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9 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Christianity Today speaks for baby killers? And here I thought they were speaking for the Evangelicals all this time. Keep up. The article is about their stance on Trumps' lack of moral character.


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10 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Christianity Today speaks for baby killers? And here I thought they were speaking for the Evangelicals all this time. Keep up. The article is about their stance on Trumps' lack of moral character.

actually, yes. that mag has gone leftwing. Like the World Council of Churches went way, way leftwing decades ago. Like the American Council of Churches did, too. Big leftwing globalist money (soros) has bought many orgs around the world.

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3 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

He got elected because he spoke like a REAL AMERICAN, and not a globalist leftwing scumbucket sombeitch like obamao and the rest of his organized slime mafia.

But tell us how you really feel Cal...   :D :D :D 

He got elected because  that leftwing scumbucket sombeitch Hillary was an even worse option- but you apparently haven't figured it out yet. 

As some have pointed out- Trump's position on a lot of issues can change like Ohio weather.... 

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15 hours ago, tiamat63 said:

Steve, I AM the conservative on this board.  The lot of you are Republicans.  You can either make peace that your party did away with the conservative part the moment Reagan took office or you can continue with your head in the sand.      What about the current iteration of the Republican party do you find conservative?   The grossly inflated budget and run-away spending that has spanned both parties now over the course of 4 decades?  The unending bombing and war campaigns across different countries?  Defeated ISIS only to bring Al-Queda to the negotiation table? You and I both know Dear Leader has a tweet for that one somewhere.     What about the continuous expansion of Executive Branch powers?  Sorry, I'm not and have never been a fan of the President offering pardon or immunity to any one party.   That's a complete subversion of an entire branch of government and or military tribunal.   The "thumbs up" approach to assaults on even the most basic of Constitutional Rights and or Amendments that I've highlighted multiple times before in several threads?  ( Don't let the idiots here fool you, they honesty feel so long as they have the 2nd, that they aren't mortgaging away the rest of the them daily...  they very much are)  1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 14th....     The "hands off" approach on social issues and leaving them in the hands of the individual? Oh wait, that one doesn't exist.   GOP members only want to tell you what THEY feel should be legal.    Cutting taxes and then growing our way out of debt?  Swell plan. (Another 40 year old failed idea)     Setting aside the Judaeo-Christian dominance of the GOP and getting back to governing with logic, reason and modesty while separating personal faith, Americanism and duty?  Can't be that, because Evangelical support has been so expansive, it has basically make the Republicans damn near a theocracy.      Can't be done because apparently your're the righteous party of the almighty now.   Nevermind the fact that, on last tally, the GOP leads the pack in extra-marital affairs, children fathered out of wedlock and amount of politicians accused of the homosex that they rally so strongly against in order to preserve the "family back bone" of the U.S.   Of course that numbered could have swung to the other side by now.  How hilarious would that be?


They, along with the Dems, are a big god damn joke.  All of them.  And if you play along with the joke,  then so are you.  


What I agree with Trump on? NAFTA, border security (NOT a wall) diplomacy with North Korea, listening about criminal justice reform and the Right to Try law are good places to start. The problem is, there is a HELL of a lot more I don't agree on.    That's not even bringing his whiny, petulant child-like attitude into account.  

 and that right there is the biggest reason that we don't have much of a conversation. I read that and I agree whole heartedly or at least tacitly with just about every point you make. I think over the past most of our discussions,  the few that there have been, have ended in "yep fair enough."

 as far as your last statement that there is a hell of a lot more that you don't agree (with Trump I assume) on I'm not sure I'm on board with that. Could you give me a list of some of the things that you disagree with the president on? I might agree but without specifics, who knows?

For example while I don't think the wall is the optimal way to deal with border security I think it could certainly be used as one tool in a wider toolkit.  Unfortunately in any political discussion it seems like one side has to be on the polar opposite of the other side.

Of course think that he comes off as something of an asshole on occasion in a way I find that endearing. I am sick to death of politicians nodding and smiling to their friends on the other side of the aisle when they would much rather just point and say "those dickheads" 

 but at this point I can't really couch this in a pro or minus for a third party. We could do that in another thread. Keep in mind that I do value what you say as always. Which unfortunately lacks the elements of a good political battle.


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20 hours ago, hoorta said:

But tell us how you really feel Cal...   :D :D :D 

He got elected because  that leftwing scumbucket sombeitch Hillary was an even worse option- but you apparently haven't figured it out yet. 

As some have pointed out- Trump's position on a lot of issues can change like Ohio weather.... 

well, good point - personally, the guy I want to be president is Sen. John Thune of South Dakota.  I just see that there is no more America democratic political party any more. Whoever they muster to run, is a slut, and of course, the republican will be the better option.


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16 hours ago, OldBrownsFan said:

I wish I could have written that opinion that eloquently. The left hates Pres Trump, primarily, because their utopian socialist emotionalism LOST in 2016, and will lose bigtime in 2020. This whole fake impeachment was their only recourse to reach the emotional leftist base.

All that Pres Trump is doing wonderfully for America,  is ignored. Their emotions rule, and free stuff/entitlement, and a mass feeling of fake elitism makes them "happy".

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45 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

well, good point - personally, the guy I want to be president is Sen. John Thune of South Dakota.  I just see that there is no more America democratic political party any more. Whoever they muster to run, is a slut, and of course, the republican will be the better option.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

:) If it makes you feel any better- Biden is the only Democrat that stands a chance against Trump. I hope the American electorate will be smart enough to figure out Bernie and Warren are pedaling outright socialism with massive tax increases to pay for it. 

39 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

I wish I could have written that opinion that eloquently. The left hates Pres Trump, primarily, because their utopian socialist emotionalism LOST in 2016, and will lose bigtime in 2020. This whole fake impeachment was their only recourse to reach the emotional leftist base.

All that Pres Trump is doing wonderfully for America,  is ignored. Their emotions rule, and free stuff/entitlement, and a mass feeling of fake elitism makes them "happy".

Been thinking about this Cal, and correct me if I'm wrong. the Democrats sure didn't go after Bush I or Bush II nearly as hard. The reason they hate from my POV (not a good term) Trump is because they view him as an unhinged nut. Someone- forgot exactly who- broke down Donald's 6 page spew to Pelosi, that there were plenty of lies, misstatements, and exaggerations. 

As to the Republicans and Trump winning big time come November- don't get cocky. Don't forget- with the worst possible candidate (well short of Bernie that you know who sabotaged) - Hillary, the Democrats still won the popular vote against The Donald. He took the Electoral College with razor thin majorities in a couple of key states. 

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18 minutes ago, hoorta said:

As to the Republicans and Trump winning big time come November- don't get cocky. Don't forget- with the worst possible candidate (well short of Bernie that you know who sabotaged) - Hillary, the Democrats still won the popular vote against The Donald. He took the Electoral College with razor thin majorities in a couple of key states. 

  Well, certainly true. Pres Trump is keeping his promises. He didn't have to enter this destructive fray - it's out of control. I don't excuse Trump's character flaws, occasional offensive tweets. America needs a pres to stand up to all the corruption. For years, I, like many Americans, have wondered why the hell nothing changes with carter/clinton/bush/obamao.... the inner cities still reek of poverty, taxes are still too damn high and our national debt won't stop growing, and attacks on our freedoms keep increasing, and NOBODY stops the freaking destructive mass illegal immigration and the critically serious growth of foreign gangs in our country...and on and on.

   Finally, we see the deep corrupt state in action - locked in for decades bureaucrats who believe they own and run America, not the Supreme Court or the President, or even Congress. It's serious - and plenty of dumb conspiracy theories arise to ineptly try to explain it.

   but now, false accusations and false witnesses and now a bogus fake impeachment, and mccabe/brennan/comey/strzok/page/rice/veldman sp?/clinesmith, valerie jarret, obamao, ....the whole list of ofthem = some are already proven to have lied to Congress...

it's a fight to avoid globalism, and loss of sovereignty - look at the EU - Britain fell into the same trap - now they desperately voted in conservatives because after a national vote in favor of brexit, the left has tried to stop them.

  It's right down to obaMao going around the world condemning us. America. Americans. seriously?

Our Constitution/Bill of Rights is the Shining Document in history. It guarantees us our freedoms from tyranny and loss of sovereignty. Permanently. the last election - true - it was close. But ONLY because of the giant inner cities in certain states.

If you check out the map below, you'll see. and flooding illegals to these cities - with destitute/totally dependent on gov welfare are planned to buoy up the sagging democratic huge welfare state voting numbers. That is why the left is desperate to get them the vote.

   and, this why the left desperately entertains getting rid of the electoral college. Look at all the red who elected Pres Trump.


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On ‎12‎/‎20‎/‎2019 at 10:12 PM, hoorta said:

But tell us how you really feel Cal...   :D :D :D 

He got elected because  that leftwing scumbucket sombeitch Hillary was an even worse option- but you apparently haven't figured it out yet. 

As some have pointed out- Trump's position on a lot of issues can change like Ohio weather.... 

And there's much you apparently haven't figured out.

As hard as you try to make yourself believe that Hillary being an awful candidate was the primary reason Trump got elected, it was not.

As part of the low info liberal crowd you may not have  been aware of the thousands upon thousands that showed up at Trumps presidential campaign rallies. These crowd levels were unprecedented, never seen before in a presidential campaign. But how would you have known by watching CNN.

They were not there because Hillary sucked, they were there because for the first time in American history a blunt, plain spoken non politician was running for president who they believed could make America great again. And obviously their prognosis was correct.

They were there because of the disconnect democrats had for the working class. Democrats amongst you more concerned about issues such as men who think that they are women being allowed to use the little girls room, gay marriage, reparations for slavery, free shit for everyone...

Trumps election was the repudiation of Obama and his policies and the rejection of any democrat whos aim was to carry on Obamas legacy, be it Hillary or anyone else.

….and if you're also not aware, these mega rallies continue to this day.

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Showing that map and going "See! Red!" has to be one of the lowest intelligence level things repeatedly posted on here, and that's saying something. Last time I checked a president was elected by people*, not square miles. I know you and others here are easily tricked by data and numbers but come on, this one should be easy.



*Well not really, because the electoral college is outdated and broken

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26 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Showing that map and going "See! Red!" has to be one of the lowest intelligence level things repeatedly posted on here, and that's saying something. Last time I checked a president was elected by people*, not square miles. I know you and others here are easily tricked by data and numbers but come on, this one should be easy.



*Well not really, because the electoral college is outdated and broken

Maps like that are just a good example of why the US needs to be broken up into several countries. There are distinct value, economic, etc differences between areas of the country. The South would be for the most part fucked because they are a drain on federal funds but they can deal.

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2 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Showing that map and going "See! Red!" has to be one of the lowest intelligence level things repeatedly posted on here, and that's saying something. Last time I checked a president was elected by people*, not square miles. I know you and others here are easily tricked by data and numbers but come on, this one should be easy.

*Well not really, because the electoral college is outdated and broken

Go learn something somewhere. People live in those square miles, stupid.The point is, the big city areas voted for the left welfare state, and most of the entire country voted for our terrific PRESIDENT.

If you ever get old enough to vote, if they let you out of your special room, voting is done by districts. That is a map of DISTRICTS. Ask yourself why most of the entire board knows you never add anything legit to any conversation.


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4 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Showing that map and going "See! Red!" has to be one of the lowest intelligence level things repeatedly posted on here, and that's saying something. Last time I checked a president was elected by people*, not square miles. I know you and others here are easily tricked by data and numbers but come on, this one should be easy.



*Well not really, because the electoral college is outdated and broken

That map is exactly why many democrats want to do away with the electoral college. Not all though. Recently the dems passed an amendment in Nevada getting rid of the electoral college and when it went to the dem governor of Nevada for his signature signing it into law he refused to sign it saying it was bad for the state of Nevada. And he is right . Smaller states like Nevada are the reason the founders of our country came up with the electoral college. 


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There are ways to change the current system without screwing small states. But it's a big change, and people don't like change. Hell, we have an entire political party that's basically just against change. I don't expect anything to happen any time soon. But it's a newer idea that I think those in the younger generation can see. 



And Cal, it's good to see you completely missed the point. I'm not surprised. No shit people live in the red areas of a lot of square miles. The point is that map doesn't represent voters exactly. It just shows it in square miles. A few thousand people spread across North Dakota are going to look like more than 100,000 in a major city. I know you just see red and your brain shuts off. I get you'll just blindly follow your party. But shit, why that map isn't a good representation of voters isn't that difficult to understand

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9 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Showing that map and going "See! Red!" has to be one of the lowest intelligence level things repeatedly posted on here, and that's saying something. Last time I checked a president was elected by people*, not square miles. I know you and others here are easily tricked by data and numbers but come on, this one should be easy.

There are ways to change the current system without screwing small states. But it's a big change, and people don't like change. Hell, we have an entire political party that's basically just against change. I don't expect anything to happen any time soon. But it's a newer idea that I think those in the younger generation can see. 

And Cal, it's good to see you completely missed the point. I'm not surprised. No shit people live in the red areas of a lot of square miles. The point is that map doesn't represent voters exactly. It just shows it in square miles. A few thousand people spread across North Dakota are going to look like more than 100,000 in a major city. I know you just see red and your brain shuts off. I get you'll just blindly follow your party. But shit, why that map isn't a good representation of voters isn't that difficult to understand


*Well not really, because the electoral college is outdated and broken

See those small squares in each of the states? Those are counties.

Overall Trump won approximately 2,600 counties to Clinton’s 500, or about 84% of the geographic United States. However, Clinton won 88 of of the 100 largest counties (including Washington D.C.). Without these 100 largest counties she would have lost by 11.5 million votes.

That's all Cal was trying to say. There is nothing "low intelligence" about posting this map.

What kind of change do you have in mind? The Obama kind of hope and change?

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9 hours ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

Maps like that are just a good example of why the US needs to be broken up into several countries. There are distinct value, economic, etc differences between areas of the country. The South would be for the most part fucked because they are a drain on federal funds but they can deal.

Deal what? Makes no sense. Incidentally, the US is already broken up into countries. 50 of them, each with their own leaders and laws. Each with equal say so in the election of the president thanks to the genius of the Founders.

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1 hour ago, Gorka said:

Deal what? Makes no sense. Incidentally, the US is already broken up into countries. 50 of them, each with their own leaders and laws. Each with equal say so in the election of the president thanks to the genius of the Founders.

They can adapt and learn how to produce products that other newly minted countries would want from them. As it stands, they are a drain.

The states aren’t 50 independent countries. They have one unified president. Have a state decide they want to defy federal law and see if the alphabet federal law enforcement orgs don’t come in and start arresting folks. 

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7 hours ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

They can adapt and learn how to produce products that other newly minted countries would want from them. As it stands, they are a drain.

The states aren’t 50 independent countries. They have one unified president. Have a state decide they want to defy federal law and see if the alphabet federal law enforcement orgs don’t come in and start arresting folks. 

 I didn't say they were entirely independent, otherwise things like succession would be a non issue and irrelevant.

 "State"  however is another word for independent country,  the State of Israel for example.  America is composed  of 50 states that are united. These United States have their own laws and leaders and are guaranteed states rights. In this way they are independent, otherwise states would be called "provinces". This by design by the Founders so as to prevent a one man makes all the rules monarchy as was in England.

States are guaranteed equal say in the election of a president. The founders shunned at the idea that a popular vote would decide a presidential election.  Considered it mob rule among a host of other really good reasons.


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15 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

And while certain factors bemoan the mistaken idea that the executive branch is getting more and more power I think you're completely overlooking the fact that states are quickly losing whatever autonomy they ever had.


Bingo. States rights are going the way of the buffalo and getting superseded more and more by overreaching federal law. 

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1 hour ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

Bingo. States rights are going the way of the buffalo and getting superseded more and more by overreaching federal law. 

And as much as I loved Ronald Reagan I have to assign him some of the blame for strong-arming Ohio into the 21 year old drinking law which put thousands of rock and roll musicians and clubs out of business.


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2 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

And as much as I loved Ronald Reagan I have to assign him some of the blame for strong-arming Ohio into the 21 year old drinking law which put thousands of rock and roll musicians and clubs out of business.


Didn’t they threaten to withhold federal highways money to force states into the agreement?

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17 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Evangelical Christians make a mistake if they believe Trump himself is an evangelical Christian. He isn't. Evangelical Christian Mike Huckabee will tell you that. What Trump did in 2016 was he courted the evangelical Christian vote'  (which many other politicians didn't want to do). He told evangelical Christians they were being treated badly by the Obama administration and the democrats and he would fight for the things they believed in. So there is no way I as a Christian would say it is OK to approve of some of the things Trump has said and done. I have personally heard Trump say G-D in some of his speeches for instances as well as some of his tweets seem petty. But here is the deal for me as an evangelical Christian. I voted for president and not a pastor. This president I voted for has delivered in his promises to support the things evangelical Christians care about such as being pro life, pro Israel and supporting religious rights and freedoms.As for his personal flaws (which we all have) I pray for him. I look forward to voting for him again in 2020. 

BTW - Huckabee had the best illustration for Trump..He is a great doctor with bad bedside manner and that really sums up Trump IMO

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