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Wikileaks Podesta E-mails MAGAThread


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Not leaving out context, was just posting quickly and didn't see it






Hillary took it upon herself to delete documents



I know when I talk to my friends who are attorneys we are all struggling with what happened to the emails and aren't satisfied with answers to date. While we all know of the occasional use of personal email addresses for business, none of my friends circle can understand how it was viewed as ok/secure/appropriate to use a private server for secure documents AND why further Hillary took it upon herself to review them and delete documents without providing anyone outside her circle a chance to weigh in. It smacks of acting above the law and it smacks of the type of thing I've either gotten discovery sanctions for, fired people for, etc.

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So ed, are u going to be intolerably triggered fir the next 30 days as ur ship takes on more and more water each day? If ur so desperate you have to chop pieces off with these wikileaks emails, i imagine things are going to get alot worse for u. Should we just call you ishmael and quietly watch you bail water like a giant whale just ruined your shit?


I think you should consider the wikileaks information yourself, they've been releasing new stuff every day.


Most of them are insignifcant, but there's been a few gems

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Dude i know she's filthy dirty. The republicans literally ran the only guy that could lose to her.


Not just her, the whole party had it rigged for her. The corruption is at the top and bottom and everywhere in between.


Not that repubs aren't corrupt, but we're getting more and more evidence for the Democrat corruption and it's interesting.

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Not leaving out context, was just posting quickly and didn't see it






Hillary took it upon herself to delete documents


That's an email from a random, stating that. Not paul depodesta or sashi brown *admitting* that. Not the smoking gun you're hoping for.

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I thought these leaks were going to "end HRC", or something along those lines. Granted, these are all pretty damning of HRC campaign, but we really need an email from Hillary, from her email address where she states that she is going to "Physically rape a man" in order to bring her down.

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I thought these leaks were going to "end HRC", or something along those lines. Granted, these are all pretty damning of HRC campaign, but we really need an email from Hillary, from her email address where she states that she is going to "Physically rape a man" in order to bring her down.


This is only the beginning of the leaks. Something like ~7500 have been released out of ~50,000 Podesta emails.


I don't know if Assange as anything other than the Podesta emails to release, but there's a possibility for that.




So far the e-mails haven't shown anything criminal, just unethical and extremely calculated (HRC appears to literally be a robot):


- Everything HRC does is extremely calculated. Her tweets with an "-H" are not really her (as per the leaks), they are calculated and reviewed by a bunch of high-level staffers and eventually sent out, they draft two different versions of speeches depending on the outcome of a certain event (like here's 2 versions of statements depending on what Obama says about the Keystone XL)

- Discussing skirting the subpoena

- A couple shady things that eventually say "let's discuss offline"

- Hillary receiving debate questions in advance from CNN

- Hillary staff having a full prepared transcript of a call-in interview (before the interview)

- HRC and co. intentionally avoiding press conferences because of the e-mail issue and other things (Huma? said in one that if she didn't talk to the press by labor day it would be suicide - though she didn't talk to the press until after labor day anyway)

- WSJ reporter collaborating with HRC campaign to basically run an advertisement (as an article) for her

- etc, etc, etc.


Lots of it is worth talking about, though the media is sticking to "Russia!"

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I think you should consider the wikileaks information yourself, they've been releasing new stuff every day.


Most of them are insignifcant, but there's been a few gems

But if they aren't meaningless quotes related to sex nobody cares.

Actually if they aren't meaningless quotes related to sex by a Republican nobody cares.



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So far the e-mails haven't shown anything criminal, just unethical and extremely calculated (HRC appears to literally be a robot):



And that's the thing-you just described about 90% of the politicians in American government. This type of stuff isn't going to get HRC out of the race unless something as noted is downright illegal or "scandal worthy".

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And that's the thing-you just described about 90% of the politicians in American government. This type of stuff isn't going to get HRC out of the race unless something as noted is downright illegal or "scandal worthy".

More to come, yet. The biggest thing is the media collision - giving debate and interview questions to the Clinton campaign. Writing campaign ads basically.


I don't think that's something you'd get away with without consequences in other developed nations.

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Not leaving out context, was just posting quickly and didn't see it


Your intent is irrelevant. The end result is the same... and it's seen in more than the one post that prompted Chris' reply.

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Sounds pretty normal, like good prep.


Yes, I just said it was interesting to see. (If Trump's team was smart they would probably be studying that book for the next debate, I doubt many of her answers have changed that much since then)






This one is just funny, Carly Fiorina's husband is a Hillary fan



Then off to Dover. Another great showing by the organizing team, as well as by Carly Fiorina's husband, who greeted the Secretary enthusiastically. You'd never know his wife calls for HRC's imprisonment on a daily basis.

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Your intent is irrelevant. The end result is the same... and it's seen in more than the one post that prompted Chris' reply.



As a Biden fan maybe it'd rustle your jimmies that Bidens former chief of staff apparently helped sabotage Bidens ambitions to help team Hillary.


The queen didn't want to let Joe get in the way of her ambitions to be president - it's her turn.

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I'm gonna stick with "are these two really the best your country could come up with?"


US presidential elections affect the world in such a big way, so goes the semi-joke, that we should all be allowed to vote on them. It's the closest we get to a world leader.

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I'm gonna stick with "are these two really the best your country could come up with?"


US presidential elections affect the world in such a big way, so goes the semi-joke, that we should all be allowed to vote on them. It's the closest we get to a world leader.

You want to vote, pay taxes.

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And its not like we didnt call this. So many people warned republicans theres bound to be a closet somewhere stuffed full of this assholes skeletons. Nope he's a billionaire so he must be good. Well done. This is the first election since my teens that i would have wanted a republican to win sans carson or cruz. Basically almost every other republican i would have been ok with, maybe not enthusiastic, but tacitly ok with over hillary. Especially now whats come out with what the dnc did to bernie.


As bad as hillary is and there a few issues i agree with trump on, i cant come out and vote for him. Neither of em, im staying home fuck both of these people.

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Trump is the only republican out of the 17 or whatever I'd vote for tbh.


If it was Lubio or Walker or Jeb! probably wouldn't have voted at all.

I think i would have voted for fiorina over him if i was a registered rep. Honestly kasich or paul there'd be no question i would have voted for them in the primary and the general even if bernie had beaten hillary.

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I wouldnt want my 9 year old niece around him tbh. Theres a story coming out where he pointed out a 10 year old girl to a couple folks and said thats my gf in 10 years. At this point i have no choice but to beleive that story


That's the most bullshit thing ever. If you've watched the clip they literally cut out all the context.


She was going up the escalator, Trump said to the girl "Are you going up the escalator?" she said "yea", then he said "I'm going to be dating her in 10 years" immediately and the girl laughed - naturally he was joking.


But even if you think it's bad, which it isn't that bad. I want to see the full clip because I'm pretty sure before hand the little girl asked Trump if he would marry her or something like that - hence the later joke "I'm going to be dating her in 10 years"


I would wait until someone actually posts the full clip before making a judgement.

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