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How liberals work to get what they want


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First off, the guy with the "complaint" was hardly Liberal. It isn't Liberals or Conservatives that hate racism, it's intelligent people.


Second off, I find the insinuation that I don't know shit because I never cleaned a latrine or guarded a bank absolutely hilarious. I bet it hurts you even more, Jeffro, that you not only fought for MY freedom but spend your days safeguarding MY money. HA!


Carry on folks.


You show your ignorance more every post you make. Kind of pathetic you don't even realize it.

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I'm sorry, but this is f*cking hilarious....


Race race race.....sigh....


Things are just funny guys, relax... I don't own any white hoods and I haven't burned any crosses lately.


It's ok, you can tell Jesse and Al to chill, comedy will continue long after they're gone


'Spec, I'm definitely not accusing you of any of that - please don't take it that way. I initially asked the question as though I may of missed something with him in the news or something.


I guess at the very worst, I'm trashing/questioning your sense of humor. In the past it has definitely been better than that graphic, so that is why I questioned the racism of it? No big deal.

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Oh cripes.

Lets say it is.

Lets say the thing was a conscious effort to imply that Freeman likes fried chicken.


So can you explain why somebody oughtta be outraged??

Where's the evil lurking in that?


I like Irish stew and Guinness, I bet Alo enjoys an occasional blintz and I just found out my buddy Mike Trecaso likes tomato sauce!!!!

Bassilakis, do you like Gyros??? Come clean.


This stuff gets ridiculous boys.


As I tried to explain to 'spec in the previous post, I certainly wasn't outraged, but in my not finding the joke funny (because of borderline antiquity) I jumped to the conclusion that racism was all that was left.


Race is and can be funny/ entertaining/ interesting , etc.. This was Leno.

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As I tried to explain to 'spec in the previous post, I certainly wasn't outraged, but in my not finding the joke funny (because of borderline antiquity) I jumped to the conclusion that racism was all that was left.


Race is and can be funny/ entertaining/ interesting , etc.. This was Leno.


I guess what I'm asking is why anybody'd be bothered.


And wouldn't ya say that somebody whi is is overly touchy?

ps that was a quote from Leno?




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I guess what I'm asking is why anybody'd be bothered.


And wouldn't ya say that somebody whi is is overly touchy?

ps that was a quote from Leno?





I would say it depends. I'm hypothesizing that your take is due to this "joke/phrase/whatever" being so ubiquitous it should be brushed/laughed off.


My thought is that its ubiquity has caused the effect of the punchline to grow stale & by default focuses the attention back to the race.


But this is way over-thinking the thing. Like I previously said, I thought there was something recently topical with Freeman that I missed, so I asked.



As for Leno, I think he & his jokes are stale.

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I'm sorry, but this is f*cking hilarious....


Race race race.....sigh....


Things are just funny guys, relax... I don't own any white hoods and I haven't burned any crosses lately.


It's ok, you can tell Jesse and Al to chill, comedy will continue long after they're gone


Exactly, put John Goodman in there and I would laugh just as hard. I never even thought about the chicken thing until someone here said something. Is there a black dude on the board who cares? Sorry people, ask a black dude and they would laugh. People who make race an issue are raciest. Get over it. And punt........

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I like Irish stew and Guinness, I bet Alo enjoys an occasional blintz and I just found out my buddy Mike Trecaso likes tomato sauce!!!!

Bassilakis, do you like Gyros??? Come clean. WSS



Gyros, Souvlaki, you name it. Also, in honor of my paternal Grandmother, I love Guinness too!!


However, I voted for Ross Perot rather than Mike Dukakis.


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I think these kinds of discussions are fascinating.


One person says, "gee, that sig is not very funny. It's at best dated and at worst racist. Weird."


And then everyone else defends the sig, instead of discussing whether it is a. racist or b. not very funny.


I really don't get that reaction. And I don't get people pretending it's funny/fine either.


Look, if you like that sort of humor, then just say "yeah, I think jokes with black people and chicken are funny. Deal with it" instead of coming up with all sorts of other versions of the not-funny joke.


Would it be funny if it was an Irish guy and beer? Or a Greek guy and gyros? No, it would be just as dumb. That's the point.




The fact that it's vaguely racist is secondary, to me, because it's dumb not matter what.


It is, however, still vaguely racist. Why?


Because it's NOT an Irish guy and beer taps, it's NOT a Greek guy and gyros.


It's a black guy and chicken.


So, you can debate it all you want, it still IS what it IS:


A bad vaguely racist joke.


P.S. I'm not offended by the racism nearly as much as by the bad joke and the even worse defense of it.

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Yeah, because that's the point.


The POINT is that find me a black dude that would care. The black friends I have would of laughed their ass off and called me cracker while watching it.


Your "value" system is a pent up frustration of not understanding culture and tip-towing around so you don't hurt anyone's feelings, awwwww. I am white, I can't dance, I love tons of Miracle Whip on my turkey sandwich and yes I shop at the Gap. Stereotypes are what you make it.


You can't choose the elements you defend in our culture. Just because their are Retards out there that still think all black people eat fried chicken doesn't make you their savior. It just makes those people Retarded.


I have an idea. I will make an animated .gif with a white guy dancing badly because he has no rhythm (see K-Fed). Will you stick up for him too when I call him a cracker?


Equal opportunity comes in all colors. The sooner people realize and understand that the African-American, Latin-American, Asian-American, Eskimo-American, Irish-American, and anyone else I missed, just don't care that there is this white guy sticking up for them sitting behind a keyboard; the easier it will be to get past all of your personal issues of stereotypical non-sense.

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send it via pm then.


and dont get your panties all up in a wad.


while your at it look and see who started the thread, you have it wrong, dont you on your accusations.


But what I stated was that liberal news media and historians will paint W in a bad way. While W was on watch as Prez. the DOW reached a record high.


And you went crazy like a woman on her period.


I will ask you, who was in control of congress the past 2 years?




It looks like we have had a steady climb until the election year started.


Thats okay mz the pussy we are all in this mess together and you might want to get a pair of gloves so you dont get a blister while pounding your hammer or using your sickle. :P


payments on Credit Card charges aren't due until a month after you first make the charge.



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Your "value" system is a pent up frustration of not understanding culture and tip-towing around so you don't hurt anyone's feelings, awwwww.


You can't choose the elements you defend in our culture. Just because their are Retards out there that still think all black people eat fried chicken doesn't make you their savior. It just makes those people Retarded.


I find Inspecta's sig neither racist nor funny...


I appreciate your post, Kosar. I do. And I don't disagree with you for the most part.


All I'm saying is this: stick around for awhile and listen to some of the shit that comes out of these people's mouths and you'll see where I'm coming from.


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I find Inspecta's sig neither racist nor funny...


I appreciate your post, Kosar. I do. And I don't disagree with you for the most part.


All I'm saying is this: stick around for awhile and listen to some of the shit that comes out of these people's mouths and you'll see where I'm coming from.


They are the ones that sound like a bunch of Retards, it's not worth your time.

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To me what made it funny was the fact he looks like he's really surveying a delicious menu you could of thrown any type of menu up there and at least to me it would of been equally funny. It really would be, believe what you will about it, but it is what it is...

Spec, I don't think you are racist either, for what it's worth.


And I truly didn't pay any attention to the menu until mz the pussy's post. I just thought it was a really random sig, to be honest.


When mz the pussy posted and I looked closer, it made me groan. Again, not out of "oh, I'm so offended" but out of "really? chicken? That's the best they could come up with?"




Anyway, again, though you would have/would find it equally funny had it been a Dairy Queen menu, the fact remains that the creator chose a chicken menu, probably trying to be "funny". And when such a coincidence happens? Probably not an accident.



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