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Story time . . . Swamp draining ( . . . )


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1 hour ago, JAFBF said:

Just now up :




Over 100k (not even the best angle).


81M   .   .   .   anyone honestly believe the Potato got more votes than even O ?







NJ   .   .   .  definitely in the middle of "Blue" States, but somehow there is a record Political Rally in said State for the opposing Party   .   .   . 


Fake Map - GA & AZ for sure not Blue, VA, CA, and NV (at least) are also not Blue.



Reminder - there are no "Blue" States, there are only Blue Cities, which are overruling the rest of the State.


Prime EX:


Seattle / Tacoma wipes out the entire rest of the State of WA (which are not Blue as portrayed).


CA used to be Red, but since the changes (Illegals) have turned it Blue   .   .   .  



2024, if it happens, they're going to have to cheat on a level unprecedented   .   .   .   which will expose these cheaters on a level unimagined0 (gonna need a lot of Rope, as supporting a Coup is Treason).

No mercy, time to thin the Heard of these Treasonous Bastards no matter how low level they were in supporting this.


Overboard ?

Enough is enough, if these Treasonous Bastards are not cleansed from Top to Bottom, then we're just going to be right back here in the Tyranny we're under right now in a few short years.

We shouldn't have the infiltration of the Islamist in our Gov we've had (suggest folk really research their agenda).


Islamophobe ?

The Moon God ?

In other words   .   .  .   Satan ?

Yea, that's the "Moon God".


There is but one God, and that is Christ only, Allah is Evil.


Kinda odd that "Islamist" are having "odd" dreams exposing them to Christ, and that they are converting   .   .  .  


Over the years, I've tended to be neutral on a lot of this, but as explorations continue




In short, based on the craziness we've seen so far, don't be surprised to see these evil Bastards steal the next Election (should it even happen), for at least a short time (Sting Op).


Does anyone, believe this vegetable (OBiden) is really going to win the next Election ?

Do you think the PTB care what you believe at this time ?


More from the Rally :


Damn, LT (Lawrence Taylor) just endorsed Trump   .   .   .  ,


You're an insane person. It's wild seeing you spiral further down the drain. 

Moon God? The anti Islam and pro Christianity stuff?

I can't say I'm surprised there's a correlation between those believing in religious stories and those believing your nonsense Qanon conspiracies. 


Oh, and for the hundredth time, no one likes Biden. That's not news. But you don't need to like Biden to vote for him, you just need to like him more than Trump. Trump's followers can show up as much as they like, no one denies Trump has more rabid, delusional followers. 

And it's always funny when you look at a map and go "ugh uhh More red! Votes lie!". It's like you can't comprehend votes are based on population, not area. And yeah, more people live in cities than farmland....

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21 minutes ago, hammertime said:


birdgirl is upset 

She has a yeast infection in his boi clitty...

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so, typical leftwing liberal sombetich woodpecker votes for which candidate he would love to give great big smoochies to? Whoever he FEELS like he likes?

Voting for your country and your people's well being goes out the window with stark, chronic emotionalism as a way of being about everything.


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On 5/11/2024 at 8:25 PM, MLD Woody said:

You're an insane person. It's wild seeing you spiral further down the drain. 

Moon God? The anti Islam and pro Christianity stuff?

I can't say I'm surprised there's a correlation between those believing in religious stories and those believing your nonsense Qanon conspiracies. 


Oh, and for the hundredth time, no one likes Biden. That's not news. But you don't need to like Biden to vote for him, you just need to like him more than Trump. Trump's followers can show up as much as they like, no one denies Trump has more rabid, delusional followers. 

And it's always funny when you look at a map and go "ugh uhh More red! Votes lie!". It's like you can't comprehend votes are based on population, not area. And yeah, more people live in cities than farmland....






There is more, and for the few that give a damn they can research this further.

I'm just not going to waste my time on this $hit anymore - it's frankly, just not worth my "Time" at this point.



Just too much other $hit going on right now too even care - quit being a lazy fuck and dig into this yourself.

We've been fed BS for Hundreds / Thousands of year (longer ?), and it will more or less expose / settle itself in the not too distant future.



Just remember - things are not as they seem, I've tried to expose the frauds / actors (Masks) of some of the major players, but it's just not sinking in too some folk.



Insane year we're in, quite a bit of Madness yet too come   .   .   .   ugly   .   .   .   I've prodded as best I can for now   .   .   .



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.   .   .   maybe not   .   .   .   but sure fits   .   .   .   folk are going too be shocked at how many of these "Women" are not Women (and Men not Men).


I'm taking Victoria's Secrets level of revelations   .   .   .  


Yea, these Bastards are that sick   .   .   .   (Les Wexner)   .   .   .   another Island   .   .   .   another Epstein.


Prepare yourselves   .   .   .   it's f'n ugly beyond imagination   .   .   .  


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25 minutes ago, JAFBF said:






There is more, and for the few that give a damn they can research this further.

I'm just not going to waste my time on this $hit anymore - it's frankly, just not worth my "Time" at this point.



Just too much other $hit going on right now too even care - quit being a lazy fuck and dig into this yourself.

We've been fed BS for Hundreds / Thousands of year (longer ?), and it will more or less expose / settle itself in the not too distant future.



Just remember - things are not as they seem, I've tried to expose the frauds / actors (Masks) of some of the major players, but it's just not sinking in too some folk.



Insane year we're in, quite a bit of Madness yet too come   .   .   .   ugly   .   .   .   I've prodded as best I can for now   .   .   .



Ah, we're slowly getting into the "why don't the sheeple see what I see!" phase 


Yes, we have been fed BS. And you're the guy that thinks Q is a real person...

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50 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Ah, we're slowly getting into the "why don't the sheeple see what I see!" phase 


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2020 replay   .   .   .   they have no originality, they just keep running the same plays over and over.


They're even talking about preemptively developing a "Vaccine" for this as well as "Lock Downs"   .   .   .  


Ya'll gonna fall for their Horseshit again ?



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35 minutes ago, JAFBF said:





2020 replay   .   .   .   they have no originality, they just keep running the same plays over and over.


They're even talking about preemptively developing a "Vaccine" for this as well as "Lock Downs"   .   .   .  


Ya'll gonna fall for their Horseshit again ?



Fuuuuck no!

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On 5/14/2024 at 10:37 PM, nickers said:

Fuuuuck no!




Their plans are to compress 10 years of their plans into one.


This is just one of their plans, Monkey Pox is climbing again into the narrative, as well as several others.


Wouldn't hurt to grab something like this if you can for the days ahead.




Dr. Stella may be a good source as well, and there are others that I thought I had bookmarked but they're not showing up now.



Possibly helpful if you can not manage the above :





There are some States that are moving Ivermectin to over the Counter (Tenn for sure).


Personal thoughts that most ailments of Humanity are just plain Parasites (yes, even Cancer & MS).



Ever wonder why we "Worm" etc our Pets, yet never is it addressed the Parasite we ourselves may have ?




(Yea, Twitter / X is getting uglier for the not participators).



Sadly, a lot more I can post on this front, but another time (sadly), too much other BS going on for now.


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30 minutes ago, JAFBF said:




Their plans are to compress 10 years of their plans into one.


This is just one of their plans, Monkey Pox is climbing again into the narrative, as well as several others.


Wouldn't hurt to grab something like this if you can for the days ahead.




Dr. Stella may be a good source as well, and there are others that I thought I had bookmarked but they're not showing up now.



Possibly helpful if you can not manage the above :





There are some States that are moving Ivermectin to over the Counter (Tenn for sure).


Personal thoughts that most ailments of Humanity are just plain Parasites (yes, even Cancer & MS).



Ever wonder why we "Worm" etc our Pets, yet never is it addressed the Parasite we ourselves may have ?




(Yea, Twitter / X is getting uglier for the not participators).



Sadly, a lot more I can post on this front, but another time (sadly), too much other BS going on for now.



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On 5/14/2024 at 9:00 PM, MLD Woody said:

Ah, we're slowly getting into the "why don't the sheeple see what I see!" phase 


Yes, we have been fed BS. And you're the guy that thinks Q is a real person...


Pretty sure I've stated "Q" is/was a Team, not one individual (Q++ is another story).



More going on than just that, how much more I'm not totally sure   .   .   .  



Crazy, sad (for many), days ahead.




It's beyond even this at the moment (nearly 32).



I'm hoping it drop down quite a bit, but I'm somewhat doubtful it will


There are many saying we'll see mid triple digits on this Element   .   .   .   others saying quadruple digits   .   .   .   and yet even others calling for quintuple digits on the price of this Element in the future   .   .   .  


Madness / irrelevant ?

Why do I even bring this up ?




Gold   .   .   .   currently at a ratio of ~124 to each Dollar, while BRICS currently has Gold at ~136370 to each Dollar.


Silver   .   .   .   ~398 to each Dollar   .   .   .  so effectively leveraged three time more than Gold.


In other words, these Commodities are currently Shorted at extreme levels   .   .   .   ever hear of a "Short squeeze" ?

Only this is worse than that   .   .   .   Commodities have been surppressed / manipulated for decades by the PTB.


For Silver, $26 has long been a ceiling, and now that it has been blasted through the past couple of weeks, i'm not sure they're going to be able to knock it back down (Short).


Thing is Gold, ~ 90% is still available above ground.

Silver, on the other hand, ~90% has been consumed / used / discarded as it has been massively depressed.


In short, there is far less Silver available than Gold   .   .   .   which on a logical level means it should have a much higher value than it currently does.



Point ?

Things are changing as I've said many years ago   .   .   .   we're slowly moving back too an asset based "Dollar".



Divergence of topic, but somewhat relevant too what I've been inferring over the years   .   .  . 




Summary,  it may go quickly, but I personally believe (not all reasons revealed) that we may be on the "explosion" of Commodity prices I've been expecting   .   .   .   I look for lower entry points, though I'm not sure those will occur.

I am somewhat positioned for what I suspect is coming, but truly I would like to have even more of "God's money" than I have (that being Gold & Silver).


As noted, I'm expecting $100's, $1,000's, and possibly even $10,000's per OZ. for Silver in the not very distant future.

As mad as it sounds, there are some that expect Silver to exceed even the price of Silver, for at least a time.


Indications being that Silver has some properties that Gold does not.

I know at least that reflectivity is at least one property that is outstanding for Silver vs other Elements.



Wish I could tell you that Silver was the road too Riches, but I can't.

There are doubtless other "highlights" of this Element that may be   .   .   .   amazing   .   .   .  


This item, for whatever involvement you may wish is up to each one of you   .   .   .   many will scoff, but I'm giving you all the best I can at this time.


Not the first time I have brooched this subject / suggestion to ya'll.


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59 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Or to the play Beetlejuice, were you can catch Lauren Boebert giving her date a handjob in the theater


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I thought there would be a thread dedicated to this..  This is beyond, far beyond anything that should happen in the United States.


We are now officially a 3rd world banana republic.



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4 minutes ago, Axe said:

I thought there would be a thread dedicated to this..  This is beyond, far beyond anything that should happen in the United States.


We are now officially a 3rd world banana republic.



that is how corrupt the big swampers in our gov are. So corrupt it's getting dangerous.

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On 4/11/2024 at 6:25 PM, JAFBF said:





Updated from what I posted several years ago.


A few highlights I find particularly interesting :







Oh, here's a goodie :




And here's one for considerable thought :




These are not ramblings of a "Madman", these are all legitimate, actual Patents - just on the U.S. side of things   .   .   . 


What are other Countries looking into I wonder ?



There's a very long list on that link I posted - didn't bother too count, but it could be Hundreds and all with different items (Rain, Snow, etc.).




I keep telling people, the real Tech we have is 30 to 50 (or more) years beyond what we are seeing today.



You are part of the "Group", and they release one of these suppressed (not necessarily the Weather stuff linked) Patents to you.

You (as a "Group"member) institute it into the Public, and suddenly you are a "Rags to Riches" Billionaire (or more these days).


It's a game, and it's a big Club - but you're not in it.



Interesting - no ?


Something worth noting going forward :






Small Fry   .   .   .   but many, many, many Small Fry can really add up   .   .   .  


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Ya'll know Cal and I have more or less been suggesting this for some time.


Never can tell when something crazy is going to happen, but the odds are much higher day by day as things progress.


If you have extra on hand, at worse it's going to save a few $ in the future for that same item as inflation is still of thieving Bastard too whatever is earned.



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For those not totally aware - the WEF is basically NAZI's on multiple Steroids.



My understanding is that schabb was dead already   .   .   .  sad thing is, there are many in the wings waiting to take his place.


Even so, just a delay of the inevitable.


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One of the biggest problems we're facing, is that the D's still think the D's are the same as they were back in the 50's/60's, (not that they were terrific back then (KKK / etc.)).


It's all just a matter of Brainwashing - TV, News, SM (most recently), and more.


The Right is not free of this, but the Left has had the greatest force behind them (long story), so here we are   .   .   .  


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In all of History, has anyone ever seen a "previous" President have and Escort such as this ?

(This is not uncommon, and in fact is fairly normal for Trump).






Ever see this for the "messiah" O ?

Ever see this for Bush W ?

Ever see this for Clinton ?

Ever see this for Bush H W  ?

Ever see this for even Reagan ?


And so on   .   .   .  



"Future proves Past"   .   .   .  




45 - 47   .   .   .   not 45, 47   .   .   .  


Time will tell   .   .   .  


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There will be flak on this, but the Congressional inquiry of Garland does not appear to honestly deny these charges.


Yea, there are (still) going to be deniers (hence our delay on the resolution of this BS), but here it is (there's more) :




In short, this is all going to expose the involvement of O and his admin in the involvement in all this BS we're going through right now.



Folk still do not realize how bad this really is   .   .   .   it is catastrophic   .   .   .  


Sadly, it all takes time to run through the "Wheels of Justice", which we're all seeing is corrupt in and of itself.


   .   .   .   still not hopeless   .   .   .   at the end, at the last possible moment   .   .   .   the Hand of God.


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