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Gotta love these young REAL AMERICANS


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Want to know what is really going on? Try reading the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William L. Shirer. You will find our Fuhrer and his Ministers of Propaganda, Kellyanne (alternative truth) Conway + Sean Spicer, very early on within the covers.

Most well meaning Germans never saw it coming either, until it was too late to stop. Two excellent Republicans, my man John McCain and Lindsey Graham, are fully aware of this very dangerous Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Trump should strike fear into all patriotic Americans, not just liberal whiners.





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Want to know what is really going on? Try reading the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William L. Shirer. You will find our Fuhrer and his Ministers of Propaganda, Kellyanne (alternative truth) Conway + Sean Spicer, very early on within the covers.

Most well meaning Germans never saw it coming either, until it was too late to stop. Two excellent Republicans, my man John McCain and Lindsey Graham, are fully aware of this very dangerous Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Trump should strike fear into all patriotic Americans, not just liberal whiners.






I won't disagree Trump seems to have narcissistic tendencies but our former president also had these same tendencies (in spades) and acted like a king instead of president with his own executive actions. I respect McCain for his service and he is a war hero (captured or not) but as a politician I think he has been terrible. I am not a fan of Graham either as I consider both to be RINO's.


As long as we have a constitution I am not too worried about any president actually becoming a dictator as they all will be confined to the limits of the constitution with the checks and balances in place but if our constitution was ever suspended for any reason then I would worry.

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Are you saying Obama was more narcissistic than Trump?


And do we need to post that list of executive orders by President again?


Who is more narcissist Trump or Obama? I see them both having major narcissist tendencies. On the narcissist level I would put them on the same footing although it is well documented in about every speech Obama ever gave he referred to himself bigly every time. He almost always made it about him whatever the issue. At least in that respect I haven't seen Trump do this in his speeches.

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Who is more narcissist Trump or Obama? I see them both having major narcissist tendencies. On the narcissist level I would put them on the same footing although it is well documented in about every speech Obama ever gave he referred to himself bigly every time. He almost always made it about him whatever the issue. At least in that respect I haven't seen Trump do this in his speeches.

exactly. Trump is full of hiimself, but obamao had a dangerous, racist, radical, destructive agenda

that he never let go of. He favored Muslims over everybody else, blacks over whites,

bill ayers and bernadine dorn types over conservative Real Americans.


This antagonism over Trump isn't because he's arrogant. He's humbly in our service, in the service

to fix our country for ALL of us. Huge difference.

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Who is more narcissist Trump or Obama? I see them both having major narcissist tendencies. On the narcissist level I would put them on the same footing although it is well documented in about every speech Obama ever gave he referred to himself bigly every time. He almost always made it about him whatever the issue. At least in that respect I haven't seen Trump do this in his speeches.

You have to have some level of narcissism to think you can be the leader of th free world. But I still don't see how Obama is worse than Trump here. The guy that has his name plastered on everything

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