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Lot's of ceiling on DK for sure. The kid gained a lot of respect from his teammates today and he got better as well. He's got a ton of rookie mistakes yet to make this year, and will, but from what I saw today he's also going to get better each and every week. 

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He got sacked 6 times. He holds the fucking ball too long. QB of the future? Are you people out of your fucking minds? His football lifeline is about 9 games long. This fucking guy is going to get physically destroyed. ENjoy him while you can. HE HOLDS ON TO THE BALL TOO TOO TOO,,,,,, WAY TOO FUCKING LONG. That, can't be fixed. He is a dimwit.

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3 minutes ago, Ghoolie said:

I'm a fat, small dicked pussy who lives a miserable life, but loves the attention I get on the internet as it makes me feel good, until I look in the mirror again - especially when I'm naked. 


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LOL. Yeah, that's it. Kizer, protected by the most expensive OL in the NFL got sacked 6 times, and it is only ME who doesn't think that is a great sign for the future.

Fucking idiots.

K I Z E R   B L O W S.............................While he IS indeed the best we have.... K I Z E R   B L O W S

The only thing he showed today is that he holds on to the fucking ball too fucking long. He is going to get sacked more than any QB in the NFL. If you think getting sacked a minimum of 6 - 10 times a game is going to make him our future, then you truly have been sniffing each other's taint far too long.


K I Z E R  B L O W S


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Most rookies hold the ball too long.

Kizer did pretty well today.  He missed a few throws.  And of course Kenny Britt didn't help him out at all.  And he wasn't always on top of the play clock.  But for a 21 year old rookie, on opening day, with no running game, on a 1-15 team, against the division champs...he did an admirable job.  - I was not expecting him to do this well.

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one play, on a sack, two wr's downfield just trotted to a standstill and had quit when Kizer had nobody

to get a throw to. I expect one was worthless Britt. I'll have to go back and watch it again.

That defense kicks ass. antoniaetta brown is tough to shut out - I'm fiercely proud of how they played their first game.

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2 hours ago, Ghoolie said:

LOL. Yeah, that's it. Kizer, protected by the most expensive OL in the NFL got sacked 6 times, and it is only ME who doesn't think that is a great sign for the future.

Fucking idiots.

K I Z E R   B L O W S.............................While he IS indeed the best we have.... K I Z E R   B L O W S

The only thing he showed today is that he holds on to the fucking ball too fucking long. He is going to get sacked more than any QB in the NFL. If you think getting sacked a minimum of 6 - 10 times a game is going to make him our future, then you truly have been sniffing each other's taint far too long.




Did you or did you not say in a thread you were wrong about Kizer and that this kid has "it",  I guess it is possible I had a dream you made a rational post. 

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

I can't wait to go into the next draft, with all of our picks, two good 1srs, and NOT need a QB. 


Trade back with some QB needy team. Damn. That'll be another major in flux off talent


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 I was there. The sacks were on Kiser, but remember, he is the 2nd youngest player in the NFL (behind ONLY our own David Njoku). While he made typical rookie mistakes, he played one heck of a game against one of the best teams in the league & was clearly not intimidated. He also converted a 4th down and a 2 point PAT. The Steeler fans I talked to after the game were unanimous in their praise for our young Browns' Team. They made me proud!!


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our offense sucked and our defense played damngood. Luck was not in the defenses favor several tipped passes were completed for big yardage only giving up 14 points and less than 300 yards holding bell to what 60 yards?. Kizer had more bad plays than he had good plays and never bounced back from the pick he threw.

OUR DEFENSE gave the steelers a scare and proved that the preseason was not just a fluke. our offense looked exactly the same as last year ZERO innovation.

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38 minutes ago, Ghoolie said:

So what you are saying is, if they play a losing game 15 times, they will win 15 games?

You are saying that Kizer getting sacked is a good thing?

You are saying that not being able to run the ball is a good thing?

So, let me ask this.................the Browns lost the last game of the 2016 season in OT to the Steelers...........27 - 24

But this year, we IMPROVED at QB, OL, and we got this badass DC.................SO.....if we played them close last year..........and we improved in the off season...........why are the results the same?

Being a fan is fun. But what fucking world do you people live in? "Had it not been for the blocked punt?" Every fucking loss you guys come up with some bullshit about  HAD IT NOT BEEN FOR.................IF HE MAKES THAT PLAY...................... DOn't you fucking realize that there is stuff on the other side that if it didn't happen, the Steelers would have won by more? Ben uncharacteristically missing two long wide open receivers.....a Browns drive fueled not by plays but by penalties?

Look, you fucking dimwits, the Browns have not improved measurably in ANY category that will convert losses to wins. here is not such fucking thing as an ALMOST WIN. A loss is a loss is a loss. 

Greg WIlliams? YAWN. He had Ben pinned back in the dog pound..........did he get a three and out? Did he sack Ben? AH...no....Ben stuck his foot up WIlliams ass and completed a long pass. 

PLAYMAKERS............................... WE HAVE NONE................................this team is no better than last years.

So you are referring to the game last year where Ben, Brown and Bell sat??? We'd have fucking destroyed them today under those conditions.  

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2 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

I can't wait to go into the next draft, with all of our picks, two good 1srs, and NOT need a QB. 


Trade back with some QB needy team. Damn. That'll be another major in flux off talent

Yep-we have a real one as long as we let him make mistakes and learn as he goes. Find him a "Zeke" and an "Antonio Brown" plus another great OL and we're in high cotton.

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The youngest QB in the league has to make the extremely easy fix of learning when to throw the ball away, oh nooooo! If the Browns had only drafted Paxton Lynch we could be watching a mush for brains mook doing his best Brandon Weeden impression....that is if he could beat out a 7th rounder (he can't)

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What the fuck do you guys want out of a 21 year old starting against a Final Four Steeler team in his first time out ... Seriously, wtf?

And yes, Westside Steve, I gave the same leniency to Brady Quinn and Johnny Manziel ... difference is ... I already knew they sucked. This kid is special.



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well, after tonight, if I had played Kizer instead of Dak Prescott, I would have gotten

one and nearly a half more points. Not bad for Kizer's first regular season game.

Amazing poise, made a few mistakes...watch out the rest of the season. Kizer is really a gem of a

qb. He's the real deal.

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Kid looks like the real deal.  Yes he made mistakes,  but you have to be a fool to think he won't improve.  It's his very first game people! 

I'll tell you what,  it never felt like we had no chance to make a first down.  Kizer can deliver the ball in spots other qbs can't.  He can get big yardage,  he can scramble and run to extend plays.  He's been a hair off on several big passes so far in ps and today., but Maybe if he had a wr like Brown who caught everything in his general vicinity,  instead of Britt,  he'd have won. 

Or any running game at all.  Most of his issues will be fixed with experience.  He seems like a real leader,  and the team responds well with him back there. 



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3 hours ago, boo fagley said:

Despite getting sacked 7 times the Browns were in it the whole game. I wish that I could have seen your face when the Browns converted the 2 point conversion. The  Browns gift wrapped 7 points on the punt and Kizer threw a brutal INT to BJ Watt. A rookie QB gave the Steelers a scare.

Garret didnt even play.

I was at the Browns Backers get together with my friends. Ron Fittes, Ron Darling, Mike Fittes and a few other long timers. I told them I fully expected a successful 2 point conversion.................followed by Ben and company making plays to end the game. I boasted that the TD and conversion meant absolutely nothing. SO, the look on my face was calm. I expected it. What I would have liked to see, was the looks on your faces when Ben broke the Browns back with a really well thrown long ball.........

Ahhhhhh................not THOSE would have been some sour faces.

A scare? How was it a scare? he Steelers had the ball and the lead? What scare are you talking about? 

You know, this is the same shit with you guys every fucking year. And still, no matter how many times I tell you jackoffs ahead of time EXACLTY what you will say after the loss, you guys STILL say this stupid shit.............

If only we make that play......If the ref doesn't throw that flag, we win.......Take away that one play, and we win. Fuck dude, it doesn't work that way. From the Steeler side there are just as many IF only moments.............he Steelers basically gave the browns 75% of the yards on their last drive. IF THE STEELERS DON'T MAKE THOSE STUPID PENALTIES THEY WIN BY 18 POINTS.    IF BEN DOESN'T UNCHARACTERISTICALLY MISS TWO WIDE OPEN WRS ON LONG PASSES, THIS IS A BLOWOUT........

The Browns got beat. They got outplayed. When they needed plays, they had no playmakers. Big Bad Greg Williams sure didn't do anything but kiss Bens nutsack on the last Steeler drive, did he?

7 sacks. All I head for the last 17 years is how we need a great OL. So you got it. What difference did it make in this game? 7 fucking sacks. Why? NO PLAYMAKERS ON OFFENSE. The blocked punt meant nothing. We were punting deep and Ben would have had great field position. The would have driven for a TD in all likelyhood. Then the Browns last TD never would have happened, time woudl have expired.

Look dude, you can't rewrite the fucking game. The Browns got their ass handed to them at home. 0 -1 and the Ravens won't be any easier. Once again, the Browns players got laid out. Without all the bad ref calls, The Steelers win this by 18 points. None of that shit matters. They made plays, they wiped their ass with WIlliams pussy ass defense, and they sacked the living shit out of Black Tarkenton. Seriously, Kizer Blows.








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9 hours ago, Zombo said:

What the fuck do you guys want out of a 21 year old starting against a Final Four Steeler team in his first time out ... Seriously, wtf?

And yes, Westside Steve, I gave the same leniency to Brady Quinn and Johnny Manziel ... difference is ... I already knew they sucked. This kid is special.



Theres nothing special about him that I saw.. I saw a kid who had all day to throw and held on to the ball , way too long!

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31 minutes ago, nickers said:

Theres nothing special about him that I saw.. I saw a kid who had all day to throw and held on to the ball , way too long!

Are you sure you were watching the Browns game? He needs to get it out quicker and said so himself. Having said that there were sacks where he didn't have anything like " plenty of time". Also if you didn't see some throws that made you excited about his potential I'm amazed. 

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