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Gun Control emotionism gets refuted by FACTS


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It's just a cycle that keeps chipping away at gun rights. After every one of these tragic shootings the left immediately pushes gun control not letting a crisis go to waste. It looks like the red flag laws are the ones that are going to be pushed this time and for now there likely will not be a ban on some semi automatic rifles. That is if the democrats don't take power in 2020. Joe Biden has already said he will be banning guns. 

We know that we have too many soft targets in this country and preventing someone bent on committing this kind of evil act is nearly impossible to stop and we will have more of these shootings in the future. Each time there will be calls for more and more gun control and more chipping away of gun rights of law abiding citizens until the left gets what they want, a ban on all semi automatic weapons and  a gun confiscation system like Australia. 

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They Will Still Hate You Even If You Disarm

It was quite a surprise to find out that we Trump voters were personally responsible for the savage murder sprees of a creep who dug single-payer and a satanist fan of Big Chief Warren. The El Paso scumbag decided he wanted to murder Hispanics because migration would somehow destroy the environment, which falls right in line with classical progressive eugenics balderdash. The Democrat from Dayton was full-on #Resistance. But apparently we conservatives were to blame for their actions because we refuse to give up our rights.........


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"Remember, everything the mainstream media tells you at the behest of the liberal elite is a lie and a scam designed to increase their power and wealth by diminishing your power and wealth. Global warming? It’s such a crisis that they need to fly their private jets to fabulous resorts to discuss how you must trade in your Ford Expedition for a Schwinn and how millions of people like you who support their families in the petroleum industry better learn to code. And now the crisis of two left-friendly mutants out of 335 million people means you need to be disarmed. Oh, and you’re also racists so you should be disenfranchised too."



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Weird how the liberal solution to every problem is always to make you less free.

One of their tactics is exhaustion - to exhaust the weak among us and get them to say, “Gosh, if we just give in we can put this unpleasantness behind us.” But you can’t put anything behind you with these people, because there is nothing to put behind you. It’s all a lie. You are not a racist. Your guns won’t hurt anyone but criminals and aspiring tyrants. And the leftists know it. They know they are spewing skeevy slanders, and if you give in on this one - handing over your AR-15 and hanging your head over prejudices you don’t possess - the libs and their newsprint lackeys will just club you with another set of grievances that you can only atone for through further submission.


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Just now, LogicIsForSquares said:

Yes that is totally a defense of Trump who is 100% the President now. Start getting loose because you guys will have some serious backflips to have to do if he does what he does which is react without much thought going into it.

I personally don't rubber stamp approval of Trump for anything. In fact I was not even a Trump supporter in 2016. I thought Cruz was far and away the best candidate. Trump has governed better than I could have ever imagined.  Right now I rate him as the best president in my lifetime. I look forward to voting for him in 2020 and I would hope you would vote for him too as do you want to see any of those democrats running be president in 2020? 

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Just now, OldBrownsFan said:

I personally don't rubber stamp approval of Trump for anything. In fact I was not even a Trump supporter in 2016. I thought Cruz was far and away the best candidate. Trump has governed better than I could have ever imagined.  Right now I rate him as the best president in my lifetime. I look forward to voting for him in 2020 and I would hope you would vote for him too as do you want to see any of those democrats running be president in 2020? 

I live in WV. I could vote 10 times over illegally and it wouldn't matter. This state glows red for Trump. That said, he is no friend to the 2A and find it hysterical when he says wild shit like "take the guns and due process later" and conservatives bend over backwards to not be critical of him for saying that insanity. 

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22 minutes ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

I live in WV. I could vote 10 times over illegally and it wouldn't matter. This state glows red for Trump. That said, he is no friend to the 2A and find it hysterical when he says wild shit like "take the guns and due process later" and conservatives bend over backwards to not be critical of him for saying that insanity. 

Here is my take. One of the reasons I could not support Trump In 2106 was because I knew his liberal background in NYC. He was a republican, became a democrat than an independent and back to a republican. All his family were registered democrats. He supported the so called assault rifle ban and was pro choice on abortion in the 90's. I even labeled myself a never Trumper in 16 until the election and then there was no way I was going to vote for Clinton or throw away my vote on a candidate who could not win and help Clinton win. I voted for Trump.

The thing I have noticed about Trump he is fiercely loyal to his supporters. He has rewarded evangelical Christians for their support on religious freedom issues and being the most pro life president since Roe. The NRA seems to have some influence on him as well and I think he does listen to the NRA now, and I believe it is because of their support. Trump I don't think by nature is a real 2a guy but I would rather see the NRA have influence over him than Pelosi or Schumer. He has said some cringe worthy things such as taking guns first and due process later but if you noticed he said that one time and I never heard him say it again. Personally I believe it was the NRA who got a hold of his ear and brought him back on the reservation.

The bottom line though Logic is in 2020 the choice will come down to the lesser of the 2 evils for you .  Do you vote for the guy you dislike because of the bumpstocks ban or help elect someone far worse (Joe Biden for example has already said he is coming after guns)...when they take away the guns the bumpstock ban becomes a moot point anyway.


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the assumption that the XO will be a bad thing is not valid.

til it happens, and then I won't defend it.

a well written red flag law with severe accountability for "swatting" will have to be a part of it.

The anonymous thing was stupid and very dangerous. which, makes dems/socialist fascists happen.

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12 minutes ago, OldBrownsFan said:

Here is my take. One of the reasons I could not support Trump In 2106 was because I knew his liberal background in NYC. He was a republican, became a democrat than an independent and back to a republican. All his family were registered democrats. He supported the so called assault rifle ban and was pro choice on abortion in the 90's. I even labeled myself a never Trumper in 16 until the election and then there was no way I was going to vote for Clinton or throw away my vote on a candidate who could not win and help Clinton win. I voted for Trump.

The thing I have noticed about Trump he is fiercely loyal to his supporters. He has rewarded evangelical Christians for their support on religious freedom issues and being the most pro life president since Roe. The NRA seems to have some influence on him as well and I think he does listen to the NRA now, and I believe it is because of their support. Trump I don't think by nature is a real 2a guy but I would rather see the NRA have influence over him than Pelosi or Schumer. He has said some cringe worthy things such as taking guns first and due process later but if you noticed he said that one time and I never heard him say it again. Personally I believe it was the NRA who got a hold of his ear and brought him back on the reservation.

The bottom line though Logic is in 2020 the choice will come down to the lesser of the 2 evils for you .  Do you vote for the guy you dislike because of the bumpstocks ban or help elect someone far worse (Joe Biden for example has already said he is coming after guns)...when they take away the guns the bumpstock ban becomes a moot point anyway.


If I am forced to drink a glass of piss over eating a plate of shit, I don’t then start talking about how piss is preferable to Coke. The best of two bads doesn’t mean the least awful becomes good. Trump is not a friend of the 2A and the NRA licks boots when he does shit like the bumpstock ban. They are just a fundraising wing of the GOP. Actual 2A orgs started filing lawsuits while the NRA was asking Trump to get flavored boot polish. 

The NRA only gives a fuck when a Dem is in office so they can get donations. 

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1 minute ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

If I am forced to drink a glass of piss over eating a plate of shit, I don’t then start talking about how piss is preferable to Coke. The best of two bads doesn’t mean the least awful becomes good. Trump is not a friend of the 2A and the NRA licks boots when he does shit like the bumpstock ban. They are just a fundraising wing of the GOP. Actual 2A orgs started filing lawsuits while the NRA was asking Trump to get flavored boot polish. 

The NRA only gives a fuck when a Dem is in office so they can get donations. 

If you are dying of thirst a half glass of water is better than no glass of water. In politics it is almost always you take what you can get, you rarely get everything you want. A house divided cannot stand and although I have issues with the NRA I won't throw them under the bus. We are going to need every gun voice out there to keep gun rights today.

The NRA is and has been taking a beating (and being demonized) from the liberal MSM for years. The polls showed huge support from the public for ban of bumpstocks. I don't like bumpstocks myself. I am not out to defend anything that will make a semi fire like an auto. It is going to be a tough enough fight to keep semi automatics. Bumpstocks were not the hill to die on for the NRA. IMO

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2 hours ago, OldBrownsFan said:

The NRA is and has been taking a beating (and being demonized) from the liberal MSM for years. The polls showed huge support from the public for ban of bumpstocks. I don't like bumpstocks myself. I am not out to defend anything that will make a semi fire like an auto. It is going to be a tough enough fight to keep semi automatics. Bumpstocks were not the hill to die on for the NRA. IMO

If we are just using public support now then I guess an "assault weapon" ban is o.k.?


And I have said it a thousand times that the bumpstock did nothing that a finger and shoulder couldn't do. Is Trump going to pass an EO against physics that you guys will applaud? The only thing that EO did was make it look real easy for when Dems get in and they want to EO everything but the weapon to death (i.e. mags, optics, suppressors, stocks, handguards). 

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13 minutes ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

If we are just using public support now then I guess an "assault weapon" ban is o.k.?


And I have said it a thousand times that the bumpstock did nothing that a finger and shoulder couldn't do. Is Trump going to pass an EO against physics that you guys will applaud? The only thing that EO did was make it look real easy for when Dems get in and they want to EO everything but the weapon to death (i.e. mags, optics, suppressors, stocks, handguards). 

The laws we have are usually the laws the majority of the country want.  This is why it is important to try to win the gun debate argument in the public eye. Bump stocks were a losing argument. Although the majority of the country are supporting an assault weapons ban I would argue it is still less than the overwhelming majority who wanted a bump stocks ban. That poll supporting an assault weapons ban also shows the work that needs to be done to influence public opinion the other way. Constantly running down Trump or the NRA isn't going to do that. 

Remember too any presidential executive order can be challenged in federal court and that is another reason I am grateful for Trump as president with placing constitutional judges on the bench who would likely overturn any dem president EO that violated the second amendment rights. 



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13 minutes ago, OldBrownsFan said:

The laws we have are usually the laws the majority of the country want.  This is why it is important to try to win the gun debate argument in the public eye. Bump stocks were a losing argument. Although the majority of the country are supporting an assault weapons ban I would argue it is still less than the overwhelming majority who wanted a bump stocks ban. That poll supporting an assault weapons ban also shows the work that needs to be done to influence public opinion the other way. Constantly running down Trump or the NRA isn't going to do that. 

Remember too any presidential executive order can be challenged in federal court and that is another reason I am grateful for Trump as president with placing constitutional judges on the bench who would likely overturn any dem president EO that violated the second amendment rights. 

Trump's  and unfortunately the NRA's public image has zero to do with 2A issues. If they are part of the problem then they deserve every bit of crap they get. 

As for the bumpstock ban, if the Supreme Court upholds it because it doesn't apply directly to a weapon then the Pandora's Box is opened and all thanks to Trump being a reactionary fool and putting the wheels in motion.

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4 minutes ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

Trump's  and unfortunately the NRA's public image has zero to do with 2A issues. If they are part of the problem then they deserve every bit of crap they get. 

As for the bumpstock ban, if the Supreme Court upholds it because it doesn't apply directly to a weapon then the Pandora's Box is opened and all thanks to Trump being a reactionary fool and putting the wheels in motion.

At one time in this country the NRA had a pretty good image. They would even come to schools and give gun safety classes but then the left (who are good at demonizing their opponents) have been able to turn the NRA into monsters and place the responsibility for the mass shootings on the NRA. You may not think public image means alot but those on the left know it and are great at destroying their opponents that way. Of course they have the help of their compliant MSM allies.

A big part of the problem is the left wing media and the spin and narratives they place on gun issues, framing the issues the way they want to fit their gun control narratives...the NRA is locked in a huge battle in the public arena to try to win the pro gun argument. I really am sad that you as a gun rights supporter of the highest order (and I mean that as a compliment) don't get behind the NRA. They are not the enemy.

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17 minutes ago, OldBrownsFan said:

At one time in this country the NRA had a pretty good image. They would even come to schools and give gun safety classes but then the left (who are good at demonizing their opponents) have been able to turn the NRA into monsters and place the responsibility for the mass shootings on the NRA. You may not think public image means alot but those on the left know it and are great at destroying their opponents that way. Of course they have the help of their compliant MSM allies.

A big part of the problem is the left wing media and the spin and narratives they place on gun issues, framing the issues the way they want to fit their gun control narratives...the NRA is locked in a huge battle in the public arena to try to win the pro gun argument. I really am sad that you as a gun rights supporter of the highest order (and I mean that as a compliment) don't get behind the NRA. They are not the enemy.

They laid down when they were supposed to do their job. GOA and other orgs filed law suits. Between that and Wayne Lapierre being a money grubbing shit heel, I won’t give another penny to the NRA. They aren’t a pro 2A org in as much as they are just a fund raiser for the GOP. I can dress up like an astronaut and tell everyone I work for NASA but that doesn’t mean I am an astronaut. 

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1 minute ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

They laid down when they were supposed to do their job. GOA and other orgs filed law suits. Between that and Wayne Lapierre being a money grubbing shit heel, I won’t give another penny to the NRA. They aren’t a pro 2A org in as much as they are just a fund raiser for the GOP. I can wear dress up like an astronaut and tell everyone I work for NASA but that doesn’t mean I am an astronaut. 

But they have to get into politics. And why wouldn't they be sided with the GOP vs the dems? These are the ones making the laws. I'm disappointed in Lapierre too and wished the NRA would have fired him. At one time I was more like you where if something didn't line up 100 percent with what I believed I would totally turn away from it. A wise old country minister though gave me some good advice that I have kept since..."don't throw the baby out with the bath water".

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1 hour ago, OldBrownsFan said:

But they have to get into politics. And why wouldn't they be sided with the GOP vs the dems? 

They should be into politics but not beholden to any side if their goal is just 2A advocacy. By linking themselves to a party, they have opted to lay down when the GOP is the one doing anti 2A actions.

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1 minute ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

They should be into politics but not beholden to any side if their goal is just 2A advocacy. By linking themselves to a party, they have opted to lay down when the GOP is the one doing anti 2A actions.

that is so ridiculous, you know better. The entire dem leftwing side is anti-2nd Amendment.

surely you have to be trolling. and yes, I'm calling your surely. lol

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9 hours ago, OldBrownsFan said:

Weird how the liberal solution to every problem is always to make you less free.

One of their tactics is exhaustion - to exhaust the weak among us and get them to say, “Gosh, if we just give in we can put this unpleasantness behind us.” But you can’t put anything behind you with these people, because there is nothing to put behind you. It’s all a lie. You are not a racist. Your guns won’t hurt anyone but criminals and aspiring tyrants. And the leftists know it. They know they are spewing skeevy slanders, and if you give in on this one - handing over your AR-15 and hanging your head over prejudices you don’t possess - the libs and their newsprint lackeys will just club you with another set of grievances that you can only atone for through further submission.


hey asshole how bout editing this shitstain of a post? surely you've seen ur paste mistake right? so do the board the common courtesy of fixing it or deleting it all together.....ffs man 

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