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Bill O'Reily on Gun Control

MLD Woody

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Seemed pretty level headed to me. I don't agree with all of it, but I was kind of surprised on his views on gun control. He'd be for Congress debating what guns are legal to be sold and which aren't.


Bill: "We can learn from Australia"

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Personally I don't see the reason for multi multi multi round assault rifles.

On the other hand I don't see the reason for most Americans to own a handgun or an automobile who is speedometer goes above 80.

Or actually a house over 800 square feet.

Or more than three pairs of shoes.

Or more than 3 guitars etcetera etcetera etcetera etcetera.



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Well, Bill O'Reilly is still a clueless asshole. Somethings never change.


Well, he doesn't know how the tides work.



I just found it interesting because it is a take I wouldn't have expected from him. Plus there are others on here that have posted his stuff but would disagree with this

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On a political message board I think (centripetal) centrifugal` force pushes a lot of folks to the outer circles of their political ideology. But still at least I think there are gray areas and reason to understand each other it just doesn't usually happen on this backdrop.


I do think it's dangerous, as with many things that happened, to take an issue like gun control and pretend that's the reason for the shooting in Orlando.




I left the one word up there because I thought the speech-to-text translation was funny.

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Just ban AR-15s and everything will be hunky dory.


But we should keep sending M4s, M16s, RPGs, and explosives to moderate terrorists in the middle east.


Oh and since there's already a ton of AR-15 and AK derived rifles on the market we need to go find them and take them.


We can trust our southern allies to not funnel them across the border and sell them on the black market.


Also we need to outlaw handguns, because the amount of shootings in our high poverty inner city areas is insane. Idk why nobody's taken the guns away from the gangs yet - all problems would be solved and they'd get jobs.

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I should make a flow chart for what happens after a mass shooting - it's so predictable.


White male? White america needs to answer for this tragedy (http://www.salon.com/2015/06/18/charleston_church_massacre_the_violence_white_america_must_answer_for/)


Muslim? #NotAllMuslims


Apply social media profile picture flag filter - whether rainbow, belgium, french


Bitch about how it's all guns fault. Wash, rinse repeat.

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Yeah dems lose me on this one. If the fbi did its due dilligence and found they couldnt justify keeping him on the list, than fuck tjeres nothing to have been done.


Obamas right though on bein able to kerp watchlist people from buying guns. But there should be an avenue for someone to contest their inclusion on that list. But listrn to this sensible talk out of me what an asshole i am

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The watchlist idea is a good one...


except the left makes it a bad one.


Some gun owner hater could simply

put all social security folks on the "watch list".


all veterans. All teens... it never ends. That's why registration is

a very, very, very BAD idea - it just gives the left the excellent opportunity

to take advantage of that information and run with it, finding endless ways

to confiscate guns like the AR-15.


some dem idiot was on a giant rant about banning the "assault weapons"...

was talking about "automatic weapon"... and referring to it as the AR-14.


Talk about emotional knee jerk..... illegals keep pouring over the border, obamao

bringing in hundreds of thousands of refugees from muslim countries......


I want an AR-15 more, now. higgardly and the rest can shove it.

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When my cousin lived in Texas a few years back he said every variant of the AR-15 was sold out everywhere when people got scared about the possibility of banning them.


He tried a few places because he wanted to buy one himself and couldn't find any - with other people looking for the same thing.


One thing is sure, the worry people have over gun control gives gun MFGs and store owners a fuckload of business.

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if the wild boar get to ne ohio... I'm ownin me one of them AR-15's alright.


the marxists try to ban em, they gotta find em, know wut I'm sayin ?

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