullible at your age.

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Despite his size,his 40 time, his character etc. Badger critics fail to realize the most important factor is playing football, and the dude can play football.


I mean what would be a more perfect fit for the city of Cleveland. A city built on the have nots,blue collar... transitions perfectly to this dude.


That's why any fan with a moderate understanding of the human psyche knows Skrine is a true Brown, scrappy,relentless, 6th round forced into starting job. He'll develop and he'll be a true Brown.


Can't blame the Browns for not drafting Mathieu, and not for the Marijuana smoking, more of where his head is at. But it would have made a great story if they had, and he would have made for a great Brown given the proper tutelage.

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Posted Today, 01:18 PM

calfoxwc, on 10 Aug 2013 - 09:51 AM, said:snapback.png

At least get it out of the way before the reg season starts.


HB is so much a loser, he doesn't want to be himself anymore.


Good luck with that, he doesn't fit with the Browns.

just like petersen doesn't fit with the cards. yeah they just NOW have one of the best backfields on defense in the NFL. Mik


How is that? Peterson was a spectacular talent. He isn't small, like hb. He played most all of the games

his three years in college. Peterson was never a character problem, was he? What kind of analogy is that?

Peterson would be a fit with any NFL team, But he wasn't there for the Browns; Arizona drafted Peterson at 5 overall.

The Browns had the 6th pick, and then traded down.


What the? The Browns didn't have the option of taking a chance on hb. They had to make hay in that draft elsewhere.

I believe the only reason Arizona took the chance on hb, is because they had Peterson, who also came from LSU.


Come on, man. Hb isn't worth the thread.

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wouldn't comparing him to our free safety be the apples to apples comparison?


was that Brandon McDonald playing for the Rams??


ei. ei. o!


I was comparing draft slots- and the Badger was drafted as a CB. Say what? Too slow to play CB in the NFL?



just like petersen doesn't fit with the cards. yeah they just NOW have one of the best backfields on defense in the NFL.



Mik, ask the Eagles how having a great defensive secondary worked out. And as was pointed out- you're going to say that after ONE preseason game? Got a name for you Ben Gay.

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of course you all are right and i'm wrong.


just like when i said picking TR @ 3 was a reach. just like i said one of our OL would go down in preseason. just like when i said holmgren would be a cancer to this org.


damn. seems to me like i'm right on point.


and yes, we will see how HB does at S (which is a mistake in my mind...should stay at CB) this year.


how much he does better than skrine?



Good lord mik, your own the verge of going full blown Ghoolie for the honey badger.

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fuggin chirppers.


i wrote this thread on the day that one, two, if not four of the best football writers said that "so far, the talk of the preseason is....".


i wasn't saying he was the second coming of christ. that he could walk on water. all i was saying WAS it would have been nice to pick up this guy cheap as a compliment to haden. that's my opinion.


god knows we are all so correct here that no one can ever challenge another browns' fan covet of a nfl rookie prospect.


yeah. i liked blackmon and he's turned out to be a disgrace (so far). i also liked claiborne who got beat every down and looked liked a rookie last year under rob ryan.


BUT i also like doug martin as a second pick in the year we took TR @3.


no wonder GMs get fired every year for taking players that don't pan out.


stand in line? for who shep, brady quinn? mark sanchez?


you can all laugh at me when (after the line of scrimmage) guys are running free for big gains and big pass plays.


if that doesn't happen and our secondary plays lights out....i have no prob eating crow.


i've done it many times before on this board.

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Only thing worse than a Quinn Fag is a Honey Badger Homo.


Because Quinn actually played for the Browns.



-- Oh look this third round idiot safety the Cardinals drafted is having a great August!

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i guess i should have wrapped it up in a nice bow and called the thread 'players getting recognition this preseason'.


then all you nazi haters would have shut the fuck up.


that's all right. we'll see who has the last laugh. and as you and i both know. none of us here let anything go with out a swift kick to the kidneys as a parting shot.


why don't you spend some time working on getting the tavern ready for the game thursday nite or are you too busy trying to unload some sink-hole properties?

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Mingo also had a sack against scrubs.....is he the other talk of the preseason?


Do you always parrot what others say, or do you have any thoughts or opinions of your own?


here we go again, hey blacko?


there have been many other none interest threads thrown up here during the most mundane moments of the preseason and because i happen to think the kid will be a good player in the NFL and state that in this thread, i'm a parrot?


fuck it. you all can suck my dick.

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i guess i should have wrapped it up in a nice bow and called the thread 'players getting recognition this preseason'.



then all you nazi haters would have shut the fuck up.


that's all right. we'll see who has the last laugh. and as you and i both know. none of us here let anything go with out a swift kick to the kidneys as a parting shot.


why don't you spend some time working on getting the tavern ready for the game thursday nite or are you too busy trying to unload some sink-hole properties?

Now, that is some good shit right there.


We are almost ready for the regular season.



-- I am fucking punching the first Dolphin fan through the door in the mouth

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