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Ted Cruz sex scandal emerging


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First the zodiac killer, now this?




Anonymous threatened Cruz last week they were going to expose his prostitute life.


It seems like despite it being from the national enquirer, people think it may actually have merit. One of the women is Fiorina's ex-campaign manager and a Ted Cruz super PAC gave a Carly Fiorina super PAC $500,000 - potential "hush money"


Katrina Pierson is currently Trump's campaign spokesperson.


He is the same journalist who broke John Edwards scandal too

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Honestly, short of rape and child molestation, I couldn't give two shits about which candidate is fucking whomever, at this point. It has zero to do with running a government.

And actually rape and child molestation don't have anything to do with governing either.


I wish I could find it but Michael Medved was reading from a poll a couple days ago with a list of factors and weather people or more or less likely to vote for a candidate on their bases.


Atheism and failing at business was a negative, surprisingly being Catholic was a plus, and Jewish a wash.



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Honestly, short of rape and child molestation, I couldn't give two shits about which candidate is fucking whomever, at this point. It has zero to do with running a government.

But he's the Bible thumper Christian, that's the only reason anybody votes for him

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Oh, good. Let's shun those godless atheist savages and their science for child molesters and Catholics, who believe that the universe is 6000 years old and that condoms are bad. Kind of ironic, since Roman Catholicism and child molestation seem to go together like PB & J at this point.


And you'd think Trump would be done-so by now, since he's gone bankrupt more times than a Monopoly game.


But, I guess all that bullshit is more important than voting for someone who would actually have a handle on the job.


(B.T.W., not ranting at you here, Steve, just at the stupid logic of the people that you mentioned have when it comes to voting).

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Oh, good. Let's shun those godless atheist savages and their science for child molesters and Catholics, who believe that the universe is 6000 years old and that condoms are bad. Kind of ironic, since Roman Catholicism and child molestation seem to go together like PB & J at this point.


And you'd think Trump would be done-so by now, since he's gone bankrupt more times than a Monopoly game.


But, I guess all that bullshit is more important than voting for someone who would actually have a handle on the job.


(B.T.W., not ranting at you here, Steve, just at the stupid logic of the people that you mentioned have when it comes to voting).

No offense taken. I think everyone picks the guy they want and then thinks of reasons to hate the other guy.

Or pick the guy they hate and thinks of reasons to like his opponent. Same thing.


But in all honesty no man is qualified to be president of the United States.



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But he's the Bible thumper Christian, that's the only reason anybody votes for him


And Cruz is a whole lot smarter than Donald Trump which is why Trump doesn't want anything to do with debating Cruz anymore. Trump got away with horrible debate performances (please don't tell me how the unscientific Drudge poll had him winning every debate) with name calling and win,win,win and everybody else is stupid style of debate that worked with a large number of candidates on the stage but his weakness showed big time when the field dwindled and he looked awful because he cannot go into specifics on how he will make America great again. He is a great speaker and gave a great speech at AIPAC which was a prepared speech someone did for him who actually knew facts about the Middle East. He can be a formidable candidate but I bet if Trump doesn't take some time in debate prep and get more knowledgeable about his own positions Hillary Clinton will clean his clock on the debates. As much as I don't like Clinton this is not her first rodeo and she knows how to debate.


Trump already has a huge gap in women voters who say they will not vote for Trump. They are only 53 percent of the vote so I'm thinking Trump needs to do a whole lot of work to win over the women's vote. Making fun of women's appearances like he did with Fioriana and now Heidi Cruz is ignorance on a rampage from a candidate who already is behind the 8 ball with women voters.

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Trump had a couple good debates, but mostly they were entertaining. It was awesome watching him dismantle Jeb Bush


Cruz wasn't the best debater, though


Cruz is a solid debater but he debates like a lawyer. It is past time for Trump to start surrounding himself with good advisers. You know how foolish he sounds when the media asks who is advising him on military and economic issues and he says he is relying on his own good brain. The latest issue with Trump attacking Heidi Cruz over her appearance is why he needs a political adviser to stop him from making huge mistakes like this. Cleve had this right. Trump had the high ground and he could have pounded on the PAC who used his wife in the ad. Instead though he goes even lower and attacks an innocent woman who had nothing to do with any of it.

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Cruz is a solid debater but he debates like a lawyer. It is past time for Trump to start surrounding himself with good advisers. You know how foolish he sounds when the media asks who is advising him on military and economic issues and he says he is relying on his own good brain. The latest issue with Trump attacking Heidi Cruz over her appearance is why he needs a political adviser to stop him from making huge mistakes like this. Cleve had this right. Trump had the high ground and he could have pounded on the PAC who used his wife in the ad. Instead though he goes even lower and attacks an innocent woman who had nothing to do with any of it.

His foreign policy team is led by Jeff sessions and they apparently did a good job with the AIPAC thing.


He cucked to Israel but not too hard like everybody else (who had donors in the audience), he didn't mention other candidates.


But going off the cuff is why he's popular, no point changing it too much. When he's one-on-one with Hillary I'm sure he'll go through a lot more coaching. Now his notes are just like 3 words scribbled on an old pamphlet and he talks - does surprisingly well considering.


Cruz knows about the PAC and they collaborate - these guys aren't all following the election laws, there's big time corruption everywhere - especially with Cruz.

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His foreign policy team is led by Jeff sessions and they apparently did a good job with the AIPAC thing.


He cucked to Israel but not too hard like everybody else (who had donors in the audience), he didn't mention other candidates.


But going off the cuff is why he's popular, no point changing it too much. When he's one-on-one with Hillary I'm sure he'll go through a lot more coaching. Now his notes are just like 3 words scribbled on an old pamphlet and he talks - does surprisingly well considering.


Trump got a number of standing ovations at AIPAC where going in it looked like he was going to get a cold reception but he won them over. I was impressed. Trump is an amazing speaker off the cuff but he also showed he can give a great speech with a teleprompter and notes and what is good about that is you eliminate careless mistakes that can happen when speaking off the cuff.

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And actually rape and child molestation don't have anything to do with governing either.


I wish I could find it but Michael Medved was reading from a poll a couple days ago with a list of factors and weather people or more or less likely to vote for a candidate on their bases.


Atheism and failing at business was a negative, surprisingly being Catholic was a plus, and Jewish a wash.



Medved is a bush and establishment shill. You can do better than him.

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Quote from somebody else not me about Trump being a genius


Trump lies in wait. He loses Iowa and Texas, yet he waits. Everyone is out except Cruz and Trump. Cruz is racking up endorsements from losers that should be democrats like socialized medicine Romney and guac Bowl merchant Jeb!!!.

Then a 500k donation from Cruz to Carly's super PAC shows up. Then the PAC runs an ad with Melinia in Utah.

Trump is given the green light now that someone else started it. Trumps media relations director is one of the mistresses, the campaign sat on the Trump card for months even when he was losing. Trumps tweets about Teds wife as a reaction to wife's being fair game now. She had a mental breakdown because of Ted. She busted her ass for 7 years and 9 days after Ted becomes Senator she is promoted. Her job is contingent on lobbying her husband so if she leaves him she will probably be fired of demoted. She is trapped in a sham marriage.

All the Cruz endorsements all the Goldman Sachs money is for nothing all because they went after a future First Lady. Trump held that card even while losing until they hit Melinia which actives his trap card.

Have fun Hillary...

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*Katrina Pierson, a spokesperson for Donald Trump, is one of the women accused by the Enquirer of an affair with Cruz. Her current employer and the timing of the announcement have led to skepticism about the story, including this bit from left-leaning blog Crooks and Liars:

The pictures they weakly disguise are pretty easy to match up with people. The image above suggests that Katrina Pierson is one of his so-called mistresses, as well as others.

It feels to me like Trump dropped a whole lot of garbage over at the Enquirer to discredit Ted Cruz, and that sense is backed up even more by the fact that one of the lovely ladies is supposedly Donald Trump’s spokeswoman.

Pierson herself dismissed the idea of a scandal before she was named, in a manner that suggests no love lost between the two and blaming Rick Wilson of anti-Trump PAC Make America Awesome.

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Somebody's campaign will end over this. If this is true with Cruz it is over for him. If it is found to have been a false smear coming from Trump his political career is over. Of course the Trumpbot zombies will still support Trump regardless of anything like he brags he could murder someone in the street they would still support him but the trumpbots will be his only supporters. So we will see.

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Trump needs to be dumped. His attack on Cruz's wife.... because somebody in america

dissed his wife...


come on. He won't win vs higgardly the slug anyways.





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Somebody's campaign will end over this. If this is true with Cruz it is over for him. If it is found to have been a false smear coming from Trump his political career is over. Of course the Trumpbot zombies will still support Trump regardless of anything like he brags he could murder someone in the street they would still support him but the trumpbots will be his only supporters. So we will see.

Trump surely knew about it, but it's not from Trump himself.


Katrina denied it, one of the other "alleged" denied it on CNN and said to talk to her lawyer.


It'll get interesting as it develops - it's from a guy who correctly broke stories of scandals in the past.


Cruz was basically already mathematically eliminated anyway - he has to do a lot of unrealistic things to get the nomination, like win California and New York. This could be a kill shot to his senate career though.

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No wonder the real good candidates don't run.


If the primaries don't ruin your chances, the election will.


who needs your family attacked?


it's gettin dirtier and dirtier.

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Donald Trump’s Alliance With the National Enquirer

Throughout his scorched-earth presidential campaign, Donald Trump has mastered the art of the political attack against all of his rivals save one: Ben Carson. How he should handle the soft-spoken former neurosurgeon has been a question that’s vexed Trump from the moment Carson began eating into Trump’s lead. First, Trump tried attacking Carson head-on, questioning his medical reputation by calling him an “okay doctor” (Carson is known to have separated the first conjoined infant twins). When that didn’t work, he tried embracing him onstage at the second primary debate.


Now, as Carson overtakes Trump as the GOP front-runner, it appears Trump is getting help from a media outlet known for ending presidential candidacies: the National Enquirer. Earlier this month, the Enquirer published a cover story on Carson headlined “Bungling Surgeon Ben Carson Left Sponge in Patient’s Brain!” The article called Carson a “White House wannabe” and claimed he “brandished a scalpel like a meat cleaver!” It went on to quote angry former patients saying he botched surgeries that left them disfigured and in pain; one patient who sued Carson said he forgot to remove a surgical sponge from her brain after a procedure. “His presidential campaign should be dead on arrival!” Enquirer reporter Sharon Churcher wrote.

Trump and Enquirer CEO David Pecker have been friends for years. “They’re very close,” said a source close to the Enquirer. In July 2013, Trump even tweeted that Pecker should become CEO of Time magazine, which at the time was being spun off from its corporate parent, Time Warner. “He’d make it exciting and win awards!”

This person also said that Trump’s campaign was a source for the article: “His campaign provided information that was used,” he explained. A Trump friend said that in the days leading up to the article’s publication Trump was telling people that Carson “had a lot of medical malpractice suits” and “almost killed a guy.”

Trump’s spokesperson, Hope Hicks, told me “there’s absolutely no truth” to the claim Trump was behind the article. When I asked the Enquirer for comment, Pecker said it was “utterly false” that the Trump campaign was their source. “We did what the National Enquirer has always done, our investigative reporters went back and poured through numerous legal documents to discover the details that led to our exclusive coverage of malpractice claims against Ben Carson,” he said in a statement.

Whether or not Trump has been a source for the Enquirer, his friendship with Pecker has paid dividends. At key moments during the GOP primary the Enquirer has helped boost Trump’s campaign by attacking his rivals and fawning over him. Two weeks after Trump launched his campaign in mid-June, the Enquirer reported that Jeb Bush was “involved in the drug trade in Florida” in the '80s and that, as governor, he was plagued by “sleazy cheating scandals … [with a] Playboy Bunny turned lawyer.” In September, the Enquirer published an unflattering photograph of Bush’s adult daughter apparently taking cigarette breaks at her office. The article hit just days after Jeb told Americans they needed to work longer hours.

Carly Fiorina has also been slimed. After the former Hewlett-Packard CEO bested Trump at the second GOP debate last month, the Enquirer ran an article headlined “Homewrecker Carly Fiorina Lied About Druggie Daughter.” The article attacked one of Fiorina’s best moments at the debate: her emotional account of her daughter’s struggle with drug addiction. “The National Enquirer has exclusively learned that Lori Ann Fiorina, who died in October 2009, was in fact Carly’s stepdaughter,” the tabloid reported. “She was brought up not by Carly but by her biological mom, Patricia Fiorina, whose marriage allegedly was wrecked by the 61-year-old White House hopeful who is determined to knock Donald Trump from his superior front-runner status!”


Meanwhile, Trump has been exclusively celebrated in the Enquirer’s pages. As talk of a Trump candidacy heated up last winter, the tabloid published an article headlined “Trump’s the One!” that reported him leading in the polls. In September, the Enquirer published a three-part series by Trump himself under the headline “The Man Behind the Legend!”

Trump’s scandal-filled personal life would be yuge! for the supermarket tabloid, but to the Enquirer, it seems, friendship is forever.





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