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Browns sign Kareem Hunt


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1 hour ago, choco said:

My ASSumption that all browns fans know the local kids...my bad 👍

I wondered if jd would go down this road, but I think this means he's already pushing his chips in. Gonna take a shot at it while 6 is on his rookie contract. So buckle up man...cause a runs coming the next few years.

Well, my sister and brother in law live in Macedonia, and their kids went to Nordonia. Jeff saw almost all of Ward's HS games, but that's a different story.  As a Benedictine grad, I only follow the doings of our guys.  Like Najee Goode, and Jerome Baker...  :) Hunt was totally off my radar. BTW, looking some stuff up on him, Kareem's Combine numbers were pretty unimpressive, starting with a 4.6 40.   

You may be an engineer, but with JD signing Hunt it's not exactly rocket science to figure out that's exactly the plan. Get enough top players on the roster to contend for the Super Bowl, and as soon as practical before we run into cap busting deals with our top draft picks coming off their rookie contracts...    

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2 hours ago, choco said:

I won't begrudge an opinion. Much of that is valid, sports...people in general... hypocritical with sliding scales. I'm an engineer...and even I get more slack because I'm damn good at what I do.

So, if if it's so offensive that people who do shitty things make a lot of money in entertainment, by all means, try to shut it down. Otherwise, don't watch if you don't like it. 

This position is not condoning anything...rather, I just happen to understand shitty people exist everywhere. Having rare talent, in any field, means your services are worth more. And someone will pay for those services. This is the reality of capitalism, and American in general. 

Point being, hunt was not criminally charged. He's absolutely deserves a civil penalty. If he pays that penalty, checks his life, then he has the possibility to come out a better man. Check the contract, he gets nothing unless he checks every box, and there's a lot of boxes. 

I appreciate the opinion piece, but dude wasn't charged, and thus has a right to work.  

Thanks for your good and honest feedback dude. I agree with what your point and it makes complete sense. Thanks

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2 hours ago, hoorta said:

Guy is into political correctness I see. Played the Kaepernick card...  So where was his outrage when the Bengals took Joe Mixon- who didn't just kick, but knocked a woman out cold with a Mike Tyson right hook to the jaw?  Not a game lost in the NFL....  

Oh, I'm sure there's going to be media outrage that we signed the guy. Pretty sure we can handle the negative press, Dorsey certainly took all of that into account. By all accounts Kareem is a zero problem sort of guy in the locker room....  

Thanks for the feedback man. 

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16 hours ago, Gunz41 said:

I'll answer some of these, but won't really delve much into the ridiculous idea that "I stopped beating my wife" as you are only trying to say this as some way to make some ridiculous point, which I have no idea what it is. 

The point is that you wanted me to get personal in a stupid way....so I made it personal in an even stupider way. Now do you get it?

I never said anything remotely about it being different legally. The point I was saying with you not using it legally, was saying that it is sexism, not that it is viewed the same by law. But I guess that statement can be viewed either way. We are good there.

Again with the family, you are purposely taking that out of context, as when I first said your son or daughter you said dont bring them up. I was pointing out that I was only bringing them up as people would view their own children more so than others. My point being, I certainly wouldn't like it to happen to either (even your kids who I have never met), but I view it differently a female being hit than a male.

Think what you want.  Put words in your own mouth about my family.  Make up stupid shit. 

Yes, that word may have incited the incident, but the biggest issue to me is the assault. I think the use of the word is horrible and hate, and how many times have I said something to the former board troll about things like that, but there have been many instances where this haneous word has been used and someone not assaulted. One doesn't make other right.

As for release, if Mr. Hunt had gotten into a fight with a Male, he wouldn't have been released by the Chiefs in all likelihood.

Oh, OK, sorry, I misunderstood.  Perhaps you are right.  But that proves my point:  that protective sexism exists.  I am not saying that it shouldn't...nor even that I would not engage in it.  

The point with you being a judge, and since you have had those cases, when you read what's on the docket, don't you feel differently about an assault on a female vs a Male? While they may carry the same sentence, etc. Dont you as a man view a woman beater as less than a man beater?

I think I fully answered and explained myself in the previous post on this. 

Oops, I skipped one. One major issue is the average size difference in males vs females. That isn't a sexist thing, it's a fact. I think I would get my tail whooped by someone like Ronda Rousey skillset, but on average there is a difference. Another reason is the way society views these things, whether right or wrong in your mind. Just look at the only reason I replied, as saying it was sexist. I think women beaters are horrible, and most probably agree. People will rally more to protect them more so than men. And I also think that everyone deserves a 2nd chance. Last thing I will say about legit reasons is the documented difference in violence level in the 2. Just look at the statistics on number murders and serial killers. Why is that? 

Don't know....ask either a criminologist or a psychologist.


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8 hours ago, The Gipper said:


No Mr. Thinks he knows it all, and also will argue with anyone when it is obvious he is wrong ( not particularly this case), what I asked was nothing stupid. I asked how you would feel IF it were. Then you want to call someone a woman beater.

That is extremely mature. 

But hey, it's not my nature to be rude to people, more power to ya.

I don't dislike you. But even insinuating that was a real jerk move. 

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22 minutes ago, gumby73 said:

VCLr.gif  Dude, they grew up as Browns fans already? Kenny Willekes is your guy at Mich St.. He's a walk on, returning to Sparty for his senior year... that dude has a NFL future ahead..good choice..

Im confused, what does willikes have to do with this new beaver clever mofo posting on the board? "Gee thnx wally"....

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27 minutes ago, Clevfan4life said:

Im confused, what does willikes have to do with this new beaver clever mofo posting on the board? "Gee thnx wally"....

i see.. u & cal must be having a hard day running the white house;) just finishing a con'fo we had last week losing track of players name. And if the Brady post from 'Ted' goes over your head? well,  that's on you :)..moving along  

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Kareem Hunt contract details revealed: Browns might not even have to pay him $1 million in 2019


The Browns' decision to sign Kareem Hunt this week might be a PR risk, but the team definitely didn't risk anything financially when they signed the former Chiefs running back on Monday.

Not only did the Browns get Hunt to sign a one-year deal that includes zero dollars in guaranteed money, but the contract also includes a roster bonus for every game during the regular season that he's active, which means, if Hunt gets suspended, he won't be seeing much money in 2019.

According to ESPN.com, the contract is worth a total of $1.1 million; however, it's not going to be easy for Hunt to collect all of that. The biggest part of Hunt's contract is his base salary, which will pay him a total of $645,000 in 2019. The running back will also get paid a $25,000 bonus for every game that he's on the Browns' active roster. Hunt can also collect another $55,000 if he meets the criteria for his offseason workout bonus.

Of course, the only way that Hunt can earn all that money is if he's active all 16 games in 2019, which isn't a given. The former Chiefs running back has been under investigation by the NFL since December after a video was released that showed him shoving and kicking a woman during an altercation that took place at Cleveland hotel in February 2018. The NFL placed him on the commissioner's exempt list shortly after the video surfaced, and that's where he's been ever since.

If the league decides to suspended Hunt for just four games in 2019, that means he would lose out on a total of $62,941 per week ($37,941 in base salary and $25,000 for his active roster bonus) for a total loss of $251,764. If that were to happen, Hunt's contract in 2019 would be worth just $848,236. If the suspension were to go on for six games, Hunt would lose out on nearly $380,000.

Although Hunt won't be making much with the Browns, the money he'll be making in Cleveland will actually be a raise over what he would have made with the Chiefs. As a third-round pick in the 2017 NFL Draft, Hunt would have only made a maximum of $678,750 if the Chiefs had decided to keep him for the 2019 season.

The Browns might not be taking a financial risk with Hunt, but there is some risk associated with signing him and general manager John Dorsey definitely realizes that. Dorsey, who drafted Hunt back in 2017 while both men were in Kansas City, told Cleveland.com that he signed the running back as a way to give him a second chance.

"I think we're all appalled by it," Dorsey said of Hunt's actions. "But after doing extensive research, analyzing the situation, we came to the conclusion that I'm willing to help a man from a second chance moving forward to be a better person. My faith tells me that."

Dorsey also noted that the team did its due diligence on Hunt before giving him the one-year deal.

"We've done our extensive research," Dorsey said. "He's extremely remorseful for that. I've always believed that if a person wants to better themselves and be a better person, I'm willing to give them a chance. I truly believe he'll be a better man today than he was yesterday."

The upside for the Browns is that if Hunt has a breakout season, he'll be a restricted free agent in 2020, which will make it easier for Cleveland to keep him. On the other hand, if Hunt struggles on the field or struggles to stay out of trouble, the Browns can dump him without taking a financial hit thanks to the way his deal is structured.

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On 2/11/2019 at 4:20 PM, ATOM said:

he is going to be a RFA at seasons end and if he play's well couldnt we just tag him and get something in return ?

On 2/11/2019 at 4:22 PM, Mark O said:

I believe that is correct as well or at least I read that Browns control his rights after this season. 

No need to tag an RFA... you simply get his sig on an offer sheet and if anyone wants him then you get a draft pick. Doesn't even cost all that much for the pick to be a 1st-rounder.


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16 hours ago, Gunz41 said:

No Mr. Thinks he knows it all, and also will argue with anyone when it is obvious he is wrong ( not particularly this case), what I asked was nothing stupid. I asked how you would feel IF it were. Then you want to call someone a woman beater.

That is extremely mature. 

But hey, it's not my nature to be rude to people, more power to ya.

I don't dislike you. But even insinuating that was a real jerk move. 

I took offense to you bringing MY family into it.  I considered that a rude and jerky move.   I took it as arrogant and stupid of you to do so.......and I was certainly NOT going to allow you to get away with it.  In my view, because of your rudeness and insensitivity you deserved the retribution you received. 

It is not in your nature to be rude?  Well, maybe not....but that is EXACTLY what you were.   So don't cry and whine and give us that fucking "Who me?" look.  

So, I will put it down to you just being ignorant about what you were doing.   And I will accept your apology.   And as always, I will keep calm and carry on.

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7 hours ago, The Gipper said:

I took offense to you bringing MY family into it.  I considered that a rude and jerky move.   I took it as arrogant and stupid of you to do so.......and I was certainly NOT going to allow you to get away with it.  In my view, because of your rudeness and insensitivity you deserved the retribution you received. 

It is not in your nature to be rude?  Well, maybe not....but that is EXACTLY what you were.   So don't cry and whine and give us that fucking "Who me?" look.  

So, I will put it down to you just being ignorant about what you were doing.   And I will accept your apology.   And as always, I will keep calm and carry on.

Yes, I guess you are just so much smarter than everyone, especially me. Me asking you about your family is the exact same thing as you saying I committed a crime.

You know, there used to be another guy on here who would never admit when he was wrong and said ugly things. Hmm.

And it is ironic,  I have seen other people say the same thing about you with your arrogant, genius talk. Don't think I don't see at least part of the reason behind your oh so brilliant trivia. It's to make yourself look good or tell someone they are wrong. Nobody is in a winning situation. You have in the past said nobody answered because they weren't smart enough, and if someone answered all of them you can just claim they cheated. 

And nope, I am not saying "who me." And I would venture to guess that had that question had been posed to most others, they would have obviously seen the point. But of course most people don't see it as sexist to look at an assault on a female vs a male.

But go ahead, stay classy Ron Burgundy. 

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On 2/11/2019 at 2:17 PM, hoorta said:

Dorsey isn't afraid of any PR nightmare...  

if dorsey is smart, he'd trade him for draft picks so we can improve the fucking shitty defense that will prevent us from going anywhere....we don't need him....chubb and duke should be enough...besides kareem kunt will be suspended for most of the season anyway....we need a fucking championship defense right now more than kareem kunt....

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1 hour ago, browns52 said:

if dorsey is smart, he'd trade him for draft picks so we can improve the fucking shitty defense that will prevent us from going anywhere....we don't need him....chubb and duke should be enough...besides kareem kunt will be suspended for most of the season anyway....we need a fucking championship defense right now more than kareem kunt....

And 2019, who's going to give us draft picks for Hunt? I suppose the concept of "quality depth" is foreign to you. Chubb gets hurt- I sure as hell don't want Duke as the feature back.  

It's months to mini camp- let's see what Dorsey can do in free agency and the draft about the defense... 


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4 hours ago, Gunz41 said:

Yes, I guess you are just so much smarter than everyone, especially me. Me asking you about your family is the exact same thing as you saying I committed a crime.

You know, there used to be another guy on here who would never admit when he was wrong and said ugly things. Hmm.

And it is ironic,  I have seen other people say the same thing about you with your arrogant, genius talk. Don't think I don't see at least part of the reason behind your oh so brilliant trivia. It's to make yourself look good or tell someone they are wrong. Nobody is in a winning situation. You have in the past said nobody answered because they weren't smart enough, and if someone answered all of them you can just claim they cheated. 

And nope, I am not saying "who me." And I would venture to guess that had that question had been posed to most others, they would have obviously seen the point. But of course most people don't see it as sexist to look at an assault on a female vs a male.

But go ahead, stay classy Ron Burgundy. 

Keep digging the hole of ignorance and stupidity that you were digging for yourself I mean what the fuck ever if you want to be a **MASK** I can’t stop you. And the point behind the trivia is to have a little fun and to be a little informative about football history sorry you’re apparently admittedly not smart enough to figure that

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1 hour ago, The Gipper said:

Keep digging the hole of ignorance and stupidity that you were digging for yourself I mean what the fuck ever if you want to be a **MASK** I can’t stop you. And the point behind the trivia is to have a little fun and to be a little informative about football history sorry you’re apparently admittedly not smart enough to figure that

Gip- drop it already, or I'm going to delete everything related to your private war...  It has NOTHING to do with Kareem Hunt. 

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8 hours ago, hoorta said:

Gip- drop it already, or I'm going to delete everything related to your private war...  It has NOTHING to do with Kareem Hunt. 

Fine with me I’m not the one that started the bullshit.  I’m not the one that brought  families into this. delete all far as I’m concerned. 

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On 2/12/2019 at 6:13 PM, gumby73 said:

As a Toledo grad I will continue to stay a mile away from this topic..But from most grads that i know from Hunt's classmates..^^this is the best "writing on the walls" that Hunt was up against most his life.very well written & spot on also.Hunt was at his happiest, simply staying on the Toledo campus..Good Luck Kareem & welcome home !! 

I went to toledo for two years and saw kareem play in college and he's definitely a gifted back.

People make mistakes, they f#$% up, but I think it's stupid to write off people for one thing.

Ray Lewis could've been involved in a murder, Michael Vick did horrible things with dogs, if they can give them a chance, why can't they give Kareem one?

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On 2/16/2019 at 1:58 AM, stillmotion said:

I went to toledo for two years and saw kareem play in college and he's definitely a gifted back.

People make mistakes, they f#$% up, but I think it's stupid to write off people for one thing.

Ray Lewis could've been involved in a murder, Michael Vick did horrible things with dogs, if they can give them a chance, why can't they give Kareem one?

what's up TU Rocket 🚀..I get this odd feeling Roger's holding his Hunt suspension announcement till his Combine presser..Teaching tool..to many media meatheads, have Hunt now getting additional 8-10 games..the worst thing Roger could do at this point, is to continue Hunt on the exempt list without addressing amount games suspended..claiming number of offenses lack time served in rehab sin bin...these suits could drag this out till draft night for NFL entertainment ratings at anytime..wipppee!!        

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32 minutes ago, gumby73 said:

what's up TU Rocket 🚀..I get this odd feeling Roger's holding his Hunt suspension announcement till his Combine presser..Teaching tool..to many media meatheads, have Hunt now getting additional 8-10 games..the worst thing Roger could do at this point, is to continue Hunt on the exempt list without addressing amount games suspended..claiming number of offenses lack time served in rehab sin bin...these suits could drag this out till draft night for NFL entertainment ratings at anytime..wipppee!!        

Maybe finding a new way to fuck the Browns is still high on his priorities list. 



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30 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Maybe finding a new way to fuck the Browns is still high on his priorities list. 



After Gordon dresses in a patriots jersey for the 5th time after his 3 strikes your out policy..why not? if I were Dorsey I'd ask for another 5th from Pats, than a 6th from Roger;)   

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I’ve not read more than a page (if that) of this thread as I can imagine it’s about Hunt the person. 

I’ll say it now Kareem Hunt the player won’t beat out Nick Chubb. If Chubb stays relatively injury free he will be the best back in the NFL. 

But we have and it won’t stop me cheering him if he goes over the line for a TD. Its fuck all to do with me. I can’t pick and choose which player is allowed to score. If the browns score a TD I will celebrate. 

There are people earning millions of dollars a year to make these decisions, I’m not going to worry about it. 

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