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How liberals work to get what they want


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Guest Aloysius

David Frum's got a good response to the mouse faux-controversy:


The Party That Lost Its Mind


Have you heard about the marsh mouse? The little swamp critter that got $30 million of stimulus bill spending thanks to Nancy Pelosi? Of course you have! The mouse was highlighted on Drudge and chortled over by Glenn Beck. One Republican congressman actually dandled a toy mouse in debate.


The story’s not false exactly. The stimulus money really does contain money for wetlands restoration. One of the wetlands that might benefit really is located on San Francisco Bay. And the marsh mouse really does live there.


So the Republicans who promoted the mouse story came closer to the truth than Nancy Pelosi’s spokesmen did when they blasted the story as a “fabrication.” I’m prepared to bet my share of the Obama tax cuts that the mouse will indeed get its money in the end.


The problem with the story is not that it was false. The problem with the story is that it was stupid.


The US economy has plunged into severe recession (94% of Americans describe economic conditions as “bad,” according to the Feb 2-4 CBS poll, and 51% say conditions are getting even worse).


President Obama and the Democrats have responded by steering the US radically to the left. Since World War II, the federal government has most years spent less than one dollar in five of national income. Once the stimulus gets underway, the federal government will spend more than one dollar in four. The cost of everything the Democrats want to do comes closer to one dollar in three.


We’re facing more regulation of everything from high finance to the ordinary workplace. The Democrats are expanding Medicaid to crowd out private insurance. The federal government wants a huge new role in redirecting private investment in transportation and energy in the name of “green jobs.”


And facing all this – we’re talking about mice?


Could we possibly act more inadequate to the challenge? More futile? More brain dead?


We in fact have a constructive solution to offer, one that would deliver more jobs faster: the payroll tax holiday, an idea endorsed by almost every reputable right-of-center economist. But that’s not the solution being offered by Republicans in Congress. They are offering a clapped-out package of 1980s-vintage solutions, including capital gains tax cuts. Capital gains! Who has any capital gains to be taxed in the first place?


Almost 70% of Americans say that President Obama will change the country for the better, the CNN poll found Feb. 7-8. Asked whether President Obama is doing enough to cooperate with Republicans, 74% said yes. Asked whether Republicans are doing enough to cooperate with President Obama, 60% said no.


In every poll I’ve seen, hefty majorities approve of President Obama’s economic performance. Approval numbers for congressional Republicans remain dismal.


If we’re to make progress in 2010, we have to look serious. This week we looked not only irrelevant, but clueless and silly. Quite a job for a little mouse.

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David Frum's got a good response to the mouse faux-controversy:



I smell a rat. And while piglosi is off trying to be patted on the back by the pope tomorrow all the swamp mice in the San Francisco Bay area will be throwing a party for just having won the US Lottery.


Actually the Rat will be all of those Lobbyist lining up to have a field day in DC starting tomorrow, they will be there with wheel barrels and not tin cups. We will soon have a ton of new beuracracies that all of us will have to deal with.


But as in the days of Bill Clinton and all of his new programs, most of them failed within a few years.


I remember an organization that its main purpose was to make sure everyone who was wheel chair bound had a ramp installed to get in and out of there homes. The people who ran it took all the money they received and devided it up to all those on the board and would tell the poor people that they would have to wait on their ramps to be built to when they were able to get more money through donations and they needed people to donate time to build the ramps. While they sat back and made 6 figures off of Uncle Sam.


I hope those earmarks for all of these new porkulus programs will help stop this type of waste and that we will have true transparency on how and where the money is going. And not the transparency that Obama Lied about.

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Sorry Al, it doesn't wash.


The rationalization that "it's okay if money is wasted on Dems' particular PORK projects,

just vote for it because it will help the economy."


The freakin point is, the pork money does not help the economy. That this pork may be

the undoing of the entire bill, because it isn't definate that the entire bill will fix the economy.


so, the waste could be a devastating blow to those in this country that HOPE that the

Porkulous bill will CHANGE the direction the economy is taking.


It it were Republicans and Pres Bush, you would RAIL about the pork.


Now you defend it? ROF,LMAO.



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I'm not convinced you actually read Frum's blogpost.



Seems to me Frum is pointing out that the marsh mouse, while certainly a beneficiary of the money os not the sole target and that those opposed to the bill have attempted to make it seem a fraction of a percent more wasteful than it is.



What I do NOT hear from the left is how great it's gonna be; merely how it really stinks but "What the hell we can't be stopped."


But at least be honest for a split second Lefties.

Not only would I bet that not ONE man in the US has read and comprtehended this bill but furthermore that NO MEMBER OF CONGRESS has read and comprehended as much as ten pages of it.

And if even ten it's the ten pertaining to the pork his district gets.


So the marsh mouse is just one of a cast of thousands of expensive bit players in this bomb.




PS I bet Jerusalem Kugel would also be good with Cayenne pepper.



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Guest Aloysius

Frum's point is that instead of promoting an alternative stimulus plan that made at least a modicum of sense, the Republicans plugged the shit out of this stupid mouse thing. For a party that needs to prove it can actually speak to middle class families' economic concerns, demagoguing the stimulus bill was a a politically shortsighted thing to do.


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Not only would I bet that not ONE man in the US has read and comprtehended this bill but furthermore that NO MEMBER OF CONGRESS has read and comprehended as much as ten pages of it.


Couldn't we say the same thing about the 700 billion dollar stimulus bill that was put though last year? By the way does anyone know where that money went?

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Couldn't we say the same thing about the 700 billion dollar stimulus bill that was put though last year? By the way does anyone know where that money went?


Of course we could.

Question two: no not really.

Oh we could narrow it down a bit more than the new one but BFD.





It doesn't seem like I'm pimping the Bush administration does it?


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Well yeah, I'm not stupid, it's no coincidence that it's a chicken menu, but again poking fun at those stereotypes bother me very little. I am part Jewish, my moms side of the family is a bunch of Jews and I was raised kinda half n' half. I don't consider myself a full blown jew cause I don't go to synagogue and I am a Christian by faith, however my moms side of the family considers me a jew because my mom is a jew and it goes through the mothers bloodline not the fathers. During the times when the bible was written it did go through the father because Israel was a state, thus the father geaneology of Jesus being linked to King David....I'm going on a bit of a digression I know, but the original point I was trying to make is that even though half of my family is Jewish, and I am considered a Jew I don't get offended at Jewish jokes, and trust me I've heard way more Jewish jokes than the average black man has heard black jokes, because unlike the black man there is no identifying outter marks that lets people know I am jewish, so they fire away not knowing at all.


It does not bother me, we are all different in some way and we all have different traits, some of them are funny, as long as it's not serious malicious I don't get offended.


And there we have it...



And let it be said Inspecta is a Jew and he dines at the finest cuisine, I remember we went to a favorite stomping ground of his Jerusalem Wraps, he really Jewed me and left me with the bill.


And if you are not into good jewish food here in wilmington we also have another fine restaurant here in Wilmington, Two Fat Ladies Over a Simmering Pot . And they go by the Obama antic of we will have a Chicken in everyones pot. :P

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Why are we not discussing this bill as well?



Probably because that POS has already been ramrodded through.


Two there's a new boss in DC.

He gets to squander half of that old bill that the outgoing administration didn't have time to squander.

So it doesn't make much difference what the old boss thinks.


Like Savages 2007 draft, it's finished.



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a quick note.


If the government puts more money into the hands of consumers via tax cuts, about 75% of that eventually makes it into the economy.

If the government spends the money on projects instead, 100% is put back into the economy.


How many of you saved at least part of your $600 stimulus check?

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a quick note.


If the government puts more money into the hands of consumers via tax cuts, about 75% of that eventually makes it into the economy.

If the government spends the money on projects instead, 100% is put back into the economy.


How many of you saved at least part of your $600 stimulus check?



Then why wouldn't you want ten trillion?

We'd all be rich!!!


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