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FBI does not recommend indictment for Hillary E-mails


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obamao runs the fbi, epa, nea, doj, has all his little puppets in charge.


his fbi didn't even stop the orlando mass murderer, let him.


ofcourse they are letting higgardly walk.

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as soon as lynch said she'd accept whatever the fbi decided, after she met with bill clinton....


it was easy to figure.

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"In an astounding news conference just now, FBI Director James Comey laid out several ways in which Hillary Clinton admittedly broke the law, was reckless with classified information, and almost definitely allowed her private email account to be hacked. However, at the end of the day, Comey stated that the FBI was recommending that no charges be filed against Secretary Clinton.


The findings of the FBI were pretty astounding, including the finding that:

  • Numerous emails, including 110 emails in 52 threads contained information that was classified at the time it was sent or received;
  • The private server was NOT secure and was not an appropriate place to store classified information, and that "a reasonable person in Secretary Clinton's position" should have known this;
  • That they could not determine whether hackers actually accessed Clinton's private email server, but they were able to determine that hackers were able to access the email addresses of known correspondents of Hillary Clinton, and that through this means, they were able to read Clinton's emails;
  • That Clinton and her team did not turn over all records to State that they were required to;
  • That if Secretary Clinton were in a different position, she would face either administrative punishment or sanctions to her security clearance; however
  • No criminal charges were recommended at this time.

At the end of the day, Clinton avoids criminal charges, which was likely inevitable. However, this press conference was a brutal destruction of literally every talking point Team Clinton has used to date to deflect attention away from this scandal. Comey even specifically took time to address the "marked classified" nonsense and dismissed it as irrelevant. He blasted Clinton's judgment over and over again."

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To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now.
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To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now.



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she's guilty of "gross negligence", as per the law...


but she "didn't intend to be..." ?


Like I said before...


the clintons, and the rest of the obaMao brownshirts,


are very much like the bad guys in "Walking Tall"

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Shorter FBI Director James Comey Presser: LOLOLOL. Nothing Matters.



"To call the press conference by FBI Director James Comey surreal is an exercise in understatement.

In the press conference, Comey said that every material statement made by Hillary Clinton in regards to her emails usage while Secretary of State is utterly false. Yes, tens of thousands of work related emails were not turned over the State Department. Yes, top secret information was sent over a very unsecure email system. Yes, her email server was not secured. Yes, foreign intelligence agencies have had access to her email. Yes, the classified information sent was known to be classified when it was sent. In short, not a single syllable Hillary Clinton has said about her actions is true.

Somehow, Comey arrives at the conclusion than "no reasonable prosecutor" would file charges because, you know, Scooter Libby was never indicted and convicted of a crime.

It is difficult to read Comey's statement of facts and his conclusion without having your medulla oblongata detached from you spinal cord by the whiplash.

All one can conclude from this is the the rule of law is dead in the United States. We are no longer citizens, we are subjects ruled by people who, as in pre-Magna Carta England, are simply exempt from the law."

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The FBI Director laid out today a detailed case of how Hillary Clinton compromised the safety of the American people by storing highly classified information on a private email server with no security. He confirmed that her email could easily have been hacked by hostile actors, and confirmed that those she emailed with were hacked.

Our adversaries almost certainly have a blackmail file on Hillary Clinton, and this fact alone disqualifies her from service.

It has also been revealed that Hillary Clinton lied when she said that she did not send classified information. The FBI Director confirmed that over 100 emails were deemed classified at the time they were sent, including emails classified as top secret.

On top of it all, Hillary Clinton’s lawyers wiped the servers clean to delete another 30,000 emails – hiding her corrupt dealings from investigators. She used the State Department for her personal gain, trading favors for cash, and tried to conceal the records. Also, she didn’t want people to know the details about her botched decisions in Libya, Syria, Iraq and Egypt that destabilized the Middle East.

But because of our rigged system that holds the American people to one standard and people like Hillary Clinton to another, it does not look like she will be facing the criminal charges that she deserves.

Bill Clinton didn’t accidentally run into the Attorney General on the airport tarmac last week in Phoenix. Hillary Clinton didn’t accidentally sneak into the FBI during one of the country’s biggest holiday weekends to testify on her illegal activities, something that wouldn’t be afforded to others under investigation (and on a Saturday of all days). It was no accident that charges were not recommended against Hillary the exact same day as President Obama campaigns with her for the first time.

Folks – the system is rigged. The normal punishment, in this case, would include losing authority to handle classified information, and that too disqualifies Hillary Clinton from being President.

The final jury will be the American people, and they will issue the verdict on her corruption, incompetence, and bad judgment on November 8th.

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Although Clinton should have been indicted this still should work out to Trump's advantage as Trump can hammer home the point of the system being rigged favoring the elites like Clinton while average citizens get prosecuted for less.


Clinton met every element of the crime of gross negligence handling classified material which does not require intent. The FBI director knows this so his recommendation not to recommend prosecution because of lack of proof of intent is not relevant.


MARK LEVIN: The only issue should be whether Hillary serves FOR LIFE or not



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Although Clinton should have been indicted this still should work out to Trump's advantage as Trump can hammer home the point of the system being rigged favoring the elites like Clinton while average citizens get prosecuted for less.


Clinton met every element of the crime of gross negligence handling classified material which does not require intent. The FBI director knows this so his recommendation not to recommend prosecution because of lack of proof of intent is not relevant.

MARK LEVIN: The only issue should be whether Hillary serves FOR LIFE or not



Trump can just read Comey quotes about how incompetent she and the entire state department was/are. It's good ammo for him at least.

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