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There’s No Way I’ll Send My Kids To Public School To Be Brainwashed By The LGBT Lobby


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Charlotte public schools have banished the terms “boy” and “girl” from their classrooms.

The new transgender-affirming policy allows students to select their own gender and then choose the bathroom (although that part is on hold for now), extracurricular activity, sport, etc., that best fits whatever label they happen to identify with at the moment. Boys will even be permitted to take part in “all-girl” overnight excursions, so long as they become girls for the duration of the trip. Of course, the studious observer might wonder how a boy can identify as a girl if we aren’t allowed to call people girls anymore. Gender fluidity may allow a boy to not be a boy, but it also makes it impossible for him to be a girl, considering that both designations no longer mean anything.


If you’re confused about how this works, the school system has provided a handy “gender unicorn” to explain everything. I wish I could say I made that up, but I did not. Students in the greater Charlotte area will actually be learning about gender from a gender unicorn.


If you have kids in public school, you ought to be very worried right now. We’re losing an entire generation to this madness. It seems to happen on an increasingly regular basis that I receive a heart-wrenching email from a distraught parents whose son came home from school one day and announced that he’s now their daughter, or vice versa. He was sent to school to learn his ABCs, and instead they turned him into a girl. It’s hard to believe that this is happening, but it is. Time to face it.



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Charlotte public schools have banished the terms “boy” and “girl” from their classrooms.

The new transgender-affirming policy allows students to select their own gender and then choose the bathroom (although that part is on hold for now), extracurricular activity, sport, etc., that best fits whatever label they happen to identify with at the moment. Boys will even be permitted to take part in “all-girl” overnight excursions, so long as they become girls for the duration of the trip. Of course, the studious observer might wonder how a boy can identify as a girl if we aren’t allowed to call people girls anymore. Gender fluidity may allow a boy to not be a boy, but it also makes it impossible for him to be a girl, considering that both designations no longer mean anything.


If you’re confused about how this works, the school system has provided a handy “gender unicorn” to explain everything. I wish I could say I made that up, but I did not. Students in the greater Charlotte area will actually be learning about gender from a gender unicorn.


If you have kids in public school, you ought to be very worried right now. We’re losing an entire generation to this madness. It seems to happen on an increasingly regular basis that I receive a heart-wrenching email from a distraught parents whose son came home from school one day and announced that he’s now their daughter, or vice versa. He was sent to school to learn his ABCs, and instead they turned him into a girl. It’s hard to believe that this is happening, but it is. Time to face it.



Becoming a nation of pussies. Just look at some of t he posters on here and you'll get my drift.

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OBF, you shouldn't be having kids at your age anyway...



The title of the thread was from the author of the article. I am concerned now about my grandchildren and a generation of children getting indoctrinated in public schools...the churches may be the last line of defense but many of them are even bowing to the altar of political correctness and taking sides against what the bible teaches.

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If you are a Christian today and have Christian values it is almost a necessity you get your children out of public schools. The public schools many times have become indoctrination centers for liberal ideas, causes and values.

OBF, churches and christian schools are also indoctrination centers. They teach kids not to critically think and to swallow improbable nonsense as truth.


That said, I do think that school system is setting those kids up for disaster.

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OBF, churches and christian schools are also indoctrination centers. They teach kids not to critically think and to swallow improbable nonsense as truth.


That said, I do think that school system is setting those kids up for disaster.

You mean the Earth isn't 6000 years old? The hell, you say!

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I'm sure there are cases of homeschooling working out well but on the whole I wouldn't recommend it. I think the socialization is too important. I don't have kids and I don't like other people's kids but I wouldn't imagine that gender destabilization is a main theme in schools today.


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Home schooling is excellent, I'd recommend it most of the time.

Some of our nieces and nephews were home schooled. let me tell ya,

they socialized a LOT.


Three or four different local groups got together and did stuff often.


Once in a while, other groups were also part of a bigger group of regional home

school groups, like

a dance, or Geauga Lake, etc. Plenty of adults involved ...


far too many public school systems are involved in liberal teachings, getting

away from math, reading, writing, history, etc.


If libs would rather have their kids be afraid in school, learn and accept perversion, be

victims of bullying, harrassed by liberal teachers for any conservative opinion or question,

suspended for drawing anything in art class like a safety poster that involved hunting,

etc etc etc etc, and learning bad stuff from other kids who aren't good like your kids.. your choice.

But one day, your kids will wish they had been home schooled,

chances are, when they meet a friend that was.


In public schools, you have intimidated teaching to standardized tests, inner city violent, drug

involved students, you know the rest. Public school teachers do so much paperwork now, it

interferes with actually teaching.


Ask a teacher - it's true. It's standardized because of common core under obaMao.


I remember some home schooled students being involved in high school sports.. in public schools...


here - it depends on the state:




and home schooled kids can participate in national science olympiads, depending on the state

you live in, one state required home schooled students to join a public school team.




Homeschooling is awesome. We've had friends who dearly wished they were homeschooled....


Anyone who is interested should look into it. Might be one of the best decisions you ever made

for your kids.


Depends on the public school system... you have to watch closely.

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oh, the curriculum - learning to put a condom on a banana... how to accept transwhater,

gay whatever, how the flag and the Pledge of Allegience is bad, etc etc etc.,

U.S. history out the window, "we are the world"....racism/ prayer and guns are BAD, .....


in the second grade, instead of reading, writing and arrithmatic.

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OBF, churches and christian schools are also indoctrination centers. They teach kids not to critically think and to swallow improbable nonsense as truth.


That said, I do think that school system is setting those kids up for disaster.


I see your point Logic but it would be the type of indoctrination a Christian parent would approve of. The other indoctrination at a public school is having children subjected to indoctrination of values and morals many times opposite of what a Christian parent believes. The "gender unicorn" is but one example.

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I'm sure there are cases of homeschooling working out well but on the whole I wouldn't recommend it. I think the socialization is too important. I don't have kids and I don't like other people's kids but I wouldn't imagine that gender destabilization is a main theme in schools today.



You own a cat right steve?

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Single male in his 50's. ✔️

Musician. ✔️

Doesnt have kids. ✔️

Doesnt like kids. ✔️

Suspiciously over

Conservative ✔️

Owns a cat. ✔️

Owns a 2nd cat. ✔️




Do i have to spell out where this list is going steve?

Actually hates kids. I am also 63. Divorced twice.


Subaru owner for 20 years

Theatre major



PS suspiciously over what?



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Homeschooled kids become the awkward kid or the unhinged kid when they go off to college. There's a good chance they're going to be lacking in social development that public, or even private, school would provide.


Also, how many parents are actually equipped to teach this stuff? How many parents can teach my calculus and physics? I'm sure I'd have the bible down though...

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Homeschooled kids become the awkward kid or the unhinged kid when they go off to college. There's a good chance they're going to be lacking in social development that public, or even private, school would provide.


Also, how many parents are actually equipped to teach this stuff? How many parents can teach my calculus and physics? I'm sure I'd have the bible down though...


That's where Liberty University and Cedarville University come into play.

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