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ex transgender explains why it is a crock


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do you think being a "lobster" is normal? perfectly fine, since they "WERE BORN THAT WAY" ?


answer the question. it won't make you cry or anything.

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We just need to cure them with prayer. It works at gay camp. Definitely.




At no point is anyone here trying to make you accept these people. I'm just on the side that's hoping we don't discriminate against them.


If you believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible I think you have some mental defect. But that shouldn't prevent you from doing things just because I don't like it

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Okay, woody...here's your third chance to simply answer the question:


(drum roll...)


do you think being a "lobster" is normal? perfectly fine, since they "WERE BORN THAT WAY" ?


answer the question. it won't make you cry or anything.

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And really there's no difference between homosexuality and bestiality




Yes. That statement is insane. But it's been passed off here as a legitimate "argument".

Not really. Why don't you tell me what the difference is? You've already said you don't think there's anything morally wrong with a guy that wants to fuck a goat right? I mean it's his goat right? He can kill it and eat it why not bone it?



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So go ahead Woody, have all but two digits removed from your hands get a full red body tattoo and tell your employer that you are actually a lobster trapped in a human's body. When they fire you you can take it to court. Probably it would be a good idea to wait until the Democrats are back in control.


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And really there's no difference between homosexuality and bestiality




Yes. That statement is insane. But it's been passed off here as a legitimate "argument".




It is a legitimate argument because its the way a persons brain is wired.


The desire to have sex with one of your own gender, or an animal, or a child can only be a mental condition right?


There is a medical term for transgender...

gen·der dys·pho·ri·a


/ˈjendər disˈfôrēə/




noun: gender dysphoria

The condition of feeling one's emotional and psychological identity as male or female to be opposite to one's biological sex.

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Not really. Why don't you tell me what the difference is? You've already said you don't think there's anything morally wrong with a guy that wants to fuck a goat right? I mean it's his goat right? He can kill it and eat it why not bone it?



You've taken "putting words in my mouth" to a whole new level Steve. When in the fuck have I said that's ok? When?


Holy shit this board isn't spiraling down. Is this representative of the whole country? That's not good.



I honestly don't get what so hard to understand. What is and isn't genetics. What is and isn't ok. What consent means.


I've said it before, but we might just have to chalk this one up to "waiting for beliefs to die out".

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You've taken "putting words in my mouth" to a whole new level Steve. When in the fuck have I said that's ok? When?


Holy shit this board isn't spiraling down. Is this representative of the whole country? That's not good.



I honestly don't get what so hard to understand. What is and isn't genetics. What is and isn't ok. What consent means.


I've said it before, but we might just have to chalk this one up to "waiting for beliefs to die out".

Consent is bullshit, just something for you to say because something pisses you off. That same fucking goat can't consent to having his throat cut his flesh roasted and eaten either. But you said as much before so I'll ask you flat-out do you think bestiality should be against the law and do you think it's a perversion?


And I guess you are right maybe someday the feeling that beastiality is fucked up will die out. Yippee kai yay


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Okay, woody...here's your third chance to simply answer the question:


(drum roll...)


since you ...feel...that gays are perfectly normal because they were "born that way"...

do you think being a "lobster" is normal? perfectly fine, since they "WERE BORN THAT WAY" ?


answer the question. it won't make you cry or anything.

fourth chance, Woody. You always wizz at asking questions... answer one for a change.

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Consent is bullshit, just something for you to say because something pisses you off. That same fucking goat can't consent to having his throat cut his flesh roasted and eaten either. But you said as much before so I'll ask you flat-out do you think bestiality should be against the law and do you think it's a perversion?


And I guess you are right maybe someday the feeling that beastiality is fucked up will die out. Yippee kai yay


God damn you've gone downhill. You're no better than the fringe right on this board now.


When the fuck was I on here defending bestiality? It should be illegal. Does it have any bearing on homosexuality or transgenders? No.



I guess we'll just have to wait 15 years or so as we slowly move forward.

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fourth chance, Woody. You always wizz at asking questions... answer one for a change.


You're a fucking moron Cal. You are. Idc. Throw a hissy fit. Insult me in self defense. You're an idiot.



Maybe that guy was born thinking that way. Maybe he was born with genetics making him more susceptible to being strongly influenced by events that caused him to think like that. Maybe it was all a scam.


It doesn't fucking matter because one lobster man doesn't equate to the entire transgender community and the research done there


Is transgender normal? No, of course not. Neither is being 6'4". Neither is having green eyes. Whether or not something should be allowed or not should have nothing to do with it being normal.


If you're born a certain way, or your genetics are strongly influencing that, but that oddity doesn't negatively affect others then there's no reason to ban it.


Is bring gay normal? No. Does that mean we should ban gay marriage? No.



Do you understand? Pray to a magic donkey, maybe it'll help you out.

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you mad, woodpecker? you haven't seen anything wrong with gay/trans because they were BORN THAT WAY.


for once, mad as you are, you finally admit it isn't normal. Which pretty much sums up your adherence to

nonsense - all perverse and abnormal things woodpeckerish.


so, since even a birdbrain like you admits it is NOT NORMAL... why equate that with normalcy, and force

most? of America to redefine Real Marriage?


you pretty much identify with identity politics. that's sad. Now, here's another question for you -

can a person marry a woodpecker? suppose you marry somebody with a tiny little woodenpecker?


would that be normal, woodypeckerhead? should a baker be forced to bake them a woodpecker perverse marriage cake?

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I see your tiny, fragile little brain is having trouble comprehending anything more than "Real America! Damn liberals!". It's pathetic. It's clear now why the best explanation you could come up with is magic donkey.


This topic requires a level of comprehension that is beyond you. I could explain it to you until I'm blue in the face and you'd vomit back whatever you heard on The Blaze because you're a gullible idiot.



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you just can't stop. you're a RealAmericanphobe, a little birdbrain bitchaholic.


maybe there is a group where you can go, and learn how to get help with that.

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