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FBI does not recommend indictment for Hillary E-mails


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This whole thing stinks. The meeting with Clinton and Lynch. Lynch saying she would follow the recommendation of the FBI (when she probably knew already no indictment was recommended). Obama pretending not to know in advance there would be no indictments when all the evidence points differently. The fix was in. Now the FBI is tainted along with all the other corruptness of this "transparent" administration.. Comey laid out the case for prosecution for gross negligence of handling classified material then says no reasonable prosecutor would recommend criminal charges. How does he know that? I have seen many federal prosecutors on record already as saying they would refer criminal charges as all the elements of the crime were met. Others whose names aren't Clinton have been prosecuted for less.


This should help Trump though. Many people will see this as Clinton skating above the law.

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So is anybody else on here ready for an Article V convention yet?

To what purpose? It's already as toothless as the list of rules on Farmer Jones barn.


She got special treatment from the Democrats in charge. Simple. Nothing can be done about it. If anybody was intent on nailing her just look at Scooter Libby and David Petraeus. Or anyone else, including Martha Stewart, convicted of lying to the committee.


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Woody is a bernout, the indictment was the only chance he had left


The Clinton foundation scandal is much, much worse - but nothing will be heard about that until after November.

Bern out is a strong term. I just like him the best of the three

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Bernie will puss out, give a speech talking about how awesome Clinton is at the convention.


Then all of his campaign donations will promptly be handed over to the DNC and he will shill for her until November.

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Watch Trey Gowdy DESTROY FBI Director Comey’s Stance In Minutes


Say what you want about him, Trey Gowdy is a real fun guy to watch during committee hearings.

During the committee hearing for the Clinton email investigation on Thursday, FBI Director James Comey had the misfortune of being put into the sites of the indefatigable Gowdy. Starting first with a line of quick, rapid fire questions that proved Clinton was lying, Gowdy made it clear that there was intent behind Clinton's actions.

Comey has, of course, recommended that the FBI push no charges on Clinton because her actions were not intentionally criminal. But in a normal investigation, the missing information, and lies told by Clinton herself would be taken into consideration.

Watch Gowdy work his magic.



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I was a little surprised when the FBI interviewed Hillary Clinton they did not put her under oath nor did they even tape the interview. There clearly is a double standard of justice and we can no longer claim to be a nation of laws. We are more and more being run like a banana republic.


Clinton met every element of the crime of gross negligence in handling classified information which does not require intent yet the FBI director makes intent part of the statue which is not there. As Trey Gowdy said intent is something a defendant never declares but has to be proved by circumstantial evidence which Clinton does by her numerous lying about the emails:


WATCH: Trey Gowdy SCHOOLS the FBI Director on Hillary email INTENT!



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I was a little surprised when the FBI interviewed Hillary Clinton they did not put her under oath nor did they even tape the interview. There clearly is a double standard of justice and we can no longer claim to be a nation of laws. We are more and more being run like a banana republic.


"She lied to the American people publicly multiple times, did she also lie under oath?"


"idk lol"

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