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Planned Babymurderhood and lib public officials lose - two investigative journalist ruled innocent


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The difference Logic is these babies did not have a choice...they were killed without their consent. We use terms today that try to sanitize what is actually happening..pro choice is just a sanitized word for legal murder.


Plenty of cadavers were victims of homicide; they were killed without their consent as well. Yet no one bats an eyelash when those bodies are shipped off to medical schools or research companies.

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Plenty of cadavers were victims of homicide; they were killed without their consent as well. Yet no one bats an eyelash when those bodies are shipped off to medical schools or research companies.


Are you agreeing that abortion is the murder of a baby? That killing unborn babies are comparable to victims of a homicide? Good we have some common ground. I am not so sure bodies get donated to science without consent though.

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Are you agreeing that abortion is the murder of a baby? That killing unborn babies are comparable to victims of a homicide? Good we have some common ground. I am not so sure bodies get donated to science without consent though.


Highlighting in and of itself the double standard everyone holds. You're not mad about homicide victims, correct?

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Are you agreeing that abortion is the murder of a baby? That killing unborn babies are comparable to victims of a homicide? Good we have some common ground. I am not so sure bodies get donated to science without consent though.


Not necessarily. It all depends on what you consider "personhood" as being and when it begins.


As for cadavers, it happens more than you think, especially with the homeless and others who don't have any next of kin to claim them.

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Not the homicide, the donation of the tissue.


Edit. Are you intentionally being dense?


I think you need to put a qualifier in there and not just make a blanket statement about homicide victims. Not all homicide victims are homeless, indigent and without families which is probably what you are meaning. Correct? My answer is give them a burial or cremation. That is the cost of living in a civilized society. Any body going to science should be done by free will.

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They were misdemeanor level crimes, albeit crimes nonetheless.


People wanted to see them burned at the stake over them for political reasons, no surprise they were not brought to trial.


Didn't they falsify ID though? Idk if that's a misdemeanor or not don't recall

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Politics had nothing to do with the dismissal which was based on limitations Texas laws places upon sitting Grand Juries.

“The grand jury took the investigation where the facts led it, however Texas law limits what can be investigated after a grand jury extension order is issued,” District Attorney Devon Anderson said in a statement. “In light of this and after careful research and review, this office dismissed the indictments.”


Worth noting that it was the DA, a pro-life Rublican assailed in this thread, that both supported and dismissed the indictments.


A lot of hypocrisy accusations being thrown around here... here's another: I guess whether or not you are a fan of charge dismissals based on legal technicalities depends on your view of the underlying crime.


The fact that it is legal doesn't change the fact that many many people believe it's murder and the government has actually written into those laws certain Provisions for those with religious objections.


The 1976 Hyde amendment? It's called 'compromise". Hyde language banning the federal funding of abortion procedures has been in subsequent legislation ever since, up to and including "ObamaCare".


"However, it’s clear that the demand for fetal tissue has created a financial incentive for abortion clinics to continue providing abortions in order to collect and sell organs. Planned Parenthood doesn’t have the best track record of looking out for women “just because.” In order to make more money, they are designed to entrap lower-income women into relying on abortion as a means of contraception. Banning labs from using and purchasing fetal tissue would reduce the financial incentive to provide abortions, and thus perhaps diminish the incentive to push them on women."




"It is clear...", "... track record..." and other quoted statements are simply the opinion of the writer. But I'll set that aside for now..


Do you realize that because of the controversy around this video "investigation", Planned Parenthood has eliminated any and all remuneration for fetal tissue?

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards said in a letter Tuesday to the National Institutes of Health that the organization’s affiliates will no longer accept any reimbursement for costs associated with procuring tissue from abortions and providing it to researchers. - WSJ Oct. 13, 2015

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and they are stopping because it was wrong, and probably illegal,


and crass and extremely offensive.


but higgardly the hutt, and buttock and moochelle love illega, crass

and extremely offensive...


if it fits their agenda.

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