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U.S. District Court Judge David Bunning throws clerk in jail


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Look at the little college boy, he so smart he think!

Yes, how foolish of me to attempt to better understand how the universe actually works. I guess I should abandon the scientific method, critical thinking and reasoning, and all "them other fancy book-lernin's" and devote my time to trying to read and interpret a hold over text from the Iron Age.

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Yes, how foolish of me to attempt to better understand how the universe actually works. I guess I should abandon the scientific method, critical thinking and reasoning, and all "them other fancy book-lernin's" and devote my time to trying to read and interpret a hold over text from the Iron Age.

You go little college boy!

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"A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Drink deep or touch not the Pierian Spring."



Pope. A very valid point WSS, but I assure you that I am not just taking sips from the said fountain. I rather prefer the idiom from Socrates which goes along the line of "the only true knowledge is in knowing that I know nothing", which would be the antithesis of an omnipotent and omnipresent deity.

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Pope. A very valid point WSS, but I assure you that I am not just taking sips from the said fountain. I rather prefer the idiom from Socrates which goes along the line of "the only true knowledge is in knowing that I know nothing", which would be the antithesis of an omnipotent and omnipresent deity.

Such a good little boy!

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Don't worry J


People that don't understand big words will make fun of you.


Especially if you don't agree with them

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Don't worry J


People that don't understand big words will make fun of you.


Especially if you don't agree with them

It doesn't bother me in the slightest. If they don't want to have a rational debate like adults and resort to childish behavior, then I have no need to pay them any attention.


"First Ive said repeatedly that this stuff [religion] cannot be taken away from people, it is their favourite toy and it will remain so, as Freud said, it will remain that way as long as were afraid of death. Which is I think likely to be quite a long time.

Second I hope Ive made it clear that Im perfectly happy for people to have these toys and to play with them at home, and hug them to themselves and share them with other people who come round and play with the toys. Thats absolutely fine. They are not to make me play with these toys. I will not play with the toys. Dont bring the toys to my house. Dont say my children must play with these toys. Dont say my toys...are not allowed by their toys. Im not going to have any of that.

Enough with clerical and religious bullying and intimidation". - Christopher Hitchens.

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But a judge, bigoted and a pawn of the left, wanted to make a point

about the culture war.


And how is it that jblu bitches like a spoiled child about toys, then bitches that

he just ignores those who don't want a "rational debate", then he ?

bitches a lot more about "toys", then whines about fearing other people

forcing his children to ...



Very childish bitch session, for whining so much.

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But the original law to merit contempt of court is?



going to take a wild guess and say it has something to do with imposing your personal religious convictions on the public, AS a public servant. As a public servant you can't deny services to people that the govt...your employer...has deemed necessitating of said service. Yeah I don't think she deserves jailtime per se, just a pink slip and a YOU"RE FIiiiiiiiirrrrrreeeedddd. But since she's an elected official they can't fire her. Have no idea why that particular job is done by an elected official.

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nah. The courts have created a whole new illegal function of their office -


the establishment of a phoney, unnatural, perverted redefinition of

true marriage - an institution of societies around the world.


It isn't constitutional. Now, if it were a case of creating civil unions,

and a license for one of those, I would think she would have no

recourse morally and legally, but to issue those.


That is where the court went very leftist, activist and political. What law was it,

that was violated by the true definition of real marriage?


Even in the military, you did NOT HAVE TO OBEY an ILLEGAL ORDER.


Dancing around that doesn't fly with me. And being in the military is

also a gov job, yes?

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Furthermore, "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" doesn't just apply

to the atheists, and the gays, and the left.


But the left has established a belligerent tyranny towards all institutions

of American life.


They are turning it all upside down, inside out, and assbackwards.

It's all part of the left's culture war against every part of American that isn't



Very much like the leftist/marxist black SUBCULTURE in our country. If it doesn't give

them serious advantage, and serious favoritism...


it makes them angry ... and they label anything that stands in their way "racist" or "oppressive"..

Bizzaro world is here. And so is the attempted destruction of who were are as a country.


If the left can't OWN it, they will stop at nothing to destroy it.

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Now, I am no expert, but I just went and found this:


Mark Levin IS an expert. Note, the two total quotes by...

ObaMao and Higgardly.


Yes, they completely misrepresented themselves, being

leftist "trojan horses" into our gov.


Mark Levin is correct - they will do anything to

expedite their ability to accrue more power.


Listen to it carefully - it's long, but it is the three day weekend, eh?



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So you can't quote the actual law she isn't following?

This is going to be a bit of a read, but this should answer your question:


As a clerk of Rowan County, KY, Kim Davis is legally obligated to issue marriage licenses, as defined in Kentucky Revised Statutes KRS 402.100: http://www.lrc.ky.gov/statutes/statute.aspx?id=36475


Kentucky also defines the conditions which would prohibit issuance of a marriage license in that state, per KRS 402.010: http://.www.lrc.ky.gov/statutes/statute.aspx?id=36465 and KRS 402.020: http://www.lrc.ky.gov/statutes/statute.aspx?id=36466


As long as the couple is not disqualified by any of the above mentioned requirements (and other misc. things like taxes, fees, etc), Ms Davis, in her position as clerk, would be legally obligated to issue a license.


The main crux of the argument would pertain to KRS 402.020.1 (d), in which marriage "between members of the same sex" was prohibited in Kentucky. However, in Obergefell v. Hodges (2015), the Supreme Court ruled that "the Fourteenth Amendment requires a State to license a marriage between two people of the same sex and to recognize a marriage between two people of the same sex when their marriage was lawfully licensed and performed out-of-State": http://www.scotusblog.com/case-files/cases/obergefell-v-hodges/


Since the Supreme Court is the highest court in the land, as defined in the Constitution, their ruling effectively made KRS 402.020.1 (d) void, however, this does not mean that the whole statute was thrown out. As long a gay or lesbian couple did not have any other disqualifications mentioned in the KRS statues above, then they were legally entitled to obtain a marriage license, and Mrs. Davis was legally obligated to issue them one.


However, as we all now, Kim Davis then refused to initially issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, claiming that her religious beliefs prevented her from doing so. After a lengthy series of decisions and appeals:




...Kim Davis was issued a lawful court order by Judge David Bunning to issue marriage licenses to both straight and gay couples. Again, Mrs. Davis refused. By willfully ignoring the court order, Mrs Davis was found in contempt of court by Judge Bunning, as defined by KRS 403.760, http://www.lrc.ky.gov/statutes/statute.aspx?id=17482 , and was then taken into custody.


So, in a nutshell:

1) Kim Davis, as clerk of Rowan County, KY, is required to issue marriage licenses (KRS 402.100).

2) None of the couples denied marriage licenses were disqualified by statutes in Kentucky laws (KRS 402.010 & KRS 402.020) from obtaining one from Mrs. Davis. Mrs. Davis' personal religious convictions are not a valid legal standing to prohibit her from issuing the marriage licenses in the eyes of the Kentucky State Government, so they should have been issued.

3) Kim Davis continued to willfully ignore her duties as clerk, even as she was ordered by Judge Bunning to do her job and issue the licenses. She again ignored this court order also, so...

4) Judge Bunning ruled her actions as being in contempt of court (KRS 403.760), so he, in turn, was well within his legal jurisdiction to have Mrs. Davis taken into custody, which she promptly was.


I hope this clears up the legal basis for Kim Davis' arrest for you.

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