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Ted Cruz sex scandal emerging


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Well, i'm in the same boat as you, just on the opposite side. I'm probably going to end up voting for Hillary, even though I think she's shady as fuck and corrupt, simply because of the limited choices I have. I mean, Hillary v Trump for the General election? I don't think anyone is going to feel super stoked voting between those two.

I can't imagine you ever considered voting R.

No offense.



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In this election? Probably no one. I think this election is going to boil down to which candidate would have the most political experience, with moral repugnance being the lesser of two evils, unfortunately.

The one with most political experience has a real knack for negligently killing Americans, shitting on the constitution, and ignoring any form of "oath of office" she's taken.


But hey, the other guys say they believe in Jesus to appeal to a demographic, so fuck them.

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But the completely irrational hatred of people for Donald Trump almost makes you start to feel sorry for him. And he's not a naturally empathetic character.


I really can't imagine any position you could prefer Hillary's over Trump's.

Seriously. Could someone list any?


Not even experience. None of the candidates will run the country without an extended team have experienced people. And none of the candidates understand things any less than Barack Obama.


Or anyone really.



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But the completely irrational hatred of people for Donald Trump almost makes you start to feel sorry for him. And he's not a naturally empathetic character.


I really can't imagine any position you could prefer Hillary's over Trump's.

Seriously. Could someone list any?


Not even experience. None of the candidates will run the country without an extended team have experienced people. And none of the candidates understand things any less than Barack Obama.


Or anyone really.




Not being a climate change denier is the only thing I can think of. Even so, we can't shoot ourselves in the foot to try and save the environment while India and China shit out loads more of CO2 than we ever will.


The anti-vax stuff too.

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I can't imagine you ever considered voting R.

No offense.




It's true that I usually tend to vote Democrat, because many of their views tend to align with mine, but i'm not blindly married a party like many voters are. If I find a Republican candidate who impresses me more than a Democrat one, I vote for the Republican. I actually tend to vote Republican in local and state positions; Sheriff Richard K. Jones comes to mind. Again, it just depends on the candidate and their platform and how effective I think they will be at their job.


...But hey, the other guys say they believe in Jesus to appeal to a demographic, so fuck them.


I voted for John Kasich in the primary, so being religious and a Republican isn't obviously a non-starter for me

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It's true that I usually tend to vote Democrat, because many of their views tend to align with mine, but i'm not blindly married a party like many voters are. If I find a Republican candidate who impresses me more than a Democrat one, I vote for the Republican. I actually tend to vote Republican in local and state positions; Sheriff Richard K. Jones comes to mind. Again, it just depends on the candidate and their platform and how effective I think they will be at their job.


☆ of course party doesn't mean that much in local politics.

Late twenties, have you ever voted for a Republican presidential candidate?☆




I voted for John Kasich in the primary, so being religious and a Republican isn't obviously a non-starter for me


☆Just to fuck with Donald Trump? So it's not that you want John Kasich to be the president? I voted for Hillary in the Democratic primary against Obama. Figured we were getting stuck with a Democrat and she was less offensive to me than Obama.☆

The last Democratic Presidential hopeful I fully supported was Paul Tsongas.




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It's true that I usually tend to vote Democrat, because many of their views tend to align with mine, but i'm not blindly married a party like many voters are. If I find a Republican candidate who impresses me more than a Democrat one, I vote for the Republican. I actually tend to vote Republican in local and state positions; Sheriff Richard K. Jones comes to mind. Again, it just depends on the candidate and their platform and how effective I think they will be at their job.



I voted for John Kasich in the primary, so being religious and a Republican isn't obviously a non-starter for me


Congratulations on allowing Ted Cruz to get even closer to the presidency. It's getting to the point where establishment politicians are backing him over Trump - and that should scare you more than anything Trump has said. If Trump had won Ohio, we wouldn't even have to worry about this.

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Congratulations on allowing Ted Cruz to get even closer to the presidency. It's getting to the point where establishment politicians are backing him over Trump - and that should scare you more than anything Trump has said. If Trump had won Ohio, we wouldn't even have to worry about this.

I understand the problem with that. I voted for John Kasich as well not to fuck with Donald Trump but because I believe that John Kasich would be the best president of the Republicans.

I almost always put my conscience.

I understand the polls are pretty liquid but this point he's the one that looks like he can beat Hillary. Unfortunately there's no way he gets the nomination without a big bunch of stink.



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I understand the problem with that. I voted for John Kasich as well not to fuck with Donald Trump but because I believe that John Kasich would be the best president of the Republicans.

I almost always put my conscience.

I understand the polls are pretty liquid but this point he's the one that looks like he can beat Hillary. Unfortunately there's no way he gets the nomination without a big bunch of stink.




I wish we had a parliamentary style government, where people who voted outside of the two major parties still end up getting representation. For better or worse, I've never been able to convince myself to vote for anything other than to make that person win or to make sure someone else loses.

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☆ of course party doesn't mean that much in local politics.

Late twenties, have you ever voted for a Republican presidential candidate?☆


In a general election? No. Did vote for Ron Paul in the 2012 primary. Romney had piqued my interest back in 2008, when he was more moderate, but by 2012, he had veered to the far right in order to appeal to the Tea Party voters, so he lost me there. Rick Santorum was a poor man's Mike Huckabee; he was too much of a religious crackpot for my taste; I was a freshman in high school back in 2001 when he tried to force the teaching of mandatory "Intelligent" Design into the No Child Left Behind Act.



☆Just to fuck with Donald Trump? So it's not that you want John Kasich to be the president? I voted for Hillary in the Democratic primary against Obama. Figured we were getting stuck with a Democrat and she was less offensive to me than Obama.☆


No, not at all. I voted for John Kasich because, out of the Republican candidates, he is the most moderate. Frankly, he's probably the most sensible out of all the candidates of both parties. Sanders is probably the most honest and likeable of the candidates, but many of his planned reforms are financial pipe dreams and his foreign policy is weak, at best; I don't think he has the stomach to deal with ISIS. Clinton is probably the most politically savvy of the bunch, and has the most experience working in the higher levels of government than the rest; similar to you, I voted for her in the 2008 primary. But in this election, I trust her about as far as I can throw her, and the way she's handled Bengazi and the email debacles really left a bad taste in my mouth. Cruz and Rubio are religious idealogues, so that was a non-starter for me. Trump is, well, Trump; he's a buffoon and a demagogue who panders to the worst in people.


So, in the end, that left me with Kasich. He impressed me by breaking with the lock-step Republicans in alot of ways. He acknowledged global climate change and admitted that industry is playing a part in that. He doesn't really care about gay marriage. He did a pretty good job with Ohio's economy and is for a balanced budget amendment. And most importantly, he seems be willing to work with members across the aisle and compromise in order to get things.


So, pretty much all things Cal hates. B)


And, despite what Vapor said, i'm glad that Kasich won Ohio, because it gives me slight hope that he can gain momentum from here and become the compromise candidate at a brokered RNC convention. Highly unlikely, but it is my best hope, because I honestly don't know how i'd vote if it came down to Trump v Clinton.

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I think I'd vote for Kasich over Clinton




Its pretty indicative of how shit the Democratic candidates are when a good portion of their constituency is willing to vote for a Republican candidate:




Ironically, I think that some Republicans will feel the same way if it does come down to Trump v Clinton and will vote for Clinton rather than falling on their swords for Trump.


All in all, this election is fucked. More than usual, in fact.

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Well I don't see John Kasich coming out on top of a brokered convention. Maybe. But in 2012 I voted for Newt Gingrich.

I think he's the smartest and best qualified guy for the job even today. I did think a great deal of Mitt Romney as well. I supported him without regret during the campaign.

The Paul family is just a little bit squirrelly for my taste.


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Another poll finds Kasich the only Republican beating Clinton head-to-head


Though John Kasich finds himself trailing in the Republican race, with his establishment friends now rallying around Ted Cruz, he may be the only one who could beat Hillary Clinton in November.


That’s according to a new poll by Monmouth University, which found that while Clinton beat both Cruz and Donald Trump in head-to-head scenarios, the former secretary of State trailed Kasich by 6 percentage points.


With Cruz pitted head-to-head against Clinton, he trailed by 6 percentage points. Trump trailed the Democratic front-runner by 10 points in a general election scenario.


The poll’s conclusion backs an earlier poll this week by Quinnipiac University, which also found Kasich to be the only Republican candidate to defeat Clinton head-to-head, leading her by eight percentage points.


Despite Kasich, Ohio's governor, being potentially the only Republican candidate who could defeat Clinton in a general election, support for his campaign has so far failed to materialize.


Establishment Republicans, including Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney and Lindsey Graham, are all voicing support for Cruz, who’s proven a stronger primary challenge to Trump, the front-runner.


Graham joked about his party’s failure to support Kasich on MSNBC Thursday, citing another figure suggesting Kasich could lead Clinton.


“Of all the people running. John Kasich wins by 11 points against Hillary, so he's absolutely out," Graham said. "Nobody wants a loser like that."


"Would John Kasich make a better president than Ted Cruz?" MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski asked.


“Think so,” Graham said.


The Monmouth Poll took place March 17-20 over phone and included 848 registered voters. The margin of error is +/- 3.4 percentage points.

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Yes I've heard all about that poll, just saying I can't see Kasich winning the nomination.


And both Donald Trump and Ted Cruz have staunch supporters all of which will probably tend to stay home if their guy gets fucked over.




Kasich doesn't deserve to win the nomination with how poorly he's done across the country. And I agree, the general election polls mean nothing right now.

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