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Ted Cruz sex scandal emerging


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This article was from 10/30/15 when Carson was doing well in the polls.

Face it, you can't blame Trump for the Cruz scandal claims. It's not fair to say "well he's friends with the national enquirer CEO so it's his fault!" The writer who broke it has also broke many other scandals - not to mention Katrina is


Trump tactically didn't say anything about it until Cruz opened his mouth blaming him.


Mistake by Cruz because Trump's response put him another 6 feet under.


The rat tried to take the cheese that was in the mouse trap.


Opened Trump up to do his usual advanced persuasion tactics on another level. He didn't say the national enquirer was right, but he validated them by saying "I hope unlike OJ, John Edwards, and many others I hope they're wrong about lyin Ted Cruz"


Sounds simple - but it's actually a next level persuasion tactic that he uses so often.

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Face it, you can't blame Trump for the Cruz scandal claims. It's not fair to say "well he's friends with the national enquirer CEO so it's his fault!" The writer who broke it has also broke many other scandals


Trump tactically didn't say anything about it until Cruz opened his mouth blaming him.


Mistake by Cruz because Trump's response put him another 6 feet under.


The article I posted clearly shows the National Enquirer rag is in the tank for Donald Trump. The mistakes have been adding up for Trump and although the democrats might be running the worst candidate possible in Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump is probably the only republican that will lose to her. Both Cruz and Kasich beat Clinton head to head while Trump is losing to Clinton by double digits.


Fox News Poll: Cruz and Kasich Lead Hillary, Trump Down Double Digits



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The article I posted clearly shows the National Enquirer rag is in the tank for Donald Trump. The mistakes have been adding up for Trump and although the democrats might be running the worst candidate possible in Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump is probably the only republican that will lose to her. Both Cruz and Kasich beat Clinton head to head while Trump is losing to Clinton by double digits.

Fox News Poll: Cruz and Kasich Lead Hillary, Trump Down Double Digits



General election polls don't matter at this point.


You're speculating on Trump being responsible for a story when there's literally no evidence of that.


Trump just put Cruz into his grave and shit on it. He took the high road while casting doubt.


Frankly, nobody would vote for Cruz in a GE even if he wasn't a dirtbag.




Also, Katrina denied the allegations - and she works for Trump.

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General election polls don't matter at this point.


You're speculating on Trump being responsible for a story when there's literally no evidence of that.


Trump just put Cruz into his grave and shit on it. He took the high road while casting doubt.


Frankly, nobody would vote for Cruz in a GE even if he wasn't a dirtbag.


Trump took the high road in mocking the journalist with disabilities, he took the high road in skipping out of serving in the Viet Nam war and mocking John McCain who spent 5 years as a POW, he took the high road in making fun of Heidi Cruz's appearance who had nothing to do with anything about Trump's wife, ...I think you got the dirtbag mixed up and it is Cruz and Kasich who beat Clinton in the GE right now and not a dirtbag like Trump who is losing by double digits.

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Trump took the high road in mocking the journalist with disabilities, he took the high road in skipping out of serving in the Viet Nam war and mocking John McCain who spent 5 years as a POW, he took the high road in making fun of Heidi Cruz's appearance who had nothing to do with anything about Trump's wife, ...I think you got the dirtbag mixed up and it is Cruz and Kasich who beat Clinton in the GE right now and not a dirtbag like Trump who is losing by double digits.

General election polls are irrelevant, but Trump is neck and neck with Clinton if they did matter.


Cruz and Kasich can't beat Clinton, because they can't beat Trump. Trump is the one getting record turnout and the highest Democrat crossover since reagan - I like his chances, especially when Clinton gives him an opportunity like Cruz just did to bury her.

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Fresh polling from Fox News confirms an emerging trend: While his GOP rivals poll competitively or ahead of presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump consistently trails her by a substantial margin. The new national survey shows Ohio Governor John Kasich -- who has no mathematical path to the nomination -- leading Clinton by a whopping 11 points (51/40), with Texas Senator Ted Cruz edging the former Secretary of State by three points (47/44). By contrast, controversial real estate tycoon Donald Trump trails Clinton by 11 points (38/49). Roughly half of registered voters say they'd be "scared" Trump wins the White House. He is the only candidate in whom a majority of voters lack confidence to fill the current Supreme Court vacancy, and he even manages to score worse on honesty and trustworthiness (-32) than habitual liar Hillary Clinton (-30). Ironically, Ted Cruz, whom Trump taunts as "lyin' Ted," scores a (+2) on this metric.

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"So Cruz has nothing to do with the Melania attack ad, but the national enquire report has everything to do with Donald Trump"


And GE polls don't matter until July. Trump and Hillary have already won their nominations, though.

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"So Cruz has nothing to do with the Melania attack ad, but the national enquire report has everything to do with Donald Trump"


And GE polls don't matter until July. Trump and Hillary have already won their nominations, though.


The PAC that used the ad against Trump's wife is not a Pro Cruz PAC it is an anti Trump PAC. PACS are not allowed by law to coordinate or work together with any of the candidates campaigns and my guess if there was even a hint of illegal coordination going on someone like Trump who sues people at the drop of a hat would have a lawsuit about it. The article I posted about the National Enquirer being in the tank for Trump speaks for itself.

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The PAC that used the ad against Trump's wife is not a Pro Cruz PAC it is an anti Trump PAC. PACS are not allowed by law to coordinate or work together with any of the candidates campaigns and my guess if there was even a hint of illegal coordination going on someone like Trump who sues people at the drop of a hat would have a lawsuit about it. The article I posted about the National Enquirer being in the tank for Trump speaks for itself.

It's a former Fiorina pac, Cruz's main super PAC donated $500,000 to it.


And it's too naive to think super PACs are totally within the bounds of the law and candidates know nothing about them and owe nothing to their donors.

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It's a former Fiorina pac, Cruz's main super PAC donated $500,000 to it.


And it's too naive to think super PACs are totally within the bounds of the law and candidates know nothing about them and owe nothing to their donors.


The PAC was wrong for attacking Trump's wife. Trump could have taken the high ground and pounded on the PAC and scored points by taking the high ground but does Trump do that? No he takes the even lower road of attacking Heidi Cruz who had nothing to do with this. Those photos of Melania are out there in the public domain so no doubt they were going to come out anyway from the Clinton campaign. I am not condoning what the PAC did but maybe it was a favor to get it out there and out of the way now and not have it come up in October? Trump is already in serious trouble with women voters who are 53 percent of voters and I do not see how he wins in November by losing the women and minority voters. It won't happen as it stands now. I agree there is enough time for Trump to turn it around though. Hillary Clinton has already turned her focus off of Sanders and onto the republicans. I don't understand why Trump isn't doing the same. He should be looking past Cruz right now as he is so far ahead in delegates and the map favors him. Trump reminds me of captain Ahab stabbing the whale when he goes on twitter and makes his rants and it is like he cannot help himself

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The PAC was wrong for attacking Trump's wife. Trump could have taken the high ground and pounded on the PAC and scored points by taking the high ground but does Trump do that? No he takes the even lower road of attacking Heidi Cruz who had nothing to do with this. Those photos of Melania are out there in the public domain so no doubt they were going to come out anyway from the Clinton campaign. I am not condoning what the PAC did but maybe it was a favor to get it out there and out of the way now and not have it come up in October? Trump is already in serious trouble with women voters who are 53 percent of voters and I do not see how he wins in November by losing the women and minority voters. It won't happen as it stands now. I agree there is enough time for Trump to turn it around though. Hillary Clinton has already turned her focus off of Sanders and onto the republicans. I don't understand why Trump isn't doing the same. He should be looking past Cruz right now as he is so far ahead in delegates and the map favors him. Trump reminds me of captain Ahab stabbing the whale when he goes on twitter and makes his rants and it is like he cannot help himself

The Heidi Cruz thing was technically a retweet - about the internet equivalent of a super PAC?

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Trump needs to be dumped. His attack on Cruz's wife.... because somebody in america

dissed his wife...


come on. He won't win vs higgardly the slug anyways.





Lol, you were saying, not even a few weeks ago, that you were backing Trump

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So think about this for a moment those of you on the stop Trump train. I'm sure you're smart enough to realize that CNN, MSNBC even Fox News and nearly every mainstream newspaper and Outlet are doing everything they can to twist everything Trump says or does in order to get him out of the race. It's really actually shocking. But you guys are flabbergasted, I tell you that the National Enquirer might not be as pure as the driven snow?



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So think about this for a moment those of you on the stop Trump train. I'm sure you're smart enough to realize that CNN, MSNBC even Fox News and nearly every mainstream newspaper and Outlet are doing everything they can to twist everything Trump says or does in order to get him out of the race. It's really actually shocking. But you guys are flabbergasted, I tell you that the National Enquirer might not be as pure as the driven snow?


This is so true and very unusual. I caught pretty quick that all the media outlets were on the same page. Then I listened to one of his rally speeches in it's entirety. Then the flapping jaws came on to tell me what I had just heard. They are so out of context that you can call them bald face liars. The powers that be and the established king makers are nervous. Even republicans have stated that they would be happier with Hillory winning. That way the status quo stays the same. Instead of getting the emperor new clothes, we need a new emperor.

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From the link you posted:


You can’t blame Cruz for seeing Trump’s tiny fingerprints on the story—and it’s fully plausible that the mogul or one of his allies (rather than a Rubio booster) gave the story to the tabloid. After all, the supermarket tabloid is, for all intents and purposes, the Trump Train’s caboose.


TRUMP MUST BE PREZ!” began the Enquirer’s endorsement of the mogul, published earlier this month. “INSIDE: VOTE FOR HIS VICE PRESIDENT!” (One of the options is Sen. Cruz, who the publication had previously dubbed, “Boozin’ Ted.”)


David Pecker—the CEO of American Media, Inc., which publishes the Enquirer—is tight with Trump.

Trump has repeatedly praised Pecker and tweeted several times in 2013 that his pal should be named the new CEO of Time magazine.

The tabloid has provided Trump’s presidential bid with glowing coverage, and has been rewarded with “exclusive” interviews. In January, “America’s most popular presidential candidate” gave a two-part interview on the “most intimate details of [his] amazing life!” Trump is even an occasional National Enquirer contributor.

“Trump is a big friend of Pecker,” an anonymous source told the New York Daily News, claiming that the billionaire reality TV star is “protected” by the Enquirer. “So no John Edwards-type investigations … Some of the staff are furious. Trump’s such fertile ground, and it drives them crazy to not only be staying away from it, but running puff pieces for him.”

A source close to the tabloid also told New York magazine in October that Trump’s campaign was the source for an Enquirer cover story on one of the mogul’s former rivals.

“Bungling Surgeon Ben Carson Left Sponge in Patient’s Brain!” the headline bellowed. (The Trump campaign and Pecker flatly denied this allegation.)

The Enquirer has also savaged other Trump foes, including Rubio, Cruz, Carly Fiorina, and Jeb Bush. It recently reported that Bush, as governor of Florida, was embroiled in “sleazy cheating scandals…[with a] Playboy Bunny turned lawyer,” a rumor Bush publicly denied over a decade ago.

“There have been few presidential candidates in recent history that have generated the kind of discussion that Donald Trump has,” Pecker told The Daily Beast this month. “It’s no surprise that the readership of the Enquirer recently told us that they wanted to read more about Trump than any other 2016 candidate. The coverage of the Enquirer reflects what its 6 million readers want, and expect, from the publication which has shown no hesitation in presenting an unvarnished look at past or current candidates for president.”


But unvarnished isn’t the same thing as true. Cruz and several of the women accused in the Enquirer’s story have denied its lurid claims.

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It's dirty kgb type gutter politics to sway an election.


I prefer that trump doesn't get the "required" votes,

and somebody else runs for the reps.


I'm sick of both the cruz and trump campaigns..


it's a clusterfook. but it's better than the sanders/mentally ill higgardly terrorist sumbeech horror picture show.

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Early January when the voting started, my wife would get creeped out whenever Cruz was shown on tv. She could not put her finger on why she got the weirds but just did. After a couple of weeks she blurts out, "he's a crossdresser!" That was what bugged her. She sees him as a crossdresser with the nasally voice and all. Her 1st question when we heard about his little scandal starting, "was he wearing woman's clothing?". Now I can't help but laugh every time I see him.

Lola Cruz?

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It's dirty kgb type gutter politics to sway an election.


I prefer that trump doesn't get the "required" votes,

and somebody else runs for the reps.


I'm sick of both the cruz and trump campaigns..


it's a clusterfook. but it's better than the sanders/mentally ill higgardly terrorist sumbeech horror picture show.


This gutter politics only works in favor of the democrats and Clinton. Clinton is such a weak candidate just about any of the 17 original republican candidates should beat her in the general with the exception of Trump who might be the only republican who loses to her.

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This gutter politics only works in favor of the democrats and Clinton. Clinton is such a weak candidate just about any of the 17 original republican candidates should beat her in the general with the exception of Trump who might be the only republican who loses to her.

What do you want to bet on it? I'd go pretty high that Trump beats Hillary.
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What do you want to bet on it? I'd go pretty high that Trump beats Hillary.


Well the last time you threw out a bet to me that Cruz would not win his home state = lose. I think you also said if he did win his home state that would be the only one he would win and he won Oklahoma and Alaska besides his home state of Texas. Anyway St. Judes Hospital was the winner and I really wouldn't mind betting you again with the winner paying off to St. Judes hospital but I would be betting against myself as I will vote for Trump against Clinton.

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Well the last time you threw out a bet to me that Cruz would not win his home state = lose. I think you also said if he did win his home state that would be the only one he would win and he won Oklahoma and Alaska besides his home state of Texas. Anyway St. Judes Hospital was the winner and I really wouldn't mind betting you again with the winner paying off to St. Judes hospital but I would be betting against myself as I will vote for Trump against Clinton.

I'm just saying Trump is going to do things in a general election that Cruz could only dream of - like get NY close to turning red. (They still will be blue, but it'll be close)

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Oh, good. Let's shun those godless atheist savages and their science for child molesters and Catholics, who believe that the universe is 6000 years old and that condoms are bad. Kind of ironic, since Roman Catholicism and child molestation seem to go together like PB & J at this point.


And you'd think Trump would be done-so by now, since he's gone bankrupt more times than a Monopoly game.


But, I guess all that bullshit is more important than voting for someone who would actually have a handle on the job.


(B.T.W., not ranting at you here, Steve, just at the stupid logic of the people that you mentioned have when it comes to voting).

And which candidate has that handle exactly?
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And which candidate has that handle exactly?

In this election? Probably no one. I think this election is going to boil down to which candidate would have the most political experience, with moral repugnance being the lesser of two evils, unfortunately.

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Lol, you were saying, not even a few weeks ago, that you were backing Trump Jblu


It's true, but it is not funny, dammit. :mad: ........................ B)

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Lol, you were saying, not even a few weeks ago, that you were backing Trump Jblu


It's true, but it is not funny, dammit. :mad: ........................ B)


Well, i'm in the same boat as you, just on the opposite side. I'm probably going to end up voting for Hillary, even though I think she's shady as fuck and corrupt, simply because of the limited choices I have. I mean, Hillary v Trump for the General election? I don't think anyone is going to feel super stoked voting between those two.

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