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Happy Impeachment Day!


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14 hours ago, tiamat63 said:

I'll work on this ^^^^

When you finally wrap your head around the bolded part that I've been telling YOU since I began reading this board- I am not a registered democrat, I am not a liberal, I have not voted for a democrat in any national ............


But you are one of the charter members of the erstwhile Exodus in protest of too many conservatives on this board. 

Are there any issues on which you agree with Trump and disagree with his detractors? That might be a good starting point for building the perfect independent candidate.



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4 hours ago, hoorta said:

Well Steve- would it be accurate and fair to say Trump is as far right as Warren is to the left? 

in what way? Only in third person condemnations by the opposition. I'd invite you to list reasons do you think he's a hard right human being or president.

The problem I have is those Moderates (count me as one) who have soured on Trump's antics and happen to have a few communicating neurons to make up their\our own minds- and look at things objectively. We're apparently not welcome in the MAGA dominated current rendition of the Republican Party. Some of us aren't quite so blind to the the Cult of Personality gone haywire.

 actually I think the cult of personality is on the other side the over-the-top hatred of the guy especially in the MSM.

FWIW, I'd vote Mike Pence in a heartbeat- Donald? Not so sure about that one. The economy is great? Great- that won't stop me from my current opinion Trump is a pompous  jackass. 

 seems to me Mike is more of a true conservative than Don who, like Obama did, wears Christianity as a disguise.

 But your complaint seems to be personality-based. What particular issues would you want changed and in the opposite direction?




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So how long have I been telling you this about Trump? How many more dead people and 16 year old disabled children does he need to insult to get your attention? He's a moral midget and the tide is finally turning when Christianity Today takes a stand. And spare me the "look what he's done for the country" crap. Hitler got the same accolades. Read your history.


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16 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

So how long have I been telling you this about Trump? How many more dead people and 16 year old disabled children does he need to insult to get your attention? He's a moral midget and the tide is finally turning when Christianity Today takes a stand. And spare me the "look what he's done for the country" crap. Hitler got the same accolades. Read your history.


At first glance I would guess that you are not an Evangelistic Christian? Which will render this entire post as hypocritical bullshit.

At Second Glance the article Trumpets the fact that this rag was started by Billy Graham whose son carries on his work and supports the president.


PS constantly comparing us politicians to Hitler is really really wearing thin.


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46 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

So how long have I been telling you this about Trump? How many more dead people and 16 year old disabled children does he need to insult to get your attention? He's a moral midget and the tide is finally turning when Christianity Today takes a stand. And spare me the "look what he's done for the country" crap. Hitler got the same accolades. Read your history.


How did you get so screwed up?

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14 minutes ago, hammertime said:

How did you get so screwed up?

How did you get so screwed up? Here is the original in it's entirety.

BTW I fully expected trumpettes here to do what der leader does, attack the messenger for bringing reality to their doorstep rather than realizing how morally bankrupt trump is and always has been.


46 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

At first glance I would guess that you are not an Evangelistic Christian? Which will render this entire post as hypocritical bullshit.


See BTW above. It matters not what I am or am not. Evangelical? No. Moral Christian? Yes. The message is always more important than the messenger and they are not wrong. There are Christian among you who have closed their ears to the truth about this man. It was time for this publication to take a real stand. You'll find their reasoning in greater detail in the original article I post here now. And why do you think I have always warned people here to beware losing their moral compass? Did you not understand I knew I would be condemned for it? Well I did and I took that stand anyway because the path through Trump is a false path. Christianity Today has finally recognized that fact, not just me. Maybe, just maybe, others here should as well.

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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

At first glance I would guess that you are not an Evangelistic Christian? Which will render this entire post as hypocritical bullshit.

At Second Glance the article Trumpets the fact that this rag was started by Billy Graham whose son carries on his work and supports the president.


PS constantly comparing us politicians to Hitler is really really wearing thin.


Your are correct and Franklin Graham came out and slammed the magazine and the article


" Evangelist Franklin Graham accused the Christian magazine of invoking his father's name to represent "the elitist liberal wing of evangelicalism." "

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24 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

How did you get so screwed up? Here is the original in it's entirety.

BTW I fully expected trumpettes here to do what der leader does, attack the messenger for bringing reality to their doorstep rather than realizing how morally bankrupt trump is and always has been.


See BTW above. It matters not what I am or am not. Evangelical? No. Moral Christian? Yes. The message is always more important than the messenger and they are not wrong. There are Christian among you who have closed their ears to the truth about this man. It was time for this publication to take a real stand. You'll find their reasoning in greater detail in the original article I post here now. And why do you think I have always warned people here to beware losing their moral compass? Did you not understand I knew I would be condemned for it? Well I did and I took that stand anyway because the path through Trump is a false path. Christianity Today has finally recognized that fact, not just me. Maybe, just maybe, others here should as well.

I have no idea what moral compass you are talking about.

Freckly I've done a lot of things in my life but others might frown on. I've done things in my life that I'm ashamed of and wish I could change. I can't really think of much that any politician has done that morally outrages me.

The amount of fucks I give about you're insane hatred of trump? If anyone is betting the over under is zero.


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1 hour ago, TexasAg1969 said:

So how long have I been telling you this about Trump? How many more dead people and 16 year old disabled children does he need to insult to get your attention? He's a moral midget and the tide is finally turning when Christianity Today takes a stand. And spare me the "look what he's done for the country" crap. Hitler got the same accolades. Read your history.


 Here is Rev. Franklin Graham's response:

My Response to Christianity Today:

Christianity Today released an editorial stating that President Trump should be removed from office—and they invoked my father’s name (I suppose to try to bring legitimacy to their statements), so I feel it is important for me to respond. Yes, my father Billy Graham founded Christianity Today; but no, he would not agree with their opinion piece. In fact, he would be very disappointed. I have not previously shared who my father voted for in the past election, but because of this article, I feel it is necessary to share it now. My father knew Donald Trump, he believed in Donald Trump, and he voted for Donald Trump. He believed that Donald J. Trump was the man for this hour in history for our nation.

For Christianity Today to side with the Democrat Party in a totally partisan attack on the President of the United States is unfathomable. Christianity Today failed to acknowledge that not one single Republican voted with the Democrats to impeach the President. I know a number of Republicans in Congress, and many of them are strong Christians. If the President were guilty of what the Democrats claimed, these Republicans would have joined with the Democrats to impeach him. But the Democrats were not even unanimous—two voted against impeachment and one voted present. This impeachment was politically motivated, 100% partisan. Why would Christianity Today choose to take the side of the Democrat left whose only goal is to discredit and smear the name of a sitting president? They want readers to believe the Democrat leadership rather than believe the President of the United States.

Look at all the President has accomplished in a very short time. The economy of our nation is the strongest it has been in 50 years, ISIS & the caliphate have been defeated, and the President has renegotiated trade deals to benefit all Americans. The list of accomplishments is long, but for me as a Christian, the fact that he is the most pro-life president in modern history is extremely important—and Christianity Today wants us to ignore that, to say it doesn’t count? The President has been a staunch defender of religious freedom at home and around the world—and Christianity Today wants us to ignore that? Also the President has appointed conservative judges in record number—and Christianity today wants us to ignore that? Christianity Today feels he should be removed from office because of false accusations that the President emphatically denies.

Christianity Today said it’s time to call a spade a spade. The spade is this—Christianity Today has been used by the left for their political agenda. It’s obvious that Christianity Today has moved to the left and is representing the elitist liberal wing of evangelicalism.

Is President Trump guilty of sin? Of course he is, as were all past presidents and as each one of us are, including myself. Therefore, let’s pray for the President as he continues to lead the affairs of our nation.


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10 hours ago, hoorta said:

And Trump cheats on his wife with a porn star, and then pays hush money to try and cover it up. Fine upstanding gentleman....  Your problem Cal- is you and others on this board think Trump can do no wrong. 

Oh, bullhockey, Hoorta. It wasn't proven he did that. Paying the hush money was paid for by whatever lawyer it was, and doesn't mean guilt. It ...could mean "not wanting to be slandered just because he's running for public office". And, nobody on this board thinks Trump can do no wrong.

   AGAIN AND AGAIN - I had NO USE for Trump AT ALL before the primaries. Never liked his stupid show, he was the ultimate circus barker, pompous showman I SAID OFTEN back then.

   But, as a REAL AMERICAN PRESIDENT - I started LISTENING TO HIM...and really wanted him to be sincere. And the more is LISTENED to him, I understood where he was coming from. I was betting on my belief it wasn't a farce.

    Listening to your Higgardly...she could NOT then nor EVER be a president.

After WE ELECTED Trump - LOOK at the ECONOMY. The support for CONSTITUTION JUDGES. The support for our MILITARY. Your obamao was an utter failure. He didn't help the poor inner cities. He really didn't help anything at all. LOOK AT OUR UNEMPLOYMENT.

All time lows ! For the black and hispanic communities !

I WANTED him to get out of the stupidass paris accord. The iranian deal was a crap deal. America has been a FOOL to be taken advantage of again and again and again.

 Enough is enough. Redo the stupid trade deals.

All your hate towards Pres Trump? Despite his reputation in the past, he is being a terrific REAL AMERICAN PRESIDENT.

It is what he is doing as President that counts, Hoorta and the rest. You are just frustrated that your emotional venting towards PRESIDENT TRUMP doesn't work with the FACTS.

You voted for obaMao commie TWICE? egad. I really appreciate Jblu's honesty - the entire fake "impeach" biz is a political

hit piece. It's so much a farce that nasty Nancy doesn't want to send it over to the Senate. I watched hours of it. Well, only because I'm retired, and we were wrapping Christmas presents and working on a special woodworking project and researching vacations etc.

   Your obamao commie is a "fine upstanding gentleman" ??? He put the crooks all over our gov that went and colluded to stop us from electing OUR PRESIDENT that was never going to play the deep state's game. Obamao LIED again and again about what kind of president he would be. "post racial" he said. that was a lie. "bring America together" he said. That was a lie.

He believed in Real Marriage - man/woman - that was a lie. He supported our 2nd Amendment. THAT was a LIE. He didn't know his pastor and mentor for 17 years...was a radical America hater? THAT was a LIE.

Benghazi. "Fast and Furious". His leftwing radical appointments to the courts.

"If you like your plan and doctor, you can keep your plan and doctor" you know that was giant lie, right?

Don't run and hide - embrace the facts. We elected Pres Trump to be good for America. Your obaMao hurt America for eight years. It's our turn, you don't get to stop us from having our turn. 

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"We need to impeach or he'll get re-elected".

"We need to find something to impeach him for"

"Impeach the fucker"

Statement like these said openly by democrats. If you people can't see through this charade, or refuse to then you are the problem... you know who you are. Trump isn't dividing the country, you are.

During this impeachment show trial the dems have subverted the Constitution as they go around openly touting that impeaching Trump is necessary to save it. … riiiight "save the Constitution" when it is convenient for them. How fucking nauseating...

These people are not only after Trump, they are after us, we the people who elected him. We deplorables need taught a lesson never to pull a stunt like that again.

You favor impeachment for no other reason other than you hate the man. You cheapened it to the point of it being nothing more than administrative coup. You have set a precedent. Don't like him, impeach him. We could have impeached Obama 10 times over.

I hop[e this stunt backfires so badly the dem party becomes extinct.


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1 hour ago, Gorka said:

"We need to impeach or he'll get re-elected".

"We need to find something to impeach him for"

"Impeach the fucker"

Statement like these said openly by democrats. If you people can't see through this charade, or refuse to then you are the problem... you know who you are. Trump isn't dividing the country, you are.

During this impeachment show trial the dems have subverted the Constitution as they go around openly touting that impeaching Trump is necessary to save it. … riiiight "save the Constitution" when it is convenient for them. How fucking nauseating...

These people are not only after Trump, they are after us, we the people who elected him. We deplorables need taught a lesson never to pull a stunt like that again.

You favor impeachment for no other reason other than you hate the man. You cheapened it to the point of it being nothing more than administrative coup. You have set a precedent. Don't like him, impeach him. We could have impeached Obama 10 times over.

I hop[e this stunt backfires so badly the dem party becomes extinct.


Sadly  the Democratic party  will  never become  extinct because some  folks  think they can get something  for nothing if they vote for  them. Why when Obamacare got  railroaded through  Congress I knew we'd never get rid of it.  Entitlement programs  just don't  go away. 

Though you do hit the nail on the head. The Dems hatred of  Trump isn't  so much based on his policies as  it is on his personality.  They view  him as a xenophobic  goober who's  surrounded himself with a  bunch of syncopants. Sorry if I mostly agree & think  our Tweeter in Chief puts stuff  out there that looks like its written  for  a third grade audience. If that's his base he's  pandering to, it's  a pretty  sad commentary on  our democracy. And if that's  the  way he chooses to  communicate,  it's an insult to  my intelligence, I have higher standards for a president. MHO is if there was a Republican in the White House  other than Donald,  I don't doubt the Dems wouldn't have gone after him anywhere  near as hard. 

As jbluhm eloquently put it, sure the Dems case for impeachment is pretty  flimsy,  and mostly  based on personal hatred. So as anyone who was being 1/2 objective  knew  all along, why waste all  that time and energy  in Congress on a personal  vendetta  when there's  zero  chance the Republican  majority in the  Senate is going to  kick him out of  office? Nancy is  backtracking already. 

Finally, I'm  not  wasting any more of my time arguing with  Cal about the wondefullnes of Trump.  He can have his opinion,  I  have mine. Anything that reflects  badly on  his hero is all "FAKE NEWS". Sorry if I  see  things a bit differently.  & Steve, just too long and personal why Donald's  personality  seriously  grates  on my nerves.  The wino in me says  tariffs  on my Bordeaux and  roquefort?  He's  gotta go!!! :D

Peace, OUT. 


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He’s an outsider who got elected without everyones approval and he’s annoys people who are dullards and cannot see thru the obvious trolling.


hes done exactly what he promised so far and his opponents are smitten with hate because the party’s over!


get over it and join Americans

real Americans I

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9 minutes ago, hammertime said:

He’s an outsider who got elected without everyones approval and he’s annoys people who are dullards and cannot see thru the obvious trolling.

hes done exactly what he promised so far and his opponents are smitten with hate because the party’s over!

get over it and join Americans

real Americans I

Well, I  voted for him because he  has kept his promise to  appoint  Conservatives to the Supreme  Court. The Dems went to  great  lengths to  try and smear Kavanaugh. A lot of  the rest of Trumpism I can do without  though.  :)

Hah, if Bader Ginzburg croaks, I  wonder if the Dems would  trot out her dead body like Weekend  at Bernie's until  they get a democratic  majority in the Senate.  


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4 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Well, I  voted for him because he  has kept his promise to  appoint  Conservatives to the Supreme  Court. The Dems went to  great  lengths to  try and smear Kavanaugh. A lot of  the rest of Trumpism I can do without  though.  :)

Hah, if Bader Ginzburg croaks, I  wonder if the Dems would  trot out her dead body like Weekend  at Bernie's until  they get a democratic  majority in the Senate.  


I believe that's one of the reasons they felt the need to rush through impeachment. I think he's appointed like 144 federal court judges already plus the two Supreme Court Judges.

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

Finally, I'm  not  wasting any more of my time arguing with  Cal about the wondefullnes of Trump.  He can have his opinion,  I  have mine. Anything that reflects  badly on  his hero is all "FAKE NEWS". Sorry if I  see  things a bit differently.  & Steve, just too long and personal why Donald's  personality  seriously  grates  on my nerves.  The wino in me says  tariffs  on my Bordeaux and  roquefort?  He's  gotta go!!! :D

Peace, OUT. 

LOL He has to go....because his personality grates on your nerves? But he is doing great things as OUR REAL AMERICAN PRESIDENT?

Pres Trump HAS to be who he is, to hold up vs the left's attacks.


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9 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

But you are one of the charter members of the erstwhile Exodus in protest of too many conservatives on this board. 

Are there any issues on which you agree with Trump and disagree with his detractors? That might be a good starting point for building the perfect independent candidate.



Steve, I AM the conservative on this board.  The lot of you are Republicans.  You can either make peace that your party did away with the conservative part the moment Reagan took office or you can continue with your head in the sand.      What about the current iteration of the Republican party do you find conservative?   The grossly inflated budget and run-away spending that has spanned both parties now over the course of 4 decades?  The unending bombing and war campaigns across different countries?  Defeated ISIS only to bring Al-Queda to the negotiation table? You and I both know Dear Leader has a tweet for that one somewhere.     What about the continuous expansion of Executive Branch powers?  Sorry, I'm not and have never been a fan of the President offering pardon or immunity to any one party.   That's a complete subversion of an entire branch of government and or military tribunal.   The "thumbs up" approach to assaults on even the most basic of Constitutional Rights and or Amendments that I've highlighted multiple times before in several threads?  ( Don't let the idiots here fool you, they honesty feel so long as they have the 2nd, that they aren't mortgaging away the rest of the them daily...  they very much are)  1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 14th....     The "hands off" approach on social issues and leaving them in the hands of the individual? Oh wait, that one doesn't exist.   GOP members only want to tell you what THEY feel should be legal.    Cutting taxes and then growing our way out of debt?  Swell plan. (Another 40 year old failed idea)     Setting aside the Judaeo-Christian dominance of the GOP and getting back to governing with logic, reason and modesty while separating personal faith, Americanism and duty?  Can't be that, because Evangelical support has been so expansive, it has basically make the Republicans damn near a theocracy.      Can't be done because apparently your're the righteous party of the almighty now.   Nevermind the fact that, on last tally, the GOP leads the pack in extra-marital affairs, children fathered out of wedlock and amount of politicians accused of the homosex that they rally so strongly against in order to preserve the "family back bone" of the U.S.   Of course that numbered could have swung to the other side by now.  How hilarious would that be?


They, along with the Dems, are a big god damn joke.  All of them.  And if you play along with the joke,  then so are you.  


What I agree with Trump on? NAFTA, border security (NOT a wall) diplomacy with North Korea, listening about criminal justice reform and the Right to Try law are good places to start. The problem is, there is a HELL of a lot more I don't agree on.    That's not even bringing his whiny, petulant child-like attitude into account.  

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15 hours ago, hoorta said:


And Trump cheats on his wife with a porn star, and then pays hush money to try and cover it up. Fine upstanding gentleman....  Your problem Cal- is you and others on this board think Trump can do no wrong.

No, but they're stupid as hell self aggrandizing crap. Please go back to MCing  the Apprentice ASAP Donald. 

So this is why he should be impeached?

Who in the fuck says Trump can do no wrong?  I'm sure he's done plenty wrong. Trump University, his hairstyle is just wrong too. But in the midst of a soaring economy, low unemployment, and my 401K getting fat, I don't give a fuck who he fucked. Why do you?

Did you give a fuck when Hillary was the most cheated on woman in America? How about when those 21 women came forward and accused Billy boy of everything from sexual harassment to rape?  Where were you demonrats then? Where were all those pussy hat wearing feminazi's? Oh I remember, those Clinton women were bimbo gold diggers, every last one, nothing to see here.

Trump did absolutely nothing wrong by paying hush money. It happens all the time.

To prove once again how you're so out of touch, a candidate who pays hush money to a whore is not violating election law in any way...as long as it comes out of his own pocket. The amount paid can be limitless.

Lest we forget the Demonrats even tried impeaching him for that too. Remember?



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I find it astonishing how lefties can't grasp how glaring the difference is between the Trump and Clinton situations.

Trumps sexcapades took place when as a private citizen, on his own time...need I mention when he identified as  Democrat.

Clintons sexcapade with Monica took place in while in office, ON MY TIME, ON YOUR TIME....and he lied about it.


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2 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

LOL He has to go....because his personality grates on your nerves? But he is doing great things as OUR REAL AMERICAN PRESIDENT?

Pres Trump HAS to be who he is, to hold up vs the left's attacks.


LOL, Fox News- "Fake News" to the other side.  FWIW, I won't copy Tia's post- but there's a hell of a lot in it I totally agree with.

I can add the sham on fiscal responsibility. Concern about the ever growing National debt seems to have been swept under the rug. We can probably adequately defend this country spending far short of $750 billion plus on the military. The deficit spending growing in part because Trump gave his wealthy pals (and himself) a nice big tax cut. 

40 minutes ago, Gorka said:

So this is why he should be impeached?

Who in the fuck says Trump can do no wrong?  I'm sure he's done plenty wrong. Trump University, his hairstyle is just wrong too. But in the midst of a soaring economy, low unemployment, and my 401K getting fat, I don't give a fuck who he fucked. Why do you?


I said nothing of the sort. You're grasping at straws- just pointing out the Republican duplicity of railing on Clinton for his little affair. But now our guys doing it, but we don't care. Because he wan't in office? LOL!!! I've said in a couple places the Democrats Impeachment vendetta is a waste of taxpayer time and money that's doomed to fail in the Senate. OK, they don't like him- taken a look at the opinion polls recently saying they have plenty of company? Not all of them are Democrats either. Trump's martyr complex isn't playing well in some quarters. He can call it a Witch Hunt- and exactly right, because some people happen to see him a a Witch. Warlock, more precisely. 

Ag pointed it out- with the pre WWII German economy soaring- most of those folks back then thought Hitler was a pretty swell guy too.  So as long as Trump's doing right by you- "I don't give a damn about anything else". Thanks for playing.  Now go put your MAGA hat back on. I've already wasted too much time here playing with the inmates. 

Just get it through your head- there's some REPUBLICANS out there- and we may be a minority- that are totally fed up with one Donald Trump. 

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On ‎12‎/‎19‎/‎2019 at 4:31 PM, tiamat63 said:

I'll work on this ^^^^

When you finally wrap your head around the bolded part that I've been telling YOU since I began reading this board- I am not a registered democrat, I am not a liberal, I have not voted for a democrat in any national level election. That would include Obama ( not like he was a "liberal" though)  I'm like a parent that has to tell the child half a dozen times because for whatever reason it isn't registering with you. I have NO side.  And if I did, it certainly wouldn't be with those clowns.     I don't think you're an idiot, and I'm not "mad bro" as I type this.  I genuinely need to understand if you're having trouble processing the things you read from me.  

Repeat this back in your head.   Then, at your earliest convenience, type it out, or copy and paste....   I don't give a damn, 10 times in a row in a response.   Do that.... and then maybe we'll get to potential candidates I have my eye on.              But I'm not having a dialogue with anyone who can't even begin to grasp the very basics of things I've said... Christ knows how many times now......?       And if you're going to say that I've never mentioned my 3rd party preference, my disdain for Repubs and Dems,  or that you just haven't paid attention (yet somehow you're going to lump me in with the other dearly departed on this board) then the only thing saving you from the ignore list is that mod tag.     


Obama was worse than a liberal. He was a leftist.

What are you looking for in your candidate?  A booming economy/record unemployment? Keeping us out of wars and not starting one? Securing better trade deals with Mexico/Canada/China? Bringing manufacturing back?   Things along those lines perhaps?



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Just now, Gorka said:

Obama was worse than a liberal. He was a leftist.

What are you looking for in your candidate?  A booming economy/record unemployment? Keeping us out of wars and not starting one? Securing better trade deals with Mexico/Canada/China? Bringing manufacturing back?   Things along those lines perhaps?


I was going to edit my previous post- but since you're harping on the economy- Trump had better hope it doesn't go South (and it's WAY over due to do so) before the election- or he's one Donald "dead" Duck. 

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more bullhockey.

Let's go back to actual definitions of words:

  1. averse to change or innovation and holding traditional values.
    "they were very conservative in their outlook"
  2. (in a political context) favoring free enterprise, private ownership, and socially traditional ideas.Often contrasted with liberal.

SO, advocating a redefinition of Real Marriage is not conservative. Advocating for NO WALL is not conservative - because you are refusing to stop illegal immigration at the expense of Americans who believe in American sovereignty, national security, and legit approved path to citizenship based on merit.

TRADITIONAL VALUES. does NOT condone the rampant murder of unborn and born children. Does not condone wild changes that sound good, but that will skyrocket our already unmanageable national debt, and/or send us to the international groups to depend on them for our energy over the globalists' "energy global warmging mass immigration global control" over everthing. Our Constitution demands freedom. DEMANDS our rights.  Conservatism is not your liberal emotional leftwing outlooks.

Eight years of obaMao and eight years of Clinton, all we heard was "elections have consequences", "who cares about his private life", "who cares what he did before he was president" , "who cares what people LOSE their health insurance", "who cares if you don't want to be FINED for not having gov health insurance while your excellent private insurance goes away", "who cares if you can't keep your doctor"...and "WHO CARES ABOUT OUR NATIONAL DEBT" etc etc etc.

   Not one criticism of your precious democrats, regardless of all the major scandals.But NOW, we get a non-leftist as president again, and now all of a sudden you are "concerned" about our national debt. That's nice, Real nice. Where does that "concern" go when you have your democrat president elected? Out the window, that's where. Tiam's list is his own personal interests - since when is Pres Trump's "whiny petulant child-like attitude" have to do with "conservatism" ?

  Odd, liberal "conservatives" never had one complaint about eight years of of obaMao and eight years of clinton.

The left condones infanticide. that's obamao, see? The left favors sky high taxes on anyone who isn't on the poor edge of economic income (poor edge is their BASE).


    Obamao and al lthe rest of the left demand to allow millions of UNVETTED illegals to flood here from around the world, they refuse to put up a wall where we need it, they want to get rid of ICE altogether, they give big benefits to illegals - driver's licenses, they want to give them the VOTE (of course), welfare, cares, a place to live, etc etc etc etc.

   Here's a clue about democrat "conservatives"

 Conservatives demand FREEDOM. Read up on the damage done by unfrittered millions of illegals obamao and the left want coming here.

Then, read this:


That's right, the democrat, left-wing ..."conservatives" want that well educated, wonderful Christian family ordered out of our country and refused to let them come here to live.

  So, thanks for visiting again to vent emotionally again - but until you can explain the above, up to "GET THIS"....

Real Conservatives stand hugely FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP because he isn't violating our core traditional beliefs.


President Trump IS KEEPING HIS PROMISES (sometimes delayed by the left out of spite of us electing him PRESIDENT)...

and obaMao BROKE every promise he made.

yeah. show up here and bash Pres Trump, and all of us who wouldn't buy into your liberalism, and won't sing that worship obamao song.

and Have a Nice Day.



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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

I was going to edit my previous post- but since you're harping on the economy- Trump had better hope it doesn't go South (and it's WAY over due to do so) before the election- or he's one Donald "dead" Duck. 

Trump didn’t get elected president because he was the best candidate.

He got elected because wasn’t the worst candidate. 

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

LOL, Fox News- "Fake News" to the other side.  FWIW, I won't copy Tia's post- but there's a hell of a lot in it I totally agree with.

I can add the sham on fiscal responsibility. Concern about the ever growing National debt seems to have been swept under the rug. We can probably adequately defend this country spending far short of $750 billion plus on the military. The deficit spending growing in part because Trump gave his wealthy pals (and himself) a nice big tax cut. 

I said nothing of the sort. You're grasping at straws- just pointing out the Republican duplicity of railing on Clinton for his little affair. But now our guys doing it, but we don't care. Because he wan't in office? LOL!!! I've said in a couple places the Democrats Impeachment vendetta is a waste of taxpayer time and money that's doomed to fail in the Senate. OK, they don't like him- taken a look at the opinion polls recently saying they have plenty of company? Not all of them are Democrats either. Trump's martyr complex isn't playing well in some quarters. He can call it a Witch Hunt- and exactly right, because some people happen to see him a a Witch. Warlock, more precisely. 

Ag pointed it out- with the pre WWII German economy soaring- most of those folks back then thought Hitler was a pretty swell guy too.  So as long as Trump's doing right by you- "I don't give a damn about anything else". Thanks for playing.  Now go put your MAGA hat back on. I've already wasted too much time here playing with the inmates. 

Just get it through your head- there's some REPUBLICANS out there- and we may be a minority- that are totally fed up with one Donald Trump. 

Everything runs in cycles. Trump will eventually be out of office either next year or 2024 and the dems will regain power one day and I have little doubt in the not so distant future when that happens and the democrats wreck everything (like the left destroys everything it touches) you will long to have the Trump economy back. These are great economic times we are living in due to Trump's policies. The dems socialist policies at best will only give this country shared misery.

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8 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

I love it when the baby killers take the moral high ground. 

Christianity Today speaks for baby killers? And here I thought they were speaking for the Evangelicals all this time. Keep up. The article is about their stance on Trumps' lack of moral character.

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