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MSNBC attack person tries to "get" Carson


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He didn't even apply nor did he meet with the general Westmorland's around memorial day.


I'm not a liberal left wing, I'm just able to see that Carson and his proposals are Retard - he also happens to be a liar which was supposedly his 1 good quality (being honest)


Also like how he says he tried to stab Bob, or maybe it was Jeff or Larry - his close friend, no wait it was his family member. Yea he still talks to him just the other day, but oh you can't talk to him NaNaNaa. Also hit his belt buckle and broke the blade via divine intervention.


I'm not a leftist or liberal, I just don't want to see this nutjob in the white house.

He never ever claimed to have applied at west point. If you read the excerpt of his book it makes that clear. This seems like a pretty clear character assassination attempt by politico. All that means is the left is running scared of him.

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Well that is basically their purpose. Whoever the Republican frontrunner is will be the one they attack. If it were chris Christie theyd report nothing but closing the bridge. If it were Carly Fiorina it would be the jobs lost at HP.




Karl Rove's gameplan doesn't suck

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He never ever claimed to have applied at west point. If you read the excerpt of his book it makes that clear. This seems like a pretty clear character assassination attempt by politico. All that means is the left is running scared of him.

He claimed he met General Westmoreland though - that meeting never happened, at least not when Carson said it did (sometime around memorial day)

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Where do you get your information about what rotc cadets Westmoreland might have met briefly in the 60s?

May surprise you, but the army chief of staff has documented of records where he was.




Maybe his memory escaped him and it was February not memorial day, but given the other crazy shit (like saving white kids during race riots) that he's lied about I doubt it.

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Here's the thing. I'm more willing to take a neurosurgeon that was head of a department at Johns Hopkins at his word, even if he misremembered dates, which I myself occasionally do, than shitty political attack dogs.

The neurosurgeon has proved his incompetence through a wide variety of comments though. Ben's a nice guy but he really flubs up his personal story and I'm not sure why, because he really doesn't need to.

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Incompetence? You don't get to be a world renowned surgeon through incompetence. You Get To Fail At Being Secretary Of State through incompetence.

Carson only knows about brain surgery apparently, not too much about how the world works.


Hillary is very competent and qualified, it's just that nobody knows what she believes because she can't tell the truth for anything. She also tends to lack initiative unless it benefits her or some of her cronies.


I would never vote for Hillary, but if the other side of the ticket was Carson, Bush, or Rubio I'm not sure I'd vote at all yet.

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Carson has pulled in stunning amounts of campaign cash, mostly from small-dollar donors. During the last fundraising quarter, his campaign took in $20.8 million, the most in the GOP field.


huh- how about that!

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Eds...let's get serious bro...you're calling a guy a liar for not remembering the exact date and time he received an offer that he passed on 46 years ago.


I can't even remember the date and time i signed up for the military only that it was sometime in the spring or summer of 2001. I remember the date I arrived at basic training 9/16/01 but not the day I signed up. Guess that makes me a liar.

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OK at best it's an embellishment.


- He did lie about the Yale class, fake exam, getting called the most honest person (making up a story that is about how honest you are - definition of ironic)

- Probably lied about his violent past - changed his story about 30 times and people have a different memory

- probably lied about saving white kids during race riots, nobody heard about it or saw it.

- lied about Mannatech

- Plagiarized from an anti-socialism website in his book, "America the Beautiful"


They aren't policy issues, but they're reasonable ways to assess his character. Likewise hearing all his twisted ideas of how things work and what they're for is a reasonable way to question his decision making against all evidence.


Nobody here seems to care about his policy - but that's pretty bad too. Tax plan from the Bible, the health care plan (which I talked about a lot but nobody rebuttled), crazy idea that energy independence would have gotten us Osama, list goes on and on and on...

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well, edward, based on scrutiny of everything about Carson...


and zero scrutiny of obamao etc....


your happy claims of lying is crap.


If I wrote a book while running for pres, and I wrote a very true story

about my all night bike ride to a church retreat while in tech

school in the AF......dramatic, sure.


But if you went after me, to discredit me, and went to my squadron, and

talked to maybe a 150 guys... most of them wouldn't know it that I did that.


That make me a liar to you? Then you are so dishonest, you couldn't care less

about trying to honestly talk about Carson at all. It's what you liberals do.

Being a liberal is a psychological defense mechanism....from the threat of the truth.


I remember the two gals who helped me up, good friends who were waiting for me to

arrive....when I finally got there, and coasted

to a stop under two trees, after my foot slipped on the grass, and I just fell into

the grass and laid there. I don't remember their last names.


If it were Carson...you'd say "haha he's a liar".


All it does it make you completely and deliberately dishonest.

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How can I respect a woman who's unfaithful husband publicly humiliated her on the grandest stage imaginable and she took it like a bitch. Why are we not hearing this narrative?


probably because if the right pushed it, would amount to massive hypocrisy as they are always the ones saying marriages end too soon over "a little infidelity". Always telling women "what was your role in your husbands indiscretions". I find alot wrong with Hillary, her actions during the scandal though.....i mean you can't fault her for anything. She took that like a "champ", not a bitch.

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I think Carson is dealing with a book he wrote when he had little no conception of ever running for President. My problem with Carson isn't his casual embellishment from a book he wrote decades ago, it's the douche chills i'm getting off him with his constant, incessant patting himself on the back. He's constantly, and I mean "constantly", going on about how much better he is than this person or that person. Constantly talking about himself in a way that almost makes Trump come off humble. I frankly don't want to hear about some test you scored so much higher on than anyone else, i want to hear about your ideas that YOU came up with and not some concotion from your campaign staff. Based on those criteria not many of the rep GOP candidates are worth a damn. The only truly authentic people on either side are Paul, maybe Kasich.....and Sanders. Sanders may be too far left for my liking but I see the true continuity in his principles and in the end I'd rather have an honest man of real principle than political bullshitters like Hillary, Trump, Cruz, Christie, Carson etc, etc.


Just cause you claim to be a washington outsider doesn't mean you're not still full of shit.

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