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Josh Gordon suspended....again


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I think it was a mistake in starting Manziel. He clearly wasnt ready. Shaw isnt either btw. You can seriously ruin players like this. They should have known better. Thats why they get paid the big bucks. BTW, Hoyer cant play because of soreness? You are fucking kidding me?


Coach Pettine himself admitted to making mistakes this season in his last press conference. I think its one thing to be a disciplinarian, but you have to create an infrastructure for these young players. I dont think there is one currently in place.


I dont like players calling out players via the media. I dont think coaches should do it either. Handle it in-house. Example, Randle of the Cowboys, got arrested this season. The police video had him saying some derogatory things about Bryant and Brent. The players didnt call him out in the media. All of it was handled in-house. I think you create distrust when you do it via the media. Man up and talk to that person to their face.


I think stopping the run is all about effort and determination. Cowboys held the Colts to 1 yard rushing last week. Cowboys have no pro-bowlers on defense, who on their front 7 would you want playing on the Browns? They hustle and fly to the ball. Browns i think at times decide to quit.


Just my humble opinion.

still the same ol browns...

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and Manziel is in trouble with the Browns - he was late for

a treatment for his hammy.


I honestly think Gordon is really not smart. I'm really missing

Garapollo bout now. And, please, send Gordon somewhere else to

another team.


I still think Gilbert will end up being fine next year.


BTW, Farmer and Pettine are not going to make the same mistakes again.

You can take that to the bank - on West, and Manziel.


They didn't get Gordon, so that isn't on them.

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This franchise is laughable


you're laughable AND a dick.


was it farmer and pettine that drafted this kid? uh, no.


see what this team (FO team that is...) has done to 'their' guys haven't you?


this is a GREAT fucking precedent. they are sending the message out to ANYONE/EVERYONE that if you can't pull your weight and be a team player no matter what your name is you might be riding pine beotch.


as for you baconhound i'll slip you into the category of another little fucking whiner that sees a glimmer of hope and shits on it before any one else knows what it is.

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If I'm Haslam, I would say let's get people here that want to be here and want to practice and play hard.

If Haslam has to say anything remotely like the above, then he hired the wrong folks.


I do not think he hired the wrong folks.


Seems like a team that is lacking leadership. Something is not right about this team. Rookies under performing, calling teammates out in the media, offense undisciplined, defense giving up and players missing meetings.

Only thing sadder than posting an "I'm leaving thread" is posting one and then not leaving.


(Gordon) wasn't engaged, he was hurting the team, he should not get credit for a accrued season.


I like the way Farmer plays hardball. I also like that Pet and Farmer weren't afraid to call out Manziel and Gilbert.


This team is all about accountability. I think we are finally headed in the right direction.

Agree... 100%...


Contrast the above with handing the keys to Wheezy... twice.

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I don't get paid millions of dollars for my opinion. I don't have access to all the inside info. Manziel was not ready to play. That's the bottom line.


How do I go back to Texas? I never left. Romo may very well throw a pick 6. Not sure what that has to do with the conversation.

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It's time to clean house. This is not working. The team is out of control and the head coach is in over his head. Can't u guys see that? Lets give him one more season? Why? We are going backwards not forward,

Yeah let's just keep the turnstile turning at the head coach position. That really has worked out quite well for us the last 15 years . . . Let's just keep doing that

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It's time to clean house. This is not working. The team is out of control and the head coach is in over his head. Can't u guys see that? Lets give him one more season? Why? We are going backwards not forward,

Stupidest post of the year candidate. Prior to injury Armageddon we were kicking ass. Overall we took strides forward for once in record and performance on several fronts. We have three stooges no coach can control. Should he have locked them in a closet?? Focus your anger on the fucktards not the coach. We need to stick with Pettine at least me more year. Who in their right mind do you think would take the head coaching job here if they were following two one and outs??
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It's time to clean house. This is not working. The team is out of control and the head coach is in over his head. Can't u guys see that? Lets give him one more season? Why? We are going backwards not forward,


Yeah- because firing a coach every year has worked out so well. It's moot- because Haslam already said Mike is staying- for sure.


So let's follow your derailed train of thought. If Haslam did fire Pettine, who in the hell would ever want to come here and coach? Maybe someone from the CFL or D II college football- that would be about it. You wouldn't get anyone better than the current coaching staff that would touch the Browns job- for any amount of money.

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Gordon might be legitimately Retarded.


Oh most definitely. There's some kind of disability going on here. Some kind of hybrid short/long term memory problem. Or some filter in his brain that isn't up to speed catching the self destructive shit. We all have self destructive habits and we all have to deal with them throughout life, but most of us would cut that shit out on a dime given that kind of money on the table. For example...if I was offered millions of dollars to do something I could do well but had to give up watching online porn, please believe this fucking computer would get chucked out of the window with quickness that would astound. I would completely digitally cut myself off, no smart phone no nothing....I can watch all the porn I want when I retire. I don't see what these guys problem is I really don't. YOu have such a short window to make the kind of money that means you don't have to be a gym teacher somewhere to make ends meet when you're 50.

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send gordon, west and manziel to the raiders for #5....they'll do it.....they make stupid draft decisions all the time too and they love assholish talented bad boys.....


That's actually an intriguing idea if I didn't think Farmer would immediately package up all our picks for the 1st and take Mariota. THAT I do not want under any circumstances good god. I wouldn't mind sticking at #5 though, they'll be some good DL and DE's in this draft, we can use our other two 1st rounders on an OL and a LB'er. IF the guys we want are gone though I wouldn't mind trading out of the 1st entirely this year so we have ammo to make a run at Bosa a year later.

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Should have drafted Watkins. Kid has almost over 1,000 yards with horrible QBs in his rookie season. This team has just collapsed...


But I say this midseason and get roasted. I love you all but even so, fuck "most" of you right in your mouths for roasting me over my Watkins threads. We would have won at least two extra games early in the season with a #1 like him, Evans or Beckham...season would look a lot different. And we could feel completely good about ridding ourselves of Gordon.


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It's time to clean house. This is not working. The team is out of control and the head coach is in over his head. Can't u guys see that? Lets give him one more season? Why? We are going backwards not forward,


Hand over your Browns shit dude you're obviously not cut out to be a true fan. If you can't see what canning yet another 1st year coach would do to this franchise than I have to assume you're either gravely mentally deficient or you're a troll from another AFC north fanbase. And how is 7 wins going backward? Yeah we're not happy about how the season ended but we still won more games than the last 5 or 6 years. People were giving this team 5 wins max.


I'm hoping there's a 3rd option with this post of yours...that you were drunk and weren't thinking right. Hope so.

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