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Well it looks like the first Obama inauguration had more physical people in Washington.

It also looks like there are large differences between Washington DC estimate and Park Service estimates.


If it was my job to spin:


I'd say well of course if you only count the people with high school education and above


Or if you only count those who are gainfully employed.


Or if you can social media and Alternate media Outlets you have a larger number altogether...


But that ain't my job. :)


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like they said.. tarps were put down, and other things were done to

annoy the crowds getting in, and where they could stand.


I figure Trump's crowds would have been far bigger, if he was black...and a democrat.

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U mean the same tarps they had in 2008? Yes, this too was dismissed as more trump nonsense

you ever try to walk on a tarp in the rain, stupid?


of course not, bubble boy.

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Well, ernest cleve bass emily litella gilda liberace parrot sqawking sombeitch...


the tarps are slick and are tough to walk on. they catch water and make it dumb

to try to stand in the puddle. Did you grow up in a diving bell or something?

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This is why America is falling apart faster and faster year by year. Our ancestors worried about shit getting done in Washington. Now we worry About parade sizes, who's cake tastes better and selfies. This is what the left considers journalism and people lap it up and actually take time to repeat it.

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And yet reps are taking the bait by chafing at the fact obama had more people at his inauguration. Who cares? Trump yet again looks like a little baby by sending out his press sec to blow it out his ass. Why take this bait from the left wing media that he "knew" would do this? Just shut up and get to work.


Thats how you shut up the msm. Biting on their trolls is notva good look. It would be one thing to call them out on misrepresenting a policy of his or something equally as important. But crowd size? They know his insecurities well dont they? Anything to do with "size" and toupe boy gets extremely defensive.

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well, that IS true, trouble is, the msm kissed obamao ass for eight years.


now they are on the warpath against the republican.


it's worth pointing out.

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Kellyanne coins another one on MTP this morning.

Alternative Facts, that's a new one in journalism and POTUS front people.


And the real numbers in the .45 inauguration that's easy DC is about 90% non-white and Democratic. I think DJT is a bit "over conserned" about the whole thing, it's not like ratings on The Apprentice.

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Well we did have two candidates with All Time Low approval ratings. One of them was successful.

C'est La Vie mon frere.


For sure. I imagine there would have been a similarly tepid response had Hillary been elected.

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LOL sorry bud.

Basically they should just bite the bullet and get out in front of this one and shrug their shoulders with a "sorry Chief we fucked up"



Ha! I can see that happening...


First day on the job, and throwing out easily disprovable statements (or as they're now known, 'alternative facts') it doesn't really bode well for things like clear reporting of economic indicators and the like.

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(or as they're now known, 'alternative facts') it doesn't really bode well for things like clear reporting of economic indicators and the like.

This is why i see this lasting for only 4 years. Im gonna go on record now and say republicans will be begging the RNC to run someone against him in '20. Both sides will be sick of this 4 year season of bullshit we're about to embark on.

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